3-6 Day PPL Routine and Fat Loss Tips

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Chest Shoulders Tricep

Incline Smith Machine Bench
● 3x8-10 4th set is a back off drop 30%
● 1x10-12 slow and controlled
Converging Chest Press
● 3x 8-10
Dropset x failure( after third set immediately decrease weight and push till you can’t)
Seated Barbell Military Press( keep relatively heavy)
● 3x6-8
Dumbell Lateral Raise(the side delt is stimulate through high controlled reps)
● 3x12-15
Tricep superset
● Rope tricep extension 2x8-10
● Overhead Rope extension 2x8-10

Back and Biceps
Wide grip Lat pull down
● 3x8-10 4th set is a back off drop 30%
● 1x10-12 slow and controlled
Seated Machine Row
● 3x8-10 4th set is a back off, drop 30%
● 1x10-12 slow and controlled
Alternating Dumbbell Curls
● 2x10-12 each arm
Rope Curls
● 2 x failure

Seated Hamstring Curls
● 3x10-12 4th set is a back off, drop 30%
Single leg extension holds
● 2x10(hold 3-5 second each leg)
Leg Press Machine (Whichever is available or preferred) keep it moderately heavy.
● 3x8-10 come down with control.Come up with a little power
Leg extensions
● 2x10-12 slow and controlled

● I’d recommend 30 minutes after each session

Thursday (rest day)

Get at least 10k steps and eat less than you do on your training days

Friday Saturday Sunday( Repeat M-W)

If you feel a rest day is needed, take it listen to your body. Don’t take it for granted though. Still
stay somewhat active.

Guide to fat loss

Shedding body fat and losing weight can be a sustainable and effective process if
approached with a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and a few key lifestyle
changes. Here’s a detailed guide to help you on this journey:

1. Understand Your Caloric Needs

- **Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):** Use an online calculator to estimate how
many calories your body needs at rest to maintain vital functions.
- **Adjust for Activity Level:** Factor in your daily activity to get a more accurate daily
caloric need. This is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

2. Create a Caloric Deficit

- **Reduce Caloric Intake:** Aim to consume 500-1000 calories less than your TDEE to
lose about 1-2 pounds per week. This is a safe and sustainable target.
- **Focus on Nutrition:** Prioritize whole foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and
whole grains. Avoid or limit sugars, refined carbs, and high-fat processed foods.

3. Plan Your Meals

- **Meal Prep:** Prepare meals in advance to control ingredients, portions, and avoid
impulsive eating choices.
- **Healthy Snacks:** Opt for snacks like fruits, nuts, or yogurt to keep hunger at bay
and avoid high-calorie junk food.
- **Hydration:** Drink plenty of water. Sometimes thirst is confused with hunger.
Drinking water can also aid in digestion and metabolism.

4. Exercise Regularly
- **Combine Cardio and Strength Training:** Cardio helps burn calories, while strength
training builds muscle, which can increase your resting metabolic rate.
- **Consistency is Key:** Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75
minutes of vigorous activity each week, as recommended by health guidelines.
- **Find Activities You Enjoy:** This will help you stick with an exercise routine long-

5. Track Your Progress

- **Use a Journal or App:** Record your daily food intake and physical activity. This
accountability can help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed.
- **Weigh Yourself Regularly:** Once a week is sufficient. Daily fluctuations are normal
and can be misleading.

6. Mind Your Mental Health

- **Sleep Well:** Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Lack of sleep can affect
hormones that regulate appetite and hunger.
- **Manage Stress:** High stress can lead to overeating or emotional eating.
Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga can be effective.

7. Be Patient and Flexible

- **Expect Plateaus:** Weight loss is not linear. You might experience stalls in weight
loss. During these times, reassess your plan and adjust if necessary.
- **Adapt Your Plan:** As you lose weight, your caloric needs might decrease. Be ready
to adjust your caloric intake and exercise routine accordingly.
- **Long-Term Lifestyle Changes:** Focus on making sustainable changes rather than
adopting short-term diets.

8. Incorporate Variety in Your Diet

- **Diverse Foods:** Eating a wide range of foods ensures you get a variety of nutrients.
This can include trying different fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources.
- **Seasonal and Local:** Opt for seasonal produce which is typically fresher and more
nutritious, plus it adds natural variety through the year.
- **Experiment with Recipes:** Keeping your meals interesting can help stave off diet
fatigue and make eating healthily something to look forward to.

9. Use Technology and Tools

- **Fitness Trackers:** Devices that track steps, calories burned, and heart rate can
provide insight and motivation.
- **Apps:** Many apps not only track food and calories but also provide nutrient
breakdowns and sync with fitness trackers to give a comprehensive health overview.
- **Online Communities:** Joining weight loss or fitness forums and groups can provide
support and accountability.

10. Address Emotional Eating

- **Identify Triggers:** Understand what prompts you to eat emotionally—stress,
boredom, sadness, or anxiety—and find other ways to address these feelings.
- **Mindful Eating:** This involves being fully aware of the eating experience. Pay
attention to the taste, texture, and sensations of your food, which can prevent
- **Professional Help:** If emotional eating is frequent or feels uncontrollable, consider
speaking with a therapist who specializes in eating disorders.

11. Set Realistic Goals

- **Short-term Milestones:** While your ultimate goal may be significant, setting smaller,
achievable milestones can provide a sense of progress and accomplishment.
- **Be Specific:** Instead of a goal like “lose weight,” set specific targets such as “lose
15 pounds in three months” or “exercise four days a week.”
- **Adjust As Needed:** Be willing to modify your goals as you progress in your journey.
What works initially may need refinement over time.

12. Celebrate Non-Scale Victories

- ** Composition Changes:** Sometimes the scale doesn't tell the whole story. You
might be losing fat and gaining muscle, which is great but might not show a big change
on the scale.
- **Improved Fitness Levels:** Celebrate improvements in stamina, strength, flexibility,
or endurance.
- **Health Markers:** Improvements in blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol,
and other health indicators are significant victories.

13. Focus on the Long Term

- **Avoid Fad Diets:** Steer clear of diets that promise quick results but aren't
sustainable. They often lead to yo-yo dieting.
- **Lifestyle Over Fixes:** Think of this as a long-term change in lifestyle, not just a
temporary fix for weight loss.
- **Flexibility:** Allow yourself occasional indulgences. A rigid diet can lead to burnout
and relapse.

14. Educate Yourself

- **Nutritional Knowledge:** Understanding the nutrients your body needs and the best
sources can empower you to make informed dietary choices.
- **Stay Updated:** Health and nutrition advice can evolve. Stay informed about the
latest research and recommendations from reliable sources.

Embarking on a weight loss journey is about more than shedding pounds; it's about
gaining a healthier, more vibrant life. Patience, commitment, and a positive attitude are
as important as any diet or exercise program. By integrating these strategies into your
lifestyle, you're setting a foundation for long-term health and wellness.

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