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St. Cecilia’s College- Cebu, Inc.

A LASSO Supervised School

Poblacion, Minglanilla, Cebu
SY 2020-2021
Second Semester

Assessment of Learning 2

Pre – final Period

Instructional Study Module
(ISM) # 2

Title: Alternative Ways in Assessing Learning

Performance assessment is an assessment activity or set of activities that require students to generate
products or performances that provide direct or indirect evidence of their knowledge, skills, and
abilities in an academic content domain. It provides teachers with information about how well a student
understands and applies knowledge and goes beyond the ability to recall information. It is used for
assessing learning outcomes that involve designing or creating projects or products such as research
papers, art exhibits, reflective essays, and portfolios. On the other hand, performance-based tasks
include actual performances of making those products, such as carrying out laboratory experiments,
exhibiting creative and artistic talents, such as dancing, painting, and playing a musical instrument, and
demonstrating writing skills through extemporaneous essay writing, article review, and reflective
papers. Both product-based and performance-based assessments provide information about how a
student understands and applies knowledge and involve hands-on tasks or activities that students must
complete individually or in small groups. Below are examples of product-based and performance-based
Types Examples
A. Product – Based Assessment
Visual Products charts, illustrations, graphs, collages, murals, maps,
timeline flows, diagrams, posters, advertisements, video
presentations, art exhibits
Kinesthetic Products diorama, puzzles, games, sculpture, exhibits, dance
Written Products journals, diaries, logs, reports, abstracts, letters, thought
or position papers, poems, story, movie/TV scripts,
portfolio, essay, article report, research paper, thesis
Verbal Products audiotapes, debates, lectures, voice recording, scripts
B. Performance – Based Assessment
Oral Presentations/Demonstrations paper presentation, poster presentation, individual or
group report on assigned topic, skills demonstration such
as baking, teaching, problem solving
Dramatic/Creative Performances dance, recital, dramatic enactment, prose or poetry
interpretation, role playing, playing musical instruments
Public Speaking debates, mock trial, simulations, interviews, panel
discussion, storytelling, poem reading
Athletic Skills Demonstration/Competition playing basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, and other
Similar to performance assessment is the concept of authentic assessment. Authentic assessment
requires students to actually demonstrate their skills in applying skills and knowledge they have learned
from class. It involves tasks that resemble what people do in the real setting or context, such as doing
an actual research, making a case study, giving a speech, or performing on a stage.
What are the characteristics of a good performance assessment?
With so many different types of performance assessment tasks or tools that can be used to measure
students' learning outcomes, deciding which one to use can be confusing and challenging. In choosing
and designing the best performance assessment, it is good to evaluate its suitability against the
following criteria:
1. It is authentic, that is, it includes performance tasks that are meaningful and realistic.
Performance assessment should present or require tasks that are realistic and related to everyday
life. As it involves an authentic task, it should convey its purpose and reflect its relevance to the
students, their discipline, and the outside world as a whole. For example, in an Entrepreneur class
wherein one of the learning outcomes is the ability to develop a business plan, instead of giving final
exams to test students' knowledge of concepts, principles, and processes of developing a business
plan, the students will be required to submit a proposed business plan for a putting up a new
investment. This performance task entails students to identify the market needs and gaps, plan out
the marketing mix (7Ps) and the 4Ms of operations, and forecast the costs and revenues of the
business. This task allows students to have hands - on experience in performing a task that is done
in the actual world.
2. It provides opportunities for students to show both what they know and they can do what they
Performance assessments should achieve a balanced approach competencies wherein it gives
students opportunities to show their knowledge-and-skill. Since the main goal of teaching and
learning is for students' acquisition and application of knowledge and skills, course assessments
should therefore help answer the questions "Do the students know it?" and "Ноw well can they use
what they know?" to determine whether the students have actually achieved this goal. For example,
in a Practical Research 2 class, the teacher may require research output at the end of the course
since this performance task will not only inform the teacher whether the students learned the
different parts of a research paper but also whether the students can conceptualize a good research
paper, conduct review of related literature, apply appropriate data gathering procedure and analysis,
and make valid interpretations and implications of the results. The main challenge is for the teachers
to choose performance tasks that can measure both the competencies of “knowing" and "applying"
and at most “creating".
3. It allows students to be involved in the process of evaluating their own and their peers'
performance and output.
Performance assessment should allow students to be involved in the process of evaluating
themselves and their peers. It should give students the opportunity for self-reflection or self-
assessment, as well as to be involved in evaluating their classmates' performance. Self-assessment
allows students to make judgment about their learning process and products of learning, track their
progress, and identify the areas where to focus or improve on. Peer assessment, on the other hand,
allows students to give constructive feedback about the performance of their classmates or
groupmates, which the latter can use to revise or improve their work. Both assessments require that
scoring or grading is based on the criteria agreed upon by the teacher and the students. The use of
a rubric can facilitate self-assessment and peer assessment.
4. It assesses more complex skills.
Unlike traditional tests that usually assess a single skill and require simple tasks such as
remembering or recalling of concepts, performance assessment usually taps higher-order cognitive
skills to apply knowledge to solve realistic and meaningful problems. As such, performance
assessment allows students to engage in more challenging activities that require various skills, such
as planning and decision-making, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and creative
skills, among others. For example, instead of giving final exams to assess students' learning in a
marketing class, the teacher may require the students to conduct a marketing and market research,
come up with a marketing strategy, and/or conduct an actual marketing for a product of their choice.
These performance tasks not only assess students' knowledge of principles and processes in
marketing but also tap their creativity, planning skills, collaborative skills, communication skills, and
research skills.
5. It explains the task, required elements, and scoring criteria to the students before the start of the
activity and the assessment.
At the start of the class, it is important that the requirements of the subject are presented and
explained to the students. These include the required tasks, activities or projects, the expected
quality and level performance output, the criteria to be included for assessment, and the rubric to
be used. Ideally, students should be involved in the whole assessment process from the very onset,
by providing them assessment options, getting them involved in discussions and decision-making
on performance standards and criteria, allowing them opportunity to give feedback on teacher-made
rubrics and to revise them, and training them on how to apply rubric for self- and peer assessment.
What are the general guidelines in designing performance assessment?
The learning outcomes at the end of the course serve as the bases in designing the performance
assessment tasks. With the learning outcomes identified, the evidence of student learning that are most
relevant for each learning outcome and the standard or criteria that will be used to evaluate those
evidence are then identified. To guide you in designing performance assessments, the following
questions may be addressed:
1. What are the outcomes to be assessed?
2. What are the capabilities/skills implicit or explicit in the expected outcomes (e.g., problem-solving,
decision-making, critical thinking, communication skills)?
3. What are the appropriate performance assessment tasks or tools to measure the outcomes and
4. Are the specific performance tasks aligned with the outcomes and skills interesting, engaging,
challenging, and measurable?
5. Are the performance tasks authentic and representative of real-world scenarios?
6. What criteria should be included to rate students' performance level?
7. What are specific performance indicators for each criterion?
Furthermore, the choice of teaching and learning activities is also of utmost importance in choosing the
performance assessments to use. There should also be an alignment among the learning outcomes,
the teaching learning activities, and assessment tasks. For example, in a Physical Education-Dance
class, the following three-course components should be explicitly clear and linked as shown below:

Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching – Learning Performance Assessment

Activities Tasks
At the end of the course, the
students should be able to:
• Perform dance routines and Lecture, class discussion, Culminating dance class
creatively combine variations movement exercises, dance recitals, practical test for each
with rhythm, coordination, demonstration, actual dancing type of dance, reflection papers,
correct footwork technique, with teacher and partners, peer evaluation rating
frame, facial and body collaborative learning
• Participate in dance socials Required attendance and Actual dance performance in
and other community fitness participation in school and school or community programs,
advocacy projects. community dance reaction/reflection papers
How do you conduct performance assessment?
Unlike in most traditional tests wherein student responses can be scored using an answer key,
performance assessments require the teacher's and peers' judgment when evaluating the resulting
products and performances. This necessitates using a set of predetermined criteria that are aligned
with desired targeted standards or desired learning outcomes.
The following are the basic steps in planning and implementing performance - based or product-based
1. Define the purpose of performance or product-based assessment.
The teacher may ask the following questions?
- What concept, skill, or knowledge of the students should be assessed?
- At what level should the students be performing?
- What type of knowledge is being assessed (e.g., remembering to create)?
2. Choose the activity/output that you will assess.
The required performance or output should be feasible given the time constraints, availability of
resources, and amount of data/materials needed to make an informed decision about the quality of a
student's performance or product. The performance tasks should be interesting, challenging,
achievable, and with sufficient depth and breadth so that valid evaluation about students' learning can
be made.
3. Define the criteria.
Criteria are guidelines or rules for judging student responses, products, or performances. Before
conducting the assessment, the performance criteria should be predetermined. The set of criteria
should be discussed and agreed upon by the teacher and the students. Performance criteria are
important since they define for the students the types of behavior or attributes of a product that are
expected, as well as allow the teacher and the students to evaluate a performance or product as
objectively and consistent as possible. There are four types of criteria that can be used for evaluating
student performances:
A. content criteria - to evaluate the degree of a student's knowledge and understanding of facts,
concepts, and principles related to the topic/ subject;
B. process criteria - to evaluate the proficiency level of performance of a skill or process;
C. quality criteria - to evaluate the quality of a product or performance; and
D. impact criteria - to evaluate the overall results or effects of a product or performance.

4. Create the performance rubric.

A rubric is an assessment tool that indicates the performance expectations for any kind of student work.
It generally contains three essential features: (1) criteria or the aspects of performance that will be
assessed, (2) performance descriptors or the characteristics associated with each dimension or
criterion, and (3) performance levels that identifies students' level of mastery within each criterion.
There are different types of rubrics:
A. holistic rubric - in holistic rubric, student performance or output is evaluated by applying all criteria
simultaneously, thus providing a single score based on overall judgment about the quality of student's
B. analytic rubric – in analytic rubric, student's work is evaluated by using each criterion separately,
thus providing specific feedback about the student's performance or product along several dimensions
C. general rubric – contains criteria that are general and can be applied across tasks (e.g., the same
rubric that can be used to evaluate oral presentation and research output)
D. task-specific rubric – contains criteria that are unique to a specific task (i.e., a rubric that can only
be used for oral presentation and another rubric applicable only for research output)
5. Assess student's performance/product.
In assessing students’ work, it is important to adhere to the criteria set and use the rubric developed. It
is to ensure objective, consistent, and accurate evaluation of students’ performance. It is also important
to provide specific and meaningful feedback and explanation to students on how they have performed
the tasks, clarifying to them what they understand, what they don't understand, and where they can

