1996 (3) Prevalenica de Actmyces Actinomicet en Pacientes Con Ortoconcia

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J Clin Periodonio!

1996; 23: J12-118 Copyrigiu © Munks^aord 1996

Primed in Deiinwrk . AU righis rcscrxed

Clinical pcriDdontclogy
ISSN 0303-697')

Occurrence of Actinobacillus Michele Paolantonio\

Gianni di Giroiamo^-^,
Vinicio Pedrazzoli^, Carlo di
Caria Picciani^, Giovanni Catamo^,
actinomyeetemeomitans in iViarceilo Cattabriga^ and
Raffaeie Piccoiomini^

patients wearing orthodontic ^Department of Periodontology, University "G,

D'Annunzio" Chieti, Italy, ^Department of
Clinical Microbiology, University "G,
D'AnnunzJo" Chieti, Italy, ^Department of

appliances Periodontology, University "La Sapienza"

Rome, Italy

A cross-sectional study
Paolantonio M, Di Girolamo G, Pedrazzoli V. Di Murro C, Picciani C, Catamo G,
Cattabriga M. Piccolomini R: Oecwrenee o/Actinobaciiius
aetinomyeetemcomiians in patients wearing orthodontie appliances. A
cross-sectional study. J Clin Feriodontol 1996; 23: 112-118. © Munifsgaard, 1996.

Abstract. Tlie aim of the present study was to assess: (i) thie occurrence of Actino-
baeillus aetinomycetemcomitans {Aa ) in subgingival plaque from young patients
undergoing orthodontie treatment with fixed applianees; (2) a possible relation-
ship between the presence of Aa and the elinical eonditions; (3) a relation be-
tween the duration of orthodontic treatment and the microbiologieal and clinieai
parameters; (4) whether differences exist when taking into eonsideration the differ-
ent type of appiiances, i.e., bands or braekets, 34 subjeets aged between i2 and
30 years partieipated in the study. Of these, 20 subjects had worn orthodontie
appiianees (test group), while the remaining i4 subjects served as matehed eonlrol
(eontroi group). 4 to 8 sites in eaeh patient were available for ciinieal and microbio-
logical examination. Ciinicai parameters consisted of presence/absence of plaque
and gingivai bieeding index (GBI), Microbiological sampiing was performed in the
same sites as in the eiinicai examination. A statistieaiiy significant difference was
present when comparing %s of GBI positive scores between teeth from the test
group (57.5%) and teeth from the controi group (25%), Piaque was present in
53% of test siles and 37% of eontroi sites, but this dilTerenee was not statistieaiiy
significant. Aa was detected from at least one site in 85% of test subjects and in
15% of the control subjeets (/7<0,00i), Among the subjeets. 4i%> harboured Aa
at a concentration between 0.1% and 1,0%, whereas another 40% yielded Aa at
a concentration greater than 1,0%, Fiiialiy, a positive eorreiatioii was noted be-
tween the % of sites positive for Aa and the % of sites displaying a positive GBI
score (r =0.41; /)<0,005). No relation was found between the duration of ortho-
dontie treatment and the microbioiogical or clinical parameters; neither were stai-
istieally significant differences found when we eompared results from sites wearing
bands or braekets. In conclusion, the present study showed that young subjects
wearing orthodontic appiianees harbour Aa with a remarkable frequency of detec- Key words: Actinobacillus
tion, although plaque ieveis do not signifieantly differ from those of a matehed aciinomycetemeomitans-, orthodontic therapy
controi group. Accepted for publication 14 February 1995

Ini^ammation of gingival tissues during been related to hampered oral hygiene crobial colonization of gingival tissues
fixed orthodontic therapy is well docu- by fixed orthodontic appiianees with (Flores de Jacoby & MuUer 1982,
mented in the literature (Zachrisson & eonsequent accumulation of plaque MDller & Fiores de Jaeoby 1982, Diam-
Zachrisson 1972. Zachri.sson i& Alnaes mass (Zaehrisson i976). A few studies anti-Kipioti et al. 1987). Mulier & Flor-
1973, Kloehn & Pfeifer 1974, Trossel- are available on the relationship be- es de Jacoby (1982) reported an increase
io & Gianelly 1979). This situation has tween orthodontic treatment and mi- in the proportions of spiroehetes in as-
Aetinobacillus aetinomyeetemcomitans in orthodontic patients 113

