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In-AP90897667663180W 2tvApr2024 10:54 AM NEWIMPAGC (SV)! ap18138204) AP-CTFY AP-CHT/apkhaknau 11012308001 JT SRO CHITTOOR (R.0) ‘SUBIN-APAP1813820450804995006496W G TIKARAM umont —? Article 4 Afidavit IDAVIT Property Description Consideration Pe As)? 9, meh i i Fst Pary GTIKARAM Second Party NA Paid By (For Whom) GTIKARAM ae oe i un 2 100 et oe g Same Duy Amounts) (One Hundred ony) ere E 3 “ane 3 fae 2 = Please white or type Below this ne Form 26 (See rule 44) AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWITH NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR ELECTION TO LEGESLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ANDHRA PRADESH FROM 172 CHITTOOR CONSTITUENCY PRASANNA/ WAN, HOSE, 6, BHU KTe s GOVT. NOTARY ey Plot Nb: 103,Nesla Enclave, 5 QQQQ589411 wee, he yam, CHITTOOR-517001, ere 92ATSANSOS. = 6 cbse exit vat ee ile oe Cece and se avs on he fre egimary one uae traces 53: teae any aetepency pease em he Compaen Arty i oaig eS ode Kop oF Shock Holding PARTA 1G. TIKARAM son/daughierwife of K. GOVINDA RAJULU Aged 46 Years, resident of 4 ~ 403, GANDHI NAGAR, GREAMSPET, CHITTOOR — 517 002, a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:~ (1) Tama candidate set up by INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (**name of the political party) / **am-eontesting-as-an-Independent candidate: (**strike out whichever is not applicable) (2) My name is enrolled in 172 - CHITTOOR - ANDHRA PRADESH (Name of the Constituency and the state), at Serial No : 76 in Part No. 119, CB ROAD WARD NO: 4, CHITTOOR MUNIICPAL CORPORATION, (3) My contact telephone number(s) isfare 9030224145 and my e-mail id (if any) and my social media accounts) (if any) is/are (i) Face Book @ TikkiJai (hie ASANHA aa AARLAOSE Sor ome '& GOVT. NOTARY Plot\No: 103, Neela Enclave, hotapalyam, CHITTOOR-517001, Cell: 9247341308 (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income tax return: The financial Total income year for | shown in Income Tax Return(in Ss Names PAN [Which the] Rupees) for the last five Financial ° last Income- | Years completed (as on 31" {tax return has| March) been filed 2223 | @ 6,95,840.00 20222 | (ii) 4,79,930.00 1 Self AEXPG9I27R| 9999.9 [Ui 3,81,020.00 2019-20 |(iv)}. ~- NOT APPLICABLE 2018-19 _|(v)| NOT APPLICABLE 2022.23 || NOT APPLICABLE ; 2021-22. || NOT APPLICABLE 2 SPOUSE: BZLPGS6OOH 7 T. GOWTHAMI PES 2020-21 |{iii)| NOT APPLICABLE 2019-20 |{iv) NOT APPLICABLE 2018-19 |(v)|__ NOT APPLICABLE 2022-23 |(i)| NOT APPLICABLE 2021-22 |(ii)|_ NOT APPLICABLE | HUF (If Candidate is Nor : . 3) “Karta/Coparcener) {appiicapte| 2020-21 ((iii)|_ NOT APPLICABLE 2019-20 (iy) NOT APPLICABLE 2018-19 |(y) NOT APPLICABLE 202223 |(i)} NOT APPLICABLE 2021-22 |(ii)/_ += NOT APPLICABLE 4, Dependent 1 ie ot 2020-21 |(iii)|_~» NOT APPLICABLE. 2019-20 (iv)! NOT APPLICABLE. 2018-19 |(y)|_ NOT APPLICABLE ls TU ey Masamed G. BHUPRASANNA,wa.uinose ADYOCATE & GOVT. NOTARY Pipt No: 103, Neela Enclave, Thotapalyam, CHITTOOR-S17001, Coll: 9247341305 223 () NOT APPLICABLE 20222 (NOT APPLICABLE 5 Dependent 2 lamoticasce| 2020-21 [D) NOT APPLICABLE 2019-20 iv)! NOT APPLICABLE 201819 (Y) | NOT APPLICABLE | 202223 (| NOT APPLICABLE 20222 (| Nor APPLICABLE 6 Dependent 3. larpicasce| 2020-21 (0! Nor APPLICABLE 2019-20 iY) NOT APPLICABLE 2018-19 {¥) | NOT APPLICABLE ‘Note: It is mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and in case of no PAN, it should be clearly stated “No PAN allotted” (5) Pending eriminal cases / (@ I dectare that there is no pending criminal case against me. V (Tick this alternative if there is no criminal case pending