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1- The process of data into a storage loca6on is called?

a. Wri6ng
b. Controlling
c. Reading
d. Hand Shaking

The correct answer is: Wri6ng

2- The size of the monitor is measured in _____________.?

a. Dots going across and dots going down
b. Pounds
c. Square inches of the screen
d. Inches diagonally across the screen

The correct answer is: Inches diagonally across the screen

3- The process of copying data from a memory loca6on is called?

a. Boo6ng
b. Wri6ng
c. Reading
d. Controlling

The correct answer is: Reading

4-Which of the following is true about primary storage?

a. It Is A Part Of The CPU
b. It Allows Very Fast Access To Data
c. All Of The Above
d. It Is Rela6vely More Expensive
The correct answer is: All Of The Above

5- SoXware instruc6on intended to sa6sfy a user's specific processing

needs are called?
a. Documenta6on
b. Applica6on soXware
c. Process SoXware
d. System SoXware

The correct answer is: Applica6on soXware

6- A typical modern computer uses?

a. More Than 10,000 vacuum tubes
b. Magne6c Cores For Secondary Storage
c. Magne6c Tape For Primary Memory
d. Lsi Chips

The correct answer is: Lsi Chips

7-The computer device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the?

a. Card Reader
b. Line Printer
c. Computer Console
d. CRT

The correct answer is: Line Printer

8- Which one of the following can produce the final product of machine
processing in a form usable by humans?
a. Control
b. Output Device
c. Input Device
d. Storage

The correct answer is: Output Device

9- The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following?

a. Logic
b. Input Device
c. Storage
d. Output Device

The correct answer is: Storage

10- If the display adapter is set to 8-bit color, how many colors can it
show at one 6me?
a. 256 colors
b. 65,536 colors
c. 4 billion colors
d. 16 million colors

The correct answer is: 256 colors

11-When you purchase a power supply, the output power supply is

measured in which units?
a. Hertz
b. Ohms
c. Wabs
d. Amps
e. Mbps

The correct answer is: Wabs

12-The part that moves the read or write heads back and forth within a
hard drive or op6cal drive is called what?
a. Spindle
b. Head actuator
c. Magne6c coupler
d. Stepper motor

The correct answer is: Head actuator

13-A source program is the program wriben in.......... language.?

a. Symbolic
b. High Level
c. English
d. Object

The correct answer is: High Level

14-Which of the following is the most powerful type of the computer?

a. Micro Computer
b. Main Frame
c. Super Computer
d. Super Conductor

The correct answer is: Super Computer

15-A list of instruc6ons used by a computer is called?

a. Text
b. Program
c. CPU
d. Output

The correct answer is: Program

🚨🚨 16- A program wriben in machine language is called........
a. Computer
b. Object 🚨
c. Assembler
d. High level

The correct answer is: Assembler

17- The CPU consists of?

a. Input, processing and storage
b. Control Unit, Primary Storage And Secondary Storage
c. Input, Output And Processing
d. Control Unit; Arithme6c Logic Unit And Primary Storage

The correct answer is: Control Unit; Arithme6c Logic Unit And Primary

18-When you upgrade the BIOS, you are ________. ?

a. Flashing the BIOS
b. Replacing the CMOS chip
c. Replacing the BIOS
d. the CMOS se.ngs

The correct answer is: Flashing the BIOS

1-CPU virtualiza6on is supported in ..?
a. AMD mul6processor
b. Intel Mul6processor
c. all the above
d. virtual machine on single processor

The correct answer is: virtual machine on single processor

2-Transmission of computerized data from one loca6on to another is


a. Data Transfer
b. Data Management
c. Data Flow
d. Data Communica6on

The correct answer is: Data Communica6on

3-………… a technique used to make a processor work at a faster

speed than its original specifica6on?
a. throbling
b. overclocking
c. superscale pipeline
d. mul6threading

The correct answer is: overclocking

4-……………… a technique used to make a processor work at a slower
speed than its original specifica6on?
a. mul6threading
b. throbling
c. superscale pipeline
d. overclocking

The correct answer is: throbling

5- Opera6ng system func6ons may include?

a. Virtual Storage
b. Mul6programming
c. Input/Output Control
d. All Of The Above

The correct answer is: All Of The Above

6- Intel processor use Hyper Transport?

a. False
b. True

The correct answer is: False

7-enhancing CPU opera6on by..... without introducing large cost?

a. using mul6core processor
b. using pipeline techniques
c. increasing RAM only
d. increasing processors

The correct answer is: using pipeline techniques

8-When the computer is booted POST is performed?
a. True
b. false

The correct answer is: True

9-Pipe.lining is a unique feature of _______?