sociation with fixed orthodontie treat- underwent orthodontie treatment with containing 0.5 ml of reduced transport
ment. In a ciinieal and microbiological fixed appiianees for at least 6 months iluid (RTF) without EDTA, The viais
cultural study, Diamanti-Kipioti et al. (mean orthodontie therapy duration: were flooded with nitrogen and trans-
(1987) observed an inerease of black- 18.5±8.1 months) at the Department of ported to the bacteriological laboratory
pigmented "Baeteroides" (including Orthodontics of the University of Chie- within 40 min, where they were intro-
Prevotella intermedia) following plaee- ti, School of Dentistry, 14 subjects (con- dueed into an anaerobie ehamber eon-
ment of fixed orthodontic appiianees. It trol group) were not wearing orthodon- laining an atmosphere of 5% CO2, 10%
has also been shown that other iatro- tic appiianees nor fixed prostheses and H. and 85% N..
genic factors can determine modifi- matched to the test subjeets for age, The plaque suspension was dispersed
cations in the composition of subgingi- gender distribution, geographic and by mild sonieation for iO s under anaer-
val plaque: for instance, increasing cultural origins. Aii patients were free obic eondition and serialiy diluted in
gram negative and anaerobic species of attaehment loss in proximai sites. RTF Aiiquots of 0,1 mi of the appro-
None of the subjects participating in priate dilution were plated onto tryp-
were reported by Lang et ai, (1983) fol-
this study were affeeted by systemie dis- tiease soy-serum-bacitracin-vaneomyein
lowing placement of overhanging on-
eases, and none had taken antibiotics in (TSBV) agar, a seieetive medium for
the previous 6 months. All subjects re- Actinobacillus actinotnycetemcomitans
Gingivitis and periodontitis seem to eeived oral hygiene instructions about 2
be assoeiated with a mierofiora that (Siots i982), and onto non-seiective En-
months before the clinical and micro- riched Trypticase Soy Agar (ETSA) for
greatiy differs from that of the heaithy bioiogical examination; instructions
periodontium in terms of bacteriai total anaerobic colony counts.
consisted in information about the cor-
composition (Slots i977a. Slots 1977b, The inoculated seieetive and non-
rect use of toothbrush, dental fioss and,
Slots et al. 1978). Actinobaeillus actino- selective media were then eultured at
for orthodontic patients, interdental
myeetemeomitans (Aa) is an age-related 3TC in a lO'Mi COj incubator and in an
brush; the use of a mouthwash was not
micro-organism (Siots et al. i990, Sav- anaerobic chamber, respeetively. After 7
allowed. The oral hygiene instruetions
itt & Kent 199i) frequently assoeiated days, the TSBV-agar plates where
were reinforced twiee during the two
to early onset periodontitis such as Lo- examined for presence of Aa. Smaii,
months preceding the start of the study.
eaiized Juveniie Periodontitis (Mand- transiucent, siightly convex, circular
No mechaniea! instrumentation was
eii & Socransky i98i. Slots et ai, 1982, coionies often with a star-like inner
performed before clinical and microbio-
Zatnbon et ai, 1983a, Mandeli et al. strueture and adherent to the agar sur-
logical examination. Informed consent
1987, Gunsolley et al, 1990) and Prepu> face were subeultured for identification.
was obtained from the parents prior to
bertal Periodontitis (Sweeney et al, A definitive identification was made on