against the Candidate and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR (i) The following criminal cases are pending against me: (If there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases in the Table below) Table (a) |FIR No. with name T nd address of lice Station | NOTAPPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE|NOT APPLICABLE ncerned CO Reve | G. pee Mose ADVPCATE & GOVT. NOTARY Plot No: 103, Neela Enclave, ‘Thotapalyam, CHITTOOR-517001. Cell; 9247349308 tu ery b) JCase No. with Name f the Court NOT APPLICABLE (OT APPLICABLEJNOT APPLICABLE] Section(s) of concerned Acts/Codes involved (give no. of he Section, eg. ection ... of IPC, te.) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE|NOT APPLICABLE| (d) [Brief description of ffence NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE|NOT APPLICABLE) (e) yhether charges ave been framed mention YES or 0) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE|NOT APPLICABLE| fF answer against (e) bove is YES, then fi e the date on hich charges were framed NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE|NOT APPLICABLE| ‘g) ether any /Appeal/A pplication for revision has been filed against the [proceedings (Mention YES or NO) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE|NOT APPLICABLE) PRASANNA,WAML.HOSE a CATE & GOVT. NOTARY Pidt No: 193, Neela Enclave. ‘Thotapalyam, GHITTOOR-S17001 Goll: 9247341308 (6) Cases of conviction i j@ I declare that I have not been convicted for any criminal offence. V (Tick this alternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR (ii) [have been convicted for the offences mentioned below: (If the candidate has been convicted, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table below) Table fa) (Case No. NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE |NOT APPLICABLE, (b) Name of the Court NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE |NOT APPLICABLE, () Sections of |Acts/Codes involved (give no. of the Section, eg. NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE |NOT APPLICABLE, () Brief description of fence for which {convicted NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE |NOT APPLICABLE| (©) Dates of orders of against conviction rder (Mention YES r No) sitpicttom, NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE |NOT APPLICABLE [Punishment imposed ) P NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE |NOT APPLICABLE (@ [Whether any Appeal hasbeen filed | Nor APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE |NOT APPLICABLE) ae Janus) awgenss HA MLEOSE Go BVSCATE & GOVT. NOTAR’ Plot No: 103, Neela Enclave -thotapalyam, CHITTOOR:517081. Gell: 9247341308 h) [If answer to (g) bove is YES, give etails and present Nor APPLICABLE | NOT AFPLICABLE|NOT APPLICABLE] status of appeal (6A) have given full and up-to-date information to my political party about all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6). [candidates to whom this Item is not applicable should clearly write. NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN S(i) and 6(i), above] Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters. 2. Details to be given separately for each case under different columns against each item, 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order, i.e, the latest case to be mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cases, 4, Additional sheet may be added if required. 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying information in compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s judgment in W, P (C) No. 536 of 2011. (2) That I give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself my spouse and all dependents A. Details of movable assets ; Note: I. Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given, Note: 2. In case of deposit/investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date of deposit, the scheme, Name of Bank/Institution and Branch are to be given. Note: 3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per the current market value in Stock Exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non-listed companies should be given. Note’ 4. ‘Dependent’ means parents, son(s), daughter(s) ofthe eandidate or spouse and any other person | ‘elated to the candidate whether by blood or martiage, who have no separate means of income and who are dependent on the candidate for their livelihood. C Deo cans "ADVOCATE & GOVT. NOTARY : Enclave a 7 PiotiNo: 103, Neela Enel Ae tapalyam, CHITTOOR-61700) > ” en 27308 Note: 5. Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment Note: 6, Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets. Explanation,- For the purpose of this Form, the expression “offshore assets” includes, details of all deposits or investments in Foreign banks and any other body or institution abroad, and details of all assets and liabilities in foreign countries’; ‘cription Self] Spouse . | HUF | Depen | Depen | Depen GOWTHAMI dent-1 | dent-2 | dent-3 i) Cashin hand 355000 | 58,700 Nar Xr NOT [an appricaBte | APPLICABLE | pPricanLe| arpuicay ii) Details of deposit in Bank ASiNa VIS jecounts —(FDRs, Term Prtssiowonzna [Deposits and all other types su ac f deposits including |, win aving accounts), Deposits nor or sor | sor . DEC. AC. Ne APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE [APPLICABLE] APPLICABLE ith Financial Institutions, |smsissi85,| us wan ac jon-Banking Financial |" wan’ i NATIONAL ‘ompanies and | pai ne No: | sme serie, hormmnienina, Bais He ‘operative societies and | Bat. 142 the amount in cach such | uore.cac | soxvoosioseo, posit ‘BAL: 10898 precac, sannnnoo7ssin, BAL 396, iti) Details of investment in jonds, Debentures/Shares d nits in| Nor sor Nor nor Nor sor ompanies/Mutual Funds |APPLICABLE) recur | apruacante | arpuicasie {appiicante| arrucane ind others and the amount. iv) Details_of investment _in 4 ISS,__Postal_Saving, | ADUTHYA Insurance Policies and} jieatin | investment in any Financial | iNsURANCE instruments in Post office | COLTD, wr Insurance Company and | POLICY NO: | he ammouie 2-24-0000336- jos. 21,000) NOT oT NoT not. | nor isk | APPLICABLE | areLicasLe| appuicaste: peti ABLE, sss ox APPL JreicanefaPericaBLel FORKOTAK ‘GROUP ACCIDENT PRorecr | PoLicy Noa | 2OD3249681— Re. 35004 al JPRASANNA,, NA,wa aL HOSE Pl SBRERES Cournot / Plot No: 103, Neela Enclave. Thoiapayan ‘CHITTOOR-§17001. Cell: 9247341308 () Personal —_Toans/advance iven to any person or tity including firm) vor NOT No NoT Nor Not mpany, Trust etc, and |APPLICABLE) APPLICABLE |APPLICABLE:| APPLICABLE |APPLICABLE| APPLICABLE ther receivables from tors and the amount. vi) Motor” Vehicles/Aircrafts/ |l. DUSTER achts/Ships (Details of (CAR, Reg. lake, registration number, No: AP35 AE} tc. year of purchase and 0006, Year~ Eimear ) 1015, Amt. — 00,000/- . THAR-LX | D AT—Reg. | INoz P39MK212 Year - 2022 - Amt. '16,00,000, NoT Nor Nor, Nor Nor APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE) APPLICABLE [APPLICABLE] APPLICABLE! 