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Activity 2: Getting to know the Speaking test

• to familiarise learners with the format of the Speaking test
• to build learners’ confidence about the Speaking test

All levels

Find a video of a Speaking test for your exam using the links below:
Pre A1 Starters
A1 Movers
A2 Flyers
Watch the video you will be using before you use it in class and write down some questions you can ask
your learners to listen for.

Step 1: Before you watch

First, you could show an image from the video like the one below from Pre A1 Starters to focus
learners’ attention.

Find out what learners already know and encourage them to predict what will happen in the video. Ask
questions like:
How many children can you see in the Speaking test? How many examiners?
Do you think the examiner is friendly?
What can you talk about in English? (Prompt learners if they can’t think with, Do you think the examiner
will ask about you and your family?)

Copyright ©UCLES 2021 | CER/6709/V1/APR21

Activity 2: Getting to know the Speaking test
Step 2: While you watch
Pause the video and ask questions to keep the learners involved as you watch. For example, after the
introduction pause the video and refer back to Step 1. Tell learners the examiner always asks, What’s your
name? first. The examiner is trained to be friendly and make the learner feel comfortable.
When the pictures are shown on the screen pause the video again.
Give the learners a few minutes to make a list of all the things they can see in the picture in their notebooks.
Tell learners to tick the things from their list the examiner asks about as they watch the next part of
the video.
Before the next section, ask the learners to listen and write down facts about the child in the video. For
example, their age, likes or dislikes.

Step 3: After you watch

Find out the learners’ reactions to the video by asking questions like:
• Would you like to be friends with the girl/boy in the video? (Why?/Why not?)
• Which parts of the test did you think would be easy/difficult for you?

Step 4: Practice
Prepare a selection of questions that the examiner asks in the video for your learners to ask each
other. Learners then work in pairs to role play examiner and student and practise asking and answering
the questions.
This provides a good opportunity to remind learners about tips for the exam such as saying ‘Hello’ to the
examiner, answers to the ‘Tell me about …’ question and so on. You can find more information in the
Handbook for teachers.

Copyright ©UCLES 2021 | CER/6709/V1/APR21

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