the study,
1987, Dclaney et al. 1987), Sinee ortho- the basis of gram stain; nitrate redtic-
dontic therapy and incorrect restorative tion; produetion of cataiase; iaek of
15 test subjects had only upper or
proeedures can promote aecumulation urease aetivity and indole produetion;
lower arehes bearing orthodontie appli-
of bacteriai piaque (Zaehrisson 1976) growth on McConkey agar and fermen-
ances. Therefore these subjeets yielded
and modifications in its composition tation with carbohydrates (fructose,
oniy 4 sites ibr ciinicai and microbio-
(Fiores de Jacoby & Muiier 1982, glueose, lactose, maitose, mannitoi. su-
logieal examination. The remaining 5
Muiier & Fiores de Jacoby i982, Diam- crose and xilose) suppiemented by the
patients wore a fuil-mouth orthodontie
anti-Kipioti et ai, 1987), it eouid be in- profiles of preformed enzymes (API-
appliance yielding 4 sites in tiie iower
teresting to assess whether these ioeal ZIM system; BioMerieux Itaiia SpA,
arch and 4 sites in the upper areh.
factors ean infiuence coionization and Rome, Italy).
occurrenee of specific microorganisms Mesio-buccai sites of first molars and
iike Aa in young individuais, Appar- disto-bticca! sites of lateral incisors were Piates containing between 30 and 300
entiy no data are avaiiable on the oecur- subjected to eiinicai and microbioiogi- coiony-forming units were seiected for
rence and distribution oi Aa in children cai examination. Ciinical examination enumeration.
and young individuais wearing ortho- consisted of recording of presence/ab- The proportion of Aa was deter-
dontie appiianees. sence of piaque and gingivai bieeding mined by dividing its counts on the
measured by GBI (Ainamo & Bay TSBV agar by the total anaerobic col-
The aim of the present study was to 1975) by 2 examiners who had been ony counts in tlie ETSA piates and re-
assess the occurrence of .4 o in subgingi- previously ealibrated. ported as a % of the viabie count. A
val piaque from young subjects under- Microbiological sampling was per- totai of 212 subgingivai sites (100 test,
going orthodontic treatment with fixed formed immediately after plaque re- 112 eontrols) were mierobiologicaiiy
appiianees; moreover we sought a poss- cording and before the assessment oi anaiysed for the presence oi Aa.
ible reiationship between the presenee GBI, After removal of supragingival
of Aa and the ciinieal conditions, also plaque by a sterile curette the gingival
Data analysis
taking in consideration the different surface was dried by a gentle air How,
types of fixed appliances, i.e., orthodon- Plaque sampies were obtained by inser- Clinical data were expressed as a % of
tic bands or brackets. tion of three steriie paper points at the sites positive for presence of plaque and
deepest part of each gingivai sulcus and GBI in each subject, Presenee of piaque
left in situ for 10 s. was visuaiiy assessed. The chnical par-
Material and Methods ameters were reported aeeording to 2
Patients and clinical procedure categories: teeth without orthodontic
Bacteriological methods apphances (eontroi sites) and teeth with
34 subjeets, 16 male and 18 female aged
Immediately after colleetion each mi- orthodontie appiianees (test sites). Data
between 12 and 20 years participated in
crobial sample was inserted into a vial from test sites were further differen-
this study: 20 subjeets (test group)
114 Paolantonio et al.

