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---Start of Episode I---

TRIAL -Day I [E1T1]

Select: Yes

Receive: Crime Photo 1

Select: Glasses

Receive: Crime Photo 2

Present: Maggey Byrde at the statement "I don't like saying it, but it was

clearly the defendant's name, "Maggie", sir

Press: The statement "It was something she had gotten over 2 months ago"

Select: "Press further"

Select: "Of course it's relevant"

Receive: Baseball Glove

Present: Baseball Glove at the statement "From this, we could confirm that

the victim wrote this name with his right hand"


Receive: Phoenix's Business Card

Receive: Names List

Present: Baseball Glove at the statement "The only other thing I saw was the

banana that fell with the police officer"

Select: "has bad eyesight"

Present: Dustin's Autopsy Report at the statement "It must've been 6:45 PM

when I made the call"

Select: "Question further"

Select: "There is something..."

Present: Crime Photo 1

Select: "Yes, I have an idea"

Present: Glasses

Select: "There was a way"

Present: Cell Phone

Present: Names List

Select: "a member of that group"

Present: Dustin Prince

Select: "Fingerprints on the phone?"

Select: "Raise an objection"

Present: Phoenix's Business Card

Receive: Judge's Business Card

Select: "the back of the card."

---End of Episode I---



---Start of Episode II---

Talk: "Today's channeling"

Talk: "Kurain Village"

Talk: "The girl earlier"

Move: Meditation Room

Receive: Guidemap (Fey Manor)

Talk: "Today's channeling"

Talk: "Maya"

Move: Channeling Chamber

Talk: "Maya"

Talk: "Today's channeling"

Talk: "Channeling Chamber"

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Winding Way

Move: Side Room

Move: Winding Way

Select: "Lotta Hart"

Move: Meditation Room

Select: "Break into the Chamber"

Talk: "What you witnessed"

Talk: "Dr. Grey"

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Channeling Chamber

Talk: "Maya"

Talk: "Cause of death"

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Winding Way

Move: Side Room

Talk: "Ini Miney"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "The victim"

Move: Winding Way

Talk: "Pearl"

Move: Medition Room

Move: Kurain Village

Talk: "Any ideas"

Move: Meditation Room


Talk: "Channeling"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "'Dream'"

Receive: Maya's Magatama

Move: Kurain Village

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Channeling Chamber

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Channeling Chamber"

Talk: "Pearl"

Examine: Folding screen [Pan right, against the wall on the right]

Receive: Folding Screen

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Winding Way

Move: Side Room

Talk: "Ini Miney"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "The victim"

Move: Winding Way

Present: Magatama

Talk: "Pearl"

Talk: "The item in your hand"

Select: "Accept it"

Receive: Black Key

Move: Side Room

Talk: "The victim" <1 Lock>

Move: Winding Way

Move: Meditation Room

Talk: "Maya's guilt"

Talk: "The victim"

Talk: "Tomorrow's trial"

Talk: "Successor"

Move: Kurain Village

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Receive: Newspaper Clipping 1

Move: Kurain Village

Move: Meditation Room

Present: Newspaper Clipping 1

Receive: Newspaper Clipping 2

Move: Winding Way

Move: Side Room


Present: Newspaper Clipping 2

Talk: "The victim"

Move: Winding Way

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Kurain Village

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Not guilty"

Talk: "Evidence?"
Present: Black Key


TRIAL -Day II [E2T1]

Receive: Floor Plans (Crime Scene)

Receive: Dr. Grey's Autopsy Report

Press: The statement "The direct cause of death was a pistol shot to the

forehead, sir"

Press: The statement "The shot was fired from point-blank range."

Press: The statement "But before the victim was shot, sir, he was stabbed in

the chest"

Press: The statement "The murderer used the pistol to finish the victim off

after the stabbing"

Receive: Pistol

Receive: Knife

Select: "Plead not guilty"

Receive: Maya's Costume

Press: The statement "As you can see, it's covered in blood"

Select: "Press further"

Select: "There is one little thing..."

Present: <Highlight> Hole on the bottom of the left sleeve

Update: Maya's Costume

Present: Maya's Costume at the statement "The defendant attacked and killed a

person who, without a doubt, was not fighting back"

Present: Maya's Costume at the statement "The victim took a shot, but because

they were too close, he missed"

Select: "Something doesn't make sense"

Present: Folding Screen

Present: <Highlight> Bottom right corner of four squared mat in the middle

Select: "It changes everything"


Receive: Lotta's Photo

Press: The statement "Only the Doc and the defendant went into the Channelin'


Press: The statement ""We were waitin' outside the door and then, "bang!" we

hear this gunshot!"

Press: The statement "Mr. Lawyer there broke the door down, and we rushed

into the room."

Press: The statement "Inside was the dead victim, and the defendant, wavin'

a pistol around"

Select: "Press Harder"

Press: The statement "I swear, other than those two, there was no one else in

the room"
Select: "behind the folding screen?"

Select: "Can't present anything yet"

Press: The statement "But I still managed to point my camera at Maya and take

a shot"

Select: "Confront Franziska"

Receive: Lotta's Photo 2

Select: "Insist it's not Maya"

Select: "I can prove it"

Present: <Highlight> Left sleeve (where the hole should be)

Select: "The shooter is someone else"

Select: "Maya had left the room"

Present: Black Key



Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "Prosecutors"

Talk: "The murderer"

Talk: "Pearl's alibi" <2 Locks>

Present: Black Key

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Winding Way

Examine: Incinerator [on the left side, with a piece of purple cloth hanging

on it]

Receive: Cloth Scrap

Talk: "Sacred Urn"

Talk: "What Happened"

Talk: "Traffic Accident" <2 Locks>

Examine: Urn [on the right side, on a table]

Receive: Sacred Urn

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Channeling Chamber

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Training"

Talk: "The Master"

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Kurain Village

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "Not Guilty"

Talk: "Pearl's A\libi"

Talk: "Ball"

Move: Kurain Village

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Winding Way

Move: Side Room

Examine: Ball [next to the box, left side]

Receive: Pearl's Ball

Examine: Clothing Box [large box on the right of the ball, near the door]

Receive: Clothing Box

Move: Winding Way

Move: Meditation Room

Present: <Highlight> Winding Way

Present: Pearl's Ball <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Sacred Urn

Present: Ami Fey <Break 1 Lock>

Talk: "Pearl's Alibi"

Talk: "Sacred Urn"

Update: Sacred Urn

Move: Kurain Village

Talk: "Today's Trial"

Select: "Forgive Her"

Talk: "The Murderer"

Present: Ini Miney

Talk: "Ini Miney"

Move: Hotti Clinic

Talk: "Hotti Clinic"

Talk: "Ini Miney"

Present: Attorney's Badge

Talk: "Ini Miney"

Talk: "The Operation"

Receive: License Photo

Talk: "The Accident"

Receive: Newspaper Clipping 2

Move: Kurain Village

Talk: "Morgan"

Talk: "Ini Miney"

Talk: "The Master"

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Winding Way


Present: Ini Miney

Present: Newspaper Clipping 2

Present: License Photo <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Mimi Miney <Break 1 Lock>

Talk: "Traffic accident"

Talk: "Dr. Grey"

Move: Meditation Room

Move: Kurain Village

Talk: "Morgan"
Talk: "Maya"

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "The murderer" <3 Locks>

Talk: "Tomorrow's trial"

Talk: "Kurain Channeling Technique"


Present: Morgan Fey <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Black Key

Present: Cloth Scrap <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Ini Miney <Break 1 Lock>

Talk: "The murderer"



Press: The statement "I requested that Mr. Wright and the other lady please

contact the police"

Select: "Question further"

Press: The statement "A pistol was hanging from Mystic Maya's hand and she

was in a daze..."

Select: "Question further"

Press: "Then, quite suddenly, she thrusted me away from herself and escaped
from the room."

Press: The statement "I'm afraid I have no knowledge of where she went after


Select: "Question further"

Press: The statement "I, like, hadn't seen her in, like, so long... I was so

happy in, like, a sad way..."

Select: "Question further"

Select: "It is very important"

Present: Maya's Costume at the statement "I wasn't, like, scared at all. And,

like, her costume looked totally, like, normal"

Press: The statement "And I, like, persuaded my sister it wasn't, like, right

to do something like that"

Press: The statement: And, I took my sister to the Channeling


Select: "were going to the crime scene"

Select: "Press harder"

Select: "It's very important"

Present: Pearl Fey at the statement "I, like, didn't see anyone on the way

to, like, the Channeling Chamber"

Present: Sacred Urn

Select: "There is no way!"

Select: "It's in her testimony just now"

Present: <Highlight> Channeling Chamber

Present: <Highlight> Behind Folding Screen [the zig-zag line on the right side

is the Folding Screen, so anywhere behind that]

Present: Clothing Box

Select: "Yes, I can with some evidence"

Present: Folding Screen

Select: "Correct. It's not possible"

Present: Morgan Fey

Present: Newspaper Clipping 2

Select: "Yes, I can"


Press: The statement "And like, the night of the accident, my sis was totally

tired while she was driving"

Select: "Press harder"

Present: License Photo at the statement "I, like, didn't have my license, so,

like, I couldn't take over driving for her"

Press: The statement "She, like, had just gotten this really shiny, bright

red sports car"

Select: "Press harder"

Press: The statement "My sis' new car was, like, a totally special model from


Select: "Ask for the heck of it"

Present: Newspaper Clipping 2 at the statement "My sis' new car was, like, a
totally special model from England"

Select: "Mimi Miney"

Present: Mimi Miney

Present: Newpaper Clipping 1

Present: Pearl Fey

---End of Episode II---




---Start of Episode III---


Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Max Galactica"

Talk: "Berry Big Circus"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Meeting with Russell" <3 Locks>

Present: Attorney's Badge

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Talk: "Tomorrow's trial"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Something Unusual"

Receive: Crime Photo

Present: Max

Receive: Silk Hat

Talk: "Eyewitnesses"

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Regina"

Present: Max

Talk: "'What's on your mind?'"

Present: Russell Berry

Move: Big Top - Ringmasters Room

Examine: Envelope [on top of the table on the left]

Receive: Ringmaster's Papers

Examine: Posters [along the wall in the back of the room]

Receive: Max G. Promo Poster

Move: Big Top

Move: Circus Entrance

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Max Galactica"

Talk: "Ventriloquism"

Move: Lodging House Plaza

Move: Moe's Room

Talk: "Berry Big Circus"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Russell Berry"

Talk: "What you witnessed"

Present: Ben

Present: Max

Receive: Circus Map

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Move: Big Top - Cafeteria

Examine: Broken Bottle [Center of the room]

Receive: Broken Bottl

Move: Big Top

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Detention Center


Present: Ringmaster's Papers <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Broken Bottle <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Ben <Break 1 Lock>

Talk: "Max Galactica"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Meeting with Russell"

Talk: "'Shut him up'"

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Move: Big Top - Ringmaster's Room

Examine: Trophy Case [Left side of the room]

Receive: Trilo Quist

Move: Big Top

Move: Big Top - Cafeteria

Present: Trilo Quist

Discard: Trilo Quist

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Berry Big Circus"

Talk: "Flying Fraud"

Talk: "Marriage"

Move: Big Top

Discard: Attorney's Badge

Talk: "Money the Monkey"

Talk: "Ben and Trilo"

Talk: "Proposal"

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Move: Moe's Room

Talk: "Regina"

Talk: "Money the Monkey"

Select: "Go with Moe"

Receive: Money the Monkey

Examine: The junk pile [left side of the room]

Receive: Attorney's Badge

Receive: Ring


TRIAL -Day 2 [E3T1]

Receive: Russell's Autopsy Report

Press: The statement "The night of the crime, snow was falling until 9:40

PM, making it extremely cold out."

