Dynamic Control Over Supramolecular Hand

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PUBLISHED ONLINE: 9 MAY 2016 | DOI: 10.1038/NCHEM.2514

Dynamic control over supramolecular handedness

by selecting chiral induction pathways at the
solution–solid interface
Yuan Fang1, Elke Ghijsens1, Oleksandr Ivasenko1*, Hai Cao1, Aya Noguchi2, Kunal S. Mali1*,
Kazukuni Tahara2,3*, Yoshito Tobe2* and Steven De Feyter1*

A dominant theme within the research on two-dimensional chirality is the sergeant–soldiers principle, wherein a small
fraction of chiral molecules (sergeants) is used to skew the handedness of achiral molecules (soldiers) to generate a
homochiral surface. Here, we have combined the sergeant–soldiers principle with temperature-dependent molecular self-
assembly to unravel a peculiar chiral amplification mechanism at the solution–solid interface in which, depending on the
concentration of a sergeant–soldiers solution, the majority handedness of the system can either be amplified or entirely
reversed after an annealing step, furnishing a homochiral surface. Two discrete pathways that affect different stages of
two-dimensional crystal growth are invoked for rationalizing this phenomenon and we present a set of experiments where
the access to each pathway can be precisely controlled. These results demonstrate that a detailed understanding of subtle
intermolecular and interfacial interactions can be used to induce drastic changes in the handedness of a
supramolecular network.

co-workers18 who used the helicity of a chiral supramolecular

omochirality, a hallmark of the (bio)chemistry that supports
life on Earth, is believed to have evolved in three discrete polymer as an indicator to provide quantitative insight into the com-
steps: mirror-symmetry breaking, chiral amplification and peting pathways accessible to a self-assembling system in solution.
chiral transmission1. The study of these aspects in noncovalent With the mechanistic information obtained from temperature-
systems has been a subject of immense interest for more than a and concentration-dependent experiments, they could change the
decade2. The fact that only a small number of chiral molecules thermodynamic preference of the assembly process to promote
(the sergeants) are necessary to bias the handedness of the supra- the exclusive formation of metastable assemblies18.
molecular structure of achiral building blocks (the soldiers) was In the recent past, we have made use of the sergeant–soldiers prin-
established in the pioneering studies of Green and co-workers on ciple to fabricate low-density homochiral networks at the solution–
macromolecular assemblies in solution and has since become solid interface using alkoxylated dehydrobenzo[12]annulene
known as the ‘sergeant and soldiers’ principle3. derivatives (DBAs, Fig. 1a) as the model system19. The design of
One of the simpler ways to understand chiral induction phenom- chiral DBAs (cDBAs) provided precise control over the subtle
ena is through the study of the self-assembly of organic building intermolecular interactions between cDBA and achiral DBA
blocks on solid surfaces4–6. The non-centrosymmetric nature of an molecules in a sergeant–soldiers experiment, where the chirality
interface ensures that chirality is easily achieved in two dimensions. of the sergeant cDBA defined the handedness of the supra-
Enantiomers often undergo spontaneous resolution into a conglom- molecular network20. The resulting periodic lattice of shallow
erate of mirror image domains. Even prochiral molecules form nanowells with well-defined handedness can serve as a unique
chiral domains, although the surface remains globally achiral due platform for the segregation of enantiomers based on enantioselec-
to the formation of equal areas of opposite-handed domains6. tive host–guest adsorption. We recently validated this concept in
Mirror-symmetry breaking in such globally achiral surfaces can be a study where cDBAs were found to exhibit enantioselective
achieved by forcing the achiral molecules to assemble in only one adsorption in chiral nanowells21.
particular handedness to produce homochiral networks. Analogous Here, using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) as an exper-
to supramolecular systems in solution, chiral induction principles imental tool and combining concentration control with temperature
have been successfully used to fabricate homochiral surfaces7–14. variation in classic sergeant–soldiers experiments, we unveil com-
The general principles of supramolecular chemistry have proven petitive chiral amplification pathways taking place at the solution–
particularly useful for understanding the different aspects of chiral solid interface. Employing the handedness of the network as a
induction phenomena. Conversely, the handedness of a supramole- marker to identify two discrete pathways operative during different
cular aggregate can also be used as a probe to comprehend the fun- stages of two-dimensional crystal growth, we report a unique chiral
damentals of molecular self-assembly15–17. An elegant example of amplification pathway based on enantioselective guest adsorption.
such a synergistic approach is described in a report by Meijer and Notably, the competing amplification pathways lead to monolayers