3. TATA Hitachi, — ear ~ 2016, mt. 6,00,000/- . Honda Dio- Reg. |APOSBLIs88, | ‘Year 2013, mt $30,000. vii) fewellery, ‘bullion and valuable thing(s) (give | 120 Grams -| 150 Grams — NOT NOT ‘NOT fltails of weight and value) | Rs. 6,96,000| 8,70,000 | APPLICABLE) APPLICABLE |aPPLiCaaLT| apeNCABLE vili)|Any other assets such as rh | luc of claims/interest eae Rs. 1,00,000} Nor Nor Nor Nor Nor ‘Apple Mobile| APPLICABLE | APPLICABLEE| APPLICABLE: |APpLICABLE| APPLICABLE Rs. 80,000/- ix) (Gross Total value 64,22,479.00| 9,39,500.00. | NOT NOT Nor APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE [APPLICABLE I B. Details of Immovable assets: Note: 1. Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated Note: 2. Each land or building or aj 9 'ment should be mentioned separately in this format aunts) ANNA AML HOSE ATE & GOVT. NOTAR fio: 103, Neela Enciave, thotapalyam, CHITTOOR'S17001 Goll: 9247341308 . BHUT S.bvor . [Description [Dependent] Depen |Depen dent- 0 Self | Spouse | HUF en acnce 5 i) [Agricultural Land xor : Nor Nor Nor nor (Location(s) Survey apericaste NOTAPPICABLE srericapiE | APPLICABLE [APPLICABLE} APPLICABLE inumberts) [Area ((otal measurement in | Lorappicamel NOT Nor Nor Nor jacres) ‘AppLicant: NOT AF JAPPLICABLE| APPLICABLE [APPLICABLE] APPLICABLE Note: 3. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets, (Whether inherited ert Nor 0 Nor Nor nor |. : {Yes orNo) aprcanie NOTAPPHCABLE jper cance] APeLICABLE lapplicAnLENOT APPLICABLE [Date of purchase in ease wor or sor vor self acquired property | apticane NOTAPPCABLY wot Camts| amMCABLE nm MoinLEROT APPLICABLE Cost of Cand (in case of T urchase) at the time of Nor Nor Nor Nor , ato ApeLicapLe MOTAPPHICABLE jpertcABLE| APPLICABLE [APPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE] [Any Investment on the 7 land by way of | _xor Nor Not Nor velba, construction | M#LCABE NOTAPPLICABH pt hor | gph Share: funnel NOT APLICABL be Approximate Current Nor . | Nor Nor Not market value | applicant NOTAPPHCADLE spr icapie| APPLICABLE |appLicABLENOT APPLICABLE [.ocation(s) Nor 1 APPLICABLE ‘iad = ar (OT APPL. Survey number(s) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE hkepLicaBLE! i \Area (total measurement vor |. . Nor Nor Nor in sq. ft.) APPLICABLE OT APPLICABLE sper iCABLE| APPLICABLE |aPPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE Whether inherited a hor cae Nor roperty arpuicaptss NOFAPPUCABLE jpor case) APPLICABLE [APPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE! Yes or No) [Date of purchase in case Nor : : : n capa} NO Nor Nor . self acquired property | wticanie NOTAPPLICABLE wot Chase | ammCans pp Ne pig NOT APPLICABLE ‘ost of Land (in case of yurchase) at the time of anu NOT Nor Nor sitthase; SOTAPPLICAPLE apeLicaBLE | APPLICABLE |APPLYCABLENOT APPLICABLE Any Tavestment on the land | ; xor Nor Nor OT APPLICABLE ppp NOT | pep 2 augNOT APPLICABLE) G.BI Piot No: 103, Nee Thotapalyat INA WAM "ADVOCATE & GOVT. N iOTAr la Enciav ym, CHITTOOR-5170U lI; 9247341303 APPLICABLE | APPLICABLE roximate current NOT nN N Lt NOT OT APPLICABLE| arket value appticanis POTAPPCADLY sppticante| APUCABLE oe eance iii) Fennel ulin including apartments Nor » Nor vor Not or appuc ee , APPLICABLE NOTAPPLICABLE! ppricapie| APPLICABLE |APPLICABLE)NOT APPLICABLE Location(s) Survey number(s) [Area (total measurement Nor Nor Nor nor ky in sq. ft.) aroLicanie POTAPPLICABLY ser iCagie] APPLICABLE [applicant NOT APPLICABL suilt-up Area (total Nor NOT Not . measurement in sq.ft.) AppLiCaBLE NOT APPLICABLE: APPLICABLE [APPLICABLENO? APPLICABLE jether inherited roperty Nor . Nor Nor Nor 7 [ves or No) appLicapLe: NOTAPPLICABL appr icapue:] APPLICABLE |,ppL caste NOT APPLICABLL [Date of purchase in case nor Nor Nor Nor 2 self acquired property | sepl\Capie NOPAPTLICABLE pt APPLICABLE [APPLICABLENOT APPLICABL ‘ost of property (in case Not Nor Nor Nor sj purchase) at the time Of | jeelienais: NOTAPPLICABLE son OT c| arp hlane [apg NOT APPLICABLE [purchase Any Investment on the operty by way of Noto ap Nor Nor Not ' ‘velopment, construction | APPLICApLE NOTAPPLICABLE) jporicapc| APPLICABLE |appticanLsNOT APPLICABLE| te. proximate current Nor canis NOT Nor Nor 0 pene lie aman POTAPLCAELE pleat] ARMEABLE [Pic aPOTAPPUCARLE iv) Besides ildings including apartments): Nor . Nor Nor Not ap Location (3) appicaaie MOT APPUCABLE apericagtss| APPLICABLE |APPIICABLEpOP APPLICABLE] ‘Survey number(s) ‘Area (Total measurement Not arabe Nor Not Nor Kae in sq. ft) apeticapLe NOTAPPLICABLE! xppLicapi| APPLICABLE [ApPLicaisLE NOT APPLICABLE] uilt up Area (Total Nor : Nor Nor NOT measurement in sq. ft.) appLicasie NOTAPPHICABLY spol icaBLE| APPLICABLE |APPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE| ether inherited Property Not Nor : Nor Yes or No) AppLicaBLe NOT APPLICABLE jeer capi APPLICABLENOT APPLICABLY [Date of purchase in case 5 N nu | Nor Not Nor self acquired property | srmfiCaais: NOTAPPLICABLE NOT | sap NOE |p Neh pueNOT APPLICABLE! ‘ost of property (in case f purchase) at the time of | nor Nor Nor Nor [purchase avuicaple NOTAPPHICABLE! sper icaBLe:| APPLICABLE |APPRICABLENOT APPLICABLE! [Any Invesiment on the lland by way of development, construction wr APPLICABLE, g9pNOT be (OT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE Ott cama Ce SANNAMAML HOSE ADVOCATE & GOVT. NOTARY Pict No: 163, wevta Enclave, Thotapalyam, CHITTOOR-517001 “ell; 9247341305 [Approximate current Not reuicapie} SOL xor Nor market value APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE per iCABLE| APPLICABLE |APPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE) (v) Pihers (such as interest in Nor Nor Nor Nor property) appLicape MOTAPPLICABLE appricapi| APPLICABLE |APPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE (vi) [Total of current market wn or not | sor appuic Nor alue of ()t0(v) above | popNOTy . NOTAPPLICAHIE sn | ppg [upp la: gRNOT APPLICABLE (8) I give herein below the details of liabilities/dues to public financial institutions and government:- (Note: Please give separate details of name of bank, institution, entity or individual and amount before each item) S. otk Spouse —T. Depen | Depen [Depend ent- INo. Description Self |cowrnasn| HUF | genet | dent-2 3 i) (Loan or dues to) 1LCHOLAM ancial |ANDALAM oa INVESTMEN| | lame of Bank or AND Financial Institution, Company [Amount outstanding. [-Tp. Rs fature of loan 1.04.351.04, Nehicle Loan} 1, AXIS | BHDFC | BANK, Rs. nk Ltd, |242,298.00 - [Personal Loan,| Not NOT NOT 0 Wsze2 0 2. AXIS |APPLICABLE| APPLICABLE |appLicaBLeNOT APPLICABLE) uipment BANK, Rs. Loan. 3,34,578.00 — HDFC Bank|Personal Loan, | Lid, Rs |1235,816.00 Vehicle | Indusind | sank, Rs. .00,000/- ersonal Loan jan or dues to any ther —_individuals/ | tity other than | imentioned above. Nor » Nor Nor nor ‘ame(s), ‘Amount ~appLicaBte NOTAPPLICABLE spericasLe| APPLICABLE |APPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE] utstanding, nature of wo) fe . BHPPI S SANNAWEHLHOSE (WAMLKDS| an CATE & — NOTAR Piot No: 103, Nees Enclave Thotapalyam, ‘CHITTOOR: 5170 ‘Goll: 9247341308 lif answer to (A) above is YES, the following \leclaration may be furnished namely: i) The address of the Government accommodation: a - ii) There is no dues payable in respect of labove Goverment accommodation, jowards- a) rent; {b) electricity charges; (c) water charges; and - (d) telephone charges. as._—on (date) a [the date should be the last date of the third month prior t he month in which the election is notified or any date hereafter). jote- ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the