Table I, Frequency distributions of test and control sites according to the presenc of Actino- supragingival plaque in test and control
baciHus actinomycetenuvmilans (Aa) and positive bleeding (GBI) and plaque scores groups (53% and 37% respectively) were
Test sites Control sites Statistical difference not statistically significant.
positive for Aa 47.5%i27.9 3.5%±5.8 /XO.OOl Results of the microbiological exam-
positive for GBI 57.5% ±28.2 25%±16.2 /XO.OOl ination are shown in Table 2. Aa was
positive for plaque 53.7%±34.8 37.5%±30.9 /)>0.05 retrieved from at least 1 site in 17 out
of the 20 test subjects, whereas only 4
individuals in the control group har-
boured Aa.
Table 2, Frequency of recovery of Actinobacillus actinomyceiemeomitans (Aa) (numbers and
%) in test and control groups
Almost half of the gingival sites in
the test group were positive for Aa
Presence of Test subjets Test sites Control subjects Control sites (48%). In contrast, Aa was present oniy
Aa CM.)
in 3.5% of the sites in the control group.
negative 3(15) 52 (52.5) 10(71.4) 108 (96.5) The differences between test and con-
positive 17(85) 48 (47.5) 4 (28-5) 4 (3.5) trol group were statistically signficant

Table 3 shows the frequency distri-

tiated into two groups: data from teeth and microbiologically evaluated. Table bution for ranges of proportions of Aa
with orthodontic bands and data from 1 presents results relative to all the gin- calculated as percentage of the total
teeth with orthodontic brackets. gival sites undergoing microbiological cultivable anaerobic flora. In the test
Microbiological data were expressed examination. Data are reported here as group 19% of Aa positive sites harbour-
as the number and percentage of sub- a % of sites positive for GBI and stipra- ed the microorganism at a coticen-
jects and sites positive for the recovery gingival plaque. A statistically signifi- tration lower than 0.!%. 41% of the
of Aa. Detection limit for Aa was iO cant difference was present when com- sites contained Aa ai a concentration
cfu/mi sample. paring percentages of bleeding between between 0.1 and 1.0%, whereas another
The weighted analysis of variance test (57.5%) and control (25%) groups. 40% yielded Aa at a concentration
(Osborn 1987) evaluated the statistical Although apparently different, the per- greater than 1.0%.
significance of differences in the percen- centage of sites displaying presence of 4 .4^-positive sites in the control
tage of test and control sites positive for
plaque, GBI and Aa. The same statisti-
cal evaluation was performed to ana- Table 4, % of sites positive for Aa,, GBI. plaque and duration of orthodontic trcatmenl in
lyse results obtained when comparing each patient
teeth wearing bands or brackets. Patient % ^^/-positive % plaque-positive % GBI-posiiivc Months of
Pearson's correlation analysis was no. sites sites sites tlierapy
employed to investigate the relationship 1 100 50 50 6
betwen the percentage of sites positive 2 75 100 100 15
for the presence of Aa and the % of sites 3 75 0 87.5 30
positive for plaque and GBI. The same 4 75 50 50 30
statistical analysis was employed to test 5 75 50 75 24
the existence of a linear correlation be- 6 62.5 0 62.5 21
tween the percentage of sites positive 7 62.5 37.5 75 15
for Aa, GBI and plaque and the dur- 8 50 0 50 21
9 50 100 50 8
ation of orthodontic treatment in each
10 50 ]00 50 23
1! 50 100 75 14
Values of /'<0.05 were accepted as 50 75 50 24
statistically significant. n
13 50 100 75 7
14 50 50 50 30
15 37-5 100 87.5 29
Results 16 25 25 0 13
Altogether, 212 periodontal sites from 17 12.5 12.5 37.5 22
test and control groups were clinically 18 0 0 0 6
19 0 75 25 18
20 0 50 100 14

Table 3, Vo of Actinobacillus actinomycetem-

comitans (Aaj of total anaerobic bacteria
from subgingival plaque in .4i7-positive sites Table 5. % of sites with orthodontic bands or brackets positive for Actinohacillus actinomyce-
from test subjects temcomitans (Aa), bleeding (GBI) and plaque and significance of differences between the 2
Proportional No. sites % sites categories
range of Aa with Aa with Aa % of sites Sites with bands Sites with brackets Statistical difference
<0.I 9 19 positive for Aa 48.7±37.5 46.2±32.7 ;?>0.05
>0.1<1.0 20 41 positive for GBI 50±38 46.2±32.7 ;j>0.05
>].O 19 40 positive for plaque 67.5±41.4 40±47.5 /)>0.05
Actinobacillus aetinomycetemcomitans in orthodontic patients 115

