Composition Questions - 035441

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1.Write a composition about a birthday party you attended. Your composition Should be
between 80-120 words in length. Use the following points and any other you may think of
to write your composition:
 -Whose birthday party was it
 -the venue and date
 -the food
 -music and presents
 -people at the birthday party
2.Write a letter to a book company requesting for reading books for your library.Your letter
should be between 80-120 words in length.Use all the following points and any you may
think of to write your letter:
 -What kind of books
 -for which grades
 -why you need books

3. Write about ‘The worst day of my life’

 -when it was ?
 where it happened?
 -who was there?
 -what made it the worst day?
 -did you survive this day?
 how did it end?

4. Write a letter to your brother who works in South Africa telling him about your mother
who is ill in hospital

 how she got sick?

 when was she admitted?
 which hospital she is admitted at?
 what the doctors say?
 -how she is taking it?
 -what help you want from your brother?
 -how you are coping with everything

5.Write a composition about the day you will never forget. Your composition should be
between 80 – 120 words in length. Use all the following points and any other you may think
of to write your composition
 - time and date
 - where and why you say it’s unforgettable
 - how it occurred
 - what makes it unforgettable.
6.Write a letter to a relative of your choice informing him/her about the journey you went to
any place of interest around Zimbabwe. You need to point out on
 - the date you went
 - what you used as transport
 - whom you went with
 - what you saw and enjoyed
 - what happened
 - when you returned

7 You are one of the underprivileged children in your school and you happen to see a
government scholarship advertised in a Sunday Mail Newspaper. Write an application for the
scholarship in response to the advertisement. Use the following points and any other that you
may think of to write your letter.

 Your details, name, address, school

 Your performance at school and grade level
 Your family/ parents status
 Why you feel you qualify for the scholarship
 What you promise your country if you get the scholarship

8.Write a composition on the problems being faced in your area by the community. Include
the following points and any other that you may think of to write your composition.

 Name of your area

 Where it is found
 Problems being faced
 How these problems have affected the community
 What is being done to solve these problems
 Any assistance you need to solve these problems

9.Your cousin Gideon is 15. You know that he has recently started smoking. Write him a
letter trying to persuade him to stop. The body of your letter should be between 80 to 120
words in length. Use the following points and any other you may think of to write your letter.

 How you found out

 Danger to health
 Wastage of money
 Relationship with family, friends and others
 How to advise him

10.Write a composition about a journey you had. Your composition should be between 80 to
120 words in length. Use the following points and any other you may think of to write your

 Means of transport
 Where you were coming from (directions)
 Where you were going (directions)
 What you saw along the way
11. Write an essay entitled “My first journey by an aeroplane.” Your composition should be
between 80 – 120 words in length. Use the following points and any of your making
 Date / date / time
 Where you were going
 What excited/ bored you
 How you arrived where you were you going

12. Write a letter to the manager of a supermarket applying for work as a General hand during the
school holiday. The board of your letter should be 80 – 120 words in length. Use the following points
and any you may think of
 The type of a job you want
 The time you expect to work
 Why you need to work
 Your experiences

13 Write a letter to a doctor of the Ministry Of Health and Child Welfare asking him to send a team of
health officers to educate your community on typhoid. The body of your letter should be between 80 –
120 words in length. Use all the following points and any other that you may think of to write your

 Too much dirt in the community

 Open vegetable markets.
 Send team of health officers.
 Send a doctor to treat typhoid.
14. You want to start a poultry project. Write a letter to the school authorities on what you
would do to start the project. Your letter should be between 80 – 120 words. Use all the
following points and any other that you may think of to write your letter.

 Reasons for starting the project.

