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Jeremiah Bitz, Karen Bitz, Aaron Donaldson, Danny Wayne Donaldson, Gary Lynn Donaldson, Daniel Carl Ernst, Natache Guirma, Alta-Azonia Haney, Larry J. Jackson Sr., Roberta Kelly, Richard Koenig, Michael McMullin, L. Carlyle Martin and Linda C. Martin, Eric Mashia and Maggie Mashia, Michael John Schwerzler, Clifford C. Walker, Brent Evan Webster, Ian O. Wilson, Ryan A. Wilson, Charles Bruce Stewart, Ronald D. Stout, Arthur Van Alstine, ET AL, Self-Representative, v. McGraw Hill, ET AL,





~ Government of the people and by the people ~ . . . A Republic is a self governing forum wherein a free, sovereign, moral, and enlightened people guarantee to one another and to all minorities the right and obligation to have, retain, and protect each other's God given common Rights to Life, Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in their separate capacities as free inhabitants and or as free Sovereign people within a nation, state (nation state), and or a country, all by positively accepting the Oaths as recipients of the oaths of their servants holding public office . . . . . . .The people created a republican form of government with limitations on their servants . . . . . . .The people are the government, not their servants . . . .

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DECLARE, ENJOIN, NOTICE, ORDER I/We, Jeremiah Bitz and Karen Bitz, do hereby DECLARE, I/We ENJOIN 11 OCT 14 11:07 USDC-ORM, and NOTICE via Defendant/Recipients [auto-communication PACER, ET AL, etc.], an ORDER: OREGON STATE S059069; A140765, ARTICLE III, U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL COURT, RE: HABEAS CORPUS AND RELEASE, NOVEMBER 23, 2011. Ontological Crimes Against Humanity 1 . . . An ontological crime is one that attacks the being of the human being, with the intent to either eliminate or distort it in a horrific way . . . . . . . An ontological crime against the human body does not need to be judged according to a priori universal moral norms. FACTS Conflicts of Interest! Goldman Sachs [Wall Street] are the managers for the United States of Americas Public Employees Retirement Systems [PERS]. The institutionalized rampant fraud on Americans is known. Such as but, not limited to, Corrections Corporation of America [CCA] also financial management Vanguard.2
2 . . . Goldman Sachs . . . Peter D. Sutherland and Lord Subprime Blankenfein, orchestrated and profited from Gulf oil spill while spreading financial devastation, ecological destruction as well as a soft kill genocide to the 40 million people residing in the Gulf . . . Sutherland and Blankenfein took their lead from Corzines $35,000 get-out-of-jail card per plate presidential fundraiser when they made it possible for Obamas Vanguard investment fund to net President Obama $85 million dollars in order to look the other way with regard to their criminal actions in the Gulf. P2 Nov 21, 2011, [11 OCT 14 11:07USDC-ORM] BITZ NOVEMBER 23, 2011, etc

Oregon Public Employees Retirement Systems [PERS], trade and exchange CCA STOCK, etc. U.S.A. human being STOCKs in prisons [CCA incarcerated] are higher in number than any other country globally. Global news resources report that Stalins USSR gulag did not collect the numbers of humans as the CCA systems reports as the American numbers retirement portfolios game. Republic of the United States manufactures computer money for the system of operating our country as a business, globally. The power of the money manufacturing is not in the power of We The People [WTP] as a majority. WTP have been and are kept ignorant of our rights about coining money and it has been a very well controlled Agenda since the late 1700s or thereabouts. Federal Reserve System [Fed] and others, the International Monetary Fund [IMF] as well as countless foreign entities, operate the computer virtual monies that WTP are charged usury interest to have as a breached social contract of currency exchange. DEBT into perpetuity cannot be calculated in an accuracy due to the infinite numbers. WTP are in essence debt slaves to foreign investors, sold virtual [computer] monies [keystrokes] with interest that can never be repaid. Disposable commodities, collateral damage, useless eaters and UN units! WILL TO SURVIVE In Americans our Will To Survive is being destroyed. Agenda 21, and the Sustainable Treaties have already irreparably damaged our Will To Thrive. It has been and is, intentional. . . . An ontological crime is one that attacks the being of the human being, with the intent to either eliminate or distort it in a horrific way . . . . OREGONS MANDATORY REPORTING RULES Numbers do not lie: Who is in charge of calculating the retirement portfolio quotas? The RULES which overrule our Bill of Rights, appear far more about investment portfolios and at the severe expense of our childrens lives, their futures are simply a numbers game!?
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NIGHTMARE INTO HELL: THE BEGINNING November 8, 2007 Karen Bitz: An ending to this day like nothing I could have ever imagined in my worst nightmare!3 Jeremiah Bitz: It was very common for me to take my little daughter for a walk along with a friend of mine and her little girl. This day . . . we had just fed her daughter and left for a walk, when about 5-10 minutes into the walk, I noticed that she was having problems breathing. I started patting her back as I held her against my chest. This wasnt helping clear her breathing. I then repositioned her face down over my forearm, and continued to pat her back and then did more compression and Heimlich maneuver. After several minutes of frantically doing everything I could possibly think of to help her clear her breathing, she finally coughed up her food all over my shirt sleeve. We decided to immediately rush her to the hospital ER since she still wasnt breathing correctly. (We later found out at the hospital that she had aspirated, coughed and then inhaled her food.) This is where things went from bad to worse. Shortly after we arrived, Sheriff detectives were called because of Oregons mandatory reporting rules. We were asked to submit to several hours of questioning, which turned into a heavily police dominated, accusatory atmosphere (more like a grilling), with NO Miranda Rights read to us. We had nothing to hide, so we believed it was best to