group showed a concentration of the exhibited piaque in both test and con- only 4-7 weeks after the placement of
miero-organism lower than 0.1%, troi groups and might also account for fixed orthodontic appiianees.
A positive correlation was noted be- the non-significant differenee between An increased amount of spiroehetes
tween the % of sites positive for Aa and the 2 groups. Inereased bieeding ob- in assoeiation with fixed orthodontic
the percentage of sites displaying a posi- served at test sites, in spite of no sig- treatment has been observed by
tive GBI score (j-=0.41; ;?<0,005). No nificant difference in plaque accumu- Muiier & Fiores de Jacoby (1982) whiie
significant correlation was observed be- lation, migiit result from a different an increase oi Prevotella intermedia and
tween the percentage of /ia-positive composition of the microfiora accumu- biack-pigmented Baaeroides was de-
lating at orthodontic sites. Thus, the seribed following the placement of fixed
sites and the percentage of sites positive
most interesting result of our study is orthodontic appliances by Diamanti-
for supragingival plaque (r=^0.10;
Kipioti et ai, (1987),
the high frequency of ^ a recovery from
Table 4 shows, for each patient, the subgingivai plaque of patients wearing The specific interest for Aa in subgin-
percentage of sites positive for Aa, GBI orthodontic apphances in comparison givai plaque from subjects undergoing
and plaque and the duration of ortho- to a control group: 85'>i) of test subjeets orthodontic treatment comes from the
dontic treatment. No significant corre- were positive for Aa in eomparison to observation that Aa is a putative peri-
lation was present between the duration 28.5% of control subjects; the sought- odontopathogen mostly associated to
after baeterium was isolated in 47,5% juvenile periodontitis (Mandell & Soe-
of orthodontic therapy and mierobio-
of test sites whereas it was detected only ransky 1981, Siots et al, 1982, Zambon
iogicai (r-0.17; /?>0.05) and clinical
et al. i983a, Mandell et ai, 1987, Gun-
parameters (GBI: r=0,22; j^>0.05; in 3,5% of eontroi sites. The presence of
solley et ai, 1990). This is relevant be-
pSaque: r^-O.U; p>0,05}. orthodontic appliances conceivably had
cause orthodontic treatment is mostly
When eomparing clinical and micro- created an environment favouring a
performed in juveniles.
biological results from sites associated quahtative shift in the subgingival mi-
either with bands or brackets (Table 5), erofiora. although this was not rcfiected On tlie other hand Aa can be recov-
no statisticaliy significant differences in appreciable quantitative increase of ered, in low proportions, from the sub-
were found. supragingival plaque. However, record- gingivai fiora of subjects with healthy
ing presence/absence of plaque, is a periodontium (Gunsoiley et al. 1990,
method that does not iliustrate the Asikainen et al. 1985, Alaluusua & Asi-
Discussion magnitude of plaque aecumuiation. kainen 1988) and in sites witii gingivitis
(Wolff et al. 1985) suggesting that the
In the present study, our main eoncern Thus, a true increase in supragingival
bacterium belongs to the normal oral
was to assess oecurrence and pro- plaque mass might have been over-
microfiora (Kilian & Schiott 1975). Al-
portions of Aa in a population of sub- looked.
aluusua & Asikainen (1988) and Asi-
jects wearing fixed orthodontie appli- Our results show that the duration of kainen et al. (1985) found Aa in 13%
ances and to eompare the resuits with the orthodontic therapy did not affeet and 4% of 4-7 year old children and
those from a matched eontroi group.
the percentage of sites positive for Aa healthy teenagers, respeetively
Modifications in the composition of or the clinical parameters (Table 4),
subgingivai piaque foiiowing placement In the present study Aa was isolated
No statistieai difference was noted in in 28.5% of control subjects; moreover
of orthodontie appiianees were already terms of frequency of detection of Aa.^
reported in the literature (Muiier &; we found Aa in 3.5% of sites from eon-
plaque and bleeding when we anaiysed troi subjects whereas Asikainen et al,
Fiores de Jacoby 1982, Diamanti-Kipi-
the results according to band and (1985) isolated the species from 2% of
oti et ai, i987); nevertheless no report
brackets subdivision, although ortho- sites from periodontally heaitiiy teen-
has foeused attention on the oceurrence
of Aa in juveniles undergoing fixed or- dontie bands allowed for more frequent agers, Sampiing methods and subjeets
thodontic treatment. plaque detection than brackets (67.5% heterogeneity could account for differ-
versus 40%), This difference may be due enees between our resuits and those
A usual finding in orthodontic pa- to the buiky configuration of bands as from other authors.
tients in the presence of an inflamma- compared to braekets.
tory condition in the gingival tissues Proportions oi Aa isolated from the
(Zaehrisson & Zachrisson i972, It seems eonceivable to assume that subgingival microflora of the test sub-
Zachrisson & Ainaes 1973, Kloehn & the mere presenee of an orthodontic ap- jects appeared quite high: 40% of test
Pfeifer 1974. Trosselio & Gianelly i979). pliance is enough to bring about quali- sites harboured the microorganism
Accordingly, in the present study, the tative changes in the microflora, inde- with a percentage of more than i% of
clinical examination showed an in- pendent of the shape of the deviee and the totai anaerobic subgingivai flora
creased percentage of sites exhibiting the eonsequent piaque accumulation. (Table 3), Mandei (1984) and Dzink et
bleeding as measured by GBI (Table 1), However, due to the design of the study al. (i985) reported a mean proportion
However, the 2 groups did not statisti- (i.e., cross-sectionai), one cannot ruie of 2% in active sites from LJP patients;
caliy differ as to presenee/absenee of out that Aa was present with higher fre- moreover Bragd et ai. (1987), in a
supragingivai piaque in the observed quency in the test subjeets prior to the retrospective study, concluded that a
sites (Table i). Indeed, the recorded orthodontic ireatinent, possibly as a proportion of Aa exceeding 0.01% of
vaiues are lower than those reported in consequence of teeth malposition cre- the total eultivable fiora could be as-
the literature. On the other hand, the ating a suitable environment for certain sociated to future attachment ioss risk
subjeets enrolled in our study reeeived micro-organisms. However this seems in speeifie periodontal sites. These
multipie sessions of earefui orai hygiene not to be the ease, as Diamanti-Kipioti data, however, are ehallenged by recent
instructions. This might explain why et ai, (1977) observed the occurrence of knowledge on the reiationship between
low proportions of the examined sites Aa and periodontal damage. Van der
other putative periodontopathogens
116 Paolantonio et al.

