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Length: 7-8 Pages, single-spaced

Format: User Manual and Process Description

Process Descriptions are a common type of technical report that explain how a mechanism operates.
This assignment is an opportunity to practice the guidelines for creating process descriptions.

In groups of no more than 4, you will compose a technical manual for a board game, card game,
dice game, or app that you have actually created. Your manual will explain what is required to play
the game, how the game is played, and rules that are to be followed when playing. In theory, someone
should be able to easily play your game after reading your manual.

The game that you create should require the player(s) to go through a process to finish the game. For
example, navigate through a route on a board, or pass through several levels of an app. It should have
some clear rules, game pieces or characters, and should present a challenge to the user. Your game
must be appropriate for our professional environment (no drinking games).

Please note that the manual needs to follow the Process Description format, not Technical
Instruction format.

This assignment, the Progress Consultation, and Game Presentation are all connected. As such,
they must all be completed with the same group.

Your document will be comprised of the following elements:

Front Matter Discussion End Matter

Title Page Introduction Glossary

Table of Contents Process Description

List of Parts and/or Materials Conclusion

with Labelled Diagram

 Your Introduction should have a technical definition, a description of the purpose/objective of

the game, and a brief outline of how the game is played, which will be discussed in detail later
in the process description.

 Your Process Description should explain how the game is played. Remember, these are not
instructions, but a description of how it works! Your description should have headers for each
step or each part of the process. Each step/part should:
o Define the step with a logical definition, and discuss it in reasonable depth
o Describe the equipment, material or concepts involved in this step
o Describe what happens in this step
o Show the relationship between this step and the next step with a transition statement.
 Your Discussion should also explain any rules, as well as other information required to play
the game, such as how to win, alternate modes of play, etc.

 Your manual should have at least 2 labelled visuals (with a label, title, and caption) that
support your description, and add value to your writing. One visual should be a diagram of the
game, with labelled parts (placed in the List of Parts and/or Materials), the other a labelled
visual placed within the process description steps.

 Each section of your manual should be well-formatted, with section headers, page numbers,
and graphic highlighting (bulleted or numbered lists, bold, italics, underline, etc.)

Carefully review the following checklist for a breakdown of how this assignment will be marked.

Criteria VALUE
Title Page
Correctly Formatted 1
Table of Contents
Correctly Formatted. Page numbers aligned. 2
List of Parts and/or Materials
Correctly Formatted list of what is required to play. 4
Technical Definition 2
Objective/Purpose Statement 2
Preview of Steps in Process Description 2
Discussion / Body Sections
Structured Logically 1
Complete discussion of process from start to finish 3
Each step of process contains 4 required components 20
Process Description also explains rules and other information
required to play the game
Reflects Main Points and Ties Ideas Together 2
Alphabetized 1
Includes Minimum of 3 Clear and Appropriate Definitions 2
2 Different Visuals Used 2
Support Writing and Add Value 2
Referred to in Text of Steps. 1
Correctly Labeled and Cited 4
Overall Formatting
Consistent Headings 3
Visual Appeal: Spacing, Layout, Whitespace Management 3
Correctly Formatted Page Numbers 1
Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation) 15
Total 77

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