A Review of The Effects of Forest Fire On Soil Properties

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J. For. Res.

(2022) 33:1419–1441


A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties

Alex Amerh Agbeshie1 · Simon Abugre2 ·
Thomas Atta‑Darkwa3 · Richard Awuah1

Received: 6 April 2021 / Accepted: 4 November 2021 / Published online: 28 April 2022
© The Author(s) 2022

Abstract Forest fires are key ecosystem modifiers affect- physical and biological properties. In this regard, the use
ing the biological, chemical, and physical attributes of forest of prescribed burning as a management tool to reduce the
soils. The extent of soil disturbance by fire is largely depend- fuel load is highly recommended due to its low intensity
ent on fire intensity, duration and recurrence, fuel load, and and limited soil heating. Furthermore, the use of prescribed
soil characteristics. The impact on soil properties is intri- fires to manage fuel loads is critically needed in the light
cate, yielding different results based on these factors. This of current global warming as it will help prevent increased
paper reviews research investigating the effects of wildfire wildfire incidences. This review provides information on the
and prescribed fire on the biological and physico-chemical impact of forest fires on soil properties, a key feature in the
attributes of forest soils and provides a summary of current maintenance of healthy ecosystems. In addition, the review
knowledge associated with the benefits and disadvantages should prompt comprehensive soil and forest management
of such fires. Low-intensity fires with ash deposition on soil regimes to limit soil disturbance and restore fire-disturbed
surfaces cause changes in soil chemistry, including increase soil ecosystems.
in available nutrients and pH. High intensity fires are noted
for the complete combustion of organic matter and result Keywords Forest fires · Low-severity fire ·
in severe negative impacts on forest soils. High intensity Mineralization · Soil available nutrients · Soil organic
fires result in nutrient volatilization, the break down in soil matter · Volatilization
aggregate stability, an increase soil bulk density, an increase
in the hydrophobicity of soil particles leading to decreased Abbreviations
water infiltration with increased erosion and destroy soil AFAC Australasian Fire Authorities Council
biota. High soil heating (> 120 °C) from high-intensity for- C Carbon
est fires is detrimental to the soil ecosystem, especially its CEC Cation exchange capacity
CO2 Carbon dioxide
EC Electrical conductivity
The online version is available at http://www.springerlink.com. GHG Greenhouse gas(es)
MBC Soil microbial biomass carbon
Corresponding editor: Yu Lei. MBN Soil microbial biomass nitrogen
N Nitrogen
* Alex Amerh Agbeshie
alex.agbeshie@uenr.edu.gh NH4+ Ammonium
1 NO3− Nitrate
Department of Environmental Management, University
of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), Sunyani, Ghana OC Organic carbon
2 OM Organic matter
Department of Forest Science, University of Energy
and Natural Resources (UENR), Sunyani, Ghana P Phosphorus
3 PF Prescribed fire
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), SOC Soil organic carbon
Sunyani, Ghana SOM Soil organic matter

1420 A. A. Agbeshie et al.

TC Total carbon 2021). A review by Certini (2005) found that an intense fire
TN Total nitrogen moving at a slow pace resulted in more damage to the soil
TP Total phosphorus than a fast-moving fire. Moreover, temperatures of 850 °C
WF Wildfire and higher may be attained on soil surfaces with dry, heavy
fuel loads, and may have destructive effects on soil proper-
ties (DeBano 2000). Certain nutrients are also more vulner-
Introduction able to fire than others. For example, levels of potassium
(K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) may be increased
Soil is one of the most valuable natural resources utilized or unaffected by fire, while sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N)
across socio-ecological and natural systems (Alcañiz et al. usually decline. Temperature specifically regulates the vol-
2018), and plays acritical role in nutrient cycling, as a atilization of nutrients within the soil. In organic matter,
warehouse for minerals, in carbon sequestration, and sup- N begins to volatilize at 200 °C (Knicker 2007), while Ca
port for plant growth (Osman 2013). It is considered a non- requires 1484 °C to vaporize (Johnston and Barati 2013).
renewable natural resource on a human timescale because Fires of high intensity can also alter soil physical properties
of its rapid deterioration and slow phase of formation (Lal and make it more vulnerable to nutrient depletion by erosion.
2015). Therefore, degradation of the biological, chemical, With current global warming, higher temperatures and
and physical properties of forest soils reduce its capacity to extreme droughts significantly increase the risk of forest
function fully, with such effects either temporary or perma- fires (Zhang and Biswas 2017). There have been several
nent. Key drivers of soil degradation in forest ecosystems recent predictions on the possible increase in fire duration,
are deforestation, fires, erosion, and soil contamination intensity, and frequency in forested regions, especially in
(Ghazoul et al. 2015; Silvério et al. 2019). the tropics, because of higher temperatures (Zhang and Bis-
Fires are considered a destructive factor in most for- was 2017; Auclerc et al. 2019; Addo-Fordjour et al. 2020).
est ecosystems of tropical, temperate, and boreal areas Therefore, increased fire risk will not only affect forest flora,
(Fernández-García et al. 2019a, b), and are viewed as global but also soil physical, chemical, and biological properties
phenomena affecting most land areas (Bento-Gonçalves (Romeo et al. 2020). Fire influence forest soils in complex
et al. 2012). The evidence of fire was first discovered in ways but have not been studied as comprehensively com-
the 360-million-year-old fossil records of the Carbonifer- pared to the effects of vegetation. Fires on forest soils influ-
ous period (Verma and Jayakumar 2012). Fire influences ence a wide range of processes, including organic matter
forest ecology and functioning by affecting nutrient turno- loss (Knicker 2007), nutrient availability and their dynamics
vers, hydrophobicity, species composition and regeneration, (Cavard et al. 2019), and revival of vegetation after the fire
and ecological biodiversity. Wildfires are often a result of (Rodríguez et al. 2018). Consequently, information on the
anthropogenic activities, while naturally occurring fires changes to soil properties following fire is key to finding
represent only a small fraction of global fires (Knorr et al. sustainable and adaptable management practices of soils and
2016). Forest fires are a major cause of soil degradation and forests (Zhang and Biswas 2017). The objective of this paper
nutrient losses via volatilization and erosion (Gómez-Rey is to review the current knowledge on forest soil modifica-
et al. 2013). tions following fire disturbance.
Forest fires affect the biological and physico-chemical
quality of soils and diminish the nutrient pool through vari-
ous mechanisms, including volatilization, oxidation, ash Concept of wildfire and prescribed fire
transfer, and erosion (Pellegrini et al. 2018). Akburak et al.
(2018) reported a drastic decline in microbial biomass car- Wildfire
bon on a short-term basis following forest fires. Raison et al.
(1986) also reported a reduction in nutrient pools such that The term “wildfire” has been used to define fires outside
there was a decline of 50–75% of nitrogen (N), 35–50% of urban areas (Fig. 1). The Australasian Fire Authorities
phosphorus (P), and 25–50% of magnesium (Mg) via volatil- Council (AFAC 2010) considers wildfire to be any uninten-
ization and oxidation processes. Mataix-Solera et al. (2011) tional vegetation fire, including forest fires and shrub fires.
observed that forest fires with temperatures greater than The United States has also described wildfire as “any non-
300 °C resulted in the destruction of soil water repellence, structure fire that occurs in the wildland” (National Wildfire
with a significant impact on soil water cycle and erosion Coordinating Group 2011). In Australia, the term “bush-
characteristics (Inbar et al. 2014). fires” has also been denoted as any vegetation fire (AFAC
However, the impact of fires on soil quality indicators is 2010). Forest fire is the term applied to any wildfire or bush-
largely dependent on their severity and frequency (Johnston fire in the Europe (European Commission 2010). Within the
and Barati 2013; Pellegrini et al. 2018; Pérez‐Izquierdo et al. past decade, major wildfires have occurred (https://​blog.​

