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● Which parasites are in the class * Trematoda* > flatworms> flukes

○ Schistosoma species
■ Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosoma haematobium
○ Fasciola hepatica * liver fluke*
○ Clonorchis sinensis * chinese liver fluke*
○ Paragonimus species
● Which parasites are in the class Cestoda ?
○ Taneia solium * pork tapeworm*
○ Taneia saginata * beef tapeworm*
○ Diphullobothriuym latum
○ Hymenolepis nana
● Know which parasites are associated w/ snail/copepod/crustacean/freshwater fish/ Know
which life cycle stage is found in the intermediate host and know the areas of the world
where the parasite is found
○ Snail:
■ Parasite: Schistosoma species (e.g., Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum)
■ Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Miracidia (larval stage)
■ Areas Found: Schistosomiasis is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa,
Asia, and South America where freshwater snails, the intermediate hosts for
Schistosoma species, are abundant.
○ Copepod:
■ Parasite: Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm)
■ Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Procercoid (larval stage)
■ Areas Found: Diphyllobothriasis, caused by Diphyllobothrium latum, is found in
regions with freshwater bodies, such as the Great Lakes in North America, northern
Europe, and parts of Asia.
○ Crustacean (e.g., Crayfish):
● Parasite: Paragonimus species (lung flukes)

● Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Metacercaria (encysted larval stage)

● Areas Found: Paragonimiasis is prevalent in Asia, Africa, and South America, where
Paragonimus species infect crustaceans such as crayfish and crabs, which are
commonly consumed as food.
○ Freshwater Fish:
■ Parasite: Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid tapeworm)
■ Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Hydatid cyst (larval stage)
■ Areas Found: Echinococcosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus is found worldwide,
particularly in regions where sheep farming is common, such as parts of South
America, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, and Australia. Intermediate hosts include
various species of freshwater fish.
○ What are the main features of Cestodes * tapeworms*?
■ Long ribbon like bodies composed of proglottids
■ Absorb nutrients through their body surface
■ Have a scolex and hooks for attachment
■ Hermaphroditic
■ have indirect life cycles, involving intermediate hosts (such as animals or
insects) where larvae develop into cysticerci before infecting the final host
(usually vertebrates).
○ What are the main features of Trematodes/flukes?
■ Leaf like bodies
■ Flattened NOT rounded
■ Gut present
■ Internal parasite
■ Snail used as intermediate host
○ What is the generalized life cycle of a Trematode/fluke?
■ Eggs in feces
■ Hatch as miracidia in water
■ Attach to first host
■ Leave first host as cercaria
■ Encyst on 2nd host as metacercaria
■ Ingested by human host
○ What are the main features on the platyhelminthes class cestoda?
■ Elongated body * stobila* w/ series of reproductive units * proglottids*
■ No GI tract
○ What are the 2 groups that divide the subclass Digenea * blood flukes*
■ Schistosomes and non schistosomes
○ What is the difference between schistosomes & non schistosomes?
■ Schistosomes don't have a 2nd intermediate host & separate sexes
■ Non schistosomes are more complex and are hermaphroditic
○ What form of schistosoma infects humans?
■ Cercariae
○ What form of schistosomes infects snails?
■ Miracidia
○ What are the 3 schistosoma spp of medical importance?
■ S. haematobium
● Bladder
■ S. mansoni
● Large intestine
■ S. japonicum
● Small intestine
○ which life cycle stage is found in the intermediate host and know the areas of the
world where the parasite is found for platyhelminthes
■ Schistosoma species:
● Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Miracidium (larval stage) and
sporocyst (in some species).
● Areas Found: Schistosoma species are found in tropical and
subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and South America, where
freshwater snails, the intermediate hosts for these parasites, are
■ Fasciola hepatica:
● Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Metacercaria (encysted larval
● Areas Found: Fasciola hepatica is found worldwide, particularly in
regions with temperate climates. Intermediate hosts include various
species of freshwater snails.
■ Echinococcus granulosus:
● Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Hydatid cyst (larval stage).
● Areas Found: Echinococcus granulosus is found worldwide, with a
particularly high prevalence in regions where sheep farming is
common, such as parts of South America, Central Asia, the
Mediterranean, and Australia. Intermediate hosts include various
species of livestock, including sheep and cattle.
■ Diphyllobothrium latum:
● Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Procercoid (larval stage).
● Areas Found: Diphyllobothrium latum is found in regions with
freshwater bodies, such as the Great Lakes in North America,
northern Europe, and parts of Asia. Intermediate hosts include
copepods (small crustaceans) and fish.