 Suitable place for the project.
 Materials needed.
 How to raise money for the project.
 The animals intended to be kept.
15. Write a composition about the day you were caught in a rain storm. Your composition
should be between 80 – 120 words in length. Use the following points and any other you may
think of to write your composition.

 time and place

 those who were with you
 what you were doing
 people who helped you
16. Write a letter to your local health personnel informing them about a disease outbreak in
your area.The body of your letter should be between 80 and 120 words in length. Use the
following points and any other you may think of to write the letter.

 type of disease
 how it started
 how and when the disease was noticed
 what is being done presently
 the kind of help needed
17.Write a composition about “The happiest day of my life”.

 When was it?

 Where it happened?
 Who was there?
 What made it the happiest day?
 How did it end?
1 8. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to a prize giving ceremony at your
school. The body of your letter should be between 80 – 120 words. Include the
following points and any other you may think of:-
 When the ceremony will be held?
 Where it will be held?
 Guest of honour
 Prizes you will be receiving
19.Write a narrative composition about a visit to a National Park. Your composition should
be between (80-120) words. Use the following guide lines to help you.
 When the visit took place
 Transport used
 Number of pupils and teachers
 Name of the national park
 Things and animals of interest you saw

20. Write a letter to a relative thanking him / her about something he /she did for you.
Your letter should be between (80-120) words.

 When did he /she do it?

 What was done for you?
 Why did he /she do it?
 How did you feel?
1. The cat was _________by the car. ( run on, smashed, chased away, run over)
2. The sun will always _________ in the west. (set, sets, setting, seating)
3. The teacher enjoys his job _______ he? (does, does not, did, did not)
4. There are many houses ________ these days. (to let, too late, to late, for late)
5. For the rest of the journey they traveled _______ foot. (by, on, with, from)
6. The visitors had traveled to Zimbabwe ______air (by, on, with, from)
7. The thatched hut was _____ fire (in, at, for, on)
8. To look for the date, Peter went to the _____. (timetable, calendar, bar graph, library)
9. The boarding school provides the children _____ food. (some, with, for, and)
10. The teacher stopped the boys _______ fighting. (at, with, by, from)
11. The books belong to them, they are therefore _______. (theirs, their, them, there)
12. All the pupils will run the race ________ they are not feeling well. (until, till, unless, so)
13. This is the place ______ the thieves hid the money. ( who, where, when, why)
14. Shupikai was ______ her new mountain bike. (riding, ride, ridden, rides)
15. He came _______ in the 100 metre race. (one, number, first, to)
16. She put ________ sugar in the basin. (a, some, an, and)
17. He ________ when he said that he was not feeling well. (laid, lie, lay, lied)
18. The food belongs to and me so it is ______. (yours, mine, ours, theirs)
19. It took them minutes to ascend the _______. (heel, hell, hill, heal)
20. ________ and ______ must go to see him at the hospital (you and I; I and you; me and
you; you and me
Which word is correctly spelt?
21. (tempreture, temperature, tempereture, tampereture)
22. (continuously, continously, contenuosly, continosly)
23. The confusing word was _______ (puzzled, puzzling, puzzle, puzzleng)
24. Your brother’s wife is your ________ (sister in law, brother in law, daughter in law,
father in law)

