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Department of Education

Division of Masbate
Pasiagon, Placer, Masbate
Summative Test

Name: ____________________________ Year/Section:_________________Score:______________

I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This model is relatively straightforward and tells you that communication originates from someone and their
message flows through a channel.
a. Westley and Maclean Model of Communication c. Schramm’s Model
b. Lasswell’s Communication Model d. Shannon and Weaver Model
2. According to this model, communication is guided b interests and demands of an audience that is known only
by its selections and responses to what is offered.
a. Westley and Maclean Model of Communication c. Schramm’s Model
b. Lasswell’s Communication Model d. Shannon and Weaver Model
3. This model incorporates the concept of noise that refers to anything that interferes with the message.
a. Westley and Maclean Model of Communication c. Schramm’s Model
b. Lasswell’s Communication Model d. Shannon and Weaver Model
4. In this model, you come to understand communication as an open process, which means that messages sent
and received are open to various interpretations based on context and the culture of the receiver.
a. Publicity model c. Reception model
b. Transmission model d. Ritual or expressive model.
5. Something we use when we want to communicate with people indirectly rather than in person or by face-to-
face contact.
a. Information c. media
b. Technology d. literacy
6. The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute, using printed and written
materials associated with varying contexts.
a. Media c. Information
b. Literacy d. Communication
7. In this model, communication happens due to the need to share understanding and emotions.
a. Transmission model c. Publicity model
b. Ritual or expressive model d. Reception model
8. “One of those everyday activities that is intertwined with all of human life so completely that we sometimes
overlook its pervasiveness, importance, and complexity.”
a. Communication c. Information
b. Media d. Literacy
9. Refers to the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use, and
communicate information in its various formats.
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Computer Literacy d. Information Literacy
10. The ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and to
evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments.
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Computer Literacy d. Information Literacy
11. Your message sent through the cellphone is transmitted by the ______ provided by the mobile company.
a. Media c. signals
b. Load d. network
12. On __________ , a text message landed on somebody’s phone enthusiastically calling out concerned citizens
to mass up at the EDSA shrine.
a. January 15, 2001 c. January 17, 2000
b. January 16, 2000 d. January 16, 2001
13. “a text message received” is an example of:
a. Interpersonal communication c. mediated organizational communication
b. Mediated interpersonal communication d. mass communication
14. A video message that landed in your email is a fine example of
a. Interpersonal communication c. mediated organizational communication
b. Mediated interpersonal communication d. mass communication
15. “Your friend visited you so you can have a face-to-face communication” This is an example of
a. Interpersonal communication c. mediated organizational communication
b. Mediated interpersonal communication d. mass communication
16. “The president and his chief of staff appearing before the national television to communicate a call or rally the
people to action” would then constitute:
a. Interpersonal communication c. mediated organizational communication
b. Mediated interpersonal communication d. mass communication
17. How many senators blocked the opening of the sealed envelope that contained the evidence of President
Estrada’s corruption?
a. 10 c. 12
b. 9 d. 11
18. Brings symbolic and complex messages to large, heterogeneous, and widely dispersed audiences.
a. Technology c. gadget
b. Cellphone d. digitalization
19. Comprise the institutions and techniques by which specialized groups employ technological devices to
disseminate symbolic content to large, heterogeneous, and widely dispersed audiences.
a. Mass communication c. Media and Information Literacy
b. Information d. Communication
20. The following are the most important differences between interpersonal communication and mass
communication EXCEPT:
a. The source of the message c. the recipient or audience
b. The process of transmittal d. the way feedback is generated and sent
21. It is made up of economic institutions and economic relationships which determine the nature and behavior of
the superstructure.
a. Mass society approach c. base-superstructure model
b. Base d. mass
22. Sees society as an integrated whole, with structures and institutions holding power and authority and exerting
control over society.
a. Mass society approach c. base-superstructure model
b. Base d. mass
23. Emerged in Japan as early as the 1960s and was allied to the notion of information economy.
a. Functionalism c. Social constructionism
b. Communications revolution d. Information society
24. Posits the notion that individuals have the capacity to act on their own will to reproduce institutions.
a. Functionalism c. Social constructionism
b. Communications revolution d. Information society
25. Characterized the advent and influx of new communication technologies.
a. Functionalism c. Social constructionism
b. Communications revolution d. Information society
26. The intended or unintended consequences of what the mass media does.
a. Mass media c. feedback
b. Propaganda d. media effects
27. Audiences are involved and can send feedback simultaneously.
a. Traditional Media
b. New Media
28. Refers to media-induced change that is counter to the desired change.
a. Reciprocal effect c. Boomerang effect
b. Cultivation theory d. Agenda setting theory
29. process whereby the mass media determine what we think and worry about public reacts not to actual events
but to the pictures in our head, created by media
a. Reciprocal effect c. Boomerang effect
b. Cultivation theory d. Agenda setting theory
30. Influences the way the person acts or the way the event functions.
a. Reciprocal effect c. Boomerang effect
b. Cultivation theory d. Agenda setting theory
31. States that media exposure, specifically to television, shapes our social reality by giving us a distorted view on
the amount of violence and risk in the world.
a. Reciprocal effect c. Boomerang effect
b. Cultivation theory d. Agenda setting theory
32. Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political
leader, a government, etc.
a. Mass media c. Propaganda
b. Media effects d. Cultivation theory
33. The OG platform for users to meet online created in 1988.
a. IRC c. ICQ
b. MSN d. Friendster
34. A platform created in 2003 where users could add information to their profile.
a. Facebook c. ICQ
b. MSN d. Friendster
35. A platform where interactions are instant and focused more on one-on-one chats.
a. Facebook c. ICQ
b. MSN d. Friendster
36. Started in 2009 and attracted more users than myspace for the first time.
a. Twitter c. Friendster
b. Instagram d. Facebook
37. The following ideas about “the medium is the message” is true EXCEPT
a. What has been communicated has been less important
b. It’s the message that’s the message and it’s what matters.
c. The technology that transfers the message changes us and changes society.
d. The focus is on the medium itself.
38. The views that are prevalent among the public
a. Watchdog c. public opinion
b. Advocacy d. mass age
39. The act of pleading or arguing in favor of something such as a cause, policy, or interest.
a. Watchdog c. public opinion
b. Advocacy d. mass age
40. Gathers information about the actions of people in power and inform the public in order to hold elected
officials to account.
a. Watchdog c. public opinion
b. Advocacy d. mass age

II. Identify whether the following is Traditional Media or New Media. Write your answer in the space
__________________1. Blogs
__________________2. Newspaper
__________________3. Television
__________________4. Email
__________________5. Websites
__________________6. Film
__________________7. Social Media
__________________8. Books
__________________9. Online Newspaper
__________________10. Radio

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SHS Teacher

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