I, Karen Bitz, on November 8, 2007, was working in an orphanage in Guatemala on a missions trip with my church and my son Jeremiah was home doing his normal routine of work, sleep, and spending time being a daddy to his precious little girl Alazandra. Jeremiah had met and had been spending time with Sarah Hyett, a very nice young lady who also had a little girl a little younger than my granddaughter Alli, and she was a Christian & active in her church. My son lived on our family farm where he quite often took his daughter Alli, friend Sarah, and her daughter Lucy, for walks to visit the horses and cows in the pastures. Both of them shared much in common and especially their love for their little girls & spending quality time doing things together with both little girls.
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cooperate and do whatever we could to answer all questions asked of us. WRONG!!! Both of us had always been loving, patient, nurturing parents to our daughters and wouldnt hesitate to protect them with our lives. Neither of us had ever had any temper or anger issues, no violent behavior. We fully believed that the truth would come out and everything would be back to normal shortly. Little did we know about the system. When I last saw Lucy at the ER, we had delivered a breathing, moving child, who was no longer blue from choking. I knew that I had done EVERYTHING I could possibly do, to revive her. After going through the most traumatic experience in my life, and then the detectives lengthy verbal assault (for several hours), I was completely mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. It seemed like an unbelievable nightmare that I wanted to wake up from. All I could think about was Please God, Let her be OK, and help her make it through this. About 10:30PM Detectives Green & Harris finally allowed me to leave, because I needed to go to work my night shift. Det. Green had asked me if I would agree to submit to lie detector tests and more videoed testimony, which I very willingly told him I would be glad to cooperate any way I could. I agreed to meet the very next day and took several lie detector/voice stress tests, and after an hour and a half of questions I am told that the results look consistent with the truth. I later find out that Green has decided that I am lying, and labels my case Action Recommended. Has he somehow manipulated my test results? Jeff Green then schedules a home visit and to walk through the scene of the incident with me for the following Tuesday morning at 8:30 am. He never shows up or calls to reschedule his appointment. I call and leave messages on his voicemail asking what happened, and does he want to reschedule? He never returns my calls. I then figure he must have realized the truth. I had done everything I could to revive her. I found out later that the detectives (Jeff Green & Randy Harris) had decided to create an
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abuse/assault case out of it. They announced to the medical providers later that this is a child abuse case. We later found this documented in the medical reports. Now the medical providers are poisoned! Clackamas County detectives Green & Harris had already decided one or both of us, was guilty of intentionally harming her. DHS/CPS immediately took custody and then placed her in the foster system with very limited (and only supervised) contact from her family. During the next year, I was not allowed any contact with her. Her mother (Sarah) was only allowed very limited, supervised visits (2 times per week if she was lucky). Her primary care providers were not allowed any more contact with her, or any information about her. Her immediate family, including her mother & grandparents were not allowed any medical information or results of any tests ... nothing. A HUGE cover-up scheme! Both of us later received letters from Heather Kitto (DHS/CPS) charging each of us with neglect, threat of harm, & physical abuse. Mom was constantly threatened with the state gaining permanent custody if she didnt cooperate with everything they required, including taking parenting classes, psyche evaluation tests, & placing blame on me. Meanwhile, telling her that she was not a fit parent & that she couldnt be trusted with her childs safety. Two months after the incident, Green shows up and hauls me into jail with Assault charges. Two weeks go by and I am still not offered any attorney counsel, so my family scrambles to find an attorney to help. They find a referral named Daniel Woram, through prepaid legal services, and hire him after he promised to act Immediately and provide aggressive, experienced, thorough & quality defense. Daniel assures my family that he knows everyone involved in the case. At the time, we thought that was a good thing. HA! We later received documented evidence that he was cigar smoking buddies with Detective