Division of Molecular Imaging and Photonics, Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven-University of Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F, B-3001, Leuven,
Belgium. 2 Division of Frontier Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan.
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, 1-1-1 Higashimita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, 214-8571, Japan.
* e-mail: oleksandr.ivasenko@chem.kuleuven.be; kunal.mali@chem.kuleuven.be; tahara@chem.es.osaka-u.ac.jp; tobe@chem.es.osaka-u.ac.jp;

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a b CW



DBA-OCn: R1 = R2 = CnH2n+1
cDBA-OC12(S): R1 = R2 = 8

(R) CH3
cDBA-OC12(R): R1 = R2 = 8

(S) CH3
cDBA-OC12(S)-OC13(R): R1 = 8

R = 8 CH3

Figure 1 | Molecular structures and models for DBA self-assembly. a, Molecular structures of chiral and achiral DBAs. b, Molecular models depicting
clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) nanowells.

of opposite handedness. We show that it is possible to ‘select’ that the chiral composition of the self-assembling system critically
between the two pathways not only based on solute concentration depends on the sample history.
and annealing protocol, but also on the type of sergeant and
solvent. Finally, the annealing experiments described here furnish Results and discussion
homochiral surfaces composed of only achiral molecules, which Induction and reversal of the initial majority handedness.
has only rarely11,12 been achieved (Fig. 2). These results demonstrate Alkoxy-substituted DBAs are arguably one of the most intensively
studied building blocks at the solution–solid interface16. DBA
derivatives form porous supramolecular networks via interdigitation
DBA-OC12 +
of peripheral alkoxy chains. Figure 1b shows ‘clockwise’ (CW) and
‘counterclockwise’ (CCW) nanowells. The labels CW and CCW refer
CW cDBA-OC12(S) to the sense of rotation of the six alkoxy chains making up the rim
of the nanowell. The chirality of the nanowells is domain-specific19,20.
CCW 100% CCW
CW The design principle underlying the formation of porous homo-
chiral networks using cDBA-OC12(S) and cDBA-OC12(R)

CW (Fig. 1a) has been described in detail elsewhere20,21. The S and R

enantiomers exclusively form CW and CCW nanowells, respect-
22 °C 80 °C
ively. These cDBAs can also act as chiral seeds in a sergeant–soldiers
experiment and induce their own handedness in monolayers of
CW cDBA-OC12(S) achiral DBA-OC12 (Supplementary Fig. 2). Such design principles
100% CW provide a convenient tool to control the handedness of supramole-
cular networks, but recent wisdom suggests that self-assembling
CCW CW systems often follow competing pathways, and the access to each
DBA-OC12 + can be tuned by the choice of experimental parameters such as
cDBA-OC12(S) temperature22,23, solvents24,25, light26,27 and growth history28. It is
Temperature well known that annealing of samples leads to an increase in the
size of molecular domains. This coarsening is reminiscent of
Figure 2 | Summary of the major chiral induction experiments carried out Ostwald ripening, as observed during the bulk crystallization of
in this study. CW and CCW domains on the surface are represented in materials. The results described below originate from such tempera-
blue and orange, respectively, and are separated by domain borders ture-assisted ripening experiments, which were used to improve the
(white dashed lines). This simple schematic shows that, depending on the efficiency of homochiral induction in sergeant–soldiers experiments
total concentration of the solution, the outcome of a sergeant–soldiers involving cDBA-OC12(S) (ref. 20).
experiment involving DBA derivatives is drastically different if the samples Deposition of a 1-phenyloctane solution of DBA-OC12 contain-
are annealed at elevated temperature. At lower overall concentration, ing 10 mol% cDBA-OC12(S) (C = 5.0 × 10–7 M) on highly oriented
amplification of the initial majority handedness is observed, whereas higher pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) yielded a surface with 91% CW nano-
concentrations lead to reversal of the majority handedness. In both cases, wells at room temperature (RT, Fig. 3a). Annealing this sample
the end result is a homochiral surface that does not contain any adsorbed slowly (2 °C min–1) to 80 °C resulted in coarsening of the
chiral molecules. domains, which reached sizes of more than 300 × 300 nm2. The

