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Glyphosate herbicides (one common brand name is Roundup) are the mostly commonly used herbicides in the U.S.
and the world. In agriculture they are widely used with genetically-modified glyphosate-tolerant crops, but they are
also widely used in yards, gardens, and other nonagricultural areas.

Symptoms of exposure to glyphosate include eye irritation, burning eyes, blurred vision, skin rashes, burning or itchy
skin, nausea, sore throat, asthma and difficulty breathing, headache, lethargy, nose bleeds, and dizziness.

Glyphosate and glyphosate-containing herbicides caused genetic damage in laboratory tests with human cells, as
well as in tests with laboratory animals.

Studies of farmers and other people exposed to glyphosate herbicides have shown that this exposure is linked with
increased risks of the cancer non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, miscarriages, and attention deficit disorder. For each of the
hazards identified in these studies there are also laboratory studies with results that are consistent with the studies
of exposed people.

There is also laboratory evidence that glyphosate herbicides can reduce production of sex hormones.

Studies of glyphosate contamination of water are limited, but new results indicate that it can commonly
contaminate streams in both agricultural and urban areas.

Problems with drift of glyphosate herbicides occur frequently. Only one other herbicide causes more drift incidents.

Glyphosate herbicides caused genetic damage and damage to the immune system in fish. In frogs, glyphosate
herbicides caused genetic damage and abnormal development.

Application of glyphosate herbicides increases the severity of a variety of plant diseases.

gardens. Home and garden use totals

BY CAROLINE COX Figure 1 over 5 million pounds per year. 5
NCAP staff scientist Glyphosate According to Monsanto Company,
there are more approved uses for

O O glyphosate than for any other herbicide.1

HO — C — CH2 — N — CH2 — P — OH How Does Glyphosate Kill

lyphosate (see Figure 1) her-

H OH Plants?
bicides are “among the world’s most
widely used herbicides.” 1 and glyphosate Glyphosate blocks the activity of an
is “the world’s leading agrochemical.” 2 enzyme used by plants to make cer-
Although glyphosate herbicides have tain important amino acids. Without
been popular since they were �irst these amino acids, the plant cannot
marketed in 1974, their use in agricul- commercial supplier worldwide. 3 make proteins required for various life
ture has expanded recently with the processes, resulting in the death of
Use Estimates the plant. 1,6
increased use of crops that have been
genetically modi�ied to tolerate gly- The U.S. Environmental Protection Glyphosate is a broad spectrum her-
phosate treatment.3 Agency (EPA) recently estimated that bicide, so it kills most types of plants. 6
Roundup is a popular brand name annual use of glyphosate in the U.S. is
between 103 and 113 million pounds. 5 Overview
for glyphosate herbicides, 1 although
many other brand names are used. 4 Glyphosate is used more than any It is often said that “there is no
Glyphosate is marketed in more other pesticide. It is the most com- indication of any human health con-
than 100 countries by a variety of monly used agricultural pesticide, and cern”4 for glyphosate and that gly-
manufacturers, but Monsanto Company the second most commonly used phosate “is virtually nontoxic to mam-
has been and continues to be the major pesticide around and in homes and mals, birds, �ish, insects, and most


P.O. BOX 1393, EUGENE, OREGON 97440 / (541)344-5044 /
bacteria.”7 However, this herbicide can
actually pose signi�icant hazards to
human and environmental health. This
article summarizes the research docu- “INERT” INGREDIENTS IN
menting those hazards, with a focus
on research published since 2000. GLYPHOSATE HERBICIDES
Inert Ingredients
Like most pesticides, commercial Inert ingredients in commercial caused genetic damage in labora-
glyphosate herbicides contain ingredi- glyphosate herbicide products, with tory tests.7
ents other than glyphosate which, ac- examples of their hazards, include • Polyoxyethylene alkylamine 1 is

