Session 11 Money's Worth Lisseth Barahona Ake

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Session 11 Money’s worth

Name ……Lisseth Abisail Barahona Aké… Date…16/04/2024

1. What kind of things do you enjoy spending money on? In food Why? food makes me happy.
2. Read the article, what are the main ideas on the section:
a. “The problem with possessions”
b. “The power of Experiences

3. Write the number of the section from the article (1-3) for each supporting detail. If the supporting
detail is not in the article write an X.
Experiences …
A. help us gain confidence and overcome problems. …..x
B. aren’t compared as often as things. ….3
C. define and change who we are. …1.
D. cause more excitement than possessions. ….2
E. can be more expensive than possessions. ….x
F. add value to our lives that can last a lifetime. …3
4. Thing in more ideas in favour of buying experiences instead of things. Then think of ideas against
buying experiences. Which do you agree with more? Discuss them to the class.
Ideas in favor of buying experiences:

1. Memories and Emotions: Experiences create lasting memories and emotional connections that can enrich our lives in
ways material possessions cannot.

2. Personal Growth: Experiences often challenge us, help us learn new things, and contribute to personal development.

3. Social Connection: Shared experiences with others can strengthen relationships and create bonds that last a lifetime.

Ideas against buying experiences:

1. Practicality: Material possessions can sometimes serve practical purposes and offer long-term utility, which may be more
beneficial than temporary experiences.

2. Financial Considerations: Some experiences can be costly and may not provide the same long-term value as investing
in durable possessions.

3. Individual Preferences: Everyone has different preferences and priorities, with some people finding more joy and
satisfaction in owning tangible items.

Time to speak
Objective: Negotiate a boat trip
Dear student,
If you don’t attend to online class, please follow each step from A to F, record a video explaining
each one and present letter F. Use the “useful phrases.

Sorry Teacher on April 15, 2024 I had surgery, I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed and I can't
speak, to record a video.

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