25. The cat was _________by the car. ( run on, smashed, chased away, run over)
26. The sun will always _________ in the west. (set, sets, setting, seating)
27. The teacher enjoys his job _______ he? (does, does not, did, did not)
28. There are many houses ________ these days. (to let, too late, to late, for late)
29. For the rest of the journey they traveled _______ foot. (by, on, with, from)
30. The visitors had traveled to Zimbabwe ______air (by, on, with, from)
31. The thatched hut was _____ fire (in, at, for, on)
32. To look for the date, Peter went to the _____. (timetable, calendar, bar graph, library)
33. The boarding school provides the children _____ food. (some, with, for, and)
34. The teacher stopped the boys _______ fighting. (at, with, by, from)
35. The books belong to them, they are therefore _______. (theirs, their, them, there)
36. All the pupils will run the race ________ they are not feeling well. (until, till, unless, so)
37. This is the place ______ the thieves hid the money. ( who, where, when, why)
38. Shupikai was ______ her new mountain bike. (riding, ride, ridden, rides)
39. He came _______ in the 100 metre race. (one, number, first, to)
40. She put ________ sugar in the basin. (a, some, an, and)
41. He ________ when he said that he was not feeling well. (laid, lie, lay, lied)
42. The food belongs to and me so it is ______. (yours, mine, ours, theirs)
43. It took them minutes to ascend the _______. (heel, hell, hill, heal)
44. ________ and ______ must go to see him at the hospital (you and I; I and you; me and
you; you and me
45. Which word is correctly spelt?
46. (tempreture, temperature, tempereture, tampereture)
47. (continuously, continously, contenuosly, continosly)
48. The confusing word was _______ (puzzled, puzzling, puzzle, puzzleng)
49. Your brother’s wife is your ________ (sister in law, brother in law, daughter in law,
father in law)
50. What you cannot hear clearly is ________ (audible, inaudible, laudible, loud)
51. Your uncle’s son is your _______ (cousin, brother, nephew, niece)
52. The house was ___________ decorated by the painter ( beautifully, beautiful, beauty,
53. The soldiers were surrounded _________ the enemy (for, with, by, in)
54. Another word which has the same meaning with “buy” is _______ (sell, profit, loss,
55. Will you ________ me your pencil, mine is broken (borrow, lend, borrowed, lent)
56. Dylan was exactly on time. He was __________ (prompt, sudden, punctual, ready)
57. The old woman was hard of hearing. Hard of hearing means _____ (deaf, dumb, mute,
58. The lady _______ dress was stolen is Mrs. Ngoni (who, whom, whose, which)
59. The cow _______ gave us a lot of milk has gone missing (what, who, whom, which)
60. Please share the sweets equally _______ these two children (between, among, with, from)
61. Tatenda has been absent from school _________ Monday (since, through, buy, before)
62. Ryan arrived before the afternoon lessons had ________ (begun, begin, begging, began)
63. The dictionary belongs to Edward. Please give it to _____ (him, he, himself, them)
64. While Chipo had one loaf. Spiwe had three ____ (loafs, loaf, loafes, loaves)
65. The exhibits at the show were beautiful, ________they? (wasn’t, weren’t, will not, aren’t)
66. A word which means the same with “depart” is _______ (wait, arrive, leave, reach)
67. Many people passing by are called ______ (passer-bys, passers-by, by-pass, pass-by)
68. Mr. Tafaranei’s wife was dead. He was therefore a _______ (widower, spinster,
barchelor, widow)
69. Tindo was asked to carry the _______ of the two tins (heavy, heavier, heaviest, more
70. The girls ________ the most beautiful flowers in the garden last week (choose, choosing,
chose, have chosen)
71. The prisoner was __________ by the policemen when he tried to escape (beat, beaten,
bitten, bit)
72. It ____________ rain after sunset, will it? (won’t, weren’t, wouldn’t, wasn’t)