What is affective assessment? Why assess affective domain? Think about your answer to the
following questions: How do you feel doing mathematics? What do you like in mathematics? Your
responses may vary. Some may like the subject, or for the majority, the feeling is the opposite. If we
deal with measurement of feelings, attitude, or interest, we are into affective assessment. From the
word itself, this type of assessment deals with the affect dimension of students' learning. The affective
domain (from the Latin affectus, meaning "feelings") includes a host of constructs such as attitudes,
values, beliefs, opinions, interests, and motivation. They are the noncognitive outcomes of learning that
are not easily seen or explicitly demonstrated. The type of assessment in this domain is not aimed to
determine what the students have learned. Rather, it looks into how students feel while they are
learning, how their learning experiences have influenced their emotions future behavior. Teaching is
not only imparting content knowledge that requires cognition. It is also knowing and understanding
students as learners and humans. Therefore, it is essential that teachers know the feeling of pleasure,
enjoyment or even anxiety that learners experience because these feelings will have bearing on their
attitudes, motivation, and beliefs that will eventually be manifested in their future behavior. Further, with
information about the students' affective characteristics, teachers will be able to individualize their
approaches to students and reshape the lesson plan based on the identified needs of students.
Assessment on the affective domain is not only on the part of teachers to know information about
students. It is also useful for student themselves. Self - awareness of feelings, emotions, and attitudes
can make students reflect on how they are in the process of learning. This type of metacognition has
proven to enhance learning and contribute to success in the academic task. Student attainment is a
result of the functioning of his or her whole personality. Cognitive and affective assessment should work
in tandem as what empirical studies have proven.
Unlike cognitive and psychomotor assessment, affective assessment does not determine the grades
the students get. It rather helps teachers determine what steps need to be taken to help students
achieve academic success. Knowledge of what students view, perceive, and feel as they are engaged
in learning activities will guide teachers to improve their teaching strategies and enhance learning.
Affective assessment can provide supplemental information about a learning difficulty or behavior
problem that affects learning. For example, if students feel nervous in just seeing numerical symbols
and sign of operations, how will the students be helped in this kind of anxiety? Fear about mathematics
will cause nervousness and possibly lead to poor performance, if not failure. Teachers have always
been focused on the attainment of student content knowledge and more often, feel frustrated with
students' poor achievement. The low performance may be caused by affective factors, such as attitude,
interest, and motivation. According to Stiggins (2005), motivation and desire represent the very
foundation of learning. If the students do not want to learn, there will be me learning. Further, Popham
(2011) contends that affective variables are often more significant than cognitive variables. In the past,
more effort was devoted in the measurement of cognitive learning behavior, but in recent years,
assessment of affective characteristics of learners has been given more importance. Admittedly,
assessment is far more difficult domain to assess and to objectively analyze since affective objectives
range from simple attention to complex and internal qualities of character and thinking of learners.
Nevertheless, teachers need to deal with assessment and measurement of students’ abilities in this
What is the taxonomy of affective domain in learning?
In the assessment of cognitive domain, you have used the Revise Taxonomy of Cognitive Processes
identified as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. As presented
in Lesson 2, in the learning, Krathwohl et al. (1964) developed a taxonomy of affective qualities that
can serve as guide in doing affective assessment. These include the following behavior:
1. To receive: In this level of affective behavior, the learner demonstrates an awareness in an activity
that is happening such that he/she gives attention to that activity. This level involves willingness to
receive the stimulus. For example, looking at the teacher during lecture is an awareness on a learning
stimulus, but listening and paying attention indicate willingness in receiving that stimulus.
2. To respond: In this case, the learner reacts to a given stimulus or information that has been received.
If a learner participates in a class discussion, and not merely listening, then the learner is in this level
of behavior. This behavior may be compliance to a given task, voluntary engagement, or doing an
activity with interest.
3. To value: This is the level where the learner demonstrates commitment to the object, knowledge, or
activity. Here, the learner has internalized a set of specific values such that these values are manifested
through overt behaviors. For example, picking up litters outside the classroom without teacher's
presence or saving money for a book, or putting off lights after class on own volition are “valuing”
4. To organize: This is the level where the learner has internalized and integrated his or her feelings,
emotions, beliefs, opinions, etc., resulting to actions where new values and traits emerged. In this level,
the learner is able to discern independently the right from wrong, and he/she is able to make a decision
on what is more valuable based on his or her own judgment.
5. To characterize: In this level of affective trait, the learner demonstrates his or her beliefs and
attitudes not only in a single event or situation but in multiple events, showing consistency of the
behavior that establishes an Mage or character of the learner. The behavior extends beyond the school
setting and becomes part of his or her lifestyle. For example, if doing an experiment has instilled the
value of patience, such trait could be carried over to the student's nonscience activities.
What are the affective variables in learning?
As mentioned earlier, a number of variables can be investigated us affective assessment and these
basically deal with how students feel or think about a lesson, a person, or an activity. In the education
field, the most common variables for affective assessment are the following:
1. Attitudes. This is the most talked about affective factor in a student learning. We always talk about
attitude toward something. This means are referring to a person's reaction whether negative or positive,
favorable or unfavorable toward an object, activity, person, or environment. In teaching, this will be
concerned with the attitude toward learning, subject, teachers, classmates, homework, and projects or
even attitude with wearing of uniforms, attendance to flag ceremony, and others. Here, we all desire to
foster positive attitudes. On the other hand, we also want students to have negative attitude on things
like cheating, bullying, fighting, drugs absenteeism, and smoking.
It is important to note that attitude cannot be taken as solely affective It also has a cognitive component
where the learner has the content knowledge that defines the worth or value of the object or situation.
For example, knowledge about the effect of smoking on health and knowledge about nicotine ideally
should make students have negative attitude toward smoking. However, this is not always the case.
One may have the knowledge but applying the knowledge is another thing. Cognitive knowledge can