Press: The statement "The victim was found bent over a wooden box dead as a


Receive: Wooden Box

Select: "About the contents"

Receive: Small Seasoning Bottle

Press: The statement "The cause of death was blunt force trauma that snapped

a vertebrae in his neck"

Press: The statement "He was the only one heading that way... How could that

punk not be the killer!?"

Select: "Ben only saw Max?"

Present: Russell Berry

Press: The statement "Then the police showed up, and took magic boy away"

Present: Regina Berry

Press: The statement "I even had something to give her..."

Select: "Push on anyway"

Present: Ring at the statement "In the end, I wasn't able to give it to her,

so I've still got it in my pocket"

Select: "Ben's testimony has a flaw"

Present: Broken Bottle at the statement "I said 'good evening' to him, but he

didn't even acknowledge my presence"

Select: "He saw a different person"

Present: Russell Berry


Press: The statement "I thought I'd go straight to sleep, but before I did, I

glanced out the window"

Select: "Keep pressing."

Press: The statement "I kept watching them and, all of a sudden, Max clonked

the Ringmaster over the head"

Select: "Of course I do!"

Present: Max G. Promo Poster at the statement "His silk hat. That black cloak.

They were all there"

Present: Silk Hat at the statement "He was wearing it the entire time that he

was on the scene"

Present: Crime Photo

Select: "He's telling the truth"



Move: Circus Entrance

Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "Marriage"

Talk: "Ventriloquism"

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Move: Big Top - Cafeteria

Talk: "Today's Trial"

Talk: "What you witnessed"

Move: Big Top

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Night of the murder"

Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "Grand Prix"

Receive: Grand Prix Photo

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Move: Big Top - Cafeteria

Present: Grand Prix Photo

Talk: "Max's Bust"

Receive: Max G. Bust

Talk: "What Changed"

Receive: Note

Move: Big Top

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Detention Center

Present: Note

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Move: Big Top - Ringmaster's Room

Examine: Tailcoat [Toward the right side of the room]

Update: Note

Move: Big Top

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Talk: "Tomorrow's trial"

Talk: "'Revenge'"

Talk: "Miles Edgeworth"

Talk: "Edgeworth's death"

Move: Acro's Room

Talk: "Berry Big Circus"

Talk: "Wheelchair" <3 Locks>

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "What you witnessed"

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Talk: "Russell Berry"

Talk: "Money the Monkey"

Select: "Gladly!"

Present: Note

Update: Note

Move: Big Top - Cafeteria

Talk: "Berry Big Circus"

Talk: "'Get over it?'" <2 Locks>

Move: Big Top

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Move: Moe's Room

Select: "Give it back, monkey-brain!"

Receive: Stage Costume

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Big Top

Present: Stage Costume

Discard: Stage Costume

Talk: "Leon"

Receive: Leon

Move: Big Top - Cafeteria


Present: Leon <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Acro <Break 1 Lock>

Talk: "'Get over it?'"

Talk: "Acro's brother"

Move: Big Top

Move: Circus Entrance

Move: Lodging House - Plaza

Move: Acro's Room


Present: Leon <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Bat <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Regina Berry <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Note

Talk: "Wheelchair"

Talk: "Regina and Bat"


TRIAL -Day 3 [E3T2]

Press: The statement "It was Max Galactica... I only saw him from behind, but

that's who it looked like."

Select: "There is a contradiction."

Present: Silk Hat

Select: "Acro is the real culprit."

Select: "Of course he didn't."

Present: <Highlight> Acro's Room [Acro (3F)]

Select: "Present Evidence"

Present: Max G. Bust

Present: Wooden Box at the statement "That makes it impossible for me to have

known the location of the Ringmaster's head"

Select: "The size of the box"

Select: "I remember."

Present: Money the Monkey

Present: Max G. Bust

Present: Max G. Bust

Present: Russell Berry

Present: Silk Hat


Receive: Scarf

Select: "No need to question him now."

Select: "I can't provide one."

Present: Regina Berry

Present: Note

Select: "I know all about it."

Present: Small Seasoning Bottle

Present: Bat

Select: "It was just an accident."

Present: Scarf

Select: "See how things work out first"

Select: "Somewhere in this courtroom"

Select: "The witness chair"

Select: "I don't think so"

Present: Bat

---End of Episode III---




---Start of Episode IV---

Talk: "Will Powers"

Talk: "The Nickel Samurai"

Talk: "Jammin' Ninja"

Move: Hallway

Move: Viola Hall

Receive: Press Conference Ticket

Move: Hotel Lobby

Talk: "Wendy Oldbag"

Talk: "What happened?"

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hallway

Talk: "What Happened"

Talk: "Lotta Hart"

Talk: "The victim"

Present: Matt Engarde

Talk: "Arrested?"

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hotel Lobby

Receive: Radio Transceiver

Talk: "Matt and Juan"

Talk: "Press conference"

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Matt Engarde"

Talk: "What happened"

Present: Press Conference Ticket

Talk: "Matt Engarde"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "The victim"

Talk: "The charge of murder"



Move to Hotel Lobby

Talk: "The victim"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "What you witnessed" <4 Locks>

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hallway

Talk: "Camera"

Receive: Lotta's Camera

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Big Scoop" <2 Locks>

Move: Engarde's Hotel Room

Talk: "Night of the murder"

Talk: "Relation to Engarde"

Present: Juan Corrida

Talk: "Motive for murder" <4 Locks>

Move: Hallway

Move: Corrida's Hotel Room

Receive: Hotel Guidemap

Talk: "Cause of death"

Receive: Crime Photo

Talk: "Reason for arrest"

Examine: Wine Glass [Pan right, far right on table below mirror]

Receive: Wine Glass

Examine: Guitar Case [Pan right, below the same table as the Wine Glass]

Receive: Guitar Case

Present: Wine Glass

Examine: Paper on the Table [Pan left, right below the laptop]

Receive: Autograph

Move: Hallway
Move: Viola Hall

Talk: "The Nickel Samurai"

Talk: "Jammin' Ninja"

Present: Adrian Andrews

Talk: "The gossip on Adrian"

Receive: Magazine Clipping

Move: Hotel Lobby


Present: Autograph <Break 4 Locks>

Discard: Autograph

Talk: "What you witnessed"

Talk: "Engarde's past"

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hallway


Present: Adrian Andrews <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Magazine Clipping <Break 1 Lock>

Talk: "Big scoop"

Update: Lotta's Camera

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk: "Airtight evidence"

Talk: "Airtight testimony"

Present: Magazine Clipping

Talk: "Celeste Inpax"

Talk: "Tomorrow's trial"

Talk: ""Proof of Von Karma blood""

Talk: "Why stand in court?"

Present: Celeste Inpax

Talk: "Missing suicide note"

Receive: Suicide Report

Present: Suicide Report

Talk: "'Co-dependancy'"

Receive: Attempted Suicide Report

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hallway

Move: Engarde's Hotel Room


Present: Magazine Clipping

Present: Celeste Inpax <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Suicide Report <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Attempted Suicide Report <Break 2 Locks>

Talk: "Motive for murder"

Move: Hallway

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Talk: "Maya's situation"

Talk: "The kidnapper"

Examine: Paper on the ground [Bottom of the stairs]

Examine: Door [Top of the stairs]


TRIAL -Day II [E4T1]

Press: The statement "After looking into the cause of death, we believe he

was definately murdered, sir"

Receive: Juan's Autopsy Report

Press: The statement "At first, we thought there was something suspicious

about the empty guitar case"

Update: Guitar Case

Press: The statement "However, we later found out that the guitar case had

nothing to do with the murder"

Receive: Knife

Receive: Jammin' Ninja's Button

Present: Knife at the statement "The defendant bought the knife for the

crime... Which makes this a premeditated murder"

Select: "Actually, I do."

Present: Wine Glass

Select: "There's no way."

Update: Wine Glass

Press: The statement "It was Engarde. Matt Engarde. He was trying to sneak

his way out of Juan' s room"

Select: "The person's clothes"

Select: "It was very important."

Present: Jammin' Ninja's Button at the statement "He was wearing his flashy

racing jacket. Honestly, it's all just for show"

Present: Knife at the statement "So he must've worn that Nickel Samurai

costume when he was stabbing poor Juan"

Select: "There is a contradiction."

Present: Knife

Select: "To frame Matt Engarde."

Present: Adrian Andrews

Press: The statement "... Oh, and this is top secret, you got that!? Nobody

else but you and me know yet, OK?"

Select: "Present evidence"

Present: Lotta's Camera

Select: "Pile on more pressure."

Present: Lotta's Camera

Receive: Lotta's Photo

Select: "Something strange with it."

Present: <Highlight> Bottom of his legs (any)

Present: Adrian Andrews

Select: "Raise an objection"

Press: The statement "And there was his dead body. I... I was in shock..."

Press: The statement "I felt as though I was about to faint, so I poured

myself a glass of juice"

Select: "Press further"

Present: Guitar Case on the statement "I was the one who knocked the flower

vase over, where it fell onto the guitar case"

Select: "Make her testify"

Present: Guitar Case at the statement "I suppose I must have opened the

guitar case... after I knocked the vase over"

Select: "That's strange..."

Present: Wine Glass

Present: The Nickel Samurai

Select: "It was a spare costume."

Present: Press Conference Ticket

Press: The statement "Matt had to kill Juan no matter what"

Press: The statement "My thoughts were confirmed by the evidence, of course;

the button and the knife..."

Present: Juan's Autopsy Report at the statement "That button was torn off of

Juan during his fight with Matt"

Select: "To pin the crime on Engarde"

Present: Adrian Andrews

Present: Crime Photo on the statement "When I saw him sitting like that, the

thought that he was dead didn't cross my mind"

Select: "Force Andrews to testify"

Press: The statement "When I first saw him... I really thought he had fainted.


Press: The statement "When I realized he was dead... That was when I

formulated my plan"

Press: The statement "Once I made sure there was no one in the hallway, I made

a dash back to Matt's room"

Press: The statement "And then... I stabbed Juan's dead body with the knife,

and ripped off the button"

Press: The statement "Just when I finished and was returning to Matt's room...

I had a bit of an inconvenience"

Press: The statement "And that's why... That's why I ended up using the Nickel

Samurai costume"



Talk: "The future"

Talk: "Edgeworth"

Talk: "Franziska"
Move: Hotti Clinic

Talk: "The shooting"

Talk: "The deal"

Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "Adrian's card"

Receive: Picture Card

Talk: "Assassin"

Talk: "Maya's situation"

Receive: Letter of Introduction

Move: ????

Examine: Photo Frame [On Desk]

Examine: Teddy Bear [On Sofa]

Examine: Antenna [On the left, near the TV]

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Move: Detention Center

Receive: Matt's Note

Move: Criminal Affairs Dept.