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a b c

10 nm 60 nm




Nanowells (%)







RT 80 °C RT 80 °C RT 80 °C RT 80 °C RT 80 °C
5.0 × 10–7 M 9.0 × 10–7 M 1.5 × 10–6 M 2.5 × 10–6 M 4.0 × 10–5 M
Concentration CCW CW

Figure 3 | Amplification/reversal of the initial majority (CW) handedness on annealing as a function of total concentration. a,b, Representative STM
images of the DBA monolayer formed at the 1-phenyloctane/HOPG interface before (a) and after (b) annealing at 80 °C (C = 5.0 × 10−7 M containing
10 mol% cDBA-OC12(S) and 90 mol% DBA-OC12). c, High-resolution STM image (12 × 12 nm2) showing characteristic ‘black contour’ cDBA sergeants
co-adsorbed in the DBA-OC12 monolayer. d, Molecular model corresponding to the STM image in c. C, H and O atoms are cyan, white and red, respectively.
Stereogenic centres, together with the surrounding methylene groups, are in black, corresponding with the black contours in the STM image. Imaging
conditions: Iset = 200 pA and Vbias = −200 mV. e, Histograms of composition-dependent chiral induction at room temperature and its change on annealing to
80 °C. The blue and orange bars indicate the percentage population of CW and CCW nanowells at each temperature, determined as an average based on
more than three experimental sessions. The error bars represent the weighted standard deviation.

increase in domain size was also accompanied by an improvement noted that at RT, the preferred (majority) handedness of the network
in the chiral composition of the system, with the surface exclusively is CW and it is induced by incorporation of cDBA-OC12(S) sergeants
covered with CW nanowells at 80 °C (Fig. 3b). This result is in line into the monolayer formed by DBA-OC12. Thus, the initial mirror-
with the expectation that ripening will promote the growth of CW symmetry breaking in the system occurs via the sergeant–soldiers
domains, thus consuming the underrepresented CCW molecular pathway, as has been well documented20. The reversal was observed
domains. Annealing of the samples therefore improved the effi- only after the annealing step, which indicates that a second
ciency of chiral induction. The characteristic STM contrast of induction pathway emerges during annealing that primarily
cDBAs (Fig. 3c) makes it relatively straightforward to identify affects the ripening stage of the two-dimensional crystal growth.
them from DBA-OC12 molecules in the monolayer. A careful Furthermore, the homochiral CCW phase obtained after the anneal-
inspection of the samples after cooling to RT revealed a homochiral ing step did not appear as a new phase, but instead grew from the
surface entirely composed of achiral DBA molecules. This obser- existing surface composition at the expense of CW domains
vation implies desorption of cDBA-OC12(S) during the annealing during ripening. This fact was corroborated by starting with a
step due to its lower adsorption energy relative to DBA-OC12 homochiral CW surface at RT, which led to no reversal of the
(Supplementary Fig. 3)20. majority handedness on annealing (Supplementary Table 2). At
An annealing experiment carried out with the cDBA-OC12(S)/ intermediate concentrations, the system showed varying degrees of
DBA-OC12 system at a higher concentration (C = 2.5 × 10–6 M), chiral induction after annealing (Fig. 3e), which is in line with the
however, gave a rather puzzling result. Starting with 81% surface presence of two competing concentration regimes.
coverage of CW nanowells at RT (Fig. 3e), the system evolved into In the experiments described above, the handedness of the
a homochiral network of CCW nanowells on annealing at 80 °C network obtained after annealing did not change on returning to
(Supplementary Fig. 4). This reversal of the majority handedness RT over an observation window of 24 h. This indicates that the
following annealing is unprecedented, and so the mechanism homochiral surface obtained at higher temperatures is stable at
behind this chiral reversal process merited special scrutiny. It must be RT. However, perturbation of such a homochiral surface using