just be a contributing factor to effect a desired affective outcome.
Some empirical research reinforced the importance of assessing attitude. Othuon (2010) found out that
negative attitude toward English is the most affective and psychological factor that results in the
students' poor performance in English. The ability of students to master a second language is not only
influenced by the mental competence or language skills but also by the students' attitudes and
perceptions toward the target language (Abidin et al. 2012).
2. Values and Beliefs. Values are characteristics or traits that a person holds in high importance.
These include principles that one considers to be right and consequently which guides the person's
future actions and decisions. In a school setting, values that are included in the curriculum are honesty
patience, perseverance, respect for others, cleanliness and order, care for environment, etc. Beliefs,
on the other hand, refer to our convictions or opinions we hold to be true even without evidence. While
beliefs are traditionally associated with religion, they have been talked about in the field of education.
There are such things as beliefs about mathematics, freedom gender equality, etc.
Beliefs emanate from multiple sources, from what one hears, sees reads, and experiences. Values are
developed from beliefs. Beliefs, as well as values, can change over time from learned experiences. As
such, it is important that teachers provide learning experiences to students because from these
experiences, they form beliefs that lead to the formation of values that are desired. Further, these beliefs
an attitudes which are correlated with a learner's perform relationship reinforces the importance to
assess these affective factors and can aid teachers in developing their instructional plan to attain
curriculum goals and objectives.
3. Interest. Interest is a psychological state that draws a person's attention to an object, idea, or event.
In a classroom setting, it is what students are "into" or the learner's disposition about a topic, such as
reading, science, mathematics, history, etc. It is interest that drives the learner to be attentive to the
topic of discussion or engage in any academic activity. Interest may be personal or situational. If a
student reads a book or saves money to buy books, even if this is not a course requirement, this means
that he/her has personal interest in reading. However, if a student has a liking for mathematics because
he/she likes his or her mathematics teacher, then his or her interest in mathematics is situational.
Whether personal or situational, it is important for the teacher to know how students are receptive on
the content that is covered in the lesson. If there is low interest as revealed from the assessment results,
the teacher can think of intervention strategies to address the problem, like creating learning
experiences that are more exciting to engage students in interaction with peers, or with teachers.
Interest is directly linked with enjoyment and joy in doing something.
4. Motivation. Brown (1987) defines motivation as an inner drive, impulse, emotion, or desire that
moves one to a particular action. It arouses and sustains behavior. It can lead to increased effort and
energy to pursue a goal. If a learner is highly motivated, he/her is willing to give his or her time and
effort to reach a goal. It brings a learner to excitement and enjoyment to an academic task and
enhances cognitive processing and improves learning.
Motivation has other intrinsic factors like curiosity, appreciation, valuing for learning, as well as extrinsic
factors like praise, grades for completion, certification, etc. Ausubel (1968) has identified six needs and
desires that are Integral parts of motivation: (1) the need for exploration, (2) the need for manipulation,
(3) the need for activity, (4) the need for stimulation, (5) the need for knowledge, and (6) the need for
ego enhancement. From this list, we see the critical role of teachers in creating a learning environment
that can provide for these needs in order for the learners to reach the highest level of motivation.
Consequently, assessment in this aspect of affective domain is of importance.
5. Self-confidence. This refers to how a person feels about his or her abilities accomplish a task or
reach a goal. It is the person's perception of himself/ herself and his or her capabilities to perform
successfully the task given him/her. Empirical studies showed self-confidence is associated with
academic success. In particular, Stankov et al. (2012) have found that students who think they are
skilled in Math tend to perform well on Math and English tests. In the same study, the researchers
contend that confidence tests an assessment tool can benefit both learning and teaching. For example,
the scores from the self-confidence tests on subject contents provide students with insights into the
topics they are weak in.
What assessment tools are used to measure affective learning?
Measurement of affective traits is more challenging compared to measuring cognitive and psychomotor
dimension of learning. Such measurement may be direct or indirect. The direct assessment of affective
learning outcomes is more attainable at the lower levels in the affective learning taxonomy of Krathwohl
et al (1964). Teachers, for example, can take attendance to measure pupil's willingness to receive
information. Likewise, teachers may consider the number of time the pupil raised his or her hand to
answer or ask questions, or the number of completed assignments and projects. These are sample
evidence at "responding" level. However, in this age of globalization, where character and morals of
citizens are becoming more critical, educators are giving more attention to higher levels of affective
taxonomy. But then, behaviors at these levels are less amenable to direct measurement because
affective learning outcomes (e.g., attitudes, values, beliefs, etc.) are internal states that exist in the
mind and thoughts of the learners. Because of these, indirect measurements are thought to be less
reliable. Nevertheless, researchers and educationists are in continuing effort to overcome these
perceived difficulties.
The information generated from the use of indirect assessment of affective learning outcomes can
come from different sources-student himself/herself, teachers, or peers. A variety of methods for
indirectly assessing intended affective learning outcome have been espoused. Some of the most
common assessments include self-report inventory, questionnaire, opinionnaire, semantic differential,
observation, and interview.
1. Self-Report Questionnaires. As the name implies, self-report or self - inventory is a type of
assessment where the respondent is asked to answer a question about himself/herself, his or her
behavior, emotions, feelings, or views. It serves many purposes to include diagnosis of students'
mental and emotional state. This is also popular in a pre-test and post-test design when the teacher
wants to assess change (e.g., in attitude, interest, motivation) before and after instructional period.
This assessment tool is easy to administer to get immediate results and information directly from
the person who most knowledgeable about himself/herself. One limitation of this method is the
honesty of the person-his or her tendency not to write the true what he/she feels. Instead, the
student may choose a response that satisfy the teacher, rather than actually writing the truth. The
respondent can also be personally biased because he/she is responding to a nonfactual or
subjective statement from his or her own point of view only. To prevent this possibility, the one
handling the assessment should try to ensure setting the right environment for getting the most
truthful data.