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Living Room

Talk: "Matt Engarde"

Talk: "John Doe"

Talk: "Shoe"

Discard: Matt's Note

Move: Hotel Lobby

Present: Letter of Introduction

Discard: Letter of Introduction

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hallway

Talk: "Night of the murder"

Talk: "Scandal"

Talk: "Camera"

Move: Corrida's Hotel Room

Talk: "Night of the murder"

Talk: "Memories of Corrida"

Talk: "Presents"

Move: Hallway

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Present: Radio Transciever

Talk: "Electromagnetic interference"

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Viola Hall

Move: Hallway

Move: Corrida's Hotel Room

Examine: The Big Bear's Head [Pan left, standing on the left side of the


Talk: "Camera"

Receive: Spy Camera

Talk: "Transmitter"

Receive: Transmitter

Talk: "Stuffed Bear"

Receive: Stuffed Bear

Discard: Spy Camera

Discard: Transmitter

Discard: Stuffed Bear


Talk: "The real killer"

Talk: "The assassin's client"

Talk: "Was it Matt?"

Talk: "Something interesting"

Move: Hallway

Move: Viola Hall

Talk: "Bug sweeper"

Talk: "Juan and Adrian"

Talk: "Celeste's suicide"

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Criminal Affairs Dept.

Move: Detention Center

Select: "Matt Engarde"

Talk: "Matt's secret" <5 Locks>

Talk: "Juan and Adrian"

Move: Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk: "Tomorrow's testimony"

Talk: "Matt Engarde"

Talk: "Gossip"

Talk: "Celeste's suicide"

Move: Detention Center

Select: "Adrian Andrews"

Talk: "Matt Engarde"

Talk: "Celeste Inpax"

Talk: "Why frame him?" <1 Lock>

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Talk: "Stuffed Bear"

Receive: Credit Card Receipt

Talk: "Spy camera"

Receive: Spy Camera

Receive: Transmitter

Move: Detention Center


Present: Spy Camera

Present: Stuffed Bear <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Matt Engarde

Present: Credit Card Reciept <Break 1 Lock>

Present: Magazine Clipping

Present: Picture Card

Select: "you're his client." <Break 3 Locks>

Talk: "Matt's secret"

Talk: "Motive for murder"

Talk: "Matt Engarde"

Talk: "Maya's situation"

Talk: "Why fight?"

Move: Hotel Lobby

Move: Living Room

Examine: Cat Door [Right side, stuffed bear in front]

Receive: Figurine

Move: Wine Cellar

Examine: Photo [Bottom of the stairs]

Receive: Celeste's Photo


Present: Celeste Inpax

Present: Celeste's Photo <Break 1 Lock>

Talk: "Why frame him?"

Talk: "Revenge"



Press: The statement "He was talking with someone. At first, I thought it was

the bellboy"

Press: The statement "I watched the two of them for a while, but then I gave

up and went back"

Press: The statement "He was talking with someone. At first, I thought it was

the bellboy"
Press: The statement "Matt gave the bellboy a tip"

Select: "The bellboy's face"

Press: The statement "Matt gave the bellboy a tip"

Select: "Engarde's tip"

Select: "Raise an objection"

Press: The statement "Now that I think about it, that bellboy did seem kinda

out of place"

Select: "Try to pull a fast one"

Press: The statement "I thought it was kinda strange for a bellboy to come

out of a guest's room empty-handed"

Present: Wine Glass at the statement "I thought it was kinda strange for a

bellboy to come out of a guest's room empty-handed"

Press: The statement "He gave something to the person inside the room"

Select: "Ask about this "something"

Press: The statement "He gave something to the person inside the room"

Select: "Ask about the person inside"

Present: Figurine at the statement "If I saw it again, I could say for sure,

but I think it was some sort of wooden statue."

Select: "The person who recieved the bear"

Select: "The bear itself"

Select: "Raise an objection"

Present: "Adrian Andrews"

Press: The statement "If you know the correct order, it can be taken apart

one piece at a time"

Press: The statement "At its center is a small cavity, with just enough room

to store a small item"

Press: The statement "Because of its complexity, if you don't know the order,

you can't open the bear"

Press: The statement "You really can't tell its a small "jewelry box" just

by looking at it."

Update: Figurine

Receive: Celeste's Suicide Note

Select: "Celeste's Suicide Note"

Select: "Present Evidence"

Present: Celeste's Suicide Note

Select: "There is a way."

Present: Franziska von Karma


Select: "Present evidence"

Present: Spy Camera

Press: The statement "And that is the reason I am here today on this witness


Press: The statement "To an assassin, nothing is more important than the trust
between a client and himself"

Press: The statement "Now then, I do believe it's about time I revealed the

name of my client, don't you agree?"

Select: "Request the trial continue"

Present: Wine Glass at the statement "Adrian Andrews already knew from the

beginning that Juan Corrida was dead"

Press: The statement "We met at a certain bar to discuss and finalize a few


Select: "Press further"

Select: "It was not important"

Select: "It was very important"

Present: Adrian Andrews at the statement "From the moment I saw him, I

thought, I can trust this person as a client"

Press: The statement "The request was for the murder of Juan Corrida and 2 or

3 other small things"

Select: "Press further"

Select: "Press further"

Press: The statement "One of these was to find the bear figurine and give it

to Adrian Andrews"

Select: "There is a contradiction"

Select: "Present evidence"

Present: Celeste's Suicide Note

Select: "Guilty"

Select: Question for more details

Receive: Pistol

Select: Question for more details

Receive: Video Tape

Select: Question for more details

Receive: Bellboy's Uniform

Present: Shelly de Killer

Present: Video Tape

Select: "wanted blackmail on you."

Select: "Plead guilty"

Receive: Whip

Present: Whip

---End of Episode IV---



Below are the walkthroughs listed per Episode. If you are confused on

the instructions, refer to the guide above.




---Start of Episode I---

TRIAL -Day I [E1T1]

Receive: Crime Photo 1

Select: Electrocution

Present: Dahlia Hawthorne

Press: The statement "I never even talked to that stuck-up British wannabe"

Present: Crime Photo 1 at the statement "He was always walking around with a

huge Union Jack on the back of his shirt"

Receive: Crime Photo 2

Receive: Coldkiller X

Press: The statement "He was in the Pharmacology Dept., so we agreed to meet

at 2:45 behind that building..."

Select: About Pharmacology Dept.

Press: The statement "But I lost my bottle of it around lunchtime on the day

of the accident"

Select: Establish murder method

Present: Crime Photo 1

Present: <Highlight> Electric cable hanging over body

Press: The statement "At that moment, I heard some kind of loud noise..."

Select: Ask for more details

Select: Of course it's important

Present: Crime Photo 1 at the statement "After I shoved him, he... He fell

down on top of his cheap umbrella"

Receive: Umbrella

Receive: Phoenix's Testimony

Receive: Dahlia's Present

Receive: Newspaper Clipping


Press: The statement "Then suddenly... Dougie got all wobbly and just

Select: Show contradiction

Present: Phoenix's Testimony at the statement "It didn't look like they were

fighting, and I didn't hear any noise either"

Select: There was lightning.

Receive: Students' Testimony

Present: Phoenix Wright

Present: Students' Testimony at the statement "The cable snapping, and Dougie

being electrocuted -- it all occured in less than a minute"

Present: Dahlia Hawthorne

Receive: Police Report

Press: The statement "It's like we were destined to meet in this very

courthouse's basement reading room"

Select: Keep pressing

Present: Police Report at the statement "I had come to this courthouse to do

some research for a paper I was writing"

Present: Doug Swallow at the statement "So you see, I'm innocent! I wouldn't

even know where to get a poison like that!"

Present: Dahlia's Present

Select: because of that necklace.

Present: Phoenix Wright

Present: Coldkiller X

---End of Episode I---




---Start of Episode II---


Receive: Treasure Exhibit Poster

Move: Basement Warehouse

Talk: "Adrian Andrews"

Talk: "Lordly Tailor"

Examine: Golden Statue [Pan right]

Receive: Ami Fey's Golden Statue

Talk: "Sacred Urn"

Receive: Sacred Urn

Talk: "What to do"

Talk: "Last year's incident"

Move: Main Exhibition Hall

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Mask*DeMasque"

Talk: "Ace Detective"

Talk: "Calling card"

Receive: DeMasque's Calling Card

Move: Basement Warehouse

Talk: "Ace Detective"

Talk: "Mask*DeMasque"

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Present: DeMasque's Calling Card

Examine: Green Sword

Receive: Shichishito

Examine: Gold Statue [Pan right]

Update: Ami Fey's Golden Statue

Examine: The computer screen [Pan left, next to door]

Receive: Camera Data

Move: Main Exhibition Hall

Move: Wright & Co Law Offices

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Mask*DeMasque"

Talk: "Sacred Urn"

Talk: "Lost it?"

Talk: "Dessie"

Move: DeMasque's Hideout

Talk: "Ron DeLite"

Talk: "Desiree DeLite"

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Present: Mask*DeMasque

Talk: "Delusions"

Receive: Desiree's Letter

Move: Detention Center

Present: Desiree's Letter

Discard: Desiree's Letter

Select: Take his case

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Talk: "Pearl"

Talk: "Maya"

Talk: "Kurain Village custom"

Talk: "Maya's mother"

Move: Main Exhibition Hall

Talk: "DeMasque's calling card"

Talk: "The security"

Move: Atmey Detective Agency

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "Sacred Urn"

Talk: "DeMasque's M.O." <1 Lock>

Talk: "Psyche-Lock"


Present: Camera Data

Select: unconscious.

Present: Shichishito
Talk: "DeMasque's M.O."

Update: Shichishito

Receive: Security Camera Photo

Talk: "DeMasque's reason"

Move: DeMasque's Hideout

Examine: Green Envelope [On bottom left blue chair]

Receive: Blackmail Letter

Talk: "Larry Butz"

Talk: "Why you came here"

Receive: Ron's Wallet

Talk: "Wallet"

Receive: Key Card

Present: Key Card

Update: Key Card

Present: Blackmail Letter

Talk: "KB Security"

Move: Atmey Detective Agency

Examine: Black Bag [on table]

Talk: "Tomorrow's trial"

Talk: "DeMasque's identity"

Talk: "Godot"

TRIAL -Day II [E2T1]

Receive: Mask*DeMasque Publicity Photo

Present: Sacred Urn at the statement "His pattern is to always go after only

the most precious art pieces."

Present: Security Camera Photo

Present: <Highlight> Neck/Chest

Receive: DeMasque's Broach

Present: DeMasque's Broach at the statement "Just as I began to turn, the

coward struck a fierce blow upon my noble head!"

Press: The statement "His first blow struck true! Bam! ... And that's all she


Select: "Atmey Fighting Style?"

Select: It was very important.

Present: Shichishito at the statement "I put my back to the wall to fight, but

the thief's blow landed upon my third eye."

Select: Mr. Atmey is Mask*DeMasque!

Select: has yet to be found!

Update: Sacred Urn

Select: Show fingerprints on the urn

Present: Phoenix Wright

Present: Ron's Wallet at the statement "I don't have an alibi for the night

the urn was stolen, after all!"

