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Nama : Salsa Billatinsani Albanuwati

No. : 32

Kelas : XII IPS-4

Jumbara XIII PMI Kabupaten Karanganyar

Jumbara XIII PMI Kabupaten Karanganyar is an event held by KSR and PMI members in
every district in Indonesia. Participants in this event include PMR Mula, PMR Madya, and
PMR Wira in the district where this event is held. This year, I took part in the Jumbara XIII
with my friends from PMR Wira SMA Negeri Kebakkramat. There are 32 total members in my
team and 3 members who help my team (official team).

Jumbara XIII was held on 18-21 October 2023, at the Lapangan Pojok, Mojogedang,
Karanganyar. This event was held because this event is an annual program from PMI. Apart
from that, this event is held every 3 years by PMI.

At Jumbara XIII, there are many activities being contested. Like Youth Station, Wahana
Kepalangmerahan, Wisata Study, PMR Teladan, Duta PMR, Aksi Cepat Tanggap,
Kewirausahaan, also Galeri Kontingen. During the event, me and my team set up tents for us
to rest, cooking and eating, also do some activities outside of the competition.

At the opening of the event, we attended a ceremony and also a series of opening
carnivals. After that, we held various competitions for 2 days. On the third day, October 21,
we held the closing ceremony. After that, the winner was announced. My team were so
happy when our contingent's was announced as the 1st winner of the best team.

After the winner was announced, we got ready to go home. We are very happy, Jumbara
XIII gave us a lot of experience. I hope the next Jumbara will always be better.

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