Euch Ascension B

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

12 May 2024 Solemnity of the Ascension Year B



Tasked to Build God’s Kingdom

esus’ ascension marks the climax of his glorification, but it does
not mean that he has severed his relationship with us. It only means
that, while still remaining the great “protagonist” in the history of
salvation, Jesus recedes for a time into the background to let the mem-
bers of the Church play their role in the construction of God’s Kingdom
with a greater sense of responsibility.
All of us are involved in this great enterprise which is the core of
God’s plan for mankind. We do our share in it by contributing to the
proclamation of the Gospel and by making the Kingdom present through
a life of authentic Christian witness.
Today we also observe the 58th World Communications Sunday. Let
us keep in our prayers all the Media practitioners, social media influenc-
ers, and the recipients of (and all those affected by) their service.
This is also a wonderful opportunity to show our love and gratitude
to our mother, as we celebrate Mother’s Day. We will do that not only by
offering them flowers and hugs, but also by praying for them, especially
in this Eucharistic celebration.

of the Father. May his grace and all nations. Lord, have mer-
peace be with you all! cy!
All – And with your spirit! All – Lord, have mercy!
Penitential Act P – May almighty God have
Entrance Antiphon mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
(To be recited only when no Entrance
P – As we prepare ourselves
to celebrate the ascension into and bring us to everlasting life.
Hymn is sung.) All – Amen!
heaven of the Risen Christ, let us
Men of Galilee, why gaze reflect on what prevents us from
in wonder at the heavens? This soaring high in our spiritual life. Gloria
Jesus whom you saw ascending (Pause) All – Glory to God in the high-
into heaven will return as you est, and on earth peace to peo-
P –You are exalted at the right
saw him go. Alleluia! ple of good will. We praise you,
hand of the Father. Lord,
have mercy! we bless you, we adore you,
Greeting we glorify you, we give you
All – Lord, have mercy!
P – In the name of the Father, thanks for your great glory,
and of the Son, and of the Holy P –You are the hope of all the Lord God, heavenly King, O
Spirit! living and the dead. Christ, God, almighty Father.
All –Amen! have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
P –Blessed be Jesus, our glori- All – Christ, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
ous Lord, who ascended into P –You sent your apostles to of God, Son of the Father, you
heaven and sits at the right hand preach the Good News to take away the sins of the world,

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have mercy on us; you take away When they had gathered is God; sing hymns of praise.
the sins of the world, receive our together they asked him, God reigns over the nations,
prayer; you are seated at the “Lord, are you at this time go- God sits upon his holy throne.
right hand of the Father, have ing to restore the kingdom to R.
mercy on us. For you alone are Israel?”
the Holy One, you alone are the He answered them, “It is 2nd Reading Eph 4:1-13
Lord, you alone are the Most not for you to know the times Here is a beautiful prayer of
High, Jesus Christ, with the or seasons that the Father has petition and a reflection on the
Holy Spirit, in the glory of God established by his own au- exaltation of Christ above every
the Father. Amen! thority. But you will receive principality and power.
power when the Holy Spirit
Collect (Opening Prayer) comes upon you, and you will R – A reading from the Letter
be my witnesses in Jerusa- of Paul to the Ephesians
P –Gladden us with holy joys,
almighty God, and make us re- lem, throughout Judea and Brothers and sisters:
joice with devout thanksgiving, Samaria, and to the ends of I, a prisoner for the Lord,
for the Ascension of Christ your the earth.” When he had said urge you to live in a manner
Son is our exaltation, and, where this, as they were looking on, worthy of the call you have re-
the Head has gone before in glo- he was lifted up, and a cloud ceived, with all humility and
ry, the Body is called to follow in took him from their sight. gentleness, with patience, bear-
hope. While they were looking ing with one another through
Through our Lord Jesus intently at the sky as he was go- love, striving to preserve the
Christ, your Son, who lives and ing, suddenly two men dressed unity of the spirit through the
reigns with you in the unity of in white garments stood beside bond of peace: one body and
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever them. They said, “Men of Gali- one Spirit, as you were also
and ever. lee, why are you standing there called to the one hope of your
All – Amen! looking at the sky? This Jesus, call; one Lord, one faith, one
who has been taken up from baptism; one God and Fa-
you into heaven, will return in ther of all, who is over all and
the same way as you have seen through all and in all.
him going into heaven.” But grace was given to each
of us according to the measure
1st Reading Acts 1:1-11 The Word of the Lord! of Christ’s gift. Therefore, it
The book of the Acts of the Apos- All – Thanks be to God! says: He ascended on high and
tles begins where the gospels took prisoners captive; he gave
of Mark and Luke end: the as- Responsorial Psalm Ps 47 gifts to men. What does “he
cension of Jesus into heaven. ascended” mean except that he
He leaves his disciples with the R –God mounts his throne to
shouts of joy; a blare of also descended into the lower
promise of the Holy Spirit and regions of the earth? The one
the mission to be his witnesses trumpets for the Lord!
who descended is also the one
to the ends of the earth. R. M. Velez who ascended far above all the
R – A reading from the Acts of F Bb F heavens, that he might fill all
     