Present: Blackmail Letter

Select: Larry Butz

Update: Key Card



Discard: Sacred Urn

Talk: "What to do"

Talk: "Sacred Urn"

Talk: "Kurain Village"

Move: DeMasque's Hideout

Talk: "Ron DeLite"

Talk: "Detective Atmey"

Talk: "KB Security"

Talk: "Love at first sight?"

Move: CEO's Office

Talk: "What happened"

Receive: Autopsy Report

Talk: "Detective Atmey"

Receive: Newspaper Clipping

Talk: "Prosecutor Godot"

Examine: Blue Binder [on the table]

Receive: Kane's List

Examine: Red Button [behind desk on wall]

Receive: Emergency Buzzer

Move: Security Room

Talk: "Good info"

Talk: "Security guard"

Talk: "The night of the crime" <2 Locks>

Move: CEO's Office

Move: Main Exhibition Hall

Move: Basement Warehouse

Talk: "DeMasque's identity"

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "Sacred Urn" <2 Locks>

Move: Main Exhibition Hall

Move: CEO's Office

Move: Security Room


Present: Ron's Wallet

Present: CEO Office Key Card

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Present: CEO Office Buzzer

Talk: "Emergency buzzer"

Receive: Buzzer Record

Move: CEO's Office

Present: Kane Bullard

Talk: "The victim"

Move: Main Exhibition Hall

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Mask*DeMasque"

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "Why you were fired"

Present: Newspaper Clipping

Update: Newspaper Clipping

Talk: "Blackmail letter"

Talk: "Heist plans"

Receive: Ron's Testimony

Receive: Sacred Urn

Move: Wright & Co. Law Offices

Move: Main Exhibition Hall

Move: Basement Warehouse

Examine: Box [with pink on the rims]

Receive: Urn Box

Examine: Pink Paint Stain [Pan right]

Receive: Paint Marks


Present: Sacred Urn

Present: Treasure Exhibit Poster

Present: Urn Box

Present: Paint Marks

Talk: "Sacred Urn"

Update: Sacred Urn

Talk: "Ami Fey statue"

Update: Ami Fey's Golden Statue



Press: The statement "The blackmail letter I got... It ordered me to go there"

Select: Press harder

Press: The statement "I'd been working for KB Security until a year ago, so I

knew where his office was."

Select: Why he was fired

Press: The statement "He fired me for selling company secrets... but Dessie

doesn't know about that."

Press: The statement "The blackmail thread didn't scare me. It wasn't going to

cause me trouble or anything."

Select: Yes, he would.

Present: Desiree DeLite

Press: The statement "If I hadn't been wearing that, I would have been


Press: The statement "I'd have been killed if I hadn't been wearing my

Mask*DeMasque costume"

Select: Press harder

Present: Buzzer Record at the statement "I panicked and hid the body in the

safe. It took about 10 minutes"

Select: I can prove it alright.

Present: CEO Office Buzzer

Select: To call the security guard.

Present: Luke Atmey


Press: The statement "I had more than enough time to prepare. It was a

pathetically easy job"

Press: The statement "The time at which the camera captured Mask*DeMasque was

the same time as the murder"

Press: The statement "A photograph contains no words... But in this case, one

turned out to be my witness"

Select: You bet there is

Present: <Higlight> Paint stain on the floor

Present: Ami Fey's Gloden Statue

Present: Luke Atmey

Present: <Highlight> Timestamp on photo

Present: DeMasque's Calling Card at the statement "Hence, I was actually

unable to see the urn for myself until the day of the crime..."

Update: Blackmail Letter

Present: Blackmail Letter at the statement "It was Mr. Bullard who wrote the

blackmail letter and sent it to Ron DeLite."

Present: Newspaper Clipping

Present: Luke Atmey

Select: a blackmailer.

Present: Newspaper Clipping

Select: can't prove it.

Press: The statement "Mr. DeLite was wearing his Mask*DeMasque outfit, which

is why he left no prints."

Present: Sacred Urn

---End of Episode II---




---Start of Episode III---


Receive: Magazine Clipping

Move to Detention Center

Talk: "Maggey Byrde"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Guilty verdict"

Talk: "The other guy"

Present: Magazine Clipping

Move: Tres Bien

Examine: Magazines [Next to door, behind rack]

Receive: Sports Paper

Move: Detention Center

Present: Sports Paper

Move: Tres Bien

Talk: "Tres Bien"

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Old Man"

Present: Maggey Byrde

Talk: "Maggey's motive" <3 Locks>

Move: Vitamin Square

Talk: "What you saw"

Talk: "Maggey Byrde"

Talk: "Tres Bien"

Talk: "Tres Bien regular"

Examine: Magazine [on the orange]

Receive: Job Listings

Move: Tres Bien

Present: Job Listings

Move: Detention Center

Move: Criminal Affairs Dept.

Talk: "Maggey Byrde"

Talk: "The victim"

Talk: "The investigation"

Talk: "Contradictions"

Present: Jean Armstrong

Talk: "The charming chef"

Present: Sports Paper

Discard: Sports Paper

Move: Detention Center

Move: Tres Bien

Talk: "Waitress"

Talk: "Lunch special"

Receive: Tres Bien Lunch Special

Talk: "The Kitchen"

Move: Kitchen

Examine: Green item [on table]

Receive: Magatama

Examine: Box with bottles [on the floor, bottom left]

Receive: Small Bottle

Move: Tres Bien

Move: Vitamin Square

Examine: Pink Scooter

Receive: Scooter

Talk: "Tres Bien regular" <3 Locks>

Move: Tres Bien

Move: Detention Center

Move: Criminal Affairs Dept.

Receive: Sports Paper

Present: Small Bottle

Discard: Small Bottle

Talk: "Armstrong's secret"

Receive: Jean's Loan Contract

Move: Detention Center

Move: Tres Bien

Move: Vitamin Square


Present: Lunch Special

Present: Job Listings

Present: Sports Paper

Present: Maggey Byrde

Talk: "Tres Bien Regular"

Move: Tres Bien

Present: Victor Kudo

Talk: "What you saw"

Talk: "Tres Bien"

Talk: "Tres Bien regular"

Talk: "Armstrong's record"

Receive: Victor's Note

Move: Tres Bien


Present: Jean Armstrong

Present: Victor's Note

Present: Magatama

Present: Jean's Loan Contract

Talk: "Maggey's motive"

Talk: "Winning ticket"

Discard: Victor's Note


TRIAL -Day II [E3T1]

Receive: Glen's Autopsy Report

Receive: Tres Bien Floor Plans

Press: The statement "When the incident took place, the victim was alone at

his table, sir"

Select: Press harder

Receive: Crime Photo

Press: The statement "Traces of poison were found in his coffee cup"

Select: Press harder

Receive: Coffee Cup

Press: The statement "And, um... it looks like Ms. Byrde might've had, well...

some kind of motive"

Select: Press harder

Receive: Victim's Lottery Ticket

Receive: Apron

Receive: Potassium Cyanide

Press: The statement "The victim didn't have any identification on him"

Press: The statement "But we figured out who he was pretty quick, and then the

investigation went smoothly"

Select: Ask about the prescription bag

Receive: Victim's Prescription Bag

Present: Victim's Prescription Bag at the statement "And that was it. There

was nothing else missing from the crime scene"

Select: Push the medication issue

Press: The statement "The serving girl brought him a javaccino... But she put

something in it!"

Select: Press Harder

Press: The statement "There's no question about it! She very conspicuously put

some white powder in there"

Press: The statement "That's the serving girl, right there in the defendant's

chair. I remember her well"

Select: Press harder

Press: The statement "There was a ribbon in her hair, and her apron's straps

were loose"

Select: Ask about the waitress's back

Present: Apron at the statement "There wasn't anything that caught my interest

about her when I saw her from the front"

Present: Coffee cup at the statement "The little fidget picked up the cup with

his free hand and took a sip.

Present: Glen Elg at the statement "The boy was wearing the earpiece on the

same side as the green lens of his specs.

Present: Crime Photo at the statement "Well, the clumsy idiot upset the vase!

He knocked it right over."

Receive: Victor's Testimony



Move: Detention Center

Move: Tres Bien

Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "Lunch special"

Talk: "The radio" <1 Lock>


Present: Victim's Lottery Ticket

Talk: "The radio"

Receive: Millionaire Radio Flier

Present: Glen Elg

Move: Blue Screens, Inc

Talk: "Blue Screens, Inc"

Talk: "What Happened"

Examine: Desk

Receive: Glen's Calender

Examine: Pieces of Paper on the floor

Receive: Glen Elg's Losing Horse Racing Tickets

Present: Glen Elg

Talk: "Glen's troubles" <3 Locks>

Move: Tres Bien

Move: Kitchen

Talk: "Tres Bien"

Talk: "The woman just now"

Present: Jean's Loan Contract

Talk: "The woman just now"

Talk: "Tender Lender"

Move: Tres Bien

Receive: Gumshoe's Lunchbox

Move: Vitamin Square

Move: Tender Lender

Examine: Clothes

Receive: Paper Badge

Examine: Ashtray [on floor next to desk]

Receive: Tres Bien Matches

Examine: CD player

Receive: MC Bomber

Examine: Big Daruma [big face in back]

Receive: Repair Bill

Talk: "Tender Lender"

Talk: "What happened"

Present: Furio Tigre

Talk: "Saved your life?"

Talk: "The head bandage" <4 Locks>

Move: Vitamin Square

Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "Embroiderer"

Select: Suck it up
Talk: "The "errand""

Move: Tres Bien

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Contradictions"

Talk: "After the Incident"

Present: Gumshoe's Lunchbox

Discard: Gumshoe's Lunchbox

Present: Victor Kudo

Talk: "Victor's Testimony"

Move: Criminal Affairs Dept

Talk: "Tender Lender"

Talk: "Computer Viruses"

Talk: "What's a virus?"

Present: MC Bomber

Talk: "MC Bomber"

Update: MC Bomber

Present: Violetta

Talk: "The Cadaverinis"

Receive: Gumshoe's Lunchbox

Move: Detention Center

Move: Tres Bien

Move: Vitamin Square

Move: Tender Lender


Present: Repair Bill

Present: Bruto Cadaverini

Present: Furio Tigre

Present: Scooter

Present: Bruto Cadaverini

Talk: "The head bandage"

Talk: "Compensation"

Receive: Viola's Medical Papers

Move: Vitamin Square

Move: Tres Bien

Move: Blue Screens, Inc

Present: Losing Horse Racing Tickets

Present: Victim's Lottery Ticket

Present: Glen's Calendar

Present: Furio Tigre

Present: MC Bomber

Talk: "Glen's troubles"

Talk: "Risky extra work"

Update: MC Bomber

Discard: Glen Elg's Losing Horse Race Tickets

Move: Tres Bien



Receive: Small Bottle

Present: Glen Elg at the statement "La cup, la earpiece and la glasses...

'E would 'ave seen everyz'ing in reverse, non?"

Present: Crime Photo at the statement "Z'at was la seat at z'e table next to

la victim's. Z'at was where la old man was sitting"

Present: <Highlight> Vase on the left table

Present: Victor's Testimony

Select: The victim was a phony.

Press: the statement "I remember la old man arrived not long after 'im"

Select: What time was it?

Present: Millionaire Radio Flyer at the statement "I remember la old man

arrived not long after 'im, just after 2 PM"

Select: Inside Tres Bien

Present: <Highlight> Kitchen

Present: Small Bottle

Present: Furio Tigre at the statement "A man forced me to do it. I 'ad no


Present: Jean's Loan Contract


Present: Small Bottle

Discard: Small Bottle

Press: The statement "I was tied up with business in December last year.