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Green, the same detective who created the case. They had met multiple times over the years at Worams home, office & sports events to share gossip and smoke cigars. Maybe a CONFLICT OF INTEREST [emphasis added] ???? My evidence also shows that the States prosecution was successful in using illegal, unethical, unconstitutional methods in order to mislead the Judge and the jury without any notice or correction from my defense attorney or from the overseeing judge. Unconstitutional jury instructions, perjury, and inadmissible evidence were all used by the State without any resistance from anyone. Judicial rules, Rules of Professional Conduct, Or. Criminal Code, Or. Evidence Code, and Oregon Revised Statutes were repeatedly violated in a blatant manner. Those responsible for correcting this misconduct showed complete negligence and irresponsibility. My defense attorney acted with extreme negligence, irresponsibility and dis-concern regarding my case. He showed a complete lack of competence, legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, preparation, diligence, common sense or any real intent to provide the effective assistance which he was legally required to provide. Daniel Woram failed to obtain any qualified expert witnesses for my trial. Despite over ten months to prepare my defense, Woram neglected to secure any available, qualified, expert witnesses with alternate theories, Daniel Woram was NOT prepared for my trial. The one doctor that Daniel Woram had contacted, Dr. Brady, wasnt even prepared to be available for trial and hadnt even reviewed the medical reports or discovery until my trial started, when he spent a total of 3 of an hour to review over 1700 pages of discovery. At the last minute, Daniel Woram tried to contact other expert witnesses and filed a motion for continuance with the court. This motion was denied. If Daniel Woram would have followed his clients advice and obtained multiple expert witnesses months before my trial, there would have been a remedy. Common sense should tell any reasonable attorney If the
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State has 11 expert witnesses, maybe we should have a few of our own. When my family and I realized that Daniel Woram was not grasping this concept months before my trial, we began doing his job for him, finding an additional expert opinion on our own. We had obtained an additional expert opinion from an experienced, qualified doctor which read the medical charts and contacted my attorney and offered to testify, but Daniel Woram refused to include him into my defense. Daniel Woram insisted and personally insured that I have one and only one witness for my entire defense. Woram kept telling us that were going to keep it simple. This one witness (Dr. Brady) was severely discredited due to his lack of qualification. Daniel Woram made no objections while Michael Regan verbally badgered Dr. Brady for his lack of experience and qualification. No other form of defense was available due to Daniel Worams lack of common sense, or was it planned? Daniel Woram himself was not prepared for my trial. He wasnt aware of crucial statements in the discovery, given by Sarah Hyett and myself, which supported my defense. He refused to ask Sarah Hyett specific questions which were crucial in conveying to the jury the truth regarding pre-existing bruises which the State was blaming on me. Once again, common sense. I will likely be blamed for unexplained injuries. Again, Daniel Woram did nothing. The truth about these pre-existing bruises, as was clearly explained by multiple witnesses during Jeff Greens investigation, was effectively hidden from the jury. THE TRUTH regarding preexisting facial bruises was hidden from the jury! This single factor clearly conveyed to the jury that I was responsible for these facial bruises and therefore GUILTY of KNOWINGLY causing serious physical damage to the victim. My conviction was gained by covering up the truth.
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Despite this illegal prosecution and an extremely ineffective defense attorney, two jurors still voted NOT GUILTY, which allowed the State to squeak out a victory with the lowest possible requirement needed to gain a conviction. This process and trial proceeding clearly would NOT be perceived by any reasonable, non-bias person as a fair trial, as Due Process or as Justice. My jury trial was an orchestrated scheme and a mockery of Justice. My evidence will show all of this to be true. Since my conviction on 11-18-2008, I have filed many Motions with the circuit court for hearings to attempt to put the truth on the record, only to be denied & dismissed. I have sent many letters of evidence to Judge Jones showing him the Prosecutor misconduct & corruption that was performed under his watch. Over the last 3 years, I have filed MANY Motions and Petitions with the Court of Appeals and the Supreme court, to receive nothing back other than DENIED & DISMISSED. I have been denied effective assistance of counsel during first appeal by the court, after many requests and petitions filed for attorney assistance for filing an appellate brief. I have attempted to appeal my conviction in Oregons Appellate Courts. The problem is that the Appellate Courts here in Oregon are not willing or able to take any action on my case because of the lack of objections filed by my trial attorney (Daniel Woram). So, because my defense attorney handed my conviction over to his buddy (Jeff Green) without resistance, now my appeal has been rendered useless also. DATED this 21ST day of November, 2011

____________________________________ JEREMIAH BITZ, KAREN BITZ

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