Evaluating Composite Functions

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Students will understand the concept of composite functions and how to evaluate them.

Students will be able to apply the concept of composite functions to solve real-world problems.

Students will develop critical thinking skills through analyzing and evaluating composite functions.

Prior Knowledge:

Basic understanding of functions and their notation.

Familiarity with algebraic expressions and equations.

Knowledge of operations on functions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Content to be Covered:

Introduction to Composite Functions:

Definition of composite functions.



fg(x) represents the composite function of



Explain the process of composing functions.

Illustrate with examples:

Example 1: Let (𝑥)=𝑥+3 and 𝑔(𝑥)=2𝑥.

Find fg(x) and evaluate it at 𝑥=2

Example 2: Let (𝑥)=4x and 𝑔(𝑥)=𝑥2.

Find fg(x) and evaluate it at 𝑥=2

Example 3: Let (𝑥)=2𝑥+3 and 𝑔(𝑥)=𝑥2.

Find fg(x) and evaluate it at 𝑥=2

Example 2: Let (𝑥)=√ x and g(𝑥)=𝑥2−4

Find 𝑓g(𝑥) and evaluate it at 𝑥=5.


Divide students into small groups.

Provide each group with a set of composite functions to evaluate.

Encourage students to work collaboratively, discussing their approaches and solutions.

Provide guidance and support as needed.

After solving the problems, each group will present their solutions to the class, explaining their
reasoning and methodology.

Closure Activity:

Recap the key concepts of the lesson: composite functions and their evaluation.

Present a real-world problem involving composite functions (e.g., a scenario where one function
represents the cost of manufacturing a product and another function represents the demand for the

Ask students to identify the functions involved, compose them, and evaluate the composite function to
solve the problem.

Discuss the significance of composite functions in various fields, such as economics, engineering, and

Conclude by highlighting the importance of understanding composite functions for problem-solving and
critical thinking.

Formative assessment during the activity: observing students' collaboration, problem-solving skills, and
understanding of composite functions.

Summative assessment: quiz or homework assignment involving the evaluation of composite functions,
including both algebraic and real-world problems.


Provide additional examples and practice problems for students who need extra support.

Challenge advanced students with more complex composite functions and real-world scenarios
requiring higher-order thinking skills.


Whiteboard or chalkboard for demonstrations.

Worksheets with examples and practice problems.

Graphing calculators or computer software for visualization, if available.


Textbooks or online resources on composite functions.

Interactive tools or games for reinforcing the concept of composite functions.

By the end of this lesson, students should have a solid understanding of composite functions, their
evaluation, and their applications in real-world contexts. They should also have developed problem-
solving skills and critical thinking abilities.

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