73. Thabani will not play _________ he has a swollen ankle (but, so, because, although)
74. Grandmother told us a very interesting __________ about hare (tale, tail, tell, trail)
75. Thandiwe and Themba were not happy with __________ results (there, their,they, that)
76. This book was ___________ by a well known author (written, writing, wrote, write)
77. She ________ to the mother of the lost child last Friday (speak, speaking, spoke, speech)
78. The man ________ know the answer to the question last week (doesn’t , didn’t , don’t ,
Words that do not sound the same
79. Laugh _______ (dough, half, tough, rough)
80. Shave ________ (rave, grave, valve, cave)
81. The soldier committed suicide by shooting ________ with a gun (him, himself, he, self)
82. The thief picked ______ the maize cob and fled from the market (up, on, at, for)
83. The young man has been in hospital ___________? (is he, was he, hasn’t he, wasn’t he)
84. Maria is not yet fifteen __________? (isn’t she, aren’t she, is she, was she)
85. The boy will not attend classes _______ he pays school fees (although, since, until, if)
86. Sarah accidentally ________ grandmother’s pot last Sunday (break, breaks, broken,
87. Tatenda’s _______ is smaller than Tichaona’s (west, waste, worst, waist)
88. Of the two girls, Tsitsi is the _________ (cleverer, cleverest, clever, most clever)
89. The morning train _______ before 6am yesterday (leave, leaving, will leave, left)
90. Mr. Moyo’s blue car is not for __________ (sale, sell, selling, sold)
91. The _________ beautiful girl won the first prize (most, more, much, many)
92. Shorai will __________ the new car to Mount Pleasant (drives, drive, driven, drove)
93. Not one of them ____________ his best at school last year (did, done, will do, has don)
94. Baboons and humans never see eye to eye means __________ (they hate each other, love
one another, look alike)
95. Mother baboon was satisfied _________ the result (for, in, with, by)
96. The boon succeeded _______ crushing the mirror (on, with, in, at)
97. The cattle _______ taken to the dip tank (was, were, is, be)
98. The blue jar has __________ water than the red one (more, much, most, many)
99. A horse is __________ than a donkey (powerful, more powerful, most powerful, almost
100. Have you ________ from your brother lately (heard, herd, hard, head)
101. The boys have _______ all the cattle to the dip tank (bring, brought, bringing, brings)
102. Mr. Muza _____ Grade 7 for three years (teaches, teaching, taught, teach)
103. Which opposite oppose the meaning to “expensive”? (Dear, purchase, funds, cheap?
104. Which word is similar in meaning to the word “alter”? (change, fix, repair, mend)
105. Mother ___________ the tomatoes next month (sell, sells, sold, will sell)
106. I saw him _____ an exercise book at the bookshop (buying, bought, will buy, was
107. When he arrived at the bus stop the bus _________ (had left, left, have left, leaving)
108. Chipo managed to win the race ________ she was injured (since, though, until, so)
109. Show me the boy ___________ satchel was stolen, (whom which, who, whose)
110. When I arrived, father _________ the hedge (was cutting, is cutting, were cutting,
111. The prisoner was _______ $200 by the magistrate (find, finding, fined, found
Sarudza musoro mumwe chete pane inotevera. Zvino chinyora muchishona chakanaka
rondedzero kana hurukuro ine mazwi asingadariki zana nemakumi maviri. Kana
wasarudza tsamba mutumbi wayo unofanira kuva nemazwi asingadariki zana
nemakumi maviri.
1. Rondedzero zuva rawakafadza kana kutsamwisa vabereki vako.
2. Nyora tsamba kuvabereki vako uchikumbira mari yechikoro.
3. Nyora rondedzero pamusoro pechikafu chaunofarira.
4. Nyora rondedzero pamusoro pemuchato wakakufadza.
5. Nyora hurukuro pakati pemudzidzi nemurairidzi pamusoro pokushungurudzwa
kunoitwa mudzidzi Nevanogara navo.