cording to U.S. pesticide law, are called the following: an eye irritant.8 It is also toxic to
“inert.”8 Publicly available information • 5-Chloro-2-methyl 3(2H)-iso- �ish.9
about the identity of these ingredients thiazolone 1 caused genetic dam- • Propylene glycol 1 caused ge-
in glyphosate products is incomplete. age and allergic reactions in labo- netic damage, reduced fertility,
For information about the hazards ratory tests.2 and anemia in laboratory tests. 10
of some of the inert ingredients in • FD&C Blue No. 1 1 caused ge- • Sodium sulfite 1 caused genetic
commercial glyphosate products, see netic damage and skin tumors in damage in tests with both labora-
“Inert Ingredients,” at right. laboratory tests.3 tory animals and human cells. 11
Research studies about glyphosate • Glycerine 1 caused genetic dam- • Sodium benzoate 1 caused ge-
sometimes use commercial glyphosate age in tests with human cells and netic damage in tests with hu-
herbicide products, and other times laboratory animals. It also reduced man cells and laboratory ani-
use glyphosate alone. In this article fertility in laboratory tests.4 mals. It also caused developmen-
we identify as accurately as possible • 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbam- tal problems and reduced new-
which was used in each study ate 1 caused thyroid damage and born survival in laboratory
discussed. decreased growth in laboratory tests.12
tests.5 • Sodium salt of o-phenylphenol 1
Symptoms of Exposure • Light aromatic petroleum is a skin irritant. It also caused
According to reports made to the distillate (Chemical Abstract genetic damage and cancer in
California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Services No. 64742-95-6) 1 re- laboratory tests.13
Program, symptoms of exposure to duced fertility and growth of new- • Sorbic acid 1 is a severe skin irri-
glyphosate herbicides include eye irri- borns in laboratory tests.6 tant and caused genetic damage
tation and in�lammation, burning eyes, • Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate 1 in laboratory tests.14
blurred vision, skin rashes, burning or
itchy skin, nausea, sore throat, asthma 1. U.S. EPA. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. 2004. Response to Freedom
and dif�iculty breathing, headache, leth- of Information Act request of October 19, 2004. Washington, D.C. Response dated November
argy, nose bleed, and dizziness. 9 2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: 4-Isothiazolin-3-one, 5-
“Irritation” can seem like a less se- chloro-2-methyl-.
rious symptom than those caused by 3. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2000. RTECS: Ammonium, ethyl (4-(p-
other pesticides. However, it can be sulfobenzyl)-, hydroxide, inner salt, disodium salt.
signi�icant. For example, Italian der- 4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Glycerol.
matologists in 2004 reported treating niosh/rtecs/ma7ad550.html.
5. U.S. EPA. Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. 1997. Reregistration eligibility decision
a patient who knelt on the ground (RED): 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC). p.7.
where her son had just sprayed a 6. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1998. RTECS: Solvent naphtha (petro-
glyphosate-containing herbicide. She leum), light aromatic.
7. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Benzoic acid, p-hydroxy-,
then put on clothing that had been methyl ester.
on the ground where he had sprayed 8. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1997. RTECS: Ethomeen T/15.
and napped. Within hours her skin niosh/rtecs/ko92dda8.html.
9. W.T. Haller and Stocker R.K. 2003. Toxicity of 19 adjuvants to juvenile Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill
was burning and she developed a blis- sunfish). Environ Toxicol Chem. 22:615-619.
tering rash on her back, legs, and feet 10. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: 1,2-Propanediol.
that lasted for a month. 10,11
11. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Sodium sulfite.
Ability to Cause Genetic niosh.rtecs/we20ce70.html.
12. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: Benzoic acid, sodium salt.
Damage (Mutagenicity)
Four laboratory studies published 13. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003. RTECS: 2-Biphenylol, sodium salt.
in the late 1990s demonstrated the abil- 14. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1998. RTECS: Sorbic acid.
ity of glyphosate and glyphosate-con- niosh/rtecs/wg200b20.html.
taining herbicide products to cause


P.O. BOX 1393, EUGENE, OREGON 97440 / (541)344-5044 /

exposed to glyphosate more than
Figure 2 Figure 3 two days per year was two times
Ability to Cause Genetic Ability to Cause Cancer greater than the risk for men who
Damage in Human Blood were either unexposed or exposed
Cells for less than two days per year. The
study was conducted at the Univer-

R isk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ( odds ration)

5 4 sity of Saskatchewan (Canada). 18
• A 2002 study of Swedish men
( sister chromatid exchanges per cell)

4 showed that glyphosate exposure

Amount of genetic damage

3 was signi�icantly associated with an

increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lym-
3 phoma. The study was conducted
2 by oncologists at Örebro University
(Sweden). 19
• A 2003 review of three earlier studies
of Midwestern farmers showed that
1 exposure to glyphosate was associ-
ated with an increased incidence of
non-Ho dgkin’s lymphoma. The
0 0 studies were conducted by the
Unexposed Exposed National Cancer Institute. 20 (See