Self-report inventories use a variety of formats. The most common are presented in the following:
a. Likert scale. This measuring tool, invented by Rensis Likert, is a series of questions or items that
requires the respondent to select on a scale a rating reflecting the level of agreement or
disagreement on items that are related to a particular topic, experience, or issue. The responses,
both in descriptive and numeric form, range from one extreme lo another, such as "strongly agree"
to "strongly disagree", where is the numerical value of the extreme positive feeling and "1" for the
extreme negative. This kind of scaling gives deeper insight into what the students are thinking
and feeling. An example of Likert scale is shown below:
Rating Scale on Views about Mathematics and Mathematics Learning
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following views about Mathematics? Check the appropriate box.

Strongly Agree Slightly Disagree Strongly

Agree Agree Disagree

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. Mathematics is the study of

formulas, rules and procedures

in solving problems.

2. In mathematics, you can discover

new things that can be exciting.

3. To be able to solve mathematics

problems, you have to memorize and

follow procedures as taught in class.

4. Mathematics is an exact subject that

requires precision and accuracy.

5. Mathematics is logic and reasoning.

From your review of research literature, you must have noted that most of the Likert scale instruments
indicate the numeric scale value as seen in the rating scale on Views about Mathematics:
Strongly Agree Slightly Disagree Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

One danger of having the numeric scale values of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 is the possibility that an option with
a higher value will be more attractive to the respondents. You have the choice to omit the numeric scale
and just indicate the actual scale labels in the instrument. Likewise, descriptive labels and numeric
scale value can vary to be more congruent with the Likert items. For example, in a Reading Interest
Inventory, some items may be written this way:
"I like reading books by myself.”
“I save my money to buy extra books I like.”
The two statements above are action statements rather than commonly used Strongly Agree, Agree,
etc. It may be more appropriate to use the descriptive scale labels and numeric scale values as: Always
(5); Almost Always (4); Sometimes (3); Rarely (2); Never (1) OR Always (5); Very Often (4); Often (3);
Not Very Often (2); Never (1).
The 5-point scale is the most common continuum, but this will be more fitted if your respondents are
adults. A 4-point or 3-point scale will be easier for younger respondents. Also, instead of the numerical
values that usually appear in many of the standardized rating scales, some visuals might be more useful
to catch the attention of the younger respondents in answering the instrument.
The following is another example:
Rating Scale on Attitude towards Science
In your Science class, how frequently did you find yourself experiencing the following situation?

Always Sometimes Rarely Never

1. I enjoy being in Science class.

2. My Science teacher gives me interesting

things to do in and outside the school.

3. Doing experiment in Science is fun and


4. I love listening to what my teacher says

about the world we live in.

5. I enjoy making Science assignments and

projects with classmates.

6. Handling microscope and other Science

equipment makes me nervous.

7. Science makes me nervous than any other


8. The exercises during our lessons are boring.

An alternative format for labelling the response shown in the previous page may work out better for
some respondents especially to lower age level of students.

Writing Statements for Rating Scale for Self-Report

Some guidelines might be of help in creating your self-report assessment instrument.
1. Statements should refer to the present conditions rather than past or future situations.
2. The statement should be relevant to the psychological construct being measured.
3. Avoid factual statement since the nature of what is assessed are affective traits.
4. Statement should elicit a response that lends itself to one interpretation.
5. Statements should be clear and simple sentences using precise and direct language.
6. Considering that responses in the instrument reflect gradation, statements should no longer
contain always, nearly, only, never, and just. These words are ambiguous.
7. Use vocabulary appropriate for the level of understanding of the respondents.
8. Avoid double negative sentences.

Steps in the Construction of the Rating Scale

1. Select the affective trait you want to assess which you find relevant to teaching-learning situation.
Make sure that you or your school is going to benefit from it and use the data to improve the present
Example: You may be interested to know students' interest about specific educational issues like
climate change and environment. This inventory will not only help the science teacher in classroom
situation, but the data may also help teachers to know who can be tapped to participate in Waste
Management and Segregation Project the school is launching.
2. Construct items that are clear, definite, and focused on the trait you want to measure. Consider the
different levels of affective taxonomy in constructing the items. In addition, since what you are
assessing is on emotion or affect, items should include positive and negative positions that will
make the respondent think carefully the answer to the item.
3. Pilot test or field try the inventory and revise the parts that appear to be unclear. This is advised
when you want to measure more encompassing and long term affective learning outcomes. The
purpose of field testing the instrument is to detect unclear questions and statements and procedural
difficulties the intended respondents can experience with the questionnaire. It is preferred that field
test be given to comparable set of students. If the Inventory is intended for Grade 6 students, then
having another class of Grade 6 to give feedback to the inventory will best suit the purpose of field
4. Administer the self-report inventory to your target respondents. It is advised that adequate time like
on power test is provided for completion of the inventory.
5. Analyze the results and consider the findings and draw the implication. The most common scale is
1 to 5, with 1 as the extreme negative option, followed by the less negative, and mid-range ratings
indicating a level of neutrality through 5 being the highest positive or favorable response. For the
negative items, the numerical values are reversed. The use of simple statistics is essential. This
involves frequency count relative to each option in the scale, cumulative percentages to see pattern
of responses in each item as well as the entire scale. Simple computation of mean will be useful in
visualizing the collective outcome as a class, or as a grade level or in the entire school. The most
common way to treat data using Likert scale is to sum the values of each selected option and
determine the score for each respondent. The score represents a specific trait-agreed or not agree,
satisfied or not satisfied, confident or not confident, etc.
Again, if your intention is for classroom setting only, data analysis does not have to be complex
and computation of a score may not be the focus. The teacher may give more attention to patterns
of responses vis-à-vis the content and essence of the affective items. Consequently, the teacher
should be able to define the implications of the results to improve the learning environment.