Velden et al. (1989) could find Aa only Thus, a local modification of ihe Dauer der orthodontischen Behandkmg und
in 18 out of 105 young subjects with supragingivai environment due to or- den mikrobiologischen bzw, klinischen Para-
attachment loss. Aass et al. (1992) re- thodontic appliances may lead to a metern bestand keine Beziehung. DesgJei-
ported that site-based detection of Aa qualitative shift in the stibgingival chen bcstanden keine statistisch signifikan-
ten Unterschiede. wenn man die Ergebnisse
appeared Io be a poor predictor of fu- compartment favouring the growth of von Zahnen mit Biindcrn und mit Brackets
ture radiographic bone ioss. Skaar et a traditional putative periodontopa- verglich. Die SchluBfolgerung ist. daB bei
al. (1992) in a follow-up case report of thogen like Aa. jungen Patienten, die orthodontische Gerate
Aa in human periodontal disease, tragen, Aa mit einer bemerkcnswerten Hau-
found that none of the 16 subjects flgkcil nachgewiesen wurde, obwohl die Pia-
with detectable Aa in subgingival quewerte sich nicht signifikant von denen
plaque showed a significant increase in Acknowledgement der Kontrollgruppe unterschieden.
periodontal destruction after an aver- We wish to thank Dr. Paolo De Ninis
age of 46 months from baseline exam- for his statistical consultance. Resume
ination. In the present study, the % of
Presence i^/Actinobacillus actinomycetemco-
sites with detectable Aa in subgingival
Zusammenfassung mitans die: les patients portciirs d'appareils
plaque appeared well correlated to the orthodontiques. Elude tran.'^versale
percentage of sites exhibiting clinical Vorkommen von Actinobacillus actinomyce- Le but de la presente etude etait de mettre
signs of marginal inflammation. It is lemcomitans bei Patienlen. die kieferortho- en evidence: (1) la presence & Actinobacillus
conceivable that Aa could be associ- padLschc Apparate tragcn, Eine Querschnitt- actinomycetemcomitans {Aa) dans la plaque
ated not only to advanced periodontal studie sous-gingivale de jeunes patients en traite-
damage in young subjects but also to Das Ziel dcr vorliegenden Studie war die ment orthodontique avec des appareils ina-
gingivitis without any loss of peri- Messung von: (1) dem Vorkommen von Ac- movibles; (2) une relation eventuclk entre la
tinobacilhis actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in presence d'Aa et I'etat clinique; (3) un rap-
odontal attachment (Wolff et al. 1985,
der subgingivalen Plaque von jungen Patien- port entre la duree du traitement orthodon-
Alaluusa & Asikainen 1988). In the ten. an denen eine kieferorthopadische Be- tique et ies paramctres microbiologiques et
present study no statistically significanl handlting mit festsitzenden Geraten durch- ciiniques; (4) I'existence eventuelle de diffe-
positive correlation could be demon- geftihrt wird; (2) einer mogJichen Beziehuiig rences lorsqu'on prend en consideration k
strated between the % of sites with Aa zwischen der Anwesenheit von Aa und dem type d'appareillage. c.-a.-d. bagucs ou brac-
and the % of sites displaying the pres- klinLschen Befund: (3) einer Beziehung zwi- kets. Cette etude portail sur 34 sujets de 12
ence of piaque. On the other hand, Aa schen der Dauer der orthodontischcn Be- a 20 ans. Chez 20 d'entre eux, des appareils
was significantly more frequent in the handlung und den mikrobioiogischcn bzw. orthodontiques etaient en usage (test
study group which demonstrated more klinischen Parametern: (4) eventuellen Dif- group), tandis que les 14 sujets restani ser-
ferenzen bei unterschiedlichen Verankerun- vaient de temoins apparies (control group).
abundant supragingival plaque than
gen, wie Bander oder Brackets. Vierunddrci- Chez chacun des patients, 4 a 8 sites pou-
the control group although the differ- Big Patienten im Alter zwischen 12 und 20 vaient servir pour I'examen clinique et mi-
ence was not significant (Table 1). Jahren nahmen an der Studie teil. Davon crobiologique. Les parametres cliniqufs uti-