Spent all'a my time in my office"

Select: Press harder

Present: Glen's Calendar at the statement "The day youse talkin' about, I was

in de office, too. I never saw that kid before"

Present: Tres Bien Matches at the statement "I ain't never even been to that

Tres Bien joint, youse hear?"

Present: Tres Bien Floor Plans at the statement "When I opened the door to the

joint, I saw one ugly scene"

Present: Furio Tigre

Present: Viola Cadaverini

Press: The statement "If that waitress hadn't done what she done, everythin'

woulda been over."

Select: Ask about what Maggey did

Press: The statement "Thanks to what she did, my business with that kid was


Select: Have it amended

Present: MC Bomber at the statement "I was after the $100,000. I didn't have

no other reason to kill the guy"

Present: Viola's Medical Papers

Present: Paper Badge

Receive: Small Bottle

Present: Small Bottle

Select: potassium cyanide

Present: Gumshoe's Lunchbox

---End of Episode III---




---Start of Episode IV---

TRIAL -Day I [E4T1]

Receive: Dusky Bridge Map

Press: The statement "On the day of the incident, an unknown person phoned the

sergeant and asked to meet"

Receive: Victim's Note

Press: The statement "The criminal stuffed her body into his car trunk and

tried to make a getaway"

Receive: Crime Photo

Present: Victim's Note at the statement "Here's a photo of the trunk. But I

don't see anything strange, do you? Anyway..."

Receive: Scarf
Receive: Witness's Photo

Present: Crime Photo at the statement "Anyway, the criminal shoved the victim

down from behind and stabbed her in the back"

Present: <Highlight> The coat

Present: Scarf

Select: witness's testimony.

Receive: Camera

Present: Witness's Photo at the statement "That's when I hurried and took the

photo that shows the crucial moment"

Present: Dusky Bridge Map at the statement "She only got about 10 yards before

she was stabbed in the back"

Present: Dusky Bridge Map at the statement "I suppose that was the only way he

could make sure the body stayed hidden."

Present: Dusky Bridge Map at the statement "The killer broke into the trunk of

the stolen car and hid the body in there."

Select: It doesn't work.

Select: she put the corpse in herself

Present: Camera

Present: <Highlight> Victim [blue circle]

Present: Scarf

Receive: Diamond

Press: The statement "I... I was out of the country until the year before


Select: Press her harder

Press: The statement "Holding a grudge and killing the officer who testified

against you 5 years ago..."

Select: Press harder

Select: Have it added to the testimony

Present: Scarf at the statement "I guess I'm lucky I wasn't wearing a white


Present: Victim's Note

Present: Dahlia Hawthorne

Present: Victim's Note

Present: Dusky Bridge Map at the statement "That's when Mr. Fawles tried to

kill me by shoving me off the bridge from behind"

Present: Witness's Photo

Present: Diamond

Present: Terry Fawles

Present: Witness's Photo at the statement "Finally, one woman came. She stood

in front of me."
---End of Episode IV---




---Start of Episode V---

Receive: "Oh! Cult!" New Year's Issue

Talk: "Channeling dojo"

Talk: "The other nun"

Move: Main Hall

Talk: "Elise Deauxnim"

Talk: "Why come here?"

Receive: Hazakura Temple Map

Move: Main Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Move: Training Hall

Examine: Scroll [On the right side]

Receive: Hanging Scroll

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Talk: "Laurice Deauxnim"

Talk: "Elise Deauxnim"

Receive: Photo of Elise

Talk: "Picture books"

Present: Iris

Talk: "Iris"

Talk: "Hazakura Temple" <5 Locks>

Receive: Iris's Hood



Talk: "Iris"

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "Any idea?"

Talk: "Frightened?" <2 Locks>

Move: Suspension Bridge

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Dusky Bridge"

Talk: "Prosecutor Godot"

Talk: "Lightning"

Receive: Weather Data

Move: Main Gate

Talk: "Iris"

Talk: "The night of the crime" <3 Locks>

Move: Main Hall

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "What you saw"

Talk: "Why return?"

Talk: "The acolyte"

Examine: Paper [Top left corner of the floor]

Receive: Note to Iris

Move: Courtyard

Talk: "The victim"

Receive: Elise's Autopsy Report

Talk: "What happened"

Talk: "Tomorrow's trial"

Talk: "Inner Temple"

Examine: Statue

Receive: Shichichito

Examine: Staff [on the floor, left]

Receive: Victim's Staff

Move: Main Hall

Move: Main Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Inner Temple"

Present: Note to Iris

Present: Phoenix Wright

Talk: "Frightened?"

Receive: Iris's Testimony

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Heavenly Hall

Talk: "Heavenly Hall"

Talk: "Iris"

Talk: "The night of the crime" <3 Locks>


Present: Hazakura Temple Map

Present: <Highlight> Heavenly Hall

Present: Iris

Present: Note to Iris

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "Something incredible" <5 Locks>

TRIAL -Day II [E5T1]

Receive: Crime Photo

Present: Iris's Testimony at the statement "So, I left Iris to help the

acolyte, and returned to Hazakura Temple."

Present: Iris's Hood at the statement "Iris came to the Inner Temple. She was

dressed exactly as she had been at dinner."

Present: Elise's Autopsy Report at the statement "The stabbing I saw must have

occurred after she was pushed out of her window."

Press: The statement "I've never seen so much blood before..."

Select: Press further

Present: Shichishito at the statement "I saw the instant in which the blade,

plunged in to the hilt, was smoothly drawn out."

Receive: Tracks Photo

Press: The statement "And there... I saw tracks! Tracks that indicate the

snowmobile had been used!"

Select: Press further

Present: Tracks Photo at the statement "Maybe they threw the weapon into Eagle

River and came back while I was knocked out?"

Seelct: There is a contradiction.

Present: Weather Data

Present: Crime Photo

Present: Larry Butz


Present: Phoenix Wright at the statement "I didn't meet anyone at the bridge

that night!"

Press: The statement "There was still some thunder, but I went right away to

check it out."

Select: Why didn't you call anyone?

Present: Weather Data at the statement "I arrived at the bridge, and Nick

showed up less than a minute later."

Press: The statement "Sketching! In front of the bridge! I was whipped up into

a frenzy of art!"

Select: Look at the sketch

Receive: Larry's Sketch

Present: Iris's Hood at the statement "I saw Iris flying! Her white hood

Receive: Crystal Sphere

Present: Photo of Elise at the statement "After all, no one else could have

lost a crystal sphere that night."

Select: Yes, I can.

Present: Crystal Sphere

Present: Tracks Photo



Move: Main Gate

Talk: "Franziska von Karma"

Talk: "Today's trial"

Talk: "What happened"

Move: Main Hall

Talk: "Iris"

Talk: "Inner Temple"

Talk: "Elise Deauxnim" <5 Locks>

Talk: "Pearl"

Move: Courtyard
Move: Main Hall

Move: Main Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Examine: Incinerator [Pan left, on the right side]

Move: Training Hall

Examine: Scroll [On right, with a big stain on it]

Update: Hanging Scroll

Examine: Lock [On the door]

Talk: "Why didn't you show?"

Talk: "Can't undo?"

Talk: "Mia Fey"

Talk: "Trick Lock"

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Move: Garden
Examine: Large stone lantern [has red marks]

Examine: Charm [left, red object on snow]

Receive: Kurain Master's Talisman

Talk: "The investigation"

Talk: "Maya"

Talk: "Bloody Writing"

Talk: "True crime scene"

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Main Gate

Move: Main Hall


Present: Kurain's Master's Talisman

Present: Hanging Scroll

Talk: "Elise Deauxnim"

Move: Main Gate

Talk: "Escape"

Talk: "Trick lock"

Talk: "The night of the crime" <3 Locks>

Move: Garden

Talk: "The investigation"

Talk: "Earthquakes"

Talk: "Iris"

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Heavenly Hall

Talk: "Laurice's Sketch"

Talk: "The night of the crime" <5 Locks>

Talk: "Lost powers"

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Main Gate

Move: Main Hall

Talk: "Kurain Channeling Technique"

Talk: "DL-6 Incident"

Talk: "Family feud"

Talk: "Morgan and Iris"

Move: Courtyard

Talk: "The investigation"

Talk: "The letter"

Receive: Burnt Letter

Talk: "Murder weapon"

Talk: "Secret weapon"

Select: Play forensics expert

Examine: Staff [left side]

Talk: "Murder Weapon"

Receive: Victim's Staff

Move: Main Hall

Move: Main Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Move: Garden

Present: ??????

Talk: "Dahlia Hawthorne"

Talk: "Dahlia's death"

Move: Training Hall


Present: Bikini

Present: Iris's Hood

Select: There were two of you.

Present: Dahlia Hawthorne

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "The Traitor"

Talk: "Revenge"

Move: Inner Temple Gate

Move: Suspension Bridge

Move: Heavenly Hall


Present: <Highlight> Inner Temple

Present: Maya Fey

Present: Burnt Letter

Present: Dahlia Hawthorne

Present: Morgan Fey

Present: Hanging Scroll

Talk: "The night of the crime"

Talk: "Lost powers"

Talk: "Morgan's Letter"

Update: Burnt Letter



Discard: Iris's Testimony

Press: The statement "While Mystic Maya was still stumbling, Mystic Elise

moved in to deliver a fatal strike!"

Select: There is one thing...

Present: Victim's Staff at the statement "She threw her staff away and pulled

a dagger from inside her robe!"

Present: Elise Deauxnim

Receive: Dagger

Present: Elise's Autopsy Report at the statement "That's when Mystic Maya

stabbed Mystic Elise!"

Receive: Stone Lantern

Press: The statement "Then I used the snowmobile to carry it back to Hazakura

Temple and..."

Select: About the tracks

Select: It's very important.

Present: Weather Data at the statement "I dragged it behind me all the way

across Dusky Bridge."

Receive: Dusky Bridge Photo

Present: Larry's Sketch at the statement "Or are you saying that there is a

way to cross a burning bridge?"

Select: a complete contradiction.

Present: <Highlight> Wire on the right

Present: Dusky Bridge Photo

Present: Dusky Bridge Photo

Present: Crystal Sphere

Present: Iris

Present: Dahlia Hawthorne

Select: There was one...

Present: Miles Edgeworth


Press: The statement "...The whole plan began with my death."

Press: The statement "A stupid plan hatched by Morgan Fey to install her own

daughter as the next Master."

Press: The statement "But for it to work... Maya Fey would first have to die."

Press: The statement "The idea was for me to kill Maya and then have the blame

pinned on Iris."

Press: The statement "The plan went wrong... but it seems to have succeeded


Present: Mia Fey at the statement "Do you understand why I would kill Maya Fey

now? What my goal was?"

Present: Hazakura Temple Map

Select: in this very courtroom.

Present: Maya Fey

Update: Victim's Staff


Update: Dagger
Press: The statement "Suddenly, someone struck me over the head..."

Select: Press her harder

Press: The statement "I think I screamed, 'Help me!'"

Select: "My last hope"

Present: Stone Lantern at the statement "I could see a man behind my attacker

by the light of the stone lantern"

Present: Godot

Press: The statement "...When I came to, I was just lying there on the Traing

Hall floor."