○ What are the characteristics of the Cestodes * tapeworm* suckers?
■ have suckers known as acetabula or bothria on their scolex (head region).
These structures help the tapeworm attach to the intestinal wall of the host.
■ Tapeworms may also have hooks or spines in addition to suckers, especially
in certain species such as Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) and Taenia
saginata (beef tapeworm).
○ What are the characteristics of the Trematodes * flukes* suckers?
■ often have prominent suckers on their anterior end, known as oral and
ventral suckers. These suckers help the flukes attach to the tissues of the
■ Some trematodes, particularly those in the subclass Digenea, also have
other structures such as spines or hooks that aid in attachment and
anchorage within the host.
○ Know which flatworm releases egg PACKETS in feces.
■ Diphyllobothrium latum ( broad fish tapeworm)
■ Or dipylidium caninum
○ Know which two flukes ova may be considered identical from the lab standpoint
■ Fasciola heptica & Fasciolopsis buski
■ * they are similar in appearance & can be difficult to differentiate based
solely on microscopic examination. Both flukes produce eggs that are
operculated, ovid in shape and have similar range size 130-150 micrometers
in length. Molecular methods and patient history is helpful to distinguish
○ Know which ova that is described as a teapot shape with prominent operculum
shoulders and comma shaped abopercular knob
■ Fasciola hepatica ( liver fluke)
○ Know in most fluke life cycle the stages found in the snail.
■ For most flukes life cycles the stages found in the snail are the sporocysts &
■ After the eggs of the fluke are released in the environment they hatch into
miracidia ( free swimming larvae )
○ Know which fluke may have sputum as the major specimen choice.
■ Paragoniumus spp
● Paragoniumus westermani > causes paragonimiasis
○ Know the fluke whose infective form is the metacercaria stage found in freshwater
■ Clonorchis sinensis ( Chinese liver fluke/ oriental liver fluke)
○ Know the two flukes that have the liver as the site for the adult stage
■ Fasciola hepatica( liver fluke) & Clonorchis sinensis ( chinese liver fluke)
○ Know the name given to the cercariae of certain non-human schistosomes that are
the agents of striking popular eruptions of the skin in man.
■ Swimmers itch cercariae
● * cercarial dermatitis or avian schistosome dermatitis
○ Know the characteristic shapes of Schistosoma hemotobium, mansoni, and
■ Schistosoma hematobium:
● The eggs of Schistosoma hematobium are characterized by a
distinct terminal spine at one end.
● They are generally ovoid or elongated in shape.
● The terminal spine is located at the posterior end of the egg and is a
key diagnostic feature for identifying Schistosoma hematobium
■ Schistosoma mansoni:
● The eggs of Schistosoma mansoni are characterized by a lateral
spine or lateral knob on one side.
● They have a more elongated shape compared to the eggs of
Schistosoma hematobium.
● The lateral spine or knob is located near the anterior end of the egg,
distinguishing it from the eggs of other Schistosoma species.
■ Shistosoma japonicum:
● The eggs of Schistosoma japonicum are characterized by a small
lateral spine or lateral knob.
● They are more round or ovoid in shape compared to the eggs of
Schistosoma mansoni.
● Similar to Schistosoma mansoni, the lateral spine or knob is located
near the anterior end of the egg.
○ Know the fluke whose infective stage (metacercaria) is found on water chestnuts or
aquatic vegetation.
■ Fascilolpaoa buaki ( giant intestinal fluke)
○ Know which fluke has two intermediate hosts, the snail and the freshwater fish
■ Clonorchis sinesnsis ( chinese liver fluke/ oriental liver fluke)
○ Know the fluke that lives in the lungs. Know the intermediate host required for the
miracidium to grow to an adult.
■ Paragonimus spp ( lung fluke)
■ Fresh water snail
○ Know which schistosome can be found in urine
■ Schistosoma haematobium > causes urinary scjostosomiasis
○ A patient from the Great Lakes area has vague abdominal symptoms and
macrocytic anemia, what could be a probable cause.
■ Diphyllobothrium latum ( broad fish tapeworm)
■ * causes microcytic anemia due to B12 def*
○ A scolex is recovered in feces after treatment. The scolex bears 4 cup shaped
suckers without hooklets.
■ Diphyllobothrium latum ( broad fish tapeworm)
○ If you decided to become a hermit in the Great Lakes are and become a
sheepherder with your sheepdog, which flatworms could you most likely contract.
■ Diphyllobothrium latum
■ Fasciolopsis buski
■ Fasciola hepatica
■ Paragonimus kellicotti
■ Echinococcus spp
○ The muscular ventral sucker is called what?