Verenga zvinotevera ugopindura mibvunzo inotevera.

Vakuru vakati, “Rinonyenga rinohwarara rinozosimudza musoro rawana” zvimwe chete kana
uchitsvaga pekuroja.Unofanira kutaura zvakanaka uchiremekedza muridzi wemba. Izvi
hazvirevi kuti unobva wazvininipisa kunge muranda aiwa.Nguva youranda yakapfuura
nokupfidziswa kwakaitwa bhunu navanamukoma.
Uyezve hazvirevi kuti uyo ane imba yacho anofanira kuzvitutumadza kunge ndiye ega
panyika. Hatidaro inga wani vakuru vanoti, “Gudo guru peta muswe vadiki vagokutya”.

1. Tsumo yokuti “rinonyenga rinohwarara rinozosimudza musoro rawana” inorevei ?

2. Kana munhu achiroja anenge achiita sei ?
3. Kana uchitsvaga pekugara unofanira kuita sei ?
4. Izwi rinopesana namuranda ndi----------------------------.
5. Nguva youranda inonzi yakapfuura inguva yeu---------------------.
6. Muridzi wemba unofanira kuzvitutumadza here ?
7. Munyaya yawaverenga gudo guru ririkutaurwa ndiani ?
8. Mabhunu akabviswa sei navakomana ?
9. Kana kuchinzi munhu anozvitutumadza kunge ndiye ega panyika zvinoreva chii ?
10. Maroja anowanzowanikwa kupi ?
Chikamu chekutanga

1. Nyorarondedzerouchitsananguranezverwendorwawaka-fambanebhazi.
2. Nyoranhauriranopamusoropevanhuvaviri, mumweachibvunzanzira.
3. Nyoratsambakuvaberekivakouchivatauriranezvebasarauchadakuzoita kana
4. Nyaradetembopamusoropemiti.
5. Nyorarondedzerouchitsanangurakukoshakwavadzidzisimukudzidzakwako.
6. Nyora detembo pamusoro pebarika
7. Nyora pamusoro pezuva rawakaenda kunorinda makudo
8. Rondedzero mavakirwo akaitwa chikoro chenyu apo chakapaziwa nemvura
9. Nyora tsamba kushamwari uchiikoka kubhavhadhe rako richaitwa
10. Nyora hurukuro pamusoro pemukuru wechikoro ari kutaura nemubereki pamusoro
pemwana wake asiri kuita basa rechikoro

Chikamu Chechipiri



Rimwe gore mudunhu reMushawasha mvura yakaramba kunaya. Gore iroro vanhu Havana
kurima kana kudyara mbeu. Zvipfuwo nemhuka dezemusango zvakapera kufa. Makomo
aikanda mweya yehwai, mbudzi neyetsindi dzaora dzaifa nenzara. Gore rainge rapera
zvekuti kana madhongi akafa.Sachigaro wedunhu iri, vaMatapura vakashevedza vanhu
pataundishipi yepaMashate kuti vaise musoro pamwe chete. Vakuru vedu vanoti kutsva
kwendebvu varume vanodzimurana. Naizvozvo ngationei zvatingaite nedambudziko iri
ratiwira,” akadaro sachigaro.Mushure mekubvunzana nekuongorora, musangano
wakawirirana kuti vanhu vachere matsime avo asiwo vagozotsvaga rubatsiro kuhurumende.
Uyewo vakabvumirana kubika hwahwa hwemukwerera. Zvese izvi zvakaitwa sekuronga
kwevanhu. Hurumende yakabatsira nekuchera mamwe matsime.

Pindura mibvunzo inotevera zvizere

1. Nzara yakaitika mudunhu ripi? [1]

2. Chii chakafira mumakomo? [1]
3. Chipfuyo chipi chisingawanzofa kana kwaita nzara? [1]
4. Sachigaro wedunhu aiva ani? [1]
5. Musangano wakaitirwa pai? [1]
6. Chii chinoratidza kuti Sachigaro akanga ataura zvinhu zvaidiwa nevanhu? [1]
7. Doro raizobikwa raiva rei? [1]
8. Vanhu vakaronga kuwana mvura sei pamusangano? [1]
Chii chakaitwa nehurumende?
CHIKAMU CHEKUTANGA: Rondedzero (Mamakisi 20)

Sarudza Musoro mumwechete kubva pane inotevera. Zvino chinyora muchishona chakanaka
rondedzero kana hurukuro inemazwi asingapfuuri zana namakumi maviri. Kana wasarudza
tsamba, mutumbi wayo unofanira kuva nemazwi asingapfuuri zana namakumi maviri.