A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties 1421

Fig. 1  High-intensity bushfire

in native vegetation. Photo
credits to Ghana Districts News,
Ghana, Africa, January 2018

Table 1  Major wildfires Country Name of wildfire Year of wildfire

worldwide in the past decade
Australia Australian bushfire season 2019/2020
Canada Northwest Territories fires 2014
Serbia Siberia wildfires 2019
Bolivia Bolivia forest fires 2010
Canada British Columbia wildfires 2018
Canada British Columbia wildfires 2017
United States Western United States wildfires 2020
Russian Russian wildfires 2015
Brazil Amazon rainforest wildfires 2019
Canada Alberta wildfires 2019
Greece Attica wildfires 2018
Sweden Swedish wildfires 2018
Portugal Portuguese wildfires 2017
Gran Canaria Canary Islands wildfires 2019
California, USA California wildfires 2018
Canada Richardson Backcountry Fire 2011
Northern California, USA Mendocino Complex fires 2018
Sierra Nevada Rim Fires 2013
Russia Russian wildfires 2010
Amur Oblast Russia Russian wildfires 2018
Southern California, USA Thomas Fire 2017

batch​geo.​com/​large​st-​wildf​i res/) (Table 1), with devastat- duration (Bento-Gonçalves et al. 2012). Fire intensity, which
ing effects in different regions. For example, between 1970 relates to the heat output per area burnt per time, can be clas-
and 2017 in Canada, about 5.6 million acres of vegetation sified as low intensity (< 100 °C), medium intensity (up to
had been degraded annually from 8000 wildfire incidents 250 °C), and high intensity (> 350 °C) (Caon et al. 2014).
(Tymstra et al. 2020). Current climate change predictions, However, the severity of wildfires is largely dependent on
coupled with more recurrent and prolonged droughts, would the fuel load present in the ecosystem, the soil type and
exacerbate the incidence of wildfires in many agroecologies moisture content, and the fire intensity. Several researchers
(Caon et al. 2014). have documented the severity of wildfires on soil properties
Bushfire, forest fire, or wildfire, regardless of name, is (Dooley et al. 2012; Vega et al. 2013; Ibáñez et al. 2021;
a major disturbance affecting forest ecosystems. Its impact Jhariya and Singh 2021). In grassland vegetation, Liu et al.
on soil properties is driven by its intensity, frequency, and (2018) observed an increase in soil nutrients following a

1422 A. A. Agbeshie et al.

low-intensity wildfire. Similar findings were made by Inbar after prescribed burning, which was due to the accumula-
et al. (2014) and Hosseini et al. (2017). However, moder- tion of ash on the soil surface. Similarly, Muqaddas et al.
ate to high-intensity wildfires have generally been associ- (2015) and Franco et al. (2019) found increased soil pH in
ated with reduced physical and biological properties. For burnt soils following prescribed fire. In addition, electri-
instance, Varela et al. (2015), Downing et al. (2017), and cal conductivity increased in burnt soils after low-intensity
Heydari et al. (2017) reported negative effects of wildfire prescribed fires due to the release of soluble inorganic ions
on water content, water repellence, bulk density, and stable and the creation of black carbon (Alcañiz et al. 2016; Fran-
aggregates, while Knelman et al. (2015), Fernández-García cos et al. 2019). Notwithstanding the benefits of prescribed
et al. (2019a, b) and Moya et al. (2019) observed decreased burning, its application could be detrimental to the soil
microbial biomass and enzymatic processes resulting from ecosystem if temperatures increase beyond the allowable
wildfires. Thus, evaluating the impact of wildfire is crucial threshold for low-intensity fires (Francos and Úbeda 2021).
since it results in changes in soil physical, chemical, and
biological properties in the short- and long-term.
Effect of fire on soil properties
Prescribed fires
Forest fires significantly influence the biological, chemi-
Prescribed fires or prescribed burning are low-intensity fires
cal, and physical properties of soils (Panico et al. 2020;
used to achieve specific management objectives (Hiers et al.
Ribeiro-Kumara et al. 2020). During the fire, heat transfer
2020; Francos and Úbeda 2021). Fire is used as a scientific
from burning biomass on the surface and within the soil is
tool to manage fuel load (organic material) in forested areas
directly responsible for the changes that occur (O’Brien et al.
to prevent or mitigate a possible wildfire (Bento-Gonçalves
2018). Fire impacts on soil properties are a function of inten-
et al. 2012) (Fig. 2). While eliminating the accumulation of
sity, duration, and frequency, which constitute fire severity
large fuel loads, prescribed burning is also used to regen-
(Alcañiz et al. 2018; Lucas-Borja et al. 2020; Fernández-
erate certain species (Kemp et al. 2016), to clear land in
García et al. 2021). However, modifications in soil proper-
slash-and-burn agriculture (Dicen et al. 2020) and as a drill
ties are driven by the temperature of the soil during burning
by firefighters (Shaltout and Ismail 2020). In addition, pre-
as illustrated in Fig. 3 (Santín and Doerr 2016), as well as
scribed fires modulate soil properties and ecological pro-
soil characteristics (e.g., water content and organic matter)
cesses, control forest diseases and insect pests, and influence
(Sazawa et al. 2018). The following subsections illustrate the
plant and animal biodiversity in any vegetative ecosystem
impact of fire on soils of various ecosystems, with results
(Alcañiz et al. 2018). Due to the low severity of prescribed
summarised in Tables 2, 3, and 4.
fires, their effects on soil properties are generally positive
(Fellows et al. 2018; Dems et al. 2021).
The positive impacts have been documented by several Chemical attributes
researchers (Goberna et al. 2012; Alcañiz et al. 2016; Fran-
cos et al. 2019). Switzer et al. (2012), Badía et al. (2014), Several studies have reported fire impact on soil chemical
and Akburak et al. (2018) reported increased base cations attributes (Table 2). The addition of ash following complete

Fig. 2  A low-intensity pre-

scribed fire. Photo credits to
Environment SA News, South
Australia, Australia, October
2018 (https://​www.​envir​onment.​