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a b c

20 nm

Figure 4 | Enantioselective adsorption of cDBA-OC12(S). a, Representative STM image highlighting the enantioselective adsorption of cDBA-OC12(S) guests
in CCW domains of the DBA-OC12 monolayer. In the top of the image, black rings indicate cDBA-OC12(S) sergeants, and yellow and green circles indicate
cDBA-OC12(S) guests in CW and CCW nanowells, respectively. b, High-resolution STM image (12 × 12 nm2) showing cDBA-OC12(S) molecules incorporated
as guests in the CCW nanowells. c, Molecular model corresponding to the STM image in b. C, H and O atoms are cyan, white and red, respectively. cDBA
guests are in green. Imaging conditions: Iset = 200 pA and Vbias = −200 mV. For detailed experimental conditions see Supplementary Fig. 17.

voltage pulses applied to the STM tip resulted in the local generation disfavoured due to the lower adsorption energy of cDBA-OC12(S),
of opposite-handed domains (Supplementary Fig. 5). this incorporation is an entropically favoured process, yielding
The monolayer obtained from a mixture of cDBA-OC12(R)/ 4–6% sergeants in the CW domains at RT for a wide range of
DBA-OC12 gave rise to a CW homochiral surface (the majority concentrations. At higher temperatures, cDBA-OC12(S) sergeants
handedness at RT is CCW) after annealing, further confirming are desorbed from the surface (Supplementary Table 1). The
the reversal of the majority handedness under similar experimental cDBA-OC12(S) guests, which preferentially adsorb in the CCW
conditions. Last, but not least, annealing of achiral DBA-OC12 nanowells21 (Table 1), however, form stable host–guest complexes,
monolayers did not furnish a homochiral surface and the system which could be observed even at elevated temperatures
always remained globally racemic, similar to that observed at RT (Supplementary Fig. 7). The most stable host–guest configuration
(Supplementary Fig. 6). consists of a tightly bound complex between an CCW nanowell
and a single cDBA-OC12(S) molecule that adopts a windmill-like
Mechanism behind the chiral reversal process. The contrasting conformation in the nanowell (Fig. 4c). A major energy difference
results obtained in the two concentration regimes should be between the adsorption in CCW nanowells compared to CW nano-
interpreted in the context of the different stages involved in two- wells arises from there being fewer van der Waals contacts between
dimensional crystal growth. Similar to the bulk crystallization of the methylene units when the chirality of the nanowell does not
materials, self-assembly of molecules at the solution–solid match the direction of the windmill-like conformation of the
interface also proceeds in three distinct stages: nucleation, free guest. The guest conformation is defined by the absolute configur-
growth and ripening29. Nucleation involves the adsorption of ation of the stereogenic methyl groups of the cDBA molecule.
molecules from solution onto the surface, followed by their two- Such enantioselective guest inclusion increases the relative stability
dimensional diffusion to form small clusters. This highly dynamic of the CCW domains (Supplementary Fig. 8).
process involves the constant formation and dissolution of Sergeant–soldiers experiments carried out at RT clearly reveal
molecular clusters until they reach a certain critical size. that the host–guest pathway is not dominant during the nucleation
Nucleation is followed by free growth of the domains, where and growth stages, because the handedness at RT is always
molecules are added to growing crystallites. Growth is terminated determined by the chirality of the sergeant. Molecular modelling
when the domains touch each other, producing grain boundaries revealed that the stabilization offered by an adsorbed cDBA mol-
that limit further growth. Once the entire surface is covered with ecule to a growing nucleus is higher when it integrates into the
molecules, ripening starts between neighbouring domains via a network as a ‘sergeant’ than when it adsorbs as a ‘guest’ into a
net flux of molecules from one domain to the other. This process nanowell (Supplementary Fig. 9). This analysis paints a hierarchical
is typically believed to occur via a gradual shift of the picture of the self-assembly process. Once the surface is entirely
interdomain border such that it leads to (1) growth of the most covered by the DBA monolayer (with a small percentage of cDBA
stable phase and/or (2) the reduction of domain boundaries to sergeants), additional inclusion of cDBA sergeants into the
produce larger domains30. network is not favoured because it can only occur via the replace-
Analysis of the STM images obtained in the two concentration ment of achiral DBA-OC12 molecules, which have a higher
regimes revealed that the relative sizes of the CW and CCW adsorption energy. Additional stabilization of the monolayer then
domains are comparable (Supplementary Table 1). The CW and occurs via host–guest complexation. The percentage of these
CCW domains represent enantiomorphous structures formed at cDBA-OC12(S) guests depends on the total solution concentration
the interface of an achiral solid (HOPG) and an achiral solvent and determines whether or not the CCW nanowells are
(1-phenyloctane). Incorporation of cDBA-OC12(S) changes the amplified following annealing. It must be noted, however, that the
chiral composition of the system via the sergeant–soldiers mechan- relative stabilization of the nanowells is not sufficient to explain
ism, where CW supramolecular handedness defined by the chirality the reversal of the handedness as experiments carried out by
of cDBA-OC12(S) is amplified (Fig. 3c,d)20. The cDBA-OC12(S) varying the thermal history of the sample (vide infra) indicate
molecules also occupy CCW nanowells (preferentially) as guests that the system is not at equilibrium and strong kinetic effects are
(Fig. 4)21. The cDBA-OC12(S) molecules respond differently to also at play.
the increase in concentration and temperature in these two The results obtained at intermediate concentrations where the
different roles. system does not evolve into a homochiral surface can be understood
By design, cDBA-OC12(S) sergeants can only be incorporated in as follows. The rate of ripening depends on the total length of
the CW domains of achiral DBA-OC12. Although enthalpically domain borders. As ripening progresses, the rate of ripening