b. Semantic Differential. This is a widely used scale that employs ratings of concepts with contrasting
adjectives placed at opposite ends of the number scale. For example, the concept of "Problem
Solving" can be assessed using the following semantic differential scale:
Problem Solving
Difficult _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Easy
1 2 3 4 5
Interesting _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Boring
1 2 3 4 5
Useful _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Useless
1 2 3 4 5

Realistic _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Unrealistic

1 2 3 4 5

Rigid _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Loose

1 2 3 4 5

In this example, the students are asked to express their attitudes toward problem solving. They need
to make a check mark on the scale indicating the degree of agreement they have with the adjectives
listed. Similar to the Likert scale, where there are negative items, the position of the positive and
negative adjectives in semantic differential are reversed to balance the scale and create a less biased
measurement. The response could then be summed, and a mean could be determined in each of the
adjective pairs. In this way, the concept "problem solving" would be scaled on the various pairs of the
c. Checklist. A checklist is a form of self-report that asks persons to indicate whether they
demonstrate a set of qualities or behaviors. In particular, for affective assessment, it is a tool for
identifying the presence or absence of a feeling, attitude, or behavior. The behaviors that are
checked will reflect what values and beliefs learners hold. For example, attitude toward environment
may be measured by giving students a checklist that enumerates different actions related to
environment awareness and commitment in one column and space in another column where
students will put a check or a cross, indicating whether those actions are being done or not.
An Example of a Self – Report Behavior Checklist
Name_______________________ Grade ___________ Date ___________

Put a check (✓) on the options that correspond to your answer to each item.

1. How would you like to be part of environmental program activities?

______ I do volunteer to be part of the crusade
______ I give donations
______ I just let my parents pay their taxes
______ I am not interested
2. Do you follow any of the television shows about environmental issues and programs?
______ Yes, always
______ Not regularly
______ No
3. Which of the following waste materials do you segregate at home?
______ Papers, newspapers
______ Glass, bottles
______ Plastics
______ Food leftovers
______ I do not segregate
4. Do you read magazines and publication about environmental issues?
______ Yes, every time
______ Sometimes
______ Rarely
______ No, not my interest
5. What is your reaction on the signing of Executive Order 26 on providing for the
Establishment of Smoke-Free Environments in Public and Enclosed Places?
______ I support the Executive Order to protect the health of people
______ I find the Executive Order as anti-poor
______ It is not my concern
______ I do not know what it is all about
6. What is your reaction to environmental polluters?
______ I will report them to the concerned officials
______ I will call their attention when I see them doing the act
______ I will tell others not to imitate them
______ It is their concern, they are responsible for their own action
7. Are you a member of any environmental organization?
______ Yes
______ No
______ Planning to do so

Another form of checklist also provides students a list of adjectives for describing something or making
judgment about behavior and actions and asks the respondents to check those that apply to them.
Put a check mark (✓) on the blanks that are true to you.
The reading class is: I find English:
______ boring ______ fun
______ exciting ______ tiring
______ fun ______ easy
______ stimulating ______ difficult
______ informative ______ irrelevant
______ unpleasant ______ useful
______ routine ______ interesting

2. Interview. This is an oral assessment of student learning that is conducted through spoken words
and casual conversation. This assessment tool allows the teacher to collect and explore more in-
depth information about the trait being assessed that cannot be captured by written instrument nor
even be observed. The assessment data are not just answerable by "Yes" or "No or other
predetermined responses. Through this assessment technique, the teacher is able to probe
responses that other forms of assessment to cannot. The students can qualify and expand their
previous answers, who can be vague at the earlier part of the conversation. It provides students
opportunity to open other thoughts and ideas, and the teachers can be flexible to adapt questions
as the need arises. It can provide a powerful "moment of sharing" where the learner is able to
express face-to-face his or her feelings and emotions. Prerequisite to achieve all of these is the
trust have to build with the interviewee by demonstrating care and respect.

Interviews may be structured or unstructured. In the structured interview, there is a planned

sequence of questions, which lead to open ended discussions between the teacher and the
student, either done individually or by group. One limitation though of the structured interview is
that predetermined questions tend to limit flexibility. Some important information about the learner
on constructs you want to pursue may be missed or ignored because you can be controlled by the
list of questions you need to complete. On the other hand, informal interview will appear to be
natural and it can create a more conversational environment for sharing, wherein the teacher will
be able to elicit more truthful information from students about themselves. In many cases, even
when trust has been established, students may not also be comfortable talking about values and
sharing feelings when he/she is in a one-to-one conversation with the teacher. This is especially
true for young adolescents who are more particular with the image they create with others. A group
interview may work better on older students to elicit most authentic information. Younger children
can be more candid and honest with their answers whether the interview is done individually or in
a group. Nevertheless, in whatever manner, interview is considered an effective tool for affective
assessment. Imagine yourself as a student and you experience a teacher spending time talking to
you about how you are doing in his or her subject, asking you face-to-face on how you are learning,
or how you are feeling toward his or her subject. Questions like "How did you do on the assignment
I gave you?", "What questions in the test excite you most?", and "What task did you find most
difficult?" will make a great deal on students feelings. In other words, interviews may go beyond
cognitive improvement. Spoken words will motivate students to learn.
For interview to be an effective assessment tool, the following are general steps in developing and
conducting an interview:
1. Select the assessment objectives.
2. List the oral questions in sequence based on the objectives. However, the sequence is not
absolute, instead, there should be a room for flexibility. Questions should start with general
questions followed by more specific ones.
3. Make a report sheet or any form to record responses
4. Conduct the interview. Start with statements that will make the learner be at comfort level with
the teacher.
5. Record the responses, both elicited responses and responses that were aided by prompts.
Record as well the questions that were not answered, and additional questions that were given
during the probing process. Record the wait time for the response. It will also be worth noting
to record the nonverbal behavior like body movements during the interview process.
Sample: The Interview