R oundup
E xposed to

E xposed to a


Figure 3.)
Note: Line on and above bar A fourth study, an analysis of re-
is a 95% confidence interval. sults from the Agricultural Health
Study, did not �ind an association be-
Source: Source: tween non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and
Bolognesi, C. et al. 1997. Genotoxic De Roos, A.J. et al. 2003. Integrative glyphosate exposure. However, the
activity of glyphosate and its technical assessment of multiple pesticides as risk
formulation Roundup. J. Agric. Food factors for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among incidence of another cancer, multiple
Chem. 45:1957-1962. men. Occup. Environ. Med. 60(9):E11. myeloma, showed a “suggestive asso-
ciation” with glyphosate exposure. The
Exposure to glyphosate herbicides has caused genetic damage in laboratory tests, and use of Agricultural Health Study is sponsored
glyphosate by farmers is associated with an increased incidence of lymphoma. by the National Institutes of Health
and EPA. 21
genetic damage. 12-15 and the other from humans. Both Several mechanisms by which
Two of the studies, both done by showed that glyphosate caused a sig- glyphosate herbicide exposure could
scientists at Italy’s Instituto Nazionale ni�icant increase in the number of ab- cause cancer have recently been iden-
per la Ricerca sul Cancro exposed mice normal chromosomes. 14,15 ti�ied. Researchers at the University of
to glyphosate and a Roundup herbi- A more recent (2004) study from Minnesota found that both glyphosate
cide by injection. 12,13 One study also the Institute of Biology and Environ- and Roundup caused a rapid increase
exposed human blood cells to the mental Sciences (Germany) showed in cell division 11 in human breast can-
same chemicals. 12 The �irst study that DNA damage occurred in human cer cells. 22 In addition, scientists at the
showed that in mice both glyphosate connective tissue cells 11 when they Centre National de la Recherche
and the Roundup herbicide damaged were exposed to glyphosate and hy- Scienti�ique (France) showed that �ive
DNA (the genetic material in cells) in drogen peroxide, a molecule that is glyphosate-containing herbicide prod-
the liver and kidney and caused a dif- commonly found in living things. 16 ucts disrupted cell division in sea ur-
ferent kind of genetic damage in bone The National Institute for Occupa- chin embryos, which are commonly
marrow cells. Both substances also tional Safety and Health describes used as a model system for studying
caused a third type of genetic damage glyphosate as a “mutagen.” 17 cell division. The type of disruption
in human blood cells. (See Figure 2.) found in this study is “a hallmark of
In general, the Roundup used in these Ability to Cause Cancer tumor cells and human cancers.” 23
experiments was more potent than (Carcinogenicity) EPA classi�ies glyphosate as a Group
glyphosate. 12 The second study Three recent studies have demon- E pesticide. This classi�ication means
showed that a Roundup herbicide dam- strated a link between glyphosate ex- that the agency has found “evidence
aged DNA in the liver and kidney of posure and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, of non-carcinogenicity for humans.” 24
mice. 13 a type of cancer: 18-20
The other two studies were done at • A 2001 study of Canadian men Effects on Pregnancy
the Universita della Basilicata (Italy). showed that the risk of non- Glyphosate exposure has been
Both used blood cells, one from cows Hodgkin’s lymphoma for men linked to increased risks of miscarriages