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Table 1 | Occupation of cDBA guest molecules in nanowells at room temperature.
System Solvent Concentration Occupied nanowells (%)
9:1 DBA-OC12:cDBA-OC12(S) 1-phenyloctane 5.0 × 10–7 4.5 ± 1 1.4 ± 1
1-phenyloctane 2.5 × 10–6 33 ± 1 1±1
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 1.0 × 10–3 1.8 ± 0.5 1.6 ± 0.5
94:6 DBA-OC12:cDBA-OC12(S)-OC13(R) 1-phenyloctane 2.5 × 10–6 0.5 ± 0.3 0.6 ± 0.3
1:1 DBA-OC10:cDBA-OC12(S) 1-phenyloctane 5.0 × 10–6 17.7 ± 6.1 3.3 ± 0.5

decreases, because the length of the domain borders decreases Molecular design. Whether the system evolves through the sergeant–
with increasing domain size. At a certain point, the energetic gain soldiers or the host–guest pathway is also determined by the molecular
from reducing the domain borders becomes smaller than the design of the DBAs involved (Fig. 5). When cDBA-OC12(S)-OC13(R)
thermal energy, and then ripening is said to have reached (Fig. 1) was used as the sergeant, the system did not show reversal
equilibrium. Experimental data suggest that under such circum- of chirality on annealing, and the final handedness of the
stances, large domains cannot consume the neighbouring large network (CW) indicated exclusive evolution through the sergeant–
domains, and the system simply oscillates on either side of the soldiers pathway. This is because cDBA-OC12(S)-OC13(R) does
domain border (Supplementary Fig. 10). The understanding of not show any noticeable enantioselective guest adsorption
the aforementioned dichotomy in the chiral induction/reversal (Table 1 and Supplementary Figs 8 and 13). It should be noted
pathways allows manipulation of the assembly process in a predict- that this cDBA is a better sergeant and induces single handedness
able manner. Beginning with the premise that the sergeant–soldiers in DBA-OC12 networks with a much lower mole ratio in
pathway prevails mostly during the nucleation and free growth solution compared to DBA-OC12-(S) (ref. 20). The higher
stages and the host–guest-based chiral reversal is pronounced thermodynamic stability of cDBA-OC12(S)-OC13(R)/DBA-OC12
during temperature-assisted ripening, we show, in the following, co-assemblies is also illustrated by the increased surface coverage of
multiple ways to influence the outcome of the chiral cDBA-OC12(S)-OC13(R) after annealing (Fig. 5b, Supplementary
assembly process. Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 14).