■ Acetabulum or ventral sucker
● * uses this structure to attach its self to the host tissues to feed and
obtain nutrients
○ Know the swimming stage name
■ Cercaria
● * the larval form of flukes that are released from the intermediate
host ( a snail) into the water where the swum in search of a definitive
○ Know the encysted stage name
■ Metacercariae
● *encysted larval form of flukes that develop from cercariae
○ Growth of cells around a foreign body is called a?
■ Granuloma or granulomatous inflammation
○ Having both sets of reproductive organs is called?
■ Hermaphroditism
○ Know the definition of rostellum, hydatid cyst, operculum, gravid, proglottid
■ Rostellum:
● The rostellum is a structure found in the scolex (head) of certain
tapeworms. It is armed with hooks or spines and is used by the
tapeworm to attach itself to the intestinal wall of the host.
■ Hydatid cyst:
● A hydatid cyst is a fluid-filled cyst formed by the larvae (metacestode
stage) of Echinococcus granulosus, a tapeworm parasite. These
cysts typically develop in the liver and lungs of intermediate hosts,
such as sheep, cattle, or humans, and can cause significant health
problems if they rupture.
■ Operculum:
● An operculum is a lid or covering structure found in the eggs of
certain parasites, such as trematodes (flukes). It is often involved in
the release of the larval stage from the egg.
■ Gravid:
● Gravid refers to a condition in which a female parasite, typically a
worm or helminth, is filled with eggs or larvae. It indicates that the
parasite is pregnant or carrying eggs and is often used to describe
the mature, egg-producing stage of the parasite's life cycle.
■ Proglottid:
● A proglottid is a segment of a tapeworm's body. Tapeworms are
made up of a series of proglottids, each containing reproductive
organs. As tapeworms grow, new proglottids are continuously added
at the neck region, and older ones are pushed toward the end of the
body. When mature, proglottids are shed from the end of the
tapeworm's body and released into the host's feces.
○ Know the scientific name for beef tapeworm, pork tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm, fish
tapeworm, hydatid cyst
■ Beef tapeworm:
● Taenia saginata.
■ Pork tapeworm:
● Taenia solium.
■ Dwarf tapeworm:
● Hymenolepis nana.
■ Fish tapeworm:
● Diphyllobothrium latum.
■ Hydatid cyst:
● The hydatid cyst is caused by the larval stage (metacestode) of the
tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus.
○ Match the intermediate host with the scientific name, cattle, snail, man, flea,
copepod, crayfish. Possible choices are: D. caninum, P. westermanii, T. saginata, D.
latum, F. hepatica, E. granulosus.
■ Cattle
● T. saginata (beef tapeworm)
■ Snail
● F. hepatica (liver fluke)
■ Man
● E. granulosus (hydatid tapeworm)
■ Flea
● D. caninum (dog tapeworm)
■ Copepod
● D. latum (fish tapeworm)
■ Crayfish
● P. westermanii (lung fluke)
○ Know which Taenia has a racemose cyst
■ Taenia solium ( pork tapeworm)
● * racemose cyst is also called
○ Multiocelular cyst or alveolar cyst
○ Snail:
■ Parasite: Schistosoma species (e.g., Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma
■ Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Miracidia (larval stage)
■ Areas Found: Schistosomiasis is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions
of Africa, Asia, and South America where freshwater snails, the intermediate
hosts for Schistosoma species, are abundant.
○ Copepod:
■ Parasite: Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm)
■ Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Procercoid (larval stage)
■ Areas Found: Diphyllobothriasis, caused by Diphyllobothrium latum, is found
in regions with freshwater bodies, such as the Great Lakes in North America,
northern Europe, and parts of Asia.
○ Crustacean (e.g., Crayfish):
■ Parasite: Paragonimus species (lung flukes)
■ Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Metacercaria (encysted larval stage)
■ Areas Found: Paragonimiasis is prevalent in Asia, Africa, and South America,
where Paragonimus species infect crustaceans such as crayfish and crabs,
which are commonly consumed as food.
○ Freshwater Fish:
■ Parasite: Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid tapeworm)
■ Life Cycle Stage in Intermediate Host: Hydatid cyst (larval stage)
■ Areas Found: Echinococcosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus is found
worldwide, particularly in regions where sheep farming is common, such as
parts of South America, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, and Australia.
Intermediate hosts include various species of freshwater fish.
○ Which is known as the hydatid tapeworm?
■ Echinococcus granulosus

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