The correct answer is: RISC

10-EEPROM is used to store... in computer?

a. Opera6ng System
b. User Programs
c. boo6ng program
d. all above

The correct answer is: boo6ng program

11-You can update BOIS from?

a. trusted web site
b. your computer web site
c. manufacturer web site
d. all of the above

The correct answer is: manufacturer web site

12-ARM Processors use Hyper Threading?
a. False
b. True

The correct answer is: False

13-Each ............has its one BIOS?

a. Processor
b. Motherboard
c. Manufacture company
d. All the above

The correct answer is: Manufacture company

14-all GPU is a part of ......?

a. all the above
b. display system
c. CPU
d. motherboard

The correct answer is: display system

15-integrated graphics processor .......?

a. separated chip with its own video memory
b. embedded on CPU
c. perform rapid mathema6cal calcula6ons
d. all the above

The correct answer is: embedded on CPU

16-From Intel hardware.based security is...?
a. EDB
b. Hyper Threading
c. Hyper.transfer
d. FSB

The correct answer is: EDB

17-POST is a boo6ng program as BOIS?

a. false
b. True

The correct answer is: false

18-From the hardware security .....?

a. Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
b. passwords

The correct answer is: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

19-Amount of data the CPU can process controlled by?

a. front size bus
b. cash memory
c. Memory size
d. opera6ng system

The correct answer is: front size bus

20-Electrosta6c Discharge is........?
a. build up when work on carpeted floor
b. accrues as volage be more than 30
c. harmful to workbench
d. increase as humidity Level decrease

The correct answer is: increase as humidity Level decrease

1- the process in -------------- After the creation process?
a.Suspended Blocked
e.Suspended Ready

The correct answer is: Ready

2-in----------Various interconnected computers communicate

with each other using a shared communication network?
a.Distributed OS
b.Multiprocessing OS
c.Time-Sharing OS
d.Embedded operating system
e.Real time operating system

The correct answer is: Distributed OS

3-the process in ------------ When a process requests I/O access?

b.Suspended Ready
c.Suspended Blocked

The correct answer is: Blocked

4-What is meant by ready state of a process?
a.when the process is dependent of the execution time of some
other process
b.none of these
c.when the process is scheduled to run after some execution
d.when the process is currently using CPU

The correct answer is: none of these

5-You can update BOIS from?

a.all of the above
b.your computer web site
c.trusted web site
d.manufacturer web site

The correct answer is: manufacturer web site a technique used to make a processor work at a faster

speed than its original specification?
b.superscale pipeline

The correct answer is: overclocking

7-What is the full name of FAT?
a.File attribute table
b.Format allocation table
c.Font attribute table
d.File allocation table

The correct answer is: File allocation table

8-Intel processor use Hyper Transport?


The correct answer is: False

9--------------------- allows your computer to use part of a

permanent storage device (such as a hard disk) as logical
extension of the RAM (extra memory).?
a.Physical Memory
b.Virtual Memory
c.Multiprocessor system
d.Operating system

The correct answer is: Virtual Memory

10-In Batch Processing?

a. None
b. All
c. This type of operating system interact with the computer
d. This type of operating system done not interact with the
computer directly

The correct answer is: This type of operating system done not
interact with the computer directly

11---------------------- are used when there are time requirements

that are very strict like missile systems, air traffic control systems,
a.Distributed OS
b.Time-Sharing OS
c.Real time operating system
d.Embedded operating system
e.Multiprocessing OS

The correct answer is: Real time operating system

12-Which of the following are CPU scheduling algorithms?

a.shortest Job First
b.Priority scaeduling
c.Round Robin

The correct answer is: All

13-enhancing CPU operation by..... without introducing large cost?

a.increasing processors
b.increasing RAM only
c.using multicore processor
d.using pipeline techniques