Control over the induction/reversal processes a RT

b 80°C
Thermal history. The induction of chirality through the sergeant–
soldiers mechanism occurs at the nucleation step when the
sergeants contribute to the formation of nuclei equal to or larger
than the critical size. The sergeants are chiral and can incorporate
only into one of the two enantiomeric assemblies, thus changing
the chiral balance of the system. The probability of such
incorporation is higher for larger critical nuclei and hence the
induction efficiency will be higher for larger critical nuclei.
Classical nucleation theory articulates that an increase in 20 nm 20 nm
temperature leads to the formation of larger critical nuclei28,31. We
explored this hypothesis by performing a chiral induction c RT d b) 80°C
experiment, where a hot solution (C = 2.5 × 10–6 M, DBA-OC12:
cDBA-OC12(S) = 9:1, ∼80 °C) was deposited on HOPG held at
80 °C. In line with expectations, the handedness of the network
remained 100% CW (Supplementary Fig. 11), despite the fact that
the same composition furnished reversal of the majority
handedness (100% CCW) when RT deposition was followed by
gradual annealing (Fig. 3e and Supplementary Fig. 4). Working
along the same train of arguments, decreasing the deposition
temperature should lead to a lower induction efficiency. Deposition 40 nm 30 nm
of a cold solution (C = 5.0 × 10–7 M) on a precooled HOPG
substrate (∼8 °C) resulted in the formation of monolayers with Figure 5 | Control over the sergeant–soldiers and host–guest pathways by
significantly lower CW induction (75%), which did not change molecular design. a, Representative STM image of the DBA-OC12/cDBA-
upon annealing (76% CW nanowells, Supplementary Table 1). OC12(S)-OC13(R ) system (94:6, C = 2.5 × 10−6 M) at the 1-phenyloctane/
HOPG interface obtained at room temperature. White dashed lines indicate
Solvents. Another way to influence the outcome of the chiral assembly domain borders. Black rings indicate the cDBA sergeants, and yellow and
process is via the choice of solvents. The enantioselective host–guest green circles highlight the guests in CW and CCW nanowells, respectively.
interactions responsible for the reversal process were found to be b, CW homochiral surface obtained after annealing the system to 80 °C.
solvent-dependent. For example, the tendency of cDBA-OC12(S) The domain size, as well as the number of sergeants, increases significantly
molecules to occupy the CCW nanowells is significantly lower when after annealing. c, Representative STM image of a monolayer obtained after
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) is used as the solvent instead of addition of cDBA-OC12(S) (20 µl, 3.0 × 10–5 M, 1-phenyloctane) onto a
1-phenyloctane (Table 1). Temperature-dependent sergeant–soldiers preformed monolayer of DBA-OC10 (20 µl, 1.0 × 10–6 M, 1-phenyloctane).
experiments performed in TCB yielded no reversal of chirality, even Preferential guest adsorption in the CCW nanowells is evident. d, CCW
at the highest possible concentration (C = 1.0 × 10–3 M). This result homochiral surface after annealing the cDBA-OC12(S)/DBA-OC10 system
can be readily explained by the excellent solvating ability of TCB to 80 °C. The presence of cDBA-OC12(S) guests at 80 °C underscores the
(refs 19,30), which reduces stable host–guest interactions and allows strength of the host–guest interactions. Imaging conditions: Iset = 200 pA
the evolution of the system only through the sergeant–soldiers and Vbias = −200 mV. Corresponding images without coloured markers are
pathway (Supplementary Fig. 12). provided in Supplementary Fig. 19.

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Heinemann, 2000). O.I., K.S.M., K.T., Y.T. and S.D.F. co-wrote the paper. Y.F. and E.G. contributed equally.
32. Tahara, K. et al. Two-dimensional porous molecular networks of dehydrobenzo All authors contributed to the conception of experiments and discussion of the results and
[12]annulene derivatives via alkyl chain interdigitation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, commented on the manuscript.
16613–16625 (2006).
Additional information
Acknowledgements Supplementary information and chemical compound information are available in the
This work is supported by the Fund of Scientific Research-Flanders (FWO), KU Leuven online version of the paper. Reprints and permissions information is available online at
(GOA 11/003), the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (IAP-7/05) and JSPS KAKENHI www.nature.com/reprints. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
grant nos. 10252628 and 26620063. The research leading to these results has also received O.I.K.S.M., K.T., Y.T. and S.D.F.
funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement no. 340324. H.C. is an Competing financial interests
FWO Pegasus Marie Curie Fellow. The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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