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Angelology Part 2 - The Angelic Hierarchy & Its 9 Orders: The Angels Of Jewish


In popular Jewish lore and teachings, Thereare 9 angelic orders ranked under 3
hierarchies,the lowest, the middle and the highest, eachhierarchy having 3 orders.

St Ambrose and Pseudo-Dionysius group these orders a bit differently, with St Ambrose
saying the angels, archangels and virtues are the lowest, the powers, principalities and
thrones being the middle, and the Dominations,Cherubim and Seraphim being the

According to Pseudo-Dionysius however, the Angels, the Archangels and the

principalities belong the lowest hierarchy, the powers, the virtues and the Dominions,
belong to the middle hierarchy, while the Thrones, the Cherubimand the seraphim,
belong to the highest hierarchy.

We shall use the Pseudo-Dionysius version, in ascending order.

The angels are the 1st in rank, the lowest of the 9 orders and are guardian angels ofthe
human race, and the messengers of the celestial realm, whose duties are to shuttle
between different realms, mediating between the mundane and the divine. The chief
prince of this order is Angel Gabriel, alongside other princes, Phaleg, Adnachiel and

The Archangels are the 2nd in rank, higher than the Angels. They minister and appease
the Lord for thesins of the ignorant and of the righteous."The chief ruling prince of this
order isArchangel Michael, alongside 6 other princes, archangels Gabriel, Raphael,
Metatron, Barachiel, Jehudiel, and Uriel, who is also known as Phanuel.

Before his fall, Lucifer was once one of the princes of this angelic order.

Many christians believe there are only 7 archangels, however, a few sources and
authorities disagree, saying these 7 are only the chiefs or princesof the order, and so are
the most famous. They say the chiefs preside over a few other archangels.

According to the book of Enoch, these other archangels include Zerachiel, Seltiel,
Jeremiel, Baradiel, and Sidriel.

According to the Testament of Solomon, they include Sabrael, Arael, Iaoth, Adonael, and

According to Pope Gregory the great, they include Simiel, Orifiel, and Zachariel.

And According to Pseudo-Dionysius , they includeChamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel .

Furthermore, in the 3rd book of Enoch, it is said each of the 7 archangel princes is
accompanied by 496,000 myriads of ministering angels."
The Principalities are the 3rd in Rank, higher than the Archangels. They are the
Protectors of Religion, who watch over the leaders of the people, and inspirethem to
make the right decisions. The ruling princes of this order include Requel, Haniel, Cerviel,
and Nisroc.

The Powers are the 4th in rank, higher than the Principalities, and their principal task is
to see to it that order is maintained on the heavenly pathways. They stop the efforts of
demons who would overthrow the world, the powers preside over demons. Angel
Samael is chiefest prince of this order, alongside other princes, Gabriel, Verchiel, and
Lucifer before his fall. The powers are said to be the first created angels, and are said to
have an inclination towards evil, a tendency to become evil.

The Virtues are the 5th in Rank, higher than the order of Powers, and Their primary
duty is to work miracles in the mundane realm, They are the bestowers of grace and
valor. The ruling princes of this order are Michael, Raphael, Barbiel, Uriel, Peliel, and
Lucifer, before his fall.

The Dominions are the 6th in Rank, higher than the virtues. They regulate the duties of
angels, and aspire to true lordship.It is through them the majesty of God is manifested.
The ruling princes of this order are Zadkiel, Hashmal, Zacharael, and Muriel.

The Thrones are the 7th in rank, higher than the Dominions or Dominations. It is
through the thrones that God brings his justice upon the human race. And The ruling
princes of this angelic order are Oriphiel, Zabkiel, and Zaphkiel.

The Cherubim are the 8 in rank, higher than the Thrones, and they symbolize God's
highest potencies, sovereignty, and goodness. The Jews say they are the many eyed
charioteers of God, the bearers of His throne, and the personification of the winds. The
word Cherubim is of Assyrian and Akkadian origin, which means "one who prays" or
"one who intercedes." and In ancient Assyrian art, the cherubim are depicted as huge,
winged creatures with human faces or that of lions, bodies of bulls or sphinxes, or
eagles, andwere usually placed at entrances to palaces or temples as guardian spirits. In
the Old Testament of the Bible However, The cherubim are described as angels of
flaming fire, wielding flaming swords which turn like wheels, for It was two Cherubim,
who, with their flaming swords, guarded the Tree of Life and the Garden of Eden. The
chiefest prince of this order is Cherubiel, alongside other princes, Gabriel, Ophaniel,
Raphael, Uriel, Zophiel, and Lucifer before his fall.

The Seraphim are the 9th in rank, and the highest of all other orders. The seraphim
surround the throne of God and unceasingly praise his name. They are the angels of
love, of light, and of fire. The book of Enoch says there are only 4 of them,
"corresponding to the 4 winds of the world." These 4 princes are Seraphiel, Jehoel,
Metatron, and Michael, with the chiefest prince being Jeheol, some say Michael. Before
his fall, Lucifer was once the ruling prince of the Seraphim, and after his fall,was
replaced by Jeheol or Michael.

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