Motivation Online Tools

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Tips for Teachers to

Improve Online Classes

Be Tech savvy
Practice makes perfect

Prof. Jaita Mondal Ghosh

Vice Principal, Viswass School & College of Nursing
When we started our online class: 2020 Covid Pandemic
• Completely new
• Stressed
• Net work problem
• Software problem
• Can not see all students together
• Can not understand all are attentive or not
• Confused how to take examinations
• Continuous searching of ways to makes classes effective
• Internet search
• Trial & Error
• Faculty meetings
• Asked students what all problems they are facing
Types of online class

Recorded Live
Today’s discussion topics on online live classes
• Device requirement
• Criteria of teaching place
• Tips to teacher
• Tips to student
• Engage
• Collaborate
• Assess
• Communicate
• Few more tips to engage student
Adult learning Vs Teen Learning
Self motivated to learn Vs Motivate them to learn
• Preliminary investment: Buy white board/ marker; Smart
phone & Mobile stand; Laptop or Desktop; Pen Tablet; WIFI
or broadband.

• Strong Internet- A very strong internet

• Software with screen sharing options

(Zoom, Google meet etc.)

• Input device (Pen tablet): 2500 – 3500/-

• Better to use Laptop or Desk top for teacher; student can you

• Head phones (MUST)

Use of black board/ white board
I would like to suggest-
seat comfortably and use pen tablet: you can watch your students
You can do the same in mobile, but difficult to write
and you can not see your students

Another best method : Power Point Presentation- you

can add Notes, Pictures, Videos, Animations etc.
Teaching Place
• Calm and quiet

• Good internet access

• Plug points near by to charge your device

• Keep your device on charge last night

• Eliminate distractions (Phone calls, app notifications, Noise, music,

crowded, others are talking, etc.)

• Create a regular study space and stay organized.

• Use a steady stand if using mobile

Tips to teachers
• Treat an online course like a “real” course. Dress professional, don’t chew anything while taking
• Greet students while starting the class, ask “how are you, had your breakfast?” etc. Be Present
Mentally, like a “social presence” and encourage students to do the same.
• Keep a smile on face while taking class
• Hold yourself accountable
• Be master on your subject
• Active participation
• Form a Virtual Study Group
• 'Chunk' the Lessons-present information in 10-15 minute “chunks”, no pages of text or an hour-
long video to show.
• Practice time management. [60 min = 5 min Intro + 20 min class (lecture + Video or Pictures) +
5 min intermittent evaluation/ ice breaking + 20 min class + 10 min (summarization + evaluation
+ assignments)]
Tips to students:
Online Classes are an Opportunity to Learn
• Find a quiet place
• Keep ready
• Laptop/ Smart phone
• Head phones
• Notes and note books
• Pen, pencil, water bottle
• Snacks
• Log into your classes as soon as possible; join before few minutes; do a
audio-video check
• Do class regularly for success
• Eliminate distraction: chat, noisy, mute app notification
Tips to students: contd…
• Take breaks: take water, snacks; do something fun or of your liking after completion of
class; do some stretches; check out your social media

• Be aware of you assignment and exam deadlines

• Check your college group regularly

• Keep your video on

• Take running notes on online class: rewrite in fair notebooks

• Record it (in another mobile)

• Ask questions, be interactive, Ask for help to teachers whenever needed

• Create the ultimate learning environment with digital content
• Engage student: Use Ice breaker
1. Would you rather
2. Pass the word
3. Where is the world is
Would you rather
• cell organelles absent in animal cells but present in a plant cell-
(a) Cell wall
(b) Mitochondria

Sol: (a) Cell wall.

• 2. Cell organelles does not contain DNA-

(a) Mitochondria
(b) Lysosomes

Sol: (b) Lysosomes.

Pass the word
• Tell the names of cell organelles (student will tell one and will pass by
calling other student’s name)
• Best way: discussion.
• While Discussion-
 observe their grasp/ understanding on the content;
 exchange ideas;
 ask questions
- teachers should moderate, evaluate & even grade discussion and posts in group.
• Discussion topics:
1. Class questions
2. Real life example
3. Debate
4. KWL (how much they Know, What they are going to/ want to learn, Learn by lecture & discussion):
5. Brain Storming
6. Open ended questions
5 Ways to Improve Students’ Collaboration
• Create a connection with your students: interaction builds trust. Let student ask questions
to know you. Be available over phone or chat.

• Create a sense of community: helps learners become

accountable for their own learning goals and outcomes.

• Identify and support struggling students

• Keep the conversation going even after the lecture.

• Mix it up: Ask students to take part in seminars, record and edit explanatory videos, write
blog posts, or play simulations. Give them activities/ projects increases their chances of
actually learning the subject.
Projects/Model preparation
• Authentically assess students with tests,
assignments or collaborative tools.
Practice spelling tests

Reading checks

Intermittent evaluation through assignments or

randomized questions

Summative assessments through whole year

performance and final(Google form, Google
classroom exam paper upload, viva etc.) examination
• Communicate effectively with students and parents through mobile
Provide academic calendar beforehand
WhatsApp group of parents
Monthly telephonic communication regarding progress of their child
Parents- teacher meeting through zoom
Few more tips to teach student with fun game:
Modify the questions as per your subject
Few more tips to teach student with fun game:
Modify the questions as per your subject
• Talk about a topic in 30 sec (e.g., Bacteria): put a (NO pressure, no
feed back)
• Correct the sentence (e.g. Bananas are orange, Pigs can fly)
• Tell two sentences: one true, one false (give them time to prepare the lesson)
• Describe the picture or drawing (teach prior how to explain)
• Fortunately/ unfortunately (may be applicable for English class)
• Describe a term (e.g., cell)
• Student will ask question to another student (other students to catch if wrong)
• Just ask why-why-why or what else (e.g., Why we need a computer?)
• “Explain how to do something” (e.g., how do you make a herbarium)

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