agencies concerned in respect of rent, electricity charges, water charges and wlephone charges for the above |Government accommodation should be jhelicopters) submitted. iii) [Dues to department dealing — hwith Govemment transport (including aircraft's and| |g | Nor Nor APPLICABLE [NOTAPPLICABLE| ,opNOT.. NOT APPLICABLE} (Any other liability NoT Noe Not NOT] NOT APPLICABL| appt yeapLe | APPLICAB|APPLICABLWPPLICAB) app YeAptE (Grand total of liabilities Nor nor | Nor 32,72,949.04 §,76,806.00 | APPLICAB] APPLICABL|APPLICAB] app CABLE LE E LE (A)Has the Deponent been in occupation of ESINOV | faccommodation provided by the Government at (PI. tick the jany time during the last ten years betore the lappropriate late of notification of the current election ? lalternative) R SANNA MAMLADSE . bv \TE & GOVT. NOTARY 03, Neela Enclave ‘am, CHITTOOR-517001 }2AT 941308 Dependen| Self [Spouse]! HUF —|Dependent-1| Dependent-2 |PePen iv) lincome Tax dues | i NL | NIL Rorarruicapusbor apsicaBti4NOTAPPLICABLE) eNO w) (GST dues ni. | xm, frorarrucasushior areicase| or APIcABLe| gpg BPEy (vi) [Municipal/Property tax Cn No Ktues NIL] NIL por APPLicABLENOT APPLICABLE} NOT APPLICABLE] spp NO iAny other dues vii) Any NIL | NIL NOTAPPLICABLENOT APPLICABLE] NOT APPLICABLE | ,pp NOU (viii) Grand total of 4 vor jovernment dues NIL | NIL. orapruicantevor appuicasie wor APPLICABLE NTs ther any _other ix) liabilities are in dispute, l'so, mention the amount volved and the | NIL | NIL frorareucasishoramuicants NOTARPLICABLE pA 5 fauthorty before which it is pending, I Co Per Pood G, BHUPRASANNA wai nose ‘ADVOCATE & GOVT. NOTARY Plot No: 103, Neeia Enclave, Fhotapalyam, CHITTOOR-517003, Cell: 9247341305 4 (9) Details of profession or occupation: (a) Self BUSINESS (b) Spouse BUSINESS (9A) Details of source(s) of income: (a) Self. BUSINESS. (b) Spouse BUSINESS (c) Source of income, if any, of dependents,...: NOT APPLICABLE (9B) Contracts with appropriate Government and any public company or companies (a) details of contracts entered by the candidate... ; NIL (b) details of contracts entered into by spouse... 3 NIL (©) details of contracts entered into by dependents: NOT APPLICABLE. (d) details of contracts entered into by Hindu Undivided Family or trust in which the candidate or spouse or dependents have interest NIL (e) details of contracts, entered into by Partnership Firms in which candidate or spouse or dependents are partners .....:. NIL (1) details of contracts, entered into by private companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have share......: NIL (10) My educational qualification is as under: SENIOR INTERMEDIATE ~ HEC GROUP — BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCAION, ANDHRA PRADESH, YEAR OF PASS - 2002 (Give details of highest School / University education mentioning the full form of the certificate/ diploma! degree course, name of the School /College/ University and the year in which the course was completed.) | ‘ADVCATE & GOVT. NOTA? ‘No: 103, Neela Enclay. ‘Thotapatyam, CHITTOOR-517001 Celt: 9247341308 PART- B ay. ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) OF PART - A: is lame of the candidate Sh. G. TIKARAM, . [Full postal address 4-403, GANDHINAGAR , GREAMSPET, CHITTOOR ~ 517 002, AP B jumber and name of the nstituency and State 172 - CHITTOOR, ANDHRA PRADESH & lame of the political party which et_up the candidate (otherwise INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS {write ‘Independent’ [Total number of pending criminal |, ses 6. [Total Number of cases in which NIL convicted [" | PANof | Year for which last whiel | Income Tax Retum filed ‘Tas a Riou (a) Candidate AEXPG9127R 2023-2024 PSB | (b) Spouse BZLPGSGOOH NIL NIL (¢) HUF NOTAPPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE | (d) Dependent (OT APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE - ! 