A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties 1423

Fig. 3  Effects of temperature ranges from fires on soil properties; adapted from Santín and Doerr (2016)

or partial burning of biomass and organic matter and their (2018) for grasslands in China, and Moya et al. (2019) for
incorporation into the soil significantly alters soils chemistry a Pinus halepensis Mill. forest in Spain reported changes in
(Maksimova and Abakumov 2015; Jhariya and Singh 2021; SOC following fire.
Li et al. 2021). Soil temperatures > 200 °C following a forest The impacts of fire on soils are highly variable and
fire incinerate organic matter and produce char compounds, suggest that low-intensity fires result in little or increased
leading to ash formation and increased pH. change the SOC, whereas high-intensity fires result in
decreased SOC (Caon et al. 2014). In their study on the
Soil organic carbon effects of wildfire in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.)
forests in Spain, Badía et al. (2014) reported a 27.9% reduc-
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of the most studied factors tion in SOC in the 1- cm soil layer after a highly severe
of soils following a fire due to its relevance to soil quality fire. Similarly, Moya et al. (2019) recorded a 21.0% reduc-
(Hobley et al. 2017; Aaltonen et al. 2019). However, changes tion in a Lithic Haplocalcid soil when a moderate to high
in SOC are variable and depend on fire duration, available intensity wildfire occurred in a P. halepensis forest in Spain.
biomass, and its moisture content, and fire type and inten- Reduction in SOC after high-intensity fires may be due to
sity (Reyes et al. 2015). Such variations result in the nearly several factors, including the combustion of SOM, increased
total loss of soil organic matter (Miesel et al. 2015), char- rates of C mineralization, volatilization, and C solubiliza-
ring (Zhang and Biswas 2017), a small distillation of minor tion because of high pH (nutrient-rich ash) (Rodriguez-
compounds (Certini 2005), and/or increased SOC content Cardona et al. 2020). In contrast, Akburak et al. (2018) for
to about 30% as in prescribed burning (Alcañiz et al. 2018). a Q. frainetto forest in Turkey, and Fernández-García et al.
Loss of SOC starts around 200–250 °C, whereas its com- (2019a, b) for a P. pinaster forest in Spain reported no effects
plete combustion is around 460–500 °C (Badía et al. 2014). on SOC following wildfire. Elsewhere, Alcañiz et al. (2016)
Studies by Goberna et al. (2012) for Rosmarinus officinalis for a P. halepensis forest in Spain and Liu et al. (2018) for
L. in Spain, Switzer et al. (2012) for a Douglas-fir forest grasslands in China, recorded a 19.4% and 11.2% increase
in Canada, Downing et al. (2017) for Kenyan alpine moor- in SOC after a low intensity prescribed fire and a wildfire,
lands, Akburak et al. (2018) for a Quercus frainetto Ten. respectively. Thus, low-intensity fires are associated with
forest in Turkey, and Fernández-García et al. (2019a, b) for increased SOC due to increased pyrogenic C resulting from
a Pinus pinaster Ait. forest in Spain, showed no change in incomplete combustion of organic matter, decomposition of
SOC after fire, while Bennett et al. (2014) and Muqaddas incomplete burnt biomass, and the addition of ash (Sánchez
et al. (2015) for wet sclerophyll forests in Australia, Liu et al. Meador et al. 2017; Santín et al. 2018; Hu et al. 2020). The

Table 2  Soil chemical properties affected by forest fires

Author(s) Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil type Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Inbar et al. (2014) Pinus halepensis and Northern Israel Low-moderate severity, Sandy clay loam, OM Increased Mixing of incomplete
Pinus brutia forests WF Lithic Xerorthenth burnt biomass in the
soil exposed to direct
fire increased its OM
CEC Increased Due to the increased OM
pH Insignificant –
EC Insignificant –
Muqaddas et al. (2015) Wet sclerophyll forest Queensland, Australia Low intensity, 2 year Sandy, red to yellow Total N Decreased Due to N volatilization
burning regime, heat Kandosols Total C Decreased Due to ­CO2 emission
release rate of < 2500 following burning of
KW ­m−1, PF biomass
pH Increased Due to increased base
Recalcitrant C, N Decreased Reduction of total C and
N due to continuous
Francos et al. (2019) Pinus halepensis and Northeast Spain Temperature of 65 °C Xerorthents Total N Decreased N loss due to volatiliza-
Quercus ilex forest on soil surface, maxi- tion and uptake by
mum fire temperature surviving shrubs and
of 435 °C, PF herbaceous plants
SOM None –
pH Increased Heating caused denatur-
ing of organic acid
EC Increased Release of soluble inor-
ganic ions and creation
of black C after fire
Extractable Ca Increased Higher base cations
Extractable Mg Increased Increased base cations
Extractable K Increased Increased base cations
as a result of increased
ash content
Available P None –
A. A. Agbeshie et al.
Table 2  (continued)
Author(s) Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil type Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Liu et al. (2018) Grassland vegetation Ningxia Hui Autono- Surface head fire, low Calci-Orthic Aridisol Soil OC Increased Increased pyrogenic C
mous Region, China intensity fire, WF resulting from incom-
plete combustion
Total N Increased Mixing of incomplete
residual burnt material
with soil
NO3− Decreased Rapid revegetation with
increased organic N
uptake ­(NO3−)
NH4+ Increased Higher ash deposition
coupled with increased
N mineralization
as conditioned by
A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties

temperature, pH and
microbial activities
Total P None –
Extractable P Increased Mineralization of organic
P to inorganic P
Available K Insignificant –
Alcañiz et al. (2016) Pinus halepensis forest Montgrí Massif, Cata- Flame height < 2.5 m, Lithic Xerorthent pH (IAB) Insignificant –
lonia, Spain 324 °C, PF EC (IAB) Increased Release of soluble inor-
ganic ions following
Total C (IAB) Increased Formation of black C
as a result of low fire
(< 450 °C) and addi-
tion of ash content to
the soil
Total N (IAB) Increased –
Available P (IAB) Increased Addition of ash into the
soil, transformation of
organic P to inorganic
P, and burning of
Extractable cations Increased Low fire severity, and
(IAB) addition of ash and its
subsequent mixing in
the soil

Table 2  (continued)

Author(s) Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil type Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Badía et al. (2014) Aleppo pine (Pinus Montes de Zuera, Moderate to high or Rendzic Phaeozem SOC Decreased Soil losses resulting from
halepensis) forests Northeast Spain high burn severity, severe burning
affected 2700 ha, WF
pH None –
EC Increased Addition of basic cations

NO3 Increased Organic N transforma-
NH4+ Increased Mineralization of organic
N to mineral N
CEC Increased Due to the increased OM
content and inorganic
Available P Increased Mineralization of organic
P and dissolution of P
from ashbeds
Dzwonko et al. (2015) Scots pine moist forest Southern Poland High severity, WF Sapri-Dystric Histosol Total N Decreased Losses through volatili-
pH Increased –
S Decreased –
OM Decreased Complete oxidation and
volatilization of minor
Base cations Increased Burning of organic
Meria-Castro et al. Pinus pinaster vegeta- Northern Portugal Fire spread Umbric Leptosol and pH None –
(2015) tion 10–15 m ­h−1, PF Umbric Cambisol SOM None –
Goberna et al. (2012) Shrubland (Rosmarinus Valencia, Spain Fire temp. of 611 °C, Humic Leptosols pH None –
officinalis) vegetation soil surface temp. of Total OC None –
338 °C, PF
NO3− Increased Increased nitrification
NH4+ Increased Mineralization of
organic N
Available P Increased Mineralization of
organic P
Bennett et al. (2014) Eucalyptus forest Victoria, Australia High intensity, Kandosols and Der- Carbon stocks Decreased Combustion of organic
259 kW ­m−1, PF mosols matter
A. A. Agbeshie et al.
Table 2  (continued)
Author(s) Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil type Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Akburak et al. (2018) Quercus frainetto forest Istanbul, Turkey Low intensity, burn- Loamy clay, Luvisol Total N None –
ing for 20 min
(857.95 g ­m−1 of SOC None –
biomass), PF pH Increased Due to increased base
EC None –
Base cations Increased Increased OM and inor-
ganic ions
Hosseini et al. (2017) Pinus pinaster forest North-central Portugal Moderate severity fire, Humic Cambisols and N Increased Not discussed
WF Epileptic Umbrisols P Increased Addition of ash and
higher clay content
which increase P sorp-
tion in soils
A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties

Downing et al. (2017) Alpine moorlands Mount Kenya, Kenya High intensity, WF Dystric Histosols CEC Increased Addition of ash and
and partly humic inorganic ions
Andosols OC None –
pH None –
Valkó et al. (2016) Grassland East Hungary PF Gleyic Solonetz OM None –
pH None Less combustion leading
to small ash availability
Available K None –
Heydari et al. (2017) Oak (Quercus brantii) Ilam, Iran Mixed intensity, WF – OC (high intensity) Decreased Not discussed
forest EC (low intensity) None –
pH (high intensity) Increased Release large quantities
of basic cations after
NO3− (moderate Increased Release of ­NO3− N
intensity) into the soil as leaf
litter decomposition or
CEC (high intensity) Increased Reduced thickness of the
soil organic layer after
burning and subse-
quent addition of ash to
the mineral layer

Table 2  (continued)

Author(s) Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil type Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Scharenbroch et al. Oak forest Illinois, USA Low intensity, Alfisols and Mollisols Available P None –
(2012) 120–230 °C, PF
Total C Increased Less heat to oxidize OM
Total N Increased Considerable amount of
organic N can with-
stand low-grade fire
Fernández-García et al. Pinus pinaster forest Spain High burn severity, WF Haplic Umbrisol, Available P Increased transforms organic P into
(2019a, b) Dystric Regosol orthophosphate
pH None Removal of ash by ero-
EC None leaching or transported
by runoff
OC None –
Total N None –
Moya et al. (2019) Pinus halepensis forest Spain Moderate-high inten- Aridisols (Lithic Hap- OC Decreased –
sity, WF localcids) N None –
Available P Increased Combustion of the
organic part of fuel
load and the deposition
of ashes
pH None –
CEC Increased Increase in exchangeable
cations from ash
Fernández-Fernández Pinus pinaster forest Northwest Spain PF – pH None –
et al. (2015) NO3−–N Decreased Decrease net nitrification
following fire
CEC None –
Fultz et al. (2016) Grassland Texas, USA Low-moderate, PF Acuff and Amarillo NH4+–N Increased –
NO3−–N None Low nitrification due to
low moisture
Certini et al. (2011) Pinus pinaster forests Calambrone, Italy Highly to very highly Endogleyic Arenosols pH Increased Incorporation of ash
severe. WF C Increased Due to charred litter and
biomass incorporation
C/N ratio Decreased Nitrogen is preferentially
immobilised during
A. A. Agbeshie et al.
A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties 1429

combustion of C and the ash produced during low-intensity

Nitrogen is preferentially
Due to charred litter and

Increased inorganic ions

biomass incorporation

following combustion
forest fires are referred to as black carbon (BC) (Thomas

immobilised during

of partially burned
Reasons for impact
et al. 2017; Gao et al. 2018). Black carbons are highly con-
densed carbons, resistant to microbial attacks, that are gener-

ated after a fire. Their presence in the soil has been associ-

ated with an increased soil organic matter pool (Nave et al.
2011; Caon et al. 2014).

– Soil reaction (pH)





During forest fire, losses occur in biomass and organic layers

and there is a resultant addition of nutrient-rich ash onto the
soil surface. This increases pH and significantly influences
soil chemical and biological properties. Higher pH is found
in soils with higher burn severity (temperatures > 450 °C)
Soil property

Base cations

(Knicker 2007). Several researchers have documented an

Total C

increase in pH after fire (Dzwonko et al. 2015; Akburak et al.

2018; Francos et al. 2019; Hinojosa et al. 2021). A report by


Alcañiz et al. (2016) noted that the prescribed burning of P.

Orthic Eutric Brunisol
Endogleyic Arenosols

halepensis forests in Spain resulted in a significant increase

in pH. In addition, Akburak et al. (2018) reported a similar
increase in pH after a fire in a Q. frainetto forest in Turkey.
Significant increases in soil pH, especially after high-inten-
Soil type

sity fires, may be due to the addition of nutrient-rich ash

(base cations) after the burning of organic materials and the
denaturation of organic groups from organic matter (Alcañiz
et al. 2018). However, an increase in pH may be depend-
Highly to very highly

ent on the initial pH, nutrient content, and the quantity of

WF, PF and IAB indicates wildfire, prescribed fire, and immediately after burning, respectively
40–853 °C, PF
Fire properties

deposited ash (Neary et al. 2005). In contrast, other reports

severe. WF

reported that pH remained unchanged following fire (Badía

et al. 2014; Fernández-Fernández et al. 2015; Fultz et al.
2016; Downing et al. 2017; Fernández-García et al. 2019a,
b). This could be associated with environmental conditions
after fire (e.g., erosion; Fernández-García et al. 2019a, b),
and low to moderate fires (Valkó et al. 2016; Alcañiz et al.
British Columbia,
Migliarino, Italy

2018). Soil pH is a key factor influencing available nutrients

(Roques et al. (2013). For example, phosphorus becomes

unavailable by forming insoluble minerals with iron at low

pH, while at high pH levels, it is immobilized by calcium
(Neary et al. 2005).
Pinus pinea forests

Douglas-fir forest

Refer to abbreviation list for soil properties

Vegetation type

Nitrogen (N) is noted as the most limiting nutrient in crop-

ping and forest ecosystems (Agbeshie et al. 2020). It is
unique and exists in the soil matrix as available or min-
eral N (e.g., ­NH4+ and ­NO3−) and organic N (Zhang and
Biswas 2017; Yang et al. 2020). The effect of forest fires
Table 2  (continued)

Switzer et al. (2012)

Certini et al. (2011)

leads to the depletion of N via volatilization which occurs

when soil temperatures exceed 200 °C (Caon et al. 2014).
In addition to volatilization, N loss following fire may result

from erosion and leaching (Huddell et al. 2020; Cheng et al.