P.O. BOX 1393, EUGENE, OREGON 97440 / (541)344-5044 /

(spontaneous abortions).11 In a study pregnant rats glyphosate-contaminated glyphosate.
of Ontario, Canada farm families, water caused changes in the activity A regional study, however, indicates
glyphosate use in the three months of several enzymes in the brains of that glyphosate can be a common con-
prior to conception was associated with their fetuses.30 A second study, from taminant. In a USGS Toxic Substances
an increased risk of late (between the the University of Liverpool (United Hydrology Program survey of Midwest
12th and 19th weeks of pregnancy) Kingdom) showed that Roundup ex- streams in 2002, glyphosate was found
miscarriages. (See Figure 4.) The study posure inhibited the growth and de- in over a third of the samples col-
was conducted by researchers from velopment of nerve cells. 31 lected. The primary breakdown prod-
Health Canada and Carleton University uct of glyphosate was found in over
(Canada). 25 Soil Persistence two-thirds of the samples. The study
Glyphosate-containing herbicides Glyphosate’s persistence in soil var- also showed that glyphosate contami-
have also caused pregnancy problems ies widely. According to data com- nated water from spring through fall
in laboratory tests. In a 2003 study piled by the USDA’s Agricultural Re- and described glyphosate in samples
conducted by scientists from two Bra- search Service, glyphosate’s half-life taken at harvest time as “unexpected” 34
zilian universities, a Roundup herbi- varies from 2 to 174 days. 32 (The half- because researchers had “presumed
cide fed to pregnant rats during the life is the amount of time required for that glyphosate would degrade by this
middle part of their pregnancy caused half of the applied glyphosate to break late in the growing season.” 34
an increase in the number of offspring down or move away from the treat- USGS has also found glyphosate
with abnormal skeletons. The increase ment area.) contamination in a study of urban
in abnormalities was signi�icant at all streams in King County, Washington.
dose levels tested in this experiment. 26 Contamination of Water Glyphosate was found in all six streams
Glyphosate is not included among that were tested in this study. 35
Effects on Hormones the pesticides being studied by the
Hormones are chemical messengers U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS’s) Na- Drift
that regulate all biological processes, tional Water-Quality Assessment Pro- Drift incidents involving glyphosate
including the reproductive system. 27 gram,33 so there are no comprehen- are common. In 1999, the American
Scientists at Texas Tech University sive national statistics about contami- Association of Pesticide Control Of�i-
studied the effect of a glyphosate- nation of rivers and streams by cials surveyed state pesticide regulatory
containing herbicide on hormone pro-
duction. They looked at hormone pro-
duction by Leydig cells, located in the Figure 4 Figure 5
testes, because these cells “play a Ability to Cause Miscarriages Ability to Disrupt Sex
crucial role in male reproductive Hormone Production
function.” The scientists showed that
exposure to a Roundup herbicide 3 500
reduced sex hormone production in Note: Line on
Progesterone ( nanograms per milliliter)

and above bar is

R isk of miscarriage ( odds ratio)

these cells by 94 percent. 28 (See 400

a 95%
Figure 5.) confidence
2 interval.
Association with Attention 300
Deficit Disorder
Exposure of parents to glyphosate
has been linked with an increased in- 1
cidence of attention de�icit disorder in
children. A 2002 study conducted by 100
researchers at the University of Min-
nesota found “a tentative association
between ADD/ADHD [attention de�i- 0 0
cit disorder] and use of this herbicide” 29 Unexposed Exposed Unexposed Exposed
by Minnesota farm families. 29
The results of two laboratory stud- Arbuckle, T.E., L.Lin, and L.S. Mary. Source:
ies are consistent with the results of 2001. An exploratory analysis of the effect Walsh, L.P. 2000. Roundup inhibits
the University of Minnesota study in of pesticide exposure on the risk of steroidogenesis by disrupting
spontaneous abortion in an Ontario farm steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR)
that they show glyphosate and population. Environ. Health Persp. protein expression. Environ. Health
glyphosate herbicides cause brain and 109:851-857.. Persp. 108:769-776.
nerve damage. One study, conducted
at the Universidad Nacional de San Exposure to glyphosate herbicides is linked with an increase in the risk of miscarriage. In
Luis (Argentina) showed that feeding addition, a glyphosate herbicide reduced sex hormone production in a laboratory test.