8 Details of Assets and Liabilities (including offshore assets) in rupees scription Selr Spouse HUF pen [Depen Benen ient-I__ftemt-2_fent-3 |. Moveable Assets Nor NOT —Tgq NOT Total value) Geaz79.00 | 93950000 | seni cage APPCABY spt Cngce|APPLCABL B immovable Assets - Not | vor oT wil weil set APRUCABL jot ena APPLICABL urchase_ Price of kelf-acquired Nor ‘ie Nor immovable PPLICABL pp NOT |APPLICABL . . ‘ E a [property nel Ken rl I Development/eonst ——] ruction cost of Nor | Nor nor limmovable APPLICAB| ste apL|APPUICABL [property after. : . ipurchase (if orl A af | | [applicable CPi g ay G. BHU} MAML ADS DVOGATE & GOVT. NOTAR’ Plot No: 103, Noela Enclave. Ihowpaiyam, CHITTOOR-517001. Coll; 9247341308 IT Approximate urrent Market Price Self-acquired assets, wor Total Value) Nor Nor a , NL NIL | apoticapce | appticaace [M2LCA® b) Inherited assets (Total Value) [Liabilities i) Government dues Total) NIL ‘NIL (OT APPLICABLE Nor ja ha APPLICABLE |arPuIcante| APPLICABLE | (Gi) [Loans from Bank, \Finaneial Institutions Nor Not BOT Lape nd others (Total) 32,72,.999.04 avmichave | areticance | PPLCA|aePLicaa 10.) hi s that are under dispute iy Goverment dues hor (Total) wi} wt NOTAPPLICABLE | oplicance | NOT] NOT PPLICA|appLICABLE fi) Loans from Bank, wu Financial NOT NIL ‘NOT APPLICABLE ro) | APPLICAB| cid Institutions and HCABIE | appuicapie [APPLICAB| appt capt thers (Total) | ~ TT. fighest educational qualification: SENIOR INTERMEDIATE ~ HEC GROUP - BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCAION, |ANDHRA PRADESH, YEAR OF PASS - 2002 liploma/ degree course, name of the School /College/ University and the year in which the course wa: tn details of highest School /University education mentioning the full form of the certificate: rmpleted.) ALUN cat ‘SAT GM ML HOSE io ‘& GOVT. NOTARY Plot\No: 403, Neela Lae am, CHITIOORST iY ! THe AT SATGO8 7 VERIFICATION 1, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of it is false and nothing ‘material has been concealed there from. I further declare that:~ (a) there is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in items 5 and 6 of Part A and B above; (b) I, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, other than those mentioned in items 7 and 8 of Part A and items 8, 9 and 10 of Part B above, Verified at. CHT TTOOL..this thea ER, day of. mbt |. LOKe.. Note: 1. Affidavit should be filed latest by 3.00 PM on the last day of filing nominations Note: 2. Affidavit should be sworn before an Oath Commissioner or Magistrate of the First Class or before a Notary Public. Note: 3. All columns should be filled up and no column to be left blank. If there is no information to furnish in respect of any item, cither “Nil” or “Not applicable”, as the case may be, should be mentioned. Note: 4. The affidavit should be either typed or written legibly and neatly. Note: 5. Each page of the Affidavit should be signed by the deponent and the Affidavit should bear on each page the stamp of the Notary or Oath Commissioner or Magistrate before whom the Affidavit is sworn. iA, TE & GOVT. NOTARY “aDvot a 7 : 103, Neela Enclave hone poy shebapalyam, CHITTOOR:517001 / Cell: 8247341305 Precednuys No NA/1é 00803) 7 20@), Dh 6!) Ol rery. cop. .€4. Bo/toperrto rq] 208. 4 Log ws) og, (pom, a —eluoasannaea as — ¢ ADVOCATE & GOVT. NOTARY : 103, Neola Enclave, CHITTOOR-617001. 18

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