2021; Qiu et al. 2021). However, the effects of forest fires

Table 3  Soil physical attributes affected by forest fire

Authors Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil characteristics Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Muqaddas et al. (2015) Wet sclerophyll forest Queensland, Australia Low intensity, heat Sandy, red to yellow Moisture content Decreased Due to higher evapora-
release rate of < 2500 Kandosols tion and low OM in
KW ­m−1, PF the topsoil following
Weninger et al. (2019) Mediterranean karst Trogir, Croatia – Silt loam and loam, Soil water repellency Increased Due to low fire intensity
forest Cambisol
Inbar et al. (2014) Pinus halepensis and Northern Israel Low-moderate severity, Sandy clay loam, Lithic Soil loss Increased As a result of breakdown
Pinus brutia forests WF Xerorthenth in soil aggregate
Clay None –
Soil Water repellency Decreased Low organic matter
content coupled with
low-moderate fire
Erkovan et al. (2016) Shortgrass steppe Eastern Anatolia – Sandy loam Moisture content Decreased Increased evaporation
vegetation region, Turkey after soil heating
Varela et al. (2015) Maritime Pine (Pinus Galicia, Northwest Moderate fire severity, Leptic Regosols Water repellency Decreased Moderate intensity fires
pinaster Ait.) forest Spain WF Stable aggregate Decreased Decline SOC and repel-
Saturated hydraulic Decreased Loss of SOC and reduced
conductivity soil aggregation
Meria-Castro et al. Pinus pinaster vegeta- Northern Portugal Fire spread Umbric Leptosol and Porosity None –
(2015) tion 10–15 m ­h−1, PF Umbric Cambisol Bulk density None –
Goberna et al. (2012) Shrubland (Rosmarinus Valencia, Spain Fire temp. of 611 °C, Humic Leptosols Coarse sand None –
officinalis) vegetation soil surface temp. of Fine sand None –
338 °C, PF
Silt None –
Bulk density None –
Hosseini et al. (2017) Pinus pinaster forest North-central Portugal Moderate severity fire, Humic Cambisols and Runoff Increased Removal or reduction in
WF Epileptic Umbrisols soil protective litter and
vegetation layers
Sediment losses Increased Transfer of easily erod-
ible sediment
Downing et al. (2017) Alpine moorlands Mount Kenya, Kenya High intensity, WF Dystric Histosols and Bulk density Decreased Addition of OM
partly humic Ando- Infiltration Increased Lower soil bulk density
A. A. Agbeshie et al.
Table 3  (continued)
Authors Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil characteristics Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Heydari et al. (2017) Oak (Quercus brantii) Ilam, Iran Mixed severity, WF – Saturated moisture con- Decreased Declined soil perme-
forest tent (high severity) ability as a resulted
of decreased organic
Sand (moderate sever- Increased Cementation and forma-
ity) tion of aggregation
of clay particles to
the size of sand after
extreme heat
Clay (high severity) Decreased Irreversible deletion of
hydroxyl ions (OH) and
destruction of crystal-
line structure
A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties

Bulk density (high Increased Destruction of structures

severity) and pores coupled with
decline OM content
Granged et al. (2011) Eucalyptus forest Canberra, Australia Mixed intensities, PF Sandy loam, Regosols Soil water repellency Increased Due to low fire intensity
(low severity)
Scharenbroch et al. Oak forest Illinois, USA Low intensity, Alfisols and Mollisols Texture None –
(2012) 120–230 °C, PF Stable aggregates None –
Gravimetric soil Increased Increased soil organic
moisture matter
Soil water repellency None –
Moya et al. (2019) Pinus halepensis forest Spain Moderate-high inten- Aridisols (Lithic Hap- Texture None –
sity, WF localcids)
Fultz et al. (2016) Sky Island woodland Texas, USA Low-moderate, PF Loghouse gravelly Gravimetric water Decreased Evaporation due to soil
and oak savanna loams and Puerta content heating
gravelly silt loams
Jordán et al. (2011) Fir forest Michoacán, Mexico Mixed severity, WF Andosols, Leptosols Bulk density Increased Decline in organic matter
and Regosols content
Aggregate stability Decreased Decline soil organic
(high burn severity) carbon
Aggregate stability Increased Increased water repel-
(low burn severity) lence and high soil
organic matter

Refer to list of abbreviation for soil properties

WF and PF indicate wildfire and prescribed fire, respectively

Table 4  Summary of research on soil biological properties affected by forest fire

Authors Vegetation type Location Fire properties Soil characteristics Soil property Impact Reasons for impact

Fernández-García et al. Pinus pinaster forest Spain High burn severity, WF Haplic Umbrisol, Dys- MBC Decreased Loss of MB and release
(2019a, b) tric Regosol of compounds limiting
fungal growth
β-glucosidase Decreased Due to high fire intensity
Urease Decreased –
Acid phosphatase Decreased –
Scharenbroch et al. Oak forest Illinois, USA Low intensity, Alfisols and Mollisols MBC None Low fire intensity
(2012) 120–230 °C, PF Earthworms None Low burn intensity
Soil invertebrate None –
Erkovan et al. (2016) Shortgrass steppe Eastern Anatolia – Sandy loam Bacteria Increased High soil pH and
Vegetation region, Turkey increased nutrient
Fungi Decreased Due to litter removal and
increased soil pH
Goberna et al. (2012) Shrubland (Rosmarinus Valencia, Spain Fire temp. of 611 °C, Humic Leptosols MBC Increased Abundance of labile C
officinalis) vegetation soil surface temp. of Basal respiration Increased Increased levels of oxi-
338 °C, PF dizable C and nutrients
β-glucosidase Increased Higher levels of water-
soluble carbohydrates
Alkaline phosphatase Increased Hydrolysis of organic P
Archaea community None Resistant to increased
soil temperatures
Akburak et al. (2018) Quercus frainetto forest Istanbul, Turkey Low intensity, burn- Loamy clay, Luvisol Soil microbial respira- None –
ing for 20 min tion
(857.95 g ­m−1 of MBC Decreased Reduction in nutrient
biomass), PF availability via reduced
Microbial metabolic Increased Response to disturbances
quotient after burning and
changes in Mg, Na, and
C/N ratio
Knelman et al. (2015) Pinus ponderosa forest Colorado, USA High intensity, WF – MBC Decreased –
Verrucomicrobia Decreased –
β-glucosidase Decreased –
Moya et al. (2019) Pinus halepensis forest Spain Moderate-high inten- Aridisols (Lithic Hap- MBC Decreased –
sity, WF localcids) Acid phosphatase Decreased Fire damage and drought
following burning
β-glucosidase Decreased –
A. A. Agbeshie et al.
A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties 1433

on soil N present contradictory results yet to be understood.

From fungal to bacteria

Decreased Abundance of nutrients

availability following
For example, field studies undertaken by Muqaddas et al.

from ash depositions

Decreased Initial pulse response
after fire incidence

increased nutrient
(2015) in Australia revealed that low intensity prescribed
Reasons for impact

associated with
fires decrease total N in the topsoil of a wet sclerophyll for-

Decreased Increased pH
est. Studies by Franco et al. (2019) in a P. halepensis and
Q. ilex forest in Spain, showed that forest fires significantly

decreased total N in the topsoil. Significant lower total N

was also recorded in a Sapri-dystric Histosol soil under a

moist Scots pine forest following a high-intensity wildfire

in Poland (Dzwonko et al. 2015). According to Hahn et al.