1. Nyora tsamba kuvabereki vako uchikumbira mari yechikoro.

2. Nyora rondedzero yezuva rawakafadza kana kutsamwisa vabereki vako.
3. Nyora hurukuro pakati pomupurisa nemusungwa anemhosva yokuponda.
4. Nyora rondedzero pamusoro pemuchato wakaitwa mudunhu menyu.
5. Nyora rondedzero inopera ichiti dai ndakaziva haitungamire.


Vakuru vakati ‘ Rinonyenga rinohwarara rinosimudza musoro rawana.’ Zvimwechetezvo

kana uchitsvaga pekuroja unofanira kutaura zvakanaka uchiremekedza muridzi wemba. Izvi
hazvirevi kuti unobva wazvininipisa kunge muranda aiwa. Nguva yeuranda yakapfuura
pakabvisiwa bhunu navanamukoma. Uyezve hazvirevi kuti uyu aneimba yacho anofanira
kuzvitutumadza sekunge ndiye ega panyika. Hatidaro.Inga wani vakuru vanoti ‘Gudo guru
peta muswe kuti vaduku vakutye’.

1. Tsumo inoti ‘Rinonyenga rinohwarara rinozosimudza musoro rawana.’ Inorevei? [1]

2. Kana munhu achiroja anenge achiita sei? [1]
3. Kana munhu achitsvaga pekugara anofanira kuita sei ? [1]
4. Izwi rinopesana namuranda ndi.............[1]
5. Nguva yeuranda inonzi yakapfuura inguva ye......[1]
6. Muridzi wemba anofanira kuzvitutumadza here? [1]
7. Munyaya yawaverenga gudo guru riri kutaurwa ndiani. [1]
8. Mabhunu akabviswa sei navanamukoma ? [1]
9. Kana zvichinzi ‘ Munhu anozvututumadza kunge ndiye ega panyika’ zvinoreveyi ?
10. Maroja anowanzowanika kupi ? [1]
Pindura mubvunzo mumwe chete pane inotevera. Chinyorwa chako ngachive nemazwi asiri
pasi pemakumi masere uye asingapfuuri zana nemakumi maviri.
1. Tsanangura pamusoro pemabasa emakirabhu pachikoro chenyu.
2. Nyora rondedzero pamusoro pezuva rokupiwa mibairo rakaitika pachikoro chenyu gore
3. Nyora nhaurirano pakati pasekuru nemuzukuru vachikurukurirana nezvekuoma kwaita
upenyu hwanhasi huchifananidzwa nehwakare.
4. Rondedzera zvawakaona zvakakonzerwa nekushaikwa kwemvura yakakwana
mumwaka uchangodarika.
5. Nyora tsamba yenyunyuto kumupepeti webepa nhau raunoverenga uchimuudza
nemapfekero ave kuitwa nevanasikana nevakomana vemazuvano.
Chikamu B NZWISISO (10 Marks)
Verenga hurukuro inotevera ugopindura mibvunzo inotevera zvizere.
Rudo na Chipo vanosangana panokwirirwa mabhazi anoenda kuRunyararo West.
Rudo: (Achifinyamisa kumeso)
Vasikana zvinhu zvaoma. Nhasi mabhazi mashoma uye haasi kufamba zvakanaka.
Chipo: Zvakaoma veduwe! Hameno kuti tichaenda kumba nguvai. Tichasvika rubvunzavaeni
tichingove pano.
Rudo: Ufunge Chipo, vatete vangu vari kuuya kuzobata maoko, amaiguru vangu vakatisiya
mwaka wapfuura.
Chipo: Ndiwo matambudziko amakasangana nawo. Mushakabvu airwara here?
Rudo: Ufunge zvako. Vakaita tsaona murori yavo vachienda kumusika kuTanaiwa.
Chipo: Ah! Vasikana rimwe dutavanhu rauya totoenda.
Rudo: (Achininira ruoko) Tozoonana.
1. Nderipi rimwe zita rataurwa mundima rinoreva zvimwechete na‘dutavanhu’? [1]
2. Vanhu vari muhurukuro iyi vainge vakamirira panokwirirwa mabhazi anoenda kupi? [1]
3. Chii chinonzi mushakabvu? [1]
4. Mundima iyi mufi akashaika achienda kupi? [1]
5. Zita rataurwa mundima rinoreva mukoma waamai vako ndi________ [1]
6. Zvinorevei kuti akatisiya? [1]
7. Rufu rwemushakabvu rwakakonzerwa nei? [1]
8. Ndeapi mazwi anoshandiswa kana vanhu vachisvika parufu? [1]
9. Nderipi izwi riri mundima rinoreva zvakafanana nerokuti njodzi? [1]
10. Isa izwi rokuti mwaka muuzhinji.