 
the Apostles things.
And he gave some as apos-
In the first book, Theophi- tles, others as prophets, others
lus, I dealt with all that Jesus God mounts his throne to shouts of joy;
as evangelists, others as pas-
    
did and taught until the day C Bb C F
 
tors and teachers, to equip the

he was taken up, after giving  holy ones for the work of minis-
instructions through the Holy try, for building up the body of
Spirit to the apostles whom he a blare of trumpets for the Lord! Christ, until we all attain to the
had chosen. unity of faith and knowledge
He presented himself alive * All you peoples, clap your of the Son of God, to mature
to them by many proofs after hands, shout to God with cries manhood, to the extent of the
he had suffered, appearing to of gladness. For the Lord, the full stature of Christ.
them during forty days and Most High, the Awesome, is the The Word of the Lord!
speaking about the kingdom great king over all the earth. All – Thanks be to God!
of God. While meeting with R.
them, he enjoined them not to * God mounts his throne
depart from Jerusalem, but Gospel Acclamation
amid shouts of joy; the Lord,
to wait for “the promise of the amid trumpet blasts. Sing All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
Father about which you have praise to God, sing praise; sing Go and teach all nations,
heard me speak; for John bap- praise to our king, sing praise. says the Lord. I am with
tized with water, but in a few R. you always, until the end
days you will be baptized with of the world.
the Holy Spirit.” * For king of all the earth Alleluia! Alleluia!