Questions Teacher Notes

• How did you feel about your participation in
our class today? _________________________________
• What did you think about the story that we
discussed? _________________________________
• Did the story interest you? _________________________________
• What is the part of the story that caught most
of your attention? Why did it interest you
most? _________________________________
• What makes you read a book without being
told so by your teacher?
• How do you like your reading class? What
makes you dislike it if ever you feel so? __________________________________
• What different approach should your teacher
use to help you and your classmates better? ___________________________________________________

3. Student Journals. These are effective tools that can be used in assessing and monitoring student
thinking and attitudes. Journal writing gives students guided opportunities to "think aloud" through
writing. It is a special form of documentation that records personal experiences and thoughts. It is
a reflection of learners' own perception about a problem, a situation, or an activity they are tasked
with. A student who encountered a difficult problem and is asked to write about the situation through
a journal will reflect more deeply and think critically about the problem or situation and what actions
and decisions were made to hurdle the difficulties. In journal writing, students are given opportunity
to rewind previous experiences that can give them new perspectives in facing future actions.
Further, through journals, students are given the opportunity to open up and express their thoughts
and feelings, which can reveal their thinking both on the cognitive and affective aspect of the
problem task. For example, if the student is asked the question, "When is a person a hero to you?"
the student's writing will reveal not only his on her set of beliefs and values (the affective
component), but also his or her knowledge on the concept of heroism (the content part).

Journal writing opens the door for a one-to-one dialogue between the teacher and student. It
creates an environment of partnership where teachers and students resolve issues and conflicts
of ideas and understanding in confidential manner. The written Journal provides information for
teachers to give feedback and ask questions to students that can develop different ways of thinking.
While the primary intention of journal writing is to capture students' feelings and emotions, the
discourse can lead to improving the cognitive domain of learning. To attain this, journals are guided
by a set of ideas, questions, or problems.
In choosing journal writing as an assessment tool for affective learning outcomes, here are some
guide questions to consider:
 What is your purpose for the student journal writing (i.e., critical thinking, reflection, self-
awareness, goal review, developing self-confidence, overcoming anxiety)?
 What is the format (i.e., handwritten free form, typed, full sentences)?
 What is the topic? What do you want the students to write about?
 How much do you want your student to write (i.e., number of pages, number of paragraphs, or
number of words)?
 How will the students be given feedback (i.e., individual, with a small group, with the teacher)?
 Who will read the journal (i.e., with teacher only, with other teachers, with selected students)?
 How will the students be graded (i.e., Pass/Fail, Rubric, no scoring needed)?

4. Observation. It is an assessment tool that involves looking out for the presence or absence of
behaviors of learners in a natural setting. Observation allows the teacher to assess student
behavior in the actual teaching and learning process unlike other forms of assessment that require
separate time with the student to answer the measuring instrument. This method is a rich source
of clues that can be both obtrusive and unobtrusive measures of attitude, beliefs, disposition,
character, etc.

Example: A Physical Education (P.E.) teacher watches students play basketball in a school court.
While the focus may be on the skill of playing basketball like shooting or throwing the ball correctly,
the teacher can also directly watch who play the "clean" game and who play on "foul" moves or
what we often term, the "dirty tricks". Such behavior is indicative of important affective
characteristics like honesty, patience and positive disposition, which we aim to develop not only
in P.E. but across the school curriculum.

Like interview, observation may be structured or unstructured. An unstructured observation is

open-ended, with no formal recording of what is observed as assessment process is ongoing. This
does not mean though that it does not require planning. You have to be very clear of what to
observe and list the behaviors and actions that will indicate the possession of the trait. There is
still the need to record observed data right after actual observation time. Recall the more specific
events, which can be significant and include both positive and negative actions. Unstructured
observation data had been criticized for being subjective. Thus, be mindful of your personal
interpretation of observed data.

On the other hand, in the structured observation, you need to prepare a checklist or rating form
before the actual observation. This checklist defines the positive and negative behaviors indicative
of the trait you wish to measure The recording is straightforward as it just requires a check on the
"Yes" and "No" column for the presence or absence of the behavior, respectively, or a check on
the appropriate numerical and descriptive scale if rating scale is used. These are illustrated in the
exhibits below.

Checklist for Structured Observations in Science Class

Student/s Observed __________________________ Date __________ Time _________
Grade and Section __________________________ Observer ____________________

Behavior Frequency of Occurrences

1. Raises hands during class discussions
2. Tells others that the lesson is fun
3. Gives criticism to classmates’ response to
teacher’s questions
4. Asks questions about issues connected to
the science concepts presented
5. Goes through the laboratory manual before
engaging in the actual experiments
Rating Scale for Structured Observations in Science Class
Student/s Observed __________________________ Date __________ Time _________
Grade and Section __________________________ Observer ____________________

Behavior Not Rarely Sometimes Most of Almost

at All the time always
1. Raises hand during class
2. Tells others that the lesson is fun
3. Gives criticism to classmates'
response to teacher's questions
4. Asks questions about issues
connected to the science concepts
5. Goes through the laboratory manual
before engaging in the actual

The measures obtained from observation approach can be made more valid and reliable with the
following guidelines:
1. Set a clear definition of the affective trait you want to observe.
2. Prepare a checklist or rating scale that will define the more specific affective behavior you want to
capture. This checklist or rating scale will also be used in collecting and recording your data.
3. Consult with a colleague or expert about the behavior listed as observation or not. You can try this
with a sample of students.
4. Have a colleague/colleagues to work
5. Be clear on ethical issues.
6. Record the observation immediately. Use the checklist, supplemented by anecdotal records that are
an open-ended way to record observation. Record factual observation and be cautious on personal
interpretation and biased statements.
7. Review data. Reflect on outcomes.
8. Decide future steps based on the observation results.
9. Adjust planning and apply interventions.
10. Monitor progress.