The existence of serotypes of Aa trugen 20 kieferorthopadische Gerate (Test- lises etaienl: presence/absence de plaque et
with different virulence properties, as gruppe), wahrend die anderen 14 Patienten indice de saignement gingival (GBI). Les
observed by many authors {Zambon et als alters- und geschlechtsgleiche Kontrollen prelevements microbiologiques etaient prati-
al. 1983b, Zambon et al. 1988, DiRien- (Kontrollgruppe) dienten, Bei jedem Patien- ques dans les mcmes sites que I'examen cli-
ten standen 48 Zahnflachen fur die klinische nique. On constatait une difference statisti-
zo & Slots 1990), couid explain the as-
und mikrobiologische Untersuchung zur quement significative en comparant les pro-
sociation of the micro-organism to Verftigung. Die klinischen Parameter be- portions de scores de GBi positifs au niveau
periodontal conditions characterized standen aus Vorhandensein/Fehlen von Pia- des dents du groupe test (57.5%) et des
by very different severity like LJP and que und dem Gingivalen Blutungs-Index dents du groupe temoin (25%). La presence
gingivitis. Yet, serotype differentiation (GBI). An den gleichen Zahnfiachen wie die de plaque etait mise en evidence dans 53%
of Aa was not performed in our study. klinische Untersuchung wurden Plaquepro- des sites tests et 37% des sites temoins, mais
Individual susceptibility plays cer- ben entnommen. Zwischen Zahnen der Test- cette difference n'etait pas statistiquement
tainly an important role in the devel- gruppe (57.5%) und Zahnen der Kontroll- significative. Aa etait present dans au moins
gruppe (25%) bestand eine statistisch signi- 1 site chez 85% des sujets tests et 15% des
opment of periodonial destruction
fikante Differenz bei Vergleich der sujcis temoins (j><Q,QQ\), Parmi Ics sujets
(Socransky & Haffajee 1992, Slots & Prozentsatze von GBI positiven Werten. tests, 45% abritaient Aa a une concentration
Schonfeld 1991). The presence of Aa in Plaque war bei 53% der Testflachen und comprise entre 0.1 et 1.0%, tandis que chez
subgingival plaque of our test subjects 37% der Kontrollflachen vorhatiden, dieser 40% cette concentration etait superieure a
couid represent a situation in which a Unterschied war jedoch nicht statistisch si- 1.0%. Enfln, une correlation positive a etc
putative periodontopathogen faces an gnifikant. Bei 85% der Patienten der Test- notee entre la proportion de sites positifs
unsusceptible host leading to marginal gruppe und 15% der Patienten der Kontroll- pour Aa et la proportion de sites presentant
gingiva] inflammation instead of more gruppe war Aa an wenigstens einer Zahnfla- un score de GBI positif ((-=0.41; /)<0.005).
severe periodontal destruction. che vorhanden (/J<0.001). Unter den Aucun rapport n'a ete mis en evidence cntrc
Testpersonen hatten 41% Aa in Konzentra- la duree du traitement orthodontique ct les
In conclusion, our study shows that tionen zwischen 0.1 undl.0% in der Tasche, paramctres ciiniques ou microbiologiques;
young subjects wearing fixed ortho- wahrend weitere 40'/o Aa in Konzentratio- on n'a pas non plus trouve dc difference
dontic appliances harbour Aa with a nen hoher als 1.0% hatten. SchluBendlich statistiquement significative en comparant
remarkable frequency of detection as wurde eine positive Korrelation zwischen les resuitats des sites munis de bagues ou de
compared to orthodontic appliance- dem Prozentsatz an Zahnflachen. die positiv brackets. En conclusion, la presente etude a
free matched control individuals, al- fur Aa waren und dem Prozentsatz an montre que les jeunes sujets portcurs d'ap-
though plaque levels do not signifi- Zahnflachen, die cinen positiven GBI-Wert pareils orthodontiques abritent Aa avec une
cantly differ between the 2 groups. aufwiesen ((-=0.4!; /)<0.005). Zwischen der rcmarquable frequence de detection, bien
Actinobacillus actinomyeetemeomitans in orthodontie patients 117

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