The correct answer is: using pipeline techniques

14-EEPROM is used to store... in computer?

a.User Programs
b.all above
c.booting program
d.Operating System

The correct answer is: booting program

15-What is the mean of the Booting in the operating system?

a.Install the program
b.Restarting computer
c.To scan
d.To turn off

The correct answer is: Restarting computer

16-Transmission of computerized data from one location to

another is called?
a.Data Flow
b.Data Transfer
c.Data Communication
d.Data Management

The correct answer is: Data Communication

17---------------------------- is a specialized operating system
designed to perform a specific task for a device?
a.Multiprocessing OS
b.Embedded operating system
c.Time-Sharing OS
d.Distributed OS
e.Real time operating system

The correct answer is: Embedded operating system

18-Electrostatic Discharge is........? up when work on carpeted floor
b.increase as humidity Level decrease
c.harmful to workbench
d.accrues as volage be more than 30

The correct answer is: increase as humidity Level decrease

19-Which of the following is not an operating system?


The correct answer is: Oracle

Make up quiz-3

1-Which of the following are CPU scheduling algorithms?

a. Priority scaeduling
b. Round Robin
c. shortest Job First
d. All

The correct answer is: All

2- When a process is in a “Blocked” state wai6ng for some I/O service.

When the service is completed, it goes to the _________?

a. Suspended state
b. Running state
c. Terminated state
d. Ready state

The correct answer is: Ready state

3-the process in --------- When the ready queue becomes full?

a. Suspended Blocked
b. Ready
c. Complete
d. Suspended Ready
e. Blocked

The correct answer is: Suspended Blocked

4-What is meant by ready state of a process?
a. none of these
b. when the process is dependent of the execu6on 6me of some other
c. when the process is currently using CPU
d. when the process is scheduled to run aXer some execu6on

The correct answer is: none of these

5-In Batch Processing?

a. All
b. None
c. This type of opera6ng system does not interact with the computer
d. This type of opera6ng system interact with the computer directly

The correct answer is: This type of opera6ng system does not interact
with the computer directly

6-What is the full name of FAT?

a. File alloca6on table
b. Format alloca6on table
c. Font abribute table
d. File abribute table

The correct answer is: File alloca6on table

7-The opera6ng system maintains a ______ table that keeps track of
how many frames have been allocated, how many are there, and how
many are available?
a. frame
b. memory
c. page
d. mapping

The correct answer is: frame

8- -------------------- allows your computer to use part of a permanent

storage device (such as a hard disk) as logical extension of the RAM
(extra memory).?
a. Physical Memory
b. Virtual Memory
c. Mul6processor system
d. Opera6ng system

The correct answer is: Virtual Memory

9- In Opera6ng Systems, which of the following is/are CPU scheduling

a. All of the men6oned
b. Priority
c. Shortest Job First
d. First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)

The correct answer is: All of the men6oned

10-A mul6processor opera6ng system must take care of-?
a. Data Protec6on
b. Authorized Data Access
c. Unauthorized Data Access And Data Protec6on
d. Authorized Data Access And Data Protec6on

The correct answer is: Unauthorized Data Access And Data Protec6on

11-An interface between the user or an applica6on program, and the

system resources are--?
a. opera6ng system
b. Microcontroller
c. Microprocessor
d. Mul6-Microprocessor

The correct answer is: opera6ng system

12- The por6on of the process scheduler in an opera6ng system that

dispatches processes is concerned with ?
a. assigning running processes to blocked queue
b. all of the men6oned
c. assigning ready processes to wai6ng queue
d. assigning ready processes to CPU

The correct answer is: assigning ready processes to CPU

13- When you upgrade the BIOS, you are ________. ?

a. the CMOS se.ngs
b. Replacing the CMOS chip
c. Flashing the BIOS

The correct answer is: Flashing the BIOS

14-In ----------- Each task is given some 6me to execute so that all the
tasks work smoothly?
a. Mul6programming Opera6ng System
b. Time-Sharing OS
c. Distributed OS
d. Batch Opera6ng System
e. Mul6processing OS

The correct answer is: Time-Sharing OS

15-To access the services of the opera6ng system, the interface is

provided by the ___________?
a. System calls
b. Assembly instruc6ons
c. API
d. Library