(2021), a prescribed fire (low to moderate intensity) set in
Microbial community the Fishburn forest in Virginia, USA, accounted for a 33%
Microbial community

decline in total N. A similar trend was observed by Certini

et al. (2011) who reported decreased total N after a forest

fire. A systematic review by Sánchez Meador et al. (2017)

Soil property

revealed the impacts of forest fire on soil N and the decline

in total N in the A horizon. Volatilization is the main driver

for N losses in mineral soils after forest fires (Muqaddas

et al. 2015; Fraterrigo and Rembelski 2021; Pellegrini et al.
Orthic Eutric Brunisol

2021). However, studies by Akburak et al. (2018) in a Q.

gravelly silt loams
Acuff and Amarillo

loams and Puerta

Soil characteristics

Loghouse gravelly

frainetto forest in Turkey, Fernández-García et al. (2019a,

b) for a P. pinaster forest in Spain, and Moya et al. (2019)
for a P. halepensis forest, also in Spain, showed no differ-
ences in total N contents after a fire, whilst Goberna et al.
(2012) for R. officinalis L. vegetation in Spain, Alcañiz et al.
(2016) in P. halepensis forest in Spain, Hosseini et al. (2017)
in a P. pinaster forest in Portugal, and Liu et al. (2018) for
Low-moderate, PF

Low-moderate, PF

grassland vegetation in China, reported increased total N

40–853 °C, PF
Fire properties

in the A horizon following fire. The increase in total N is

due to the addition of ashes rich in nitrogen, especially after
low-intensity fires, and a higher rate of mineralization of
organic litter which releases a higher amount of N (Alcañiz
et al. 2018; Ferrer et al. 2021; Wan et al. 2021).
Forest fires generally result in increased soil tem-
British Columbia,

peratures and higher pH, which impact inorganic nitro-

gen ­(NH 4+ and ­NO3−) dynamics via mineralization and
Texas, USA

Texas, USA

nitrification processes (Calvo et al. 2016; Verma and


WF and PF indicate wildfire and prescribed fire, respectively

Jayakumar 2018; Kong et al. 2019). After forest fires,

nitrogen, which is not completely volatilized, is mineral-
ized to N­ H 4+-N (Jones et al. 2015; Verma et al. 2019)
Refer to the list of abbreviation for soil properties

and can be further nitrified to ­NO3−–N under favourable

Sky Island woodland

Douglas-fir Forest
and oak savanna

conditions (Agbeshie et al. 2020). Typically, there is an

Vegetation type

increase in available nitrogen ­( NH 4+–N and ­NO 3−–N)

following fire (Table 2). Significant increased ­N H 4+–N

and ­NO3−–N after fire have been reported by Wang et al.

(2014), Adkins et al. (2019), and Hinojosa et al. (2021).
Badía et al. (2014) reported increased ­NH4+–N after a fire
in an Aleppo pine forest. Similarly, Goberna et al. (2012)
Table 4  (continued)

Switzer et al. (2012)

reported increased N ­ H4+–N and N ­ O3−–N in R. officinalis

Fultz et al. (2016)
Fultz et al. 2016

vegetation following a prescribed fire. In an oak for-

est in Iran, the occurrence of mixed wildfire intensities

resulted in increased ­NO3−–N in the topsoil compared to

unburnt plots (Heydari et al. 2017). A significant increase

1434 A. A. Agbeshie et al.

in ­NH4+-N and N ­ O3−–N following fire in the A horizon an increased exchangeable cation immediately after a low
is largely associated with higher ash deposition coupled intensity prescribed fire. Dzwonko et al. (2015) also reported
with increased N mineralization and nitrification as con- significantly higher exchangeable cations in burnt plots over
ditioned by temperature, pH, and microbial activities (Liu controls in a Scots pine forest when a high severity wild-
et al. 2018; Rodriguez-Cardona et al. 2020). A review by fire occurred. Under a low intensity prescribed fire in a Q.
Caon et al. (2014) noted that ammonification and nitrifica- frainetto forest, Akburak et al. (2018) also found signifi-
tion processes were strongly correlated with increased soil cantly high ­Ca2+ and ­Mg2+ levels in the A horizon (upper
temperatures, water content, and pH. 5 cm) immediately after burning. In addition, Johnson et al.
(2014) reported an elevated and consistent ­Ca2+ content two
Nutrient availability years post-fire. However, other researchers have reported no
change or a decline in exchangeable cations after fires. For
Significantly increased nutrient availability following forest example, in grassland vegetation, Liu et al. (2018) reported
fires is associated with ash deposition and organic matter an insignificant amount of ­K+ between pre-and post-wild-
combustion. Decomposition of organic matter changes the fire- affected soils. Similarly, Johnson et al. (2014) found
availability and distribution of nutrients contained in the insignificant ­Mg2+ and ­K+ levels in pre-and post-wildfire in
ash deposits (Alcañiz et al. 2018). Most notably, concentra- a mixed conifer forest. An increase in exchangeable cations
tions of exchangeable cations ­(Ca2+, ­Mg2+, ­K+, and ­Na+), is associated with the combustion of organic materials which
phosphorus, and mineralized nitrogen ­(NH4+ and ­NO3−) releases ions into the soil matrix in the form of ash (Switzer
increase with increasing fire intensity (Franco et al. 2019; et al. 2012; Lucas-Borja et al. 2021). In addition, exchange-
Verma et al. 2019; Chungu et al. 2020) (Table 2). However, able cations exhibit high vaporization thresholds, and thus
Ca, Mg, K, and P are less volatile compared to N ­ H4+ and are highly resistant to volatilization losses (Zhang and Bis-

­NO3 (James et al. 2018). was 2017). However, increased exchangeable cation concen-
Phosphorus (P), regarded as the second most limiting trations in soils after fire may be short-lived and may soon
plant nutrient, is required by crops as the available form return to their pre-fire levels (Granged et al. 2011; Maynard
phosphate ­(PO43−) (Agbeshie and Abugre 2021). During et al. 2014; James et al. 2018). Due to their high vaporization
forest fires, organic phosphorus in the organic matter min- thresholds, losses of exchangeable cations may arise from
eralizes to form available orthophosphate ­(PO43−) for plant erosion of ash and leaching of cations, coupled with plant
absorption (Zhang and Biswas 2017). Under a P. pinaster uptake during post-fire succession (Caon et al. 2014).
forest in Spain, Fernández-García et al. (2019a, b) found
higher available P in the topsoil of a burnt plot compared Physical attributes
to an unburnt plot after a high-intensity wildfire. Similarly,
Moya et al. (2019) observed a significantly higher available Soil physical properties, to a large extent, affect plant devel-
P in the A horizon (10 cm) of a burnt P. halepensis forest as opment as do soil chemical attributes. Several researchers
compared to the control plot. In grasslands, Liu et al. (2018) have reported the impact of forest fires on soil physical prop-
reported elevated available P concentrations in the upper erties (Table 3), with an emphasis on texture, bulk density,
10 cm soil layer following a low-intensity wildfire. Fol- porosity, aggregate stability, and water content and repel-
lowing a prescribed fire, Goberna et al. (2012) and Alcañiz lency (Albalasmeh et al. 2013; Thomaz and Fachin 2014;
et al. (2016) reported significantly higher available P in the Alcañiz et al. 2018; Dove et al. 2020; Busse et al. 2021).
A horizon (upper 10 cm) in shrubland vegetation and in a P.
halepensis forest. Caon et al. (2014), Alcañiz et al. (2016) Soil texture
and Zhang and Biswas (2017) showed that the increase in
available P in the A horizon was due to the transformation Soil texture, which indicates the particle-size distribution
of organic P to available P through mineralization, the addi- in the soil, is the relative proportion of inorganic elements
tion of ash onto the soil surface, lower P losses due to higher < 2 mm of mineral soil. The texture is not easily affected
vaporization, and the formation of apatite (insoluble P) in by forest fires since sand, silt, and clay exhibit high tem-
the presence of calcareous substances. perature thresholds (Alcañiz et al. 2016). The temperature
Exchangeable cations such as ­Ca2+, ­Mg2+, ­K+, and ­Na+ threshold for clay (400–800 °C) is lower than for sand
have been reported in numerous studies to increase after and silt (1414 °C) (Neary et al. 2005). Hence, clay par-
forest fires (Shrestha and Chen 2010; Elliott et al. 2013; ticles are more affected with regards to texture. In a pine
Rahimi et al. 2020; Alexakis et al. 2021). In the A horizon forest on a sandy clay loam, Inbar et al. (2014) recorded
of a boreal stand, Maynard et al. (2014) found significantly a marginal decrease in clay particles in the 2–5 cm soil
high levels of ­Ca2+, ­Mg2+, ­K+ in burnt plots compared to depth, with a resultant gain in silt particles after a wild-
unburnt plots. In a pine forest, Alcañiz et al. (2016) reported fire. Under oak forest, Heydari et al. (2017) reported a