P.O. BOX 1393, EUGENE, OREGON 97440 / (541)344-5044 /

agencies and asked which pesticides including causing genetic damage and
were most commonly involved in pes- Figure 6 disrupting their development.47-49
ticide drift complaints. Glyphosate was Effects on Sexual A 1997 study showed that a
the second most common pesticide; Development of Frogs Roundup herbicide caused damage to
only the herbicide 2,4-D caused more DNA (genetic material) in bullfrog tad-
complaints.36 Unexposed poles. The University of Windsor
Even the labels on glyphosate her- (Canada) biologists who conducted the
bicides acknowledge drift problems. study concluded that its “genotoxicity
For example, the Roundup Pro label at relatively low concentrations” was
states “Avoid contact of herbicide with of concern. 47
foliage, green stems, exposed non- A 2003 study showed that a gly-
woody roots or fruit of crops, desir- male phosate-containing herbicide caused
able plants and trees, because severe female both mortality and malformations of a
injury or destruction may result. Avoid intersex common neotropical tadpole. The
drift. Extreme care must be used when Exposed study was conducted by scientists at
applying this product to prevent in- three research institutes in Argentina.48
jury to desirable plants and crops.” 37 A 2004 study showed that “envi-
Researchers at Carleton University ronmentally relevant” concentrations of
(Canada) and Environment Canada several Roundup herbicides caused a
who studied glyphosate drift describe common North American tadpole not
its potential effects as “severe ecologi- to grow to its normal size and to take
cal changes.” 38 Source: longer than normal to develop. In ad-
Howe, C.M. et al. 2004. Toxicity of dition, between 10 and 25 percent of
Effects on Birds glyphosate-based pesticides to four North
the Roundup-exposed tadpoles were
American frog species. Environ. Toxicol.
Glyphosate use can impact birds Chem. 23:1928-1938. intersex (having abnormal sex organs).
when the plants killed by the treat- The study was conducted by biologists
ment are plants that birds use for food Exposure to glyphosate herbicides caused tad- at Trent University, Carleton Univer-
or shelter. Glyphosate treatment of for- poles to develop with abnormal sex organs. sity, and the University of Victoria
ests after logging reduced the nesting (Canada). 49 (See Figure 6.)
success of songbirds, according to a damage in insects. In a study of fruit
study conducted by biologists at the �lies, signi�icant increases in mutations Plant Diseases
University of British Columbia and the occurred when larvae were exposed Use of glyphosate herbicides has
Canadian Wildlife Service. 39 According to glyphosate during development. The been linked to increased problems with
to reviews by the U.S. Geological Sur- experiment was conducted by re- a variety of plant diseases.
vey, treatment of cattail marshes with searchers from Akdeniz University For example, glyphosate herbicides
Rodeo (a glyphosate herbicide used (Turkey) and the Universitat Autonoma increased the severity of fusarium head
in wet areas) has reduced populations de Barcelona (Spain). 45 blight in cereal crops, 50 the severity
of the marsh wren 40 and the sora. 41 and frequency of sudden death syn-
Effects on Spiders drome in soybeans, 51 the severity of
Effects on Fish Spider populations can be reduced Pythium root rot in sugarcane, 52 and
Glyphosate-containing herbicides by herbicide treatment when the her- the severity of white mold in soybeans. 53
can cause genetic damage in �ish, and bicide kills the vegetation they use for These studies were conducted by
also disrupt their immune systems. shelter. An experiment conducted by scientists at Agriculture and Agri-Food
A study conducted at the Univer- zoologists from Oxford University and Canada, Iowa State University, Louisi-
sidade de Brasília (Brazil) showed that the Royal Agricultural College (United ana State University, and Michigan State
injection of a Roundup herbicide in Kingdom) looked for this kind of ef- University.50-53
Tilapia increased damaged chromo- fect in the edges of agricultural �ields.
somes in red blood cells. 42,43 These margins “play an important ag- Resistance
A study conducted at the Univer- ricultural role in providing a refuge Resistance is the “inherited ability
sity of Alexandria (Egypt) showed that for bene�icial invertebrate predators”46 of a plant to survive and reproduce
exposure to Roundup reduced two which prey on pest insects in the �ields. following exposure to a normally le-
measures of immune system function The zoologists found that treatment thal dose of herbicide.” 54 The devel-
in spleen cells from Tilapia. The re- with a Roundup herbicide reduced opment of herbicide resistance is an
duction occurred at all dose levels spider numbers by over 50 percent. 46 increasing problem worldwide. 55
tested in this experiment. 44 The �irst glyphosate-resistant weeds
Effects on Frogs were reported in 1996 in Australia.
Effects on Insects Glyphosate herbicides can harm There are now 6 glyphosate-resistant
Glyphosate can cause genetic amphibians in a variety of ways, weeds reported from 7 countries. 56


P.O. BOX 1393, EUGENE, OREGON 97440 / (541)344-5044 /

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C O N T E N T F R O M : J O U R N A L O F P E S T I C I D E R E F O R M / WINTER 2004 • VOL. 24, NO. 4

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