The correct answer is: System calls

16-What is the mean of the Boo6ng in the opera6ng system?

a. Install the program
b. To turn off
c. To scan
d. Restar6ng computer

The correct answer is: Restar6ng computer

17-What else is a command interpreter called?
a. command
b. shell
c. prompt
d. kernel

The correct answer is: shell

18-One user at a 6me interac6ng with as program runs is a Batch

a. True
b. False

The correct answer is: False

19-A computer can address more memory than the amount physically
installed on the system. This extra memory is actually called ?
a. Physical Memory
b. Logical Memory
c .Virtual Memory
d. Secondary Memory

The correct answer is: Virtual Memory

20 An opera6ng system provides--?

a. all of the men6oned
b. Memory Management
c. Hardware And SoXware Resource Management
d. Input/Output Management

The correct answer is: all of the men6oned

Make up for M-T
1- Which of the following produces an image that has a resolu6on of
640×480 and 16 colors?
a. Ultra Super VGA
b. EGA
c. Super VGA
d. VGA

The correct answer is: VGA

2-The opera6ng system maintains a ______ table that keeps track of

how many frames have been allocated, how many are there, and how
many are available?
a. frame
b. memory
c. page
d. mapping

The correct answer is: frame

3- Which one of the following can produce the final product of machine
processing in a form usable by humans?

a. Output Device
b. Control
c. Storage
d. Input Device

The correct answer is: Output Device

4- A collec6on of 8 bits is called?
a. Byte
b. Record
c. Nibble
d. Word

The correct answer is: Byte

5- Which of the following is true about primary storage?

a. All Of The Above
b. It Is A Part Of The CPU
c. It Is Rela6vely More Expensive
d. It Allows Very Fast Access To Data

The correct answer is: All Of The Above

6- A computer can address more memory than the amount physically

installed on the system. This extra memory is actually called ?
a. Virtual Memory
b. Logical Memory
c. Physical Memory
d. Secondary Memory

The correct answer is: Virtual Memory

7- ———————————— is a specialized opera6ng system

designed to perform a specific task for a device?
a. Distributed OS
b. Real 6me opera6ng system
c. Mul6processing OS
d. Time-Sharing OS
e. Embedded opera6ng system
The correct answer is: Embedded opera6ng system a technique used to make a processor work at a

faster speed than its original specifica6on?
a. super scale pipeline
b. throbling
c. overclocking
d. mul6threading

The correct answer is: overclocking

9- The size of the monitor is measured in _____________.?

a. Pounds
b. Inches diagonally across the screen
c. Dots going across and dots going down
d. Square inches of the screen

The correct answer is: Inches diagonally across the screen

10-Electrosta6c Discharge is........?

a. harmful to workbench
b. accrues as volage be more than 30
c. increase as humidity Level decrease
d. build up when work on carpeted floor

The correct answer is: increase as humidity Level decrease

11- The CPU consists of?
a. Control Unit, Primary Storage And Secondary Storage
b. Control Unit; Arithme6c Logic Unit And Primary Storage
c. Input, Output And Processing
d. Input, processing and storage

The correct answer is: Control Unit; Arithme6c Logic Unit And Primary

12- Which of the following are CPU scheduling algorithms?

a. Priority scaeduling
b. Round Robin
c. shortest Job First
d. All

The correct answer is: All

13- in----------Various interconnected computers communicate with

each other using a shared communica6on network?
a. Distributed OS
b. Real 6me opera6ng system
c. Mul6processing OS
d. Time-Sharing OS
e. Embedded opera6ng system

The correct answer is: Distributed OS

14- integrated graphics processor .......?

a. separated chip with its own video memory
b. all the above
c. embedded on CPU
d. perform rapid mathema6cal calcula6ons
The correct answer is: embedded on CPU

15- When the computer is booted POST is performed?

a. True
b. false

The correct answer is: True

16-What is meant by ready state of a process?

a. when the process is scheduled to run aXer some execu6on
b. when the process is dependent of the execu6on 6me of some other
c. none of these
d. when the process is currently using CPU

The correct answer is: none of these

17- An interface between the user or an applica6on program, and the

system resources are--?
a. Microprocessor
b. opera6ng system
c. Mul6-Microprocessor
d. Microcontroller