Portfolio assessment is an alternative to pen-and-paper objective test as an approach to assessing
students' learning. It is a purposeful, ongoing, dynamic, and collaborative process of gathering multiple
indicators of the students' growth and development in a course or program of study. Portfolio
assessment is also a performance - based approach to assessing learning but more authentic than any
one-time performance task as it allows examination of multiple evidence of the process and product of
learning developed across time.
Why portfolio assessment?
Burke (1999) recognizes portfolio as another type of assessment and considered authentic because of
the following reasons:
• It tests what is really happening in the classroom.
• It offers multiple indicators of students' progress.
• It gives the students the responsibility of their own learning.
• It offers opportunities for students to document reflections of their learning
• It demonstrates what the students know in ways that encompass the personal learning styles and
multiple intelligences.
• It offers teachers new role in the assessment process.
• It allows teachers to reflect on the effectiveness of their instruction.
• It provides teachers freedom of gaining insights into the students’ development or achievement over
a period of time.
How do we do portfolio assessment?
In doing portfolio assessment, one should be guided by the content, learning and equity principles.
1. Content principle suggests that portfolios should reflect the subject matter that is important for the
students to learn.
2. Learning principle suggests that portfolios should enable the students to become active and
thoughtful learners.
3. Equity principle explains that portfolios should allow students to demonstrate their learning styles
and multiple intelligences.
Portfolios could come in three types: working, show, or documentary
1. The working portfolio is a collection of a students' day-to-day works that reflect his or her learning.
2. The show portfolio is a collection of a students' best works.
3. The documentary portfolio is a combination of a working and a show portfolio.
Figure 5.1 shows the steps in portfolio development.

Set Goals

Collect Confer/Exhibit

(Using Rubrics)

Organize Reflect

1. Set Goals
This is the first step in portfolio assessment in which the students set their goals in developing a learning
portfolio. To guide the students in stating the goals, the teachers may articulate first the goals of the
course or subject and his or her expectations to the students. Students could also ask what the parents
expect from them. They could also be given goal-setting planners.
2. Collect
In this stage, the students should start collecting all possible entries in the portfolio. They should be
advised to have a temporary container for all the entries, and this should be placed in the school so
that keeping of entries will be part of the daily activities of the students. A good practice in collecting
the portfolio entries is to have a log of all entries with a few descriptions how they were obtained and
why they were kept in the portfolio.
Goal-Setting Planner
I participate in this activity because:
I am doing this work because:
What I target to accomplish are:
3. Select
This is the stage where the students are asked to select what will finally be used to gauge their success
from all their collections of possible entries in a portfolio. The selection usually depends on what the
teacher requires them to do, their parents' choice, and the entries that they personally chose the best
gauge of their accomplishment in the program. Selections could include evidence that show in and out-
of-class activities participated in the students in relation to the program.
4. Organize
This is the stage where the students decide on how they will organize the entries. The teachers should
guide them by telling them to make a table contents for their portfolio entries and a direction on where
to find them. The organization of the portfolio could vary depending on the style of students. Some
teachers take this stage as the opportunity for the students to develop or hone their creativity and
resourcefulness. The organizer could also be any of material but it is suggested that the container is
something flexible to add, modify, or delete any entry any time.
Examples of materials used in making portfolios are clear book, album accordion bag, box with dividers,
envelopes, colored magazines, CDs, flash drives, or cloud-based storage.
5. Reflect
An important trait of a portfolio is the presence of students' reflections their experiences. Making
reflective journals, log of entries, and labelling an evidence in a portfolio are just some of the different
ways to show knowledge understanding, attitudes, values, writing skills, and creativity. This is the
opportunity for the students to reflect on the meaningfulness of their experiences, as well as the impact
of their teacher's styles and methodology in teaching.
6. Evaluate
This is the stage where the students, their peers and teachers, or even the parents are involved in
rating the achievement of the students based on their evidence of learning, their reflections of their
experiences, and the organizations of their portfolio. Rubrics are often used in rating students'
performance using their portfolios. Rubrics in rating portfolios should be given to the students, even at
the beginning of the portfolio process, so that they are guided on what to put in their portfolio and how
to organize them based on the criteria and indicators of a quality product or excellent performance.
Evaluation of the portfolio could be done by individual entry on a specified date or when the
development is complete. However, most teachers prefer rating the student-required evidence upon
their submission so that the students can be given immediate feedback on their work. What are usually
rated at the end of portfolio development are the students' selected evidence of their learning, and the
packaging of their portfolio, which could reveal their personal traits.
7. Confer
This is the stage when the teachers confer with the students or parents to discuss the students'
performance and progress of learning. This is also the time to congratulate the students for their
accomplishment or to identify areas for their improvement.
8. Exhibit
This is the time to celebrate success in the form of an exhibit of students' portfolios. The highlight of the
exhibit is the awarding of the best learning portfolio.
Again, since reading, viewing, and or exploring the Internet need time from you, they should be done
outside the class time. Your class time should then be reserved to clarify with your teacher your
confusions and to interact with your classmates on what they have understood and probably found out
different from what you have discovered from your own exploration of the lesson.

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