12 May 2024
Gospel Mk 16:15-20 Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- promotion of peace and justice
The episode of Jesus’ ascension gin Mary, and became man.* For throughout the world, let us
into heaven brings to a close his our sake he was crucified under pray! R.
visible presence among his dis- Pontius Pilate, he suffered death
and was buried, and rose again C –That all the mothers
ciples. At the same time, it ush- throughout the world may have
ers in the “Time of the Church” on the third day in accordance
with the Scriptures. He ascended the strength and good health to
which is the direct continuation fulfill their duties with loving
of the evangelizing and saving into heaven and is seated at the
right hand of the Father. He will dedication, let us pray! R.
mission of Christ.
come again in glory to judge C –That all religious women
P –The Lord be with you! and men, and seminarians, may
the living and the dead and his
All –And with your spirit! grow in their own vocations
kingdom will have no end.
P – A reading from the holy through their human, pastoral,
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
Gospel according to Mark spiritual and community forma-
the Lord, the giver of life, who
All – Glory to you, O Lord! tion, leading them to be credible
proceeds from the Father and
Jesus said to his disciples: the Son, who with the Father witnesses to the Gospel. Let us
“Go into the whole world and and the Son is adored and glori- pray! R.
proclaim the gospel to every fied, who has spoken through
creature. Whoever believes P –Lord Jesus, keep our hearts
the prophets.
and is baptized will be saved. set on the “great hope” to which
I believe in one, holy, cath-
Whoever does not believe will you calls us. May we do our best
olic and apostolic Church. I
be condemned. to promote on earth the Kingdom
confess one Baptism for the
These signs will accom- of justice, peace and love which
forgiveness of sins and I look
pany those who believe: in you came to establish, and in
forward to the resurrection of
my name they will drive out which you live and reign for ever
the dead and the life of the world
demons, they will speak new and ever.
to come. Amen!
languages. They will pick up All – Amen!
serpents with their hands, and Prayer of the Faithful
if they drink any deadly thing, P –The Ascension of our Lord
it will not harm them. They reminds us of our final destiny.
will lay hands on the sick, and It also reminds us of our duty to
they will recover.”
work in building God’s Kingdom
So then the Lord Jesus, af- Preparation of the Gifts
ter he spoke to them, was taken on earth through a life of unwav-
ering Christian commitment. P –Pray, brethren . . .
up into heaven and took his All – May the Lord accept the
seat at the right hand of God. Aware of all our limitations and
weaknesses, we pray: sacrifice at your hands, for the
But they went forth and praise and glory of his name,
preached everywhere, while All –Christ, Lord and Savior, for our good and the good of all
the Lord worked with them hear us! his holy Church.
and confirmed the word
through accompanying signs. C –That the Church and her
leaders may faithfully accom- Prayer over the Offerings
The Gospel of the Lord! plish their mission to lead the
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus P –We offer sacrifice now in
whole of mankind in a continu-
Christ! supplication, O Lord, to honor
ous moral and spiritual progress,
the wondrous Ascension of your
let us pray! R.
Homily Son: grant, we pray, that through
C –That those who feel so at- this most holy exchange we, too,
Profession of Faith tracted to earthly values as to may rise up to the heavenly
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) forget the heavenly ones may realms.
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- find in our good example an in- Through Christ our Lord.
ther almighty, maker of heaven vitation to raise the level of their All – Amen!
and earth, of all things visible aspirations, let us pray! R.
and invisible. Preface of Ascension I
C –That all those who have
I believe in one Lord Jesus reached the bottom of human P –The Lord be with you!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son perversion may heed the call of All –And with your spirit!
of God, born of the Father be- the ascending Christ to a sincere P –Lift up your hearts!
fore all ages. God from God, conversion, let us pray! R. All – We lift them up to the Lord!
Light from Light, true God from P –Let us give thanks to the
true God, begotten, not made, C –That all the media practitio- Lord our God!
consubstantial with the Father; ners and all those involved in the All –It is right and just!
through him all things were world of social communication P – It is truly right and just,
made. For us men and for our may practice their profession our duty and our salvation, al-
salvation he came down from effectively for the upliftment of ways and everywhere to give
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy all human beings, and for the you thanks, Lord, holy Father,

Solemnity of the Ascension (B)

almighty and eternal God. Communion P –The Lord be with you.
For the Lord Jesus, the King All –And with your spirit!
of glory, conqueror of sin and P –This is the Lamb of God
death, ascended today to the who ascended into heaven P –Bow your heads and pray
highest heavens, as the Angels
after offering his life to take for God’s blessing. (Pause)
gazed in wonder.
away the sins of the world. – Jesus has taken his seat at
Blessed are those called to the the right hand of the Father.
Mediator between God and Supper of the Lamb.
man, judge of the world and Lord May you have the joy of ex-
All –Lord, I am not worthy
of hosts, he ascended, not to dis- periencing that he is also
that you should enter under
tance himself from our lowly my roof, but only say the word with you till the end of time.
state but that we, his members, and my soul shall be healed. All – Amen!
might be confident of following
where he, our Head and Founder, P –May almighty God look
has gone before. Communion Antiphon with love on you this day
Therefore, overcome with (To be recited only when no