A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties 1435

decline in clay content in the A horizon following a high vegetation in Nevada, USA after a prescribed fire. Similarly,
severity wildfire. They further noted that the loss of clay in an alpine moorland, Downing et al. (2017) reported a
particles after a fire resulted in a gain of sand particles. lower soil bulk density after a high-intensity wildfire on
Likewise, Granged et al. (2011) also reported an increase Mount Kenya in Kenya. They found that lower bulk den-
in percent sand particles relative to a decline in clay par- sity was due to the addition of partially decomposed organic
ticles. Despite the reduction in clay particles in favour matter, coupled with soil vapour expansion. Consequently,
of silt and sand, almost all researchers did not report a further research on the effect of forest fires on soil bulk den-
change in soil texture (Scharenbroch et al. 2012; Heydari sity are required to clarify fully the mechanisms underlining
et al. 2017; Moya et al. 2019). However, the increase in the impact of fire on bulk density.
sand and silt particles after a wildfire is due to the col-
lapse and subsequent destruction of clay lattice structure Soil aggregate stability
(Alcañiz et al. 2018). Thus, the collapse of clay particles
leads to the aggregation of finer particles to form larger or Soil temperatures between 30 and 60 °C have a positive
coarser sand and silt particles. Heydari et al. (2017) pre- effect on soil aggregate stability by the thermal transforma-
sented similar findings and reported that, under higher soil tion of sesquioxides which help to bind clay particles to form
temperatures, there is an irreversible deletion of hydroxyl strong silt particles. Also, organic matter in the soil has simi-
ions ­(OH−) and destruction of crystalline clay structure, lar functions by acting as a cementing agent with soil par-
leading to cementation and aggregation of clay particles ticles. However, the increase in soil temperatures from 200
to the size of sand. to 460 °C results in charring or the complete oxidation of
organic matter (Badía et al. 2014). This leads to the destruc-
tion of soil structure via disaggregation and breakdown of
Soil bulk density soil macropores (Alcañiz et al. 2018). However, there have
been inconsistencies in the literature on the impact of fire on
Forest fires negatively impact soil bulk density (Granged soil aggregate stability. In their study on mixed fire intensi-
et al. 2011; Jordán et al. 2011; Heydari et al. 2017), with ties in a fir forest, Jordan et al. (2011) found no significant
its resultant effect on soil porosity. However, there are con- change in soil aggregate stability when low severity wildfire
trasting results in the literature, with some studies reporting occurred. Likewise, Scharenbroch et al. (2012) noted that a
lower soil bulk density after fire (Chief et al. 2012; Down- low-intensity fire (120–230 °C) did not alter soil aggregate
ing et al. 2017), while others found no significant effect stability of an oak forest in Illinois, USA. In other studies,
on bulk density (Goberna et al. 2012; Meria-Castro et al. Jordán et al. (2011) observed increased aggregate stability
2015). Heydari et al. (2017) reported increased soil bulk in burnt soils following a low severity wildfire in a fir forest.
density following a wildfire in an oak forest in Ilam, Iran. Similarly, Granged et al. (2011) also observed significantly
Similarly, Granged et al. (2011) and Jordán et al. (2011) high aggregate stability in burnt soils in a Mediterranean
found significantly higher soil bulk densities in burnt soil heathland. An increase in aggregate stability has been linked
following prescribed and wildfire in Australia and Mexico, to the development of an organo-mineral complex arising
respectively. Similarly, Verma et al. (2019) observed higher from the combination of organic matter and soil minerals
soil bulk densities in tropical dry deciduous forests of the to form a hydrophobic layer on the aggregates (Varela et al.
Western Ghats, India, following the incidence of 12-year 2010; Alcañiz et al. 2018). This increase in soil aggregate
wildfires. The increase in soil bulk density after fire is a stability highlights the importance of organic matter as a
result of the collapse of soil aggregation and the destruc- cementing agent. In contrast, Varela et al. (2015) reported
tion of soil organic matter (Alcañiz et al. 2018). Heydari that medium-severity wildfires in a maritime pine forest
et al. (2017) also reported similar findings and concluded reduced aggregate stability on a Leptic Regosol soil in
that the destruction of structure and pores, coupled with the Galicia, northwest Spain. In a high-severity fire, Jordán
decline in organic matter increased soil bulk density. Verma et al. (2011) noted decreased aggregate stability of soil in
et al. (2019) also observed that the destruction of soil aggre- a fir forest. In addition, Urbanek (2013) reported a similar
gation and organic matter decline, as well as the clogging decline in soil aggregate stability following fire. Mataix-
of pore spaces by ash and dispersed clay particles during Solera et al. (2011) noted that the decrease in soil aggregate
forest fires leads to increased soil bulk density. Soil bulk stability was associated with burn severity, soil type, and the
density is inversely proportional to soil porosity, thus an type and amount of the cementing agent. However, reduced
increase in bulk density results in decreased porosity, with aggregate stability is more associated with the breakdown or
further ramifications on hydrological properties (Wieting destruction of organic matter as the cementing agent. Thus,
et al. 2017; Lucas-Borja et al. 2020). In contrast, Chief et al. further research on soil aggregate stability following fire is
(2012) reported lower soil bulk densities under shrubland required to broaden our knowledge of soil aggregate stability

1436 A. A. Agbeshie et al.

as impacted by burn severity, soil type, or the cementing resulted in a breakdown in soil aggregates and increased
agent involved. water repellency, which gave rise to increased runoff.