The correct answer is: opera6ng system

18-Which of the following is not an opera6ng system?

a. DOS
b. Windows
c. Oracle
d. Linux
The correct answer is: Oracle

19-In ----------- Each task is given some 6me to execute so that all the
tasks work smoothly?
a. Mul6programming Opera6ng System
b. Batch Opera6ng System
c. Time-Sharing OS
d. Distributed OS
e. Mul6processing OS

The correct answer is: Time-Sharing OS

20- The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following?

a. Logic
b. Input Device
c. Output Device
d. Storage

The correct answer is: Storage

21- Transmission of computerized data from one loca6on to another is

a. Data Management
b. Data Communica6on
c. Data Flow
d. Data Transfer

The correct answer is: Data Communica6on

22- When you purchase a power supply, the output power supply is
measured in which units?
a. Wabs
b. Mbps
c. Hertz
d. Amps
e. Ohms

The correct answer is: Wabs

23-One user at a 6me interac6ng with as program runs is a Batch

a. False
b. True

The correct answer is: False

24-The process of copying data from a memory loca6on is called?

a. Wri6ng
b. Reading
c. Controlling
d. Boo6ng

The correct answer is: Reading

25- General purpose computers are those that can be adopted to

countless uses simply by changing its?
a. Program
b. Input Device
c. Processor
d. Output Device
The correct answer is: Program

26-The process of data into a storage loca6on is called?

a. Hand Shaking
b. Controlling
c. Wri6ng
d. Reading

The correct answer is: Wri6ng

27- When you upgrade the BIOS, you are ________. ?

a. the CMOS se.ngs
b. Replacing the CMOS chip
c. Flashing the BIOS

The correct answer is: Flashing the BIOS

28- all GPU is a part of ......?

a. CPU
b. all the above
c. motherboard
d. display system

The correct answer is: display system

29- A typical modern computer uses?

a. Magne6c Tape For Primary Memory
b. More Than 10,000 vacuum tubes
c. Lsi Chips
d. Magne6c Cores For Secondary Storage

The correct answer is: Lsi Chips

30- A mul6processor opera6ng system must take care of-?
a. Authorized Data Access And Data Protec6on
b. Data Protec6on
c. Unauthorized Data Access And Data Protec6on
d. Authorized Data Access

The correct answer is: Unauthorized Data Access And Data Protec6on

31- --------------------- are used when there are 6me requirements that
are very strict like missile systems, air traffic control systems, robots?

a. Embedded opera6ng system

b. Distributed OS
c. Time-Sharing OS
d. Real 6me opera6ng system
e. Mul6processing OS

The correct answer is: Real 6me opera6ng system

32- What is the mean of the Boo6ng in the opera6ng system?

a. Install the program
b. To turn off
c. Restar6ng computer
d. To scan

The correct answer is: Restar6ng computer

33- A list of instruc6ons used by a computer is called?
a. Program
b. CPU
c. Text
d. Output

The correct answer is: Program

34- Opera6ng system func6ons may include?

a. Virtual Storage
b. Input/Output Control
c. Mul6programming
d. All Of The Above

The correct answer is: All Of The Above

35-In Batch Processing?

a. This type of opera6ng system does not interact with the computer
b. None
c. All
d. This type of opera6ng system interact with the computer directly

The correct answer is: This type of opera6ng system does not interact
with the computer directly

36- enhancing CPU opera6on by..... without introducing large cost?

a. increasing RAM only
b. using pipeline techniques
c. increasing processors
d. using mul6core processor
The correct answer is: using pipeline techniques

37- You can update BOIS from?

a. manufacturer web site
b. your computer web site
c. all of the above
d. trusted web site

The correct answer is: manufacturer web site

38- What is the full name of FAT?

a. File alloca6on table
b. File abribute table
c. Font abribute table
d. Format alloca6on table

The correct answer is: File alloca6on table

39- POST is a boo6ng program as BOIS?

a. True
b. false

The correct answer is: false

40- To access the services of the opera6ng system, the interface is

provided by the ___________?
a. Library
b. System calls
c. Assembly instruc6ons
d. API

The correct answer is: System calls

41- Amount of data the CPU can process controlled by?
a. Memory size
b. opera6ng system
c. cash memory
d. front size bus

The correct answer is: front size bus

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