Press: The statement "By the time I got back to the garden, the place had

totally changed..."

Press: The statement "The torches were lit... And the body was gone."

Press: The statement "And all of the snow around the stone lantern had been

carefully cleaned up, too."

Press: The statement "Since the person did all that work alone, I just assumed

it was a man..."

Press: The statement "By the time I got back to the garden, the place had

totally changed..."

Present: Stone Lantern at the statement "I think it was for my sake that the

killer cleaned up the evidence of what had happened"

Select: The killer didn't notice it.

Present: Godot

Press: The statement "He found Pearly first, and cheered her right up!"
Select: Godot's investigation

Present: Hanging Scroll at the statement "That's when Mr. Godot arrived at the

Inner Temple for the first time!"

Present: Burnt Letter

Present: Mia Fey

Press: The statement "...Just before it happened, I think I saw some red

lights. Three of them."

Select: Press harder

Press: The statement "Just at that moment, there was a horrible scream!"

Select: There's a contradiction.

Present: Dagger

Present: Godot

Present: Pearl Fey

---End of Episode V---



Below are the walkthroughs listed per Episode. If you are confused on

the instructions, refer to the guide above.

If you leave the latest option at the bottom of your screen, the next option

can become visible by scrolling down one line. This will ensure you remain

spoiler free and see it decision by decision.


Episode 1: Turnabout Countdown [EP1]


---Start of Episode I---

TRIAL -Day I [E1T1]

Receive: Arme's Autopsy Report

Receive: Stuffed Animal Bomb

Select: "Inside a stuffed animal"

Receive: Phony Phanty Tail

Update: HH-3000 Bomb

<Select: Either option (This is just if you need info on gameplay or not)>

Present: HH-3000 Bomb at the statement "I SAW THAT THE BOMB'S TIMER


Receive: Missing Remote Switch

Receive: Bomb Transport Case

Pinpoint: Happy Emotion (Green) at "It fell on top of me... *cough, cough*

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "But then Apollo came and rescued me!"

Present: Phony Phanty Tail at the statement "I was watching from the gallery

with Bum Rap Rhiny. I tried to run, but I was too slow."

Highlight: <The Rhino's Tail>

TRIAL -Day II [E1T2]

Receive: Courtroom No. 4 Diagram

Receive: Apollo's Assault Photo

Press: The statement "Apollo stayed with me and we went to the courtroom ruins


Present: Courtroom No. 4 Diagram at the statement "Apollo started looking for

Bum Rap Rhiny near the witness stand, where there was no rubble."

Update: Apollo's Assault Photo

Highlight: "WOODS"

Highlight: Bandages (that have a skid mark over them, a bit above the rock)

Select: "Someone else"

Present: Candice Arme

Present: Bomb Transport Case

Select: "Erase two lines"

Present: Ted Tonate

Select: "The first to find the body"

Select: "Analyze the DNA"

Receive: Courtroom Bombing Photo

Present: Arme's Autopsy Report at the statement, "SHE HAD STRUCK HER HEAD ON


Receive: Bloody Writing Analysis

Present: Bloody Writing Analysis at the statement, "SHE VERY PLAINLY WROTE

"L10015R." I WAS SHOCKED."

Select: "He actually saw it"

Highlight: Top of the incomplete letter (on the right of the 5, where there is

a bit of red above the hole)

Select: "Before the explosion"

Present: HH-3000 Bomb

Present: Courtroom Bombing Photo

Present: Bomb Transport Case

Select: "Stand my ground"

Highlight: Cracked Timer Display

Present: Missing Remote Switch

---End of Episode I---

Episode 2: The Monstrous Turnabout [EP2]


---Start of Episode II---


Move: Kyubi Manor Garden

Talk: "Nine-Tails Vale"

Present: Attorney's Badge

Talk: "Nine-Tails Vale"

Talk: "Tenma Taro"

Receive: Yokai Legend Scroll

Receive: Tenma Taro Warding Charm

Talk: "About what happened"

Talk: "The alderman"

Receive: Nine-Tails Flower

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Reason for arrest"

Talk: "Motive"

Move: Yokai Lane

Talk: "Athena Cykes"

Talk: "The client"

Talk: "Psychology"

Receive: Special Edition Paper

Move: Kyubi Manor Foyer

Receive: Crime Scene Diagram

Receive: Foyer Diagram

Talk: "Investigating the scene"

Talk: "Persuasion"

Examine: Chair on it's side (left, with green cloth)

Examine: Green Cloth (on chair)

Examine: Chamber Door

Examine: Table

Examine: Chair on right (with outline)

Rotate: Right (Twice)

Examine: Window

Receive: Golden Fur

Examine: Shining Gold Statue (Next to the chair on the left)

Receive: Fox and Demon Statue

Talk: "Details of the case"

Receive: Crime Photo

Talk: "Feathers and tracks"

Talk: "Suspects"

Talk: "The prosecution"

Receive: Amazing Nine-Tails Mask

Talk: "The Amazing Nine-Tails"

Receive: Amazing Nine-Tails Glossy

Talk: "Amazing Nine-Tails's Death"

Talk: "About the alderman's murder"

Update: Amazing Nine-Tails Mask

Move: Yokai Lane

Talk: "The incident"

Talk: "Tenma Taro did it?"

Talk: "The Amazing Nine-Tails"

Talk: "The Tenma Taro you saw"

Update: Yokai Legend Scroll

Receive: Jinxie's Statement

Receive: TV Listings

Talk: "Keeping Jinxie quiet"

Talk: "Your alibi"

Talk: "Tenma Taro's revival"

Talk: "Why the merger?"

Bracelet: Move to (his) right eye, your left (Twitch)

Perceive: "in terms of tourism"

Present: Amazing Nine-Tails Glossy

Talk: "Why the merger?"

Present: Amazing Nine-Tails Mask


TRIAL -Day I [E2T1]

Receive: Kyubi's Autopsy Report

Update: Fox and Demon Statue

Present: Fox and Demon Statue at the statement "But the sudden pain jolted the

victim awake, and he grabbed a statue and struck back!"

Select: "There are no fingerprints"

Select: "To wrap the statue"

Update: Fox and Demon Statue

Press: The statement "The strange feathers and tracks he planted made it look

like a yokai was the killer."

Receive: Blackmail Letter

Present: Crime Photo at the statement "Mayor Tenma killed the sleeping alderman

after planting the feathers and tracks."

Highlight: Feathers on the blood

Present: TV Listings at the statement "I was still in my office keeping a good
watch when the murder happened after 3 PM."

Present: Foyer Diagram

Press: The statement, "The floor there's all creaky squeak-like. No way I

woulda missed someone walking by.

Select: "Very important"

Present: Yokai Legend to the statement, "If Tenma Taro was to pass by, his

staff woulda gone jingle jangle."

Select: "He actually saw Tenma Taro"

Receive: Village Superstitions

Probe: Demon on Wheel of Fire

Highlight: Hanging Lamp

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at " legs gave out and I fell to the floor."

Present: Nine-Tails Flower

Highlight: Front Door

Select: "The perp locked it from outside"

Select: "Threw it in from outside"

Highlight: Air Duct

Present: Special Edition paper


Discard: Unecessary Evidence

Talk: "The investigation"

Talk: "The Amazing Nine-Tails"

Move: Wright Anything Agency

Talk: "Our defense"

Talk: "You and Athena"

Talk: "Feathers and tracks"

Talk: "What you remembered"

Receive: Forbidden Chamber Key

Present: Fox and Demon Statue

Present: Blackmail Letter

Talk: "Blackmail letter"

Update: Blackmail Letter

Move: Yokai Lane

Talk: "What you remember"

Talk: "The Forbidden Chamber"

Update: Forbidden Chamber Key

Present: Fox and Demon Statue

Update: Fox and Demon Statue

Talk: "Did you see Tenma Taro?"

Talk: "Rumor about Jinxie"

Present: Blackmail Letter

Receive: Couleur Me L'Belle!

Move: Fox Chamber

Examine: Table

Examine: Orangeish/Brownish Item Under Table

Update: Fox and Demon Statue

Examine: Fox Statues

Examine: Door

Rotate: Right

Examine: Folding Screen

Rotate: Right

Examine: Folding Screen

Rotate: To the backside

Examine: Center Keyhole shapes

Examine: Key Shapes (Left or Right)

Examine: Scroll on Pedestal

Examine: Cream Bottle (Bottom left, colorful near feathers)

Receive: Hand Cream

Examine: Tenma Taro Statue

Receive: Forbidden Chamber Figure

Examine: Air Vent (Top right)

Examine: Staff Rack

Move: Kyubi Manor Foyer

Talk: "Stealing"

Update: Forbidden Chamber Figure

Talk: "Forbidden Chamber Treasure"

Talk: "Tenma Taro Sighting"

Present: Village Superstitions

TalkL "Tenma Taro Sighting"

Discard: Village Superstitions

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Rumor about Jinxie"

Talk: "The real story"

Talk: "Feathers and tracks"

Talk: "Taro's true identity"

Talk: "What you remember"

Bracelet: (Her) Right hand holding seal

Perceive: "That's all he said"

Talk: "What you remember"

TRIAL -Day II [E2T2]

Present: Forbidden Chamber Key at the statement "Betcha she stole it from the

Forbidden Chamber after stumbling on the crime scene."

Present: Hand Cream

Highlight: Window (far right)

Present: Special Edition Paper

Present: Florent L'Belle

Present: Jinxie's Statement at the statement "In shock, I FLED down the

hallway to my right -- to the one with the PHONE at the end."

Press: The statement, "What I saw there up close... It was absolutely


Select: "The murder weapon"

Select: "Very important"

Present: Fox and Demon Statue at the statement "A statue had fallen to the

floor. It was a token of goodwill celebrating the municipal merger."

Pinpoint: Happy Emotion (Green) on "And on the other, my mortal enemy, the

Nine-Tailed Fox!"

Highlight: Forbidden Chamber

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) on "The Amazing Nine-Tails had come to the


Present: Amazing Nine-Tails Glossy at the statement "The Amazing Nine-Tails

had come to the rescue!"

Present: Crime Photo

Select: "Yes, I can"

Select: "L'Belle was disguised as Tenma"

Present: Amazing Nine-Tails Mask

Press: The statement "...and THAT would bring RUIN upon Nine-Tails Vale, just

as the superstitions say."

Select: "Forbidden Chamber treasure"

Present: Azuki Kozo Figure at the statement, "TRAGEDY is DOOMED to repeat as

long as Tenma Taro exists."

Select: "Of course I do"

Select: "Amazing Nine-Tails Mask"

Select: "White hair"

Select: "Florent L'Belle"

Present: Couleur Me L'Belle

Present: Amazing Nine-Tails Mask

---End of Episode II---


Episode 3: Turnabout Academy [EP3]


---Start of Episode III---


Talk: "Themis Legal Academy"

Talk: "Today's plans"

Talk: "The mock trial"

(Examine) Rotate: Right

Examine: Body
Examine: Book

Receive: Courte's Planner

Examine: Arrow

Receive: Arrow

Examine: Body

Examine: Paper (Under rubble)

Receive: Themis Herald

Examine: Statue Remnant (Purple object on pedestal)

Talk: "Juniper Woods"

Talk: "Constance Courte"

Talk: "The mock trial"

Talk: "Your performance"

Receive: Stage Costume

Talk: "So, who won?"

