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EFDT Lesson Plan - TLE Grade 4 (First Quarter)

I. Learning Competency:

This lesson plan can be adapted to fit various TLE Grade 4 learning competencies in the first quarter.
Here's an example:

 Learning Competency: Demonstrate understanding of basic tools and equipment used in simple
food preparation (TLE4HE-Ia-1)

II. Learning Objectives:

 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

o Identify common tools and equipment used in simple food preparation.

o Explain the uses and functions of each tool and equipment.

o Differentiate between safe and unsafe practices when using tools and equipment.

III. Learning Materials:

 Pictures or flashcards of different kitchen tools and equipment (e.g., knife, spoon, mixing bowl,
measuring cup, oven)

 Chart paper or whiteboard

 Markers

 Optional: Real objects (if available)

IV. EFDT Phases:

E - Engage (10 minutes)

1. Introduction: Begin by showing students a picture of a delicious dish (e.g., cake, sandwich). Ask
them: "What tools and equipment do you think we need to prepare this dish?"

2. Brainstorming: Have students brainstorm and share their ideas. List their responses on the
board/chart paper.

F - Explore (20 minutes)

1. Presentation: Show students pictures or flashcards of different kitchen tools and equipment.
Discuss each one, prompting students to identify its name and function.

2. Grouping: Divide students into small groups and distribute additional pictures/flashcards. Each
group should categorize the tools and equipment based on their function (e.g., mixing,
measuring, cutting).
3. Sharing: Each group presents their category and explains the tools/equipment they included.
Encourage class discussion to clarify any questions.

D - Develop (20 minutes)

1. Safety Discussion: Shift the focus to safety. Discuss safe practices when using tools and
equipment (e.g., using knives properly, not running with utensils). Ask students to identify
potentially unsafe practices and explain the risks involved.

2. Role-playing (Optional): Students can role-play scenarios demonstrating safe and unsafe
practices in the kitchen. This can be done individually, in pairs, or small groups.

T - Transfer (10 minutes)

1. Matching Game (Individual): Prepare a matching game where students match pictures of
tools/equipment with their corresponding descriptions or functions.

2. Exit Ticket: As a formative assessment, students can answer a short exit ticket asking them to
identify a specific tool and explain its use.

V. Assessment:

 Observe students' participation during brainstorming, discussions, and group activities.

 Collect and review completed matching games and exit tickets.

VI. Enrichment Activities:

 Students can create a drawing or short skit depicting safe food preparation in the kitchen.

 If available, conduct a simple food preparation activity in the classroom, allowing students to
utilize the tools and equipment discussed in the lesson while emphasizing safety practices.

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