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Worksheet 1: There is, There are, It is

Merino Marin Carlos Alberto 27-05-2024

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

Instructions: Look at each diagram and description. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of "there
is," "there are," or "it is." Pay attention to subject-verb agreement and use the correct tense.

Diagram 1: Electrical Circuit

Description: In the electrical circuit, you can see various components.

There Is
In the diagram, ___________ a resistor, a battery, a switch, and a conductor.

Diagram 2: Mechanical Gear System

Description: This mechanical gear system is used to transmit power in this chassis.
___________ two shafts in this mechanical gear system.

Source: own elaboration

Worksheet 1: There is, There are, It is

Diagram 3: Hydraulic System

Description: This hydraulic system is responsible for controlling the movement of the robotic
There is
In this diagram, ___________ a hydraulic actuator, a controller, and a hydraulic valve.

Diagram 4: Thermal Heat Exchanger

Description: The thermal heat exchanger is used to transfer heat between two fluids.
There is
___________ a borehole thermal, ventilation central, and it produces a heating loop.

Source: own elaboration

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