Talk: "Why are you here?"

Talk: "Constance Courte"

Talk: "Summary of the facts"

Talk: "Defense's argument"

Talk: "Prosecution's rebuttal"

Talk: "How the body was moved"

Receive: Mock Trial Script

Move: Hallway

Talk: "About the murder"

Talk: "Rumor about the academy"

Move: Outdoor Stage

Talk: "Myriam Scuttlebutt"

Bracelet: (EIther) of her hands

Perceive: "for Junpier's sake."

Receive: Themis Herald Extra

Present: Themis Herald

Talk: "Myriam Scuttlebutt"

Talk: "'End justifies the means'"

Talk: "A rift in the trio"

Move: Lecture Hall

Talk: "Hugh O'Conner"

Talk: "Discovering the body"

Move: Maintenance Area

Talk: "Robin Newman"

Talk: "About the murder"

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "The script"

Talk: "The awl"

Talk: "Mock trial prep work"


TRIAL -Day I [E3T1]

Receive: Awl

Receive: Courte's Autopsy Report

Receive: Tape Recorder

Press: <Every statement> OR <First and Last statement>

Select: "Make her the culprit"

Present: Stage Costume at the statement, "I'm positive it was Juniper because

she was wearing the costume that she had made!"

Receive: Glowing Costume Photo

Present: Themis Herald Extra

Pinpoint: Happy Emotion (Green) at "When I walked by that frilly costume, I

was like, whoaaaaaa!"

Present: Glowing Costume Photo

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "It's true! I did put on girly clothes!"

Probe: "I felt like a diva when I pulled the hood over my head!"

Highlight: Brace

Select: "You're a girl"

Present: Tape Recorder

Select: "Heard it from Junie"

Present: Mock Trial Script

Update: Tape Recorder

Press: The statement "That's it. Anything else you'd like to ask?"

Select: "How did you prep for the mock trial?"

Present: Courte's Planner at the statement "I didn't talk to anyone until the

final bell. I'd been meditating alone at the archery range."

Select: "The victim"

Select: "Scolding O'Conner"

Receive: School Camera Photo



Talk: "Why change lawyers?"

Talk: "Why did you confess?"

Talk: "The trio's friendship"

Talk: "The day of the murder"

Talk: "Encountering O'Conner"

Move: Outdoor Stage

Talk: "The stage"

Talk: "The statues"

(Examine) Rotate: Left

Examine: White Stone (On stand)

Receive: White Fragment

Examine: Purple Stone (Floor)

Receive: Purple Fragment

Examine: Judge Pedestal (Perspective Changes)

Examine: Purple Stone

Update: Purple Fragments (Go back)

Rotate: Left

Examine: Purple Statue Pedestal

Examine: White Stone (Floor)

Update: White Fragments

Examine: Purple Stone (Off to the left)

Update: Purple Fragments

Receive: Lady Justice

Examine: Window

Examine: Banner

Receive: "'Hugh' Scrap"

Examine: Banner

Receive: School Banner

Examine: Lady Justice Statue

Talk: "Scuttling Scuttlebutt"

Receive: Burnt Fragments

Talk: "The depths of despair"

Talk: "Your photo technique"

Discard: Themis Herald and Themis Herald Extra

Receive: Stage Set UP Photos

Move: Hallway

Talk: "Why did you confess?"

Talk: "Relation to Blackquill"

Talk: "Courte's planner"

Talk: "Art room investigation"

Talk: "The breakthrough"

Receive: Voiceprint Analysis

Examine: Envelope (on left)

Examine: Pottery

Examine: Clock

Present: Stage Set Up Photos

Highlight: Suspended board

Examine: Table (On right with white outline)

Examine: Winch (On right)

Move: Lecture Hall

Talk: "Why did you confess?"

Talk: "The day of the crime"

Talk: "Now that the secret's out..."

Discard: Stage Costume related evidence

Talk: "The snitch"

Present: School Camera Photo

Talk: "Courte's artistic sense"

Update: Lady Justice

Receive: Lecture Hall Diagram

Present: Tape Recorder

Update: Tape Recorder

Talk: "Suspicions about O'Conner"

Bracelet: Her scarf

Perceive: "and never causes trouble"

Select: "The snitch"

Present: Courte's Planner

Talk: "Suspicions about O'Conner"

Talk: "Your report on O'Conner"

Present: "Hugh" Scrap

Talk: "Your other reason"


TRIAL -Day II [E3T2]

Update: Tape Recorder

Present: Stage Set Up Photos at the statement "I was watching her from a

vantage point between the stage and maintenance area."

Select: "His neck"

Select: "Move the body"

Present: School Banner

Select: "The victim's blood"

Probe: "Juniper's innocent!"

Highlight: Woods

Pinpoint: Happy Emotion (Green) at "That means I didn't almost lose! My body

double did!"

Present: Lecture Hall Diagram

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "Then, all I had to do... was go through the

empty audio control room!"

Present: Juniper Woods

Select: "Where they're easy to touch"

Present: Aristotle Means

Select: "Pre-recorded"

Update: Tape Recorder

Highlight: Gold Statue (Center)

Present: Voiceprint Analysis

Present: Tape Recorder at the statement "But when I said I would protect

Juniper, I meant it because it's the humane thing to do."

Press: The statement "Completing a statue so quickly meant I could not leave

the stage for a single second!"

Select: "Yes, I accept it"

Select: "Crime scene"

Highlight: Stage

Present: School Banner

Highlight: Black Banner (floor)

Present: Burnt Fragments

Present: Lady Justice

Select: "Point us to the body"

Select: "During the mock trial"

Select: "During the speech"

Select: "The white statue"

Select: "The Wright statue"

Select: "Behind my head"

Present: Arrow

Highlight: Globe (Tip of staff)

Select: "Test the spear for blood"

---End of Episode III---


Episode 4: The Cosmic Turnabout [EP4]


---Start of Episode IV---

TRIAL -Day I [E4T1]

Receive: Space Center Diagram

Receive: Utility Knife

Receive: Bombing Report

Press: The statement "Just before the rocket was set to launch, two bombs
went off. BOOM! BOOM!"

Receive: Evacuation Report

Press: The statement "One on the second floor of the Space Center's main

building and one in Launch Pad 1."

Press: The statement "Thankfully, only the two astronauts were in Launch Pad

1 at the time."

Receive: Launch Pad 1 Door Lock

Press: <Remaining Statements>

Receive: Security Camera Video

Select: "Why the body was moved"

Present: Bombing Report to the statement "Like always, I took the elevator

down to the middle level and headed for the corridor."

Present: Space Center Diagram at the statement "With the capsule and Clay in

my arms, I made my way down from the upper level."

Highlight: The Ladder

Receive: Oxygen Tank Data

Present: Security Camera Video

Highlight: Oxygen Display (50)

Select: "The victim was carrying the defendant"



Talk: "The case"

Update: Utility Knife

Talk: "The HAT-1 Miracle"

Talk: "Outer space"

Talk: "The victim"

Move: Entrance

Talk: "Yuri Cosmos"

Talk: "About the bombing"

Talk: "About HAT-1"

Move: Boarding Lounge

Move: Launch Pad 1 Corridor

Talk: "The crime scene"

Talk: "What happened, exactly?"

Talk: "The witness"

Move: Boarding Lounge

Receive: Space Center Pamphlet

Examine: White rope

Examine: Spinning object (roof)

Examine: Door (On right)

Receive: Control Room Door Lock

(Automatically changes angle)

Examine: Area between south and west door (Moonwalk training pad)

(Zoom) Examine: Training pad

Examine: Grates (against wall)

Examine: Glinting object

Receive: Bullet

(Back) Examine: White Floor Panel (right of moon training pad)

(Back) Examine: Door (With Rocket logo on it)

(Zoom) Examine: Door

Examine: Finger Print Reader

Examine: Plate next to Finger Print Reader (On the left)

(Back) Rotate: Right

Examine: Mirror
Examine: Table

Examine: Buttons (In table, deactivate wall)

Examine: Open Capsule

Rotate: Left

Examine: Crack on black screen (Top right)

(Zoom) Examine: Crack

Receive: Bullet Hole

Update: Space Center Pamphlet

Talk: "The HAT-1"

Present: Terran's Autopsy Report

Receive: "Hope" Capsule

Talk: "Launch pad layout"

Move: Launch Pad 1 Corridor

Talk: "Bullet hole at the scene"

Talk: "Fingerprint data"

Update: Luanch Pad 1 Door Lock

Present: Security Camera Video

Update: Security Camera Video

Select: "Justice"

Present: Evacuation Report

Present: Candice Arme

Talk: "What you can't say"

Talk: "Prosecutor Blackquill"

Talk: "Haunted for seven years"

Talk: "Your last name"

Talk: "The witness"

Receive: Aura's Statement

Talk: "Why you hate lawyers"

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "The lighter"

Discard: Irrelevant Evidence

Talk: "Your injuries"

Talk: "Clay Terran"

Talk: "'I'm fine'"


TRIAL -Day II [E4T2]

Press: The statement, "I hate to say it, but I can only imagine the standing

figure must have been Starbuck."

Present: Bullet Hole at the statement, "Detective Arme fired two warning shots

at the figure."

Update: Oxygen Tank Data

Receive: Bullet from Arme's Gun

Update: Bullet Hole

Select: "No, it doesn't"

Present: Bullet

Present: Bullet at the statement "We were still in the Control Room to the

east when the figure fired at us!"

Present: Yuri Cosmos

Present: Bullet from Arme's Gun


Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "and, well, the Launch Pad 1 door..."

Pinpoint: Surprised Emotion (Yellow) at "...but, when I tried to get another

look, they had vanished into thin air!"

Highlight: Launch Pad 1 Corridor

Present: Solomon Starbuck

Pinpoint: Surprised Emotion (Yellow) at "And then, the detective shot at me!"

Select: "More surprised when Arme came"

Highlight: Panel on left of Fingerprint Reader

Pinpoint: Happy Emotion (Green) at "I had no choice but to disengage the

safety lock."