Sarudza musoro mumwe chete wonyora rondedzero ine mavara ari pakati pemakumi masere
(80)kusvika zana nemakumi maviri (120)
1. Rwendo rwangu nebhazi
2. Zvandinoda kuzoita kana ndakura
3. Nyora nhaurirano pakati pemwana naamai vachiyambira kukosha kwedzidzo
4. Zuva randakafadza vabereki vangu.
5. Nyora tsamba kumudzidzisi uchimuudza kuti haukwanisi kuuya kuchikoro uchimupa
zvikonzero Zvacho.
6. nyora tsamba kumukuru wechikoro uchikumbira mvumo yokutanga bindu rechikoro.
7. Nyora rondedzero uchitsanangura mutambo mutambo wawakaona.
8. .Nyora rondedzero uchitsanangura zvakanakira kudzidza uchigara pachikoro.
9. .Nyora rondedzero uchitsanangura basa raunoshuwira kuita kana wakura.
10. Nyora tsamba kuhama yako uchiiudza nezveurwere huru pamusha penyu.

Verenga ndima inotevera ugopindura mibvunzo nechishona chakanaka

Takanga tichirova hondo tiri kwaGezani neimwe shamwari yangu yeropa. Shamwari yangu
iyi yainzi Tongai Mabhunu. Rimwe zuva misodzi yakaswera ichiyerera nematama angu.

Takamuka zvedu rungwanangwana ndokugeza magidi edu. Tapedza takagara paruvare

nevamwe ndokudya munya tichiita nyaya nekupana mazano nemabhindauko ehondo.
Muvengi akanga ambonzvikwa kuti adarika nemunzvimbo matakanga tiri Mauro echitatu.
Sezvo chaiva Chishanu zuva rechisi munzvimbo umu, taitarisira vanamujibha kuti vachauya
nekukasika vachitiudza hope nezvavakanzwa maererano nemuvengi uyu.

Tichakakadakara kudaro takanzwa chava kutyoka munhu wese akapinda mupfumvudza

ndokugadzirira zvaaiziva.Utsi hune rufu hwakabuda muzvombo zvedu ndikanzwa ndikanzwa
hana yangu yava kurova.Ini naTongai tairova mupembe tiri pedyo nepedyo idzo Sabhu
dzichiimba.Uto romuvengi raiva noukasha, rimwe muchadenga, rimwe pasi. Ini
nechomumoyo ndakati” iyi ndiyo ngoma yandinorwarira, ndinonzi Mabhunu Muchapera ini.”

Bara rakarira zvine mutsindo ndikati cheu ndokuona Tongai avakubhidirika. Ndakamuzvuva
ndokuenda naye pane rimwe bako, iro ropa rwuchinge Save rwakatsamwa. Ndakaedza
napose pandaigona asi zvakakona n’anga murapwa achida.Tangai akapfauma-pfauma ndiye
sarai mudye. Zuva iri ndakarwadziwa zvikuru. Ndakazomuitira munamato ndiri ndega
ndokumuviga mubako muya asi nanhasi kumutondera, inoyerera pamatama.Zorora murugare
nyika takatora.
1.Vanhu vairwa hondo vari kudunhu ripi? (1)
2. Mazita evanhu vaishamwaridzana pahonho apa vainzi vanaani? (1)
3. Nderipi rimwe izwi rinoreva zvakafanana nerokuti ‘magidi’ riri mundima? (1)
4. Chii chinonzi munya? (1)
5. Vanhu vemudunhu umu vakanga vasingaiti mabasa nezuva rechingani? (1)
6. Nemhaka yei munyori nevamwe vake vakapind mupfubvudza? (1)
7. Ndeapi mashoko ekuzvisimbisa akaataurwa nemunyori paairwa hondo? (1)
8. Chii chakatanga kuitwa nemunyori apo akaona Tongai achibhidhirika? (1)
9 Chirevo chinotaridza kufa kwekupedzisira kwaTongai chinoti________________. (1)
10. Tongai akavigwa pai neshamwari yake? (1)