Soil water repellency Biological properties

Soil water repellency (SWR) is an important soil physi- The heating of soils from wildfires or prescribed burns
cal property and is affected by fire (Bodí et al. 2012; causes fluctuations in soil biological properties (micro-
Robichaud et al. 2016). SWR reduces water infiltration, organisms, biota activities and communities, soil inver-
and increases runoff, with associated enhanced soil erosion tebrates). Fire affects biological properties by directly
(Weninger et al. 2019). Soil water repellency can be cre- killing or denaturing soil biota through combustion or
ated, increased, or decreased by forest fires (Scharenbroch indirectly by post-fire plant recovery or changes in soil
et al. 2012; Pereira et al. 2013; Varela et al. 2015; Hosseini organic matter (Knelman et al. 2015; Jonathan et al. 2016;
et al. 2017). Studies by Weninger et al. (2019) in a Mediter- Ibáñez et al. 2021). In their review of prescribed burning
ranean karst forest in Croatia showed that soil water repel- on soil attributes, Alcañiz et al. (2018) noted that the tem-
lency increased after wildfire. In a prescribed fire (142 °C) perature needed to kill most soil biological matter ranges
in Australia, Granged et al. (2011) noted an increase in soil from 50 to 120 °C. Santín and Doerr (2016) also noted that
water repellency in a Eucalyptus forest soil. However, Varela temperatures from 50–150 °C result in the killing of fine
et al. (2015) reported a decrease in soil water repellency fol- roots, bacteria, fungi, and seeds within the soil. Several
lowing a moderate-intensity wildfire in a P. pinaster forest researchers have documented the impact of forest fires on
in Galicia, northwest Spain. Similarly, Inbar et al. (2014) soil biological properties (Table 4).
reported a decrease in soil water repellence in burnt soils For example, on a Haplic Umbrisol under P. pinaster in
with a water-drop penetration time < 5 s when a low-mod- Spain, Fernández-García et al. (2019a, b) reported that the
erate severity wildfire occurred in P. halepensis and P. bru- highest microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was in unburnt
tia forest soils. Increase in soil water repellency is due to soil relative to a burnt soil following a wildfire. Akburak
the hydrophobic layer formed on mineral particles during et al. (2018) studied the effects of low-intensity prescribed
organic matter combustion (Mataix-Solera et al. 2011). Dur- fire on soil microbes under Q. frainetto forest and recorded
ing the fire, hydrophobic compounds move downwards in a decline in MBC in burnt soils compared to unburnt soils.
the soil and condense on cooler particles, forming a hydro- Similarly, Knelman et al. (2015) and Moya et al. (2019)
phobic coat. However, Zavala et al. (2010) noted that water observed decreased MBC in burnt soils after high severity
repellency generally increased as soil temperatures approach wildfires in P. ponderosa (USA) and P. halepensis forests
200 °C and was destroyed at temperatures above 300 °C. In (Spain), respectively. The reduction in MBC could be due
contrast, lower soil water repellence on surface soils results to the loss of microbial biomass by fire, a reduction in
from: (1) the soil texture—water repellency decreases more nutrient availability, and the release of compounds limit-
in fine-textured soils than coarse-textured ones (Mataix-Sol- ing fungal growth (Akburak et al. 2018; Fernández-García
era et al. 2011; Inbar et al. 2014); (2) organic matter coupled et al. 2019a, b). However, some researchers reported an
with moisture content—low organic matter and high water increase in microbial biomass in burnt soils following fire
content increases soil water repellency after fires (González- which may be due to the addition of mineral ash and the
Pelayo et al. 2015; Mao et al. 2019); (3) depth of soil pro- abundance of labile C (Goberna et al. 2012; Fultz et al.
file—deeper profiles show increased water repellency due to 2016).
the condensation of hydrophobic organic coating on cooler In the Anatolia region of Turkey, Erkovan et al. (2016)
mineral particles (Rodríguez-Alleres et al. 2012; Varela et al. recorded changes in the microbial community after for-
2015); and, (4) surface temperatures—high surface tempera- est fires. According to the researchers, fire resulted in a
tures during burning completely break down soil hydropho- shift in the microbial community from fungal dominant
bicity (Badía et al. 2014; Plaza-Álvarez et al. 2018). Infil- one towards a bacterial community. This was also noted
tration and erosion processes are closely connected to soil by Fultz et al. (2016) who reported a shift in microbial
water repellency, such that water repellence increases over- community from fungi to bacterial- dominated in a burnt
land flow with a decrease in water infiltrability. Similarly, grassland soil in Texas, USA. This was similar to the find-
Hosseini et al. (2017) observed that increased runoff and ings of Switzer et al. (2012) and Oliver et al. (2015) who
sediment loss were associated with increased water repel- observed modifications of microbial communities from
lency in a P. pinaster forest in north-central Portugal follow- fungal to bacterial-dominated ones. The shifts in microbial
ing a wildfire. Inbar et al. (2014) also reported increased soil communities could be due to increased pH and the avail-
loss on burnt plots under P. halepensis and P. brutia after ability of nutrients (base cations) following fire (Mikita-
wildfire. They concluded that the low to moderate wildfire Barbato et al. 2015; Pressler et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2020).

A review of the effects of forest fire on soil properties 1437

In addition to microbial community modifications, fire Author contributions This work was carried out in collaboration
impacts enzymatic activities in burnt soils. For example, among all authors. AAA conceptualized the paper; AAA, SA, TA and
RA performed literature search; AAA, SA, and TA wrote the manu-
Knelman et al. (2015), Fultz et al. (2016), and Moya et al. script. All authors read and approved this manuscript.
(2019) reported decreased β-glucosidase activity in burnt
forest soils and associated the decline to the incidence of Declarations
fire and the abundance of nutrients from ash depositions.
Fernández-García et al. (2019a, b) and Moya et al. (2019) Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no competing
observed decreased acid phosphatase after forest fires, and interests.
this could be due to damage or a decline in microbial bio-
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
mass activity. Decreased acid phosphatase could also be Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap-
due to higher available phosphorous added to the soil fol- tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
lowing fire which would diminish acid phosphatase activ- as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
ity (Xue et al. 2014). provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
Conclusion permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http://​creat​iveco​mmons.​org/​licen​ses/​by/4.​0/
The impact of forest fires on soil properties is largely
dependent on burn severity, consisting of fire intensity and
duration. Wildfires and prescribed fires affect biological, References
chemical, and physical properties. Fire leads to complete
or partial burning of organic matter and ash deposition Aaltonen H, Köster K, Köster E, Berninger F, Zhou X, Karhu K,
on the soil surface. Thus, the mixing of ash and partially Biasi C, Bruckman V, Palviainen M, Pumpanen J (2019) For-
burnt organic materials into the soil significantly alters soil est fires in Canadian permafrost region: the combined effects
of fire and permafrost dynamics on soil organic matter quality.
chemistry. However, the impacts of fire on soil chemical Biogeochemistry 143(2):257–274
properties are highly variable and suggest that low-inten- Addo-Fordjour P, Kadan F, Rahmad ZB, Fosu D, Ofosu-Bamfo B
sity fires result in little change or an increase in available (2020) Wildfires cause shifts in liana community structure
nutrients ­(K+, ­Ca2+, ­Mg2+, ­PO43−, ­NH4+) and pH due to and liana-soil relationships in a moist semi-deciduous forest
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