Select: "To switch it with another place"

Highlight: Space Museum

Highlight: "2" (Right next to the oxygen tank on floor)

Receive: Lighter

Update: Lighter

---End of Episode IV---


Episode 5: Turnabout for Tomorrow [EP5]


---Start of Episode V---


Discard: Unnecessary evidence

Move: Entrance

Move: Boarding Lounge

Talk: "About the murder"

Talk: "The murderer"

Talk: "Switching the launch pads"

Examine: Reddish object (Bottom left)

Examine: Finger Print Reader

Update: Launch Pad 1 Door Lock

Move: Entrance

Talk: "Switching the launch pads"


Select: "To save the astronauts"

Present: Clay Terran

Select: "The HAT-1 Miracle"

Present: Simon Blackquill

Talk: "Switching the launch pads"

Talk: "The spy"

Talk: "Just like seven years ago"

Talk: "The 'Hope' capsule"

Move: Space Museum

Receive: HAT-1 Exhibit

Talk: "Athena and the Space Center"

Talk: "Sad memory"

Talk: "Young Athena"

Present: HAT-1 Exhibit

Receive: Phony Phanty Bomb

Move: Robotics Lab

Talk: "About what happened"

Talk: "Seven years ago"

Talk: "Clonco and Ponco"

Talk: "Dr. Cykes and Simon"

Move: Wright Anything Agency

Talk: "Pearls"

Talk: "Pearls's errand"

Move: Detention Center

Talk: "Seven years ago"

Talk: "The trial seven years ago"

Receive: Seven-Year-Old Video

Receive: Katana

Receive: Photo of the Crime

Talk: "Execution date"

Select: "Retry it in court"

Talk: "Miles Edgeworth"

Talk: "The UR-1 Incident"

Receive: Seven-Year-Old Photos

Receive: Metis's Autopsy Report

Talk: "Simon Blackquill"

Examine: Large Robot

Examine: Power box (Yellow object)

Examine: Blue cases

Examine: Suspended robot hand

Examine: Table on right

Update: "Hope" Capsule

Rotate: Left

Examine: Operating table (purple seat)

Examine: Red box (right)

Receive: Emergency Ladder

Examine: Monitor (Pink, left)

Receive: Robots with a Heart

Talk: "Edgeworth's request"

Talk: "The dark age of the law"

Talk: "The day of the crime"

Update: HAT-1 Exhibit

Talk: "Your mother's work"

Receive: Moon Rock Earring

Present: Robots with a Heart

Talk: "Seven years ago"

Talk: "Why you became a lawyer"


TRIAL -Day I [E5T1]

Update: Seven-Year-Old Video

Press: The statement, "'And the only person small enough to fit inside that

case... was Athena Cykes!'"

Select: "Bluff"

Highlight: Robot part (white object with black marks near his left arm)

Present: HAT-1 Exhibit

Select: "Dismantling her"

Update: Photo of the Crime

Press: The statement, "And then Mommy Metis fell down. After that, I was

recharging, so I don't know anything."

Select: "There is something"

Present: Seven-Year-Old Photos at the statement, "Mommy Metis fell down near

the round window on the workbench side of the room!"

Select: "The victim moved"

Pinpoint: Happy Emotion (Green) at "But when I got to the robotics lab, I

found Athena there instead."

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "And when she did, I plunged the katana in!"

Select: "His emotions"

Pinpoint: Surprised Emotion (Yellow) at "I hurried over and opened the door

to the robotics lab."

Select: "His testimony"

Present: Photo of the Crime at the statement, "...Ponco attacked me! I

retaliated by cutting it into pieces."

Probe: "I saw it! That terrible scene!"

Highlight: Athena

Present: Katana

Select: "The defendant used a different weapon"

Present: Utility Knife

Present: Robots with a Heart

Select: "Someone else"

Select: "Their own face"

Select: "Metis Cykes"

Select: "Her jacket"

Select: "The real culprit"

Update: Utility Knife

Present: Seven-Year-Old Video

Select: "The killer brought it back"

Select: "When the body was found"

Receive: Phantom's Psych Profile


Press: <Every statement>

Select: "Of course"

Highlight: Space Museum Corridor

Highlight: Blank area within rail circle (point below the Space Museum corridor

which would be the ground outside)

Present: Emergency Ladder

Present: Phantom's Psych Profile

Present: Bobby Fulbright

Press: The statement, "I won't have you make me into a villain with your far-
fetched arguments!"

Select: "The number of prints"

Present: Aura's Statement at "Three prints were on the lighter: the thumb,

index, and the middle fingers of a right hand!"

Bracelet: (His) Left thumb

Perceive: "The Earth emblem"

Examine: Earth emblem

Select: "The owner of the prints"

Update: Lighter

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "How dare you accuse me of being someone who

would kill over a moon rock?!"

Select: "Your identity will be revealed"

Present: Utility Knife at "What reason would the phantom have to be afraid of

the moon rock?! None at all!"

Present: "Hope" Capsule

Present: Phony Phanty Bomb

Highlight: Stone (Black/Yellow, left)

Present: Moon Rock Earring

---End of Episode V---


Special Episode: Turnabout Reclaimed [DL1]


Note: This episode is DLC and optional. It was released in North America on

November 21st, 2013 for $5.99.

Once downloaded, it will appear on the main menu as "Special Episode."

---Start of DLC Episode---


Talk: "Your defense request"

Talk: "Why request me?"

Move: Shipshape Aquarium

Receive: Swashbuckler Flyer

Talk: "Orla the orca"

Talk: "About the murder"

Talk: "Why is Orla accused?"

Receive: Photo of the Body

Receive: Orca Pool Diagram

Select: "Defend Orla in court"

Examine: Orla*

Receive: Whistle

Examine: Giant Octopus

Rotate: Right

Examine: Body Outline (Bottom right)

Examine: Body Outline (Again)

Move: Aqua Tunnel

Talk: "Proof the orca did it"

Receive: Security Footage

Move: Pub O' Danger

Talk: "Norma DePlume"

Talk: "Why you're here"

Move: Aqua Tunnel

Talk: "Marlon Rimes"

Talk: "About the murder"

Talk: "Rifle"

Receive: Fish

Receive: Walkie-Talkie

Talk: "Pearl Fey"

Talk: "Meeting Athena"

Receive: Calendar

Talk: "Rifle"

Present: Fish

Talk: "Orla's eating"

Talk: "Orla and Rifle"

Receive: Orca Pool Diagram

Talk: "Relation to Rimes"


Highlight: Staff Corridor

Present: Rifle
Present: Calendar

Talk: "Relation to Rimes"

Talk: "Why did you hide it?"

Update: Calendar

Move: Pub O' Danger


Present: Security Footage

Select: "A witness to the murder"

Talk: "Why you're here"

Talk: "Non-fiction writer"

Talk: "Orla's violent streak"

Examine: Body Outline (Bottom right)

Examine: Footprints

Examine: Coin (Small object to right of footprints)

Receive: Bloodstained Coin

Examine: Dummy

Rotate: Left (Twice)

Examine: Ladder

Examine: Pool (Sparkling)

Select: "Put them in a bag"

Update: Bloodstained Coin

Present: Bloodstained Coin



Receive: Swashbuckler Video

Receive: TV Phone

Receive: Shipley's Autopsy Report

Press: Shipley's Autopsy Report at The statement "I saw the killer whale bite

the victim to death with its huge mouth and deadly teeth!"

Update: Security Footage

Update: Photo of the Body

Receive: "The Killer Killer Whale"

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "I was calm when I saw it start to head-butt."

Pinpoint: Sad Emotion (Blue) at "But when the pirate hat and victim came

floating up, I let out a scream!"

Present: Orla Shipley

Select: "Before DePlume saw it"

Present: Security Footage

Select: "Nothing important"

Present: Photo of the Body

Present: Bloodstained Coin

Select: "They created a witness"

Present: Whistle

Update: Orca Pool Diagram

Present: Calendar at the statement, "At about 10:10 AM, I was in the staff



Update: Calendar

Press: The statement, "The equipment was everywhere, and... the captain was

lying in the middle of it all."

Select: "The things scattered around"

Update: Swashbuckler Flyer

Press: The statement, "The props for the new show were everywhere, and...

the captain was in the middle of it all."

Select: "Yes, there is"

Highlight: Scarf

Select: "Falling"

Select: "The lifesaver trick"

Update: Shipley's Autopsy Report



Discard: Unecessary Evidence

Talk: "Why arrest Buckler?"

Receive: Security Card

Receive: Prescription Bag

Move: Pub O' Danger

Talk: "Herman Crab"

Talk: "The penguin chick"

Talk: "About the murder"

Talk: "Dr. Crab's lab"

Talk: "Last year's scoop"

Talk: "Today's trial"

Present: Swashbuckler Video

Update: Swashbuckler Video

Talk: "Dangerous Animal Control"

Move: Wright Anything Agency

Talk: "The investigation"

Examine: Rotate (Left)

Examine: Platform

Examine: Orla

Examine: Chest

Examine: Skull Rock

Receive: Skull Rock

Examine: Orla

Receive: Pool Bottom Photo

Examine: Black Cloth (With Skull and Crossbones, in front of you)

Rotate: Left

Examine: Orange Panel (center left)

Examine: Orla

Examine: Sheet (on right)

Receive: Mysterious Capsule

Move: Show Stage

Talk: "Helping with cleaning"

Talk: "About the murder"

Examine: Crane/Hoist

Examine: Ship

Examine: Board (Bottom right)

Update: Skull Rock

Receive: Handmade Sign

Talk: "The new show"

Update: Swashbuckler Flyer

Examine: Ladder

Examine: Pool
Talk: "Peculiar prints"

Receive: "Ladder Prints"

Present: Mysterious Capsule

Talk: "About the murder"

Talk: "Orla"

Update: Whistle

Present: Prescription Bag

Talk: "Reasons for the fight"

Update: Skull Rock

Talk: "Azura Summers"

Present: Photo of the Body

Update: Shipley's Autopsy Report / Photo of the Body

Talk: "The ship's doctor?"

Present: Calendar

Update: Calendar

Talk: "Rifle's condition"

Talk: "Monitoring system"

Talk: "The charm"

Receive: Charm


Present: Security Footage

Present: Security Card

Talk: "Monitoring system"

Receive: TORPEDO Data

Talk: "Why hide the TORPEDO?"

Talk: "Euthanasia"

Present: Calendar

Update: Calendar

Discard: Unecessary Evidence

Update: "3 Zs" Sleeping Pill



Update: TV Phone

Press: The statement, "The pool water would never be drained unless the pool

was being cleaned."

Present: Pool Bottom Photo at the statement, "If there was no water in the

pool, the orca could die."

Select: "The orca was there"

Select: "Present evidence"

Present: Pool Bottom Photo

Update: Skull Rock

Present: "3 Zs" Sleeping Pill

Present: TORPEDO Data

Present: Marlon Rimes

Present: Shipley's Data at the statement, "Orla killed the captain by bashin'

him 30 feet high and makin' him slam down on the water!"

Highlight: Show Pool

Highlight: Crane/Hoist (Top left)

Select: "I have no objections"

Present: Skull Rock

Probe: <I can still remember the spectators' screams clearly...>

Highlight: Audience

Present: "The Killer Killer Whale"

Present: Charm

Probe: <When Ms. DePlume witnessed the orca findin' the body, I freaked.>
Highlight: Orla

Select: "I've got your proof!"

Pinpoint: Surprised Emotion (Yellow) at "When Ms. DePlume witnessed the orca

findin' the body, I freaked."

Present: Ora Shipley

Highlight: Water

Select: "Rifle"

Present: Handmade Sign

Highlight: Pink Footprints (Top left)

Highlight: Ladder/Water

Present: Ora Shipley


Press: <Every statement>

Select: "Stop here"

Present: TV Phone

Update: TV Phone
Select: "She couldn't have"

Present: Whistle

Select: "The song"

Present: Swashbuckler Video

Highlight: Speaker (Top left)

Present: Walkie-Talkie



Examine: Rotate (To backside)

Examine: Blade

Present: Shipley's Data at the statement, "YO! WALKIE-TALKIE BE BROKE 4 REAL!


Select: "The orca's tooth marks"

Select: "The tooth marks are different"

Select: "The show song"

Select: "It was a different orca"

Present: TV Phone

Present: Swashbuckler Video

Present: Ladder Prints

Present: Fish

---End of Special Episode---

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