2. Nyora hurukuro pakati pemukuru wechikoro nemwana anogarouya kuchikoro asina
zvokushandisa zvakakwana.
1. Rondedzera zverwendo rwamakafamba sechikoro nechinangwa chokunodzidza.
2. Nyora tsamba yenyunyuto kune mukuru weimwe kambani yausina kubatwa zvakanaka.
3. Nyora rondedzera pamusoro pechimwe chivakwa chinoyemurika chiri munharaunda
4. Rondedzera zvakaitika pamhemberero dzokuzvarwa kwemwana mudiki wekumba
“VaMoyo, ndizvo zvandava kuita izvozvi. Handingajaidzi makudo neanokamhina. Ndava
kuenda nemwanasikana wangu izvozvi,” vakadaro VaShoko vachidedera nehasha. VaMoyo
vakapindurawo nezwi rakakwira voti, “Ndiko kunonzi kufarisa kwamava kuda kuita. Moda
kupinda nemwenje mudziva zvino.”“Aika! Saka munoti ndisiye mwana wangu imi
muchimubata sedhongi kudaro, he-e? Dzava nhumbu nhatu dzake dzabva. Zvose izvi nokuti
anogara achirakashwa nemurume wake, mwana wenyu. Zvakare munomurambidza kuenda
kuchipatara. Iko zvino angoti svapata kunge mombe dore. Munhu mudiki akadaro anoti pera
pera kunge asina mabhonzo? Kuperezeka kudaro?” “Mwana wenyu takaroora mukadya
danga redu. Mukadzi uyu mukadzi wepano! Hapana kwamunoenda naye.” “Kana zviri
zvetupfuma twenyu handina basa natwo. Ndinokudzorerai tupfuma twacho. Handingaregi
mwana wangu achifa ndakatarisa.” Vainge zvino vadumbirwa VaShoko. VaMoyo
vakapindura voti, “Munoita zvekuseka imi. Hapana kwaanoenda nokuti mukadzi wemwana
wangu...” VaShoko vakavadimbudzira voti, “Imi chinokudaroyi chiiko? Ndimi murume
wacho here?” “Ko, imi ndimi Sekai wacho here? Iye Sekai haana kumboti haachadi zvepano
saka munotaurirei marara ese aya?” Shasha mbiri dzakadzvokorana nemaziso akati piriviri
kunge mhiripiri.

1. Ndiani ari kutaurwa nezvake mundima? [1]

2. Vanhu vangani vari kukurukurirana munyaya iyi? [1]
3. Chii chakaita kuti VaShoko vatsamwe? [1]
4. Nderipi dimikira riri munyaya rinotaura zvekufarisa? [1]
5. Kupera muviri kwaSekai kwakafananidzwa nei mundima iyi? [1]
6. Chii chakaita kuti pamuviri paSekai pabve? [1]
7. Chikonzero chaiita kuti VaMoyo varambe kuti muroora wavo atorwe ndechipi? [1]
8. Ndezvipi zvinhu zviviri zvaikanganiswa nemwanakomana waVaMoyo? [2]
9. Mazwi anoti ‘muchimubata sedhongi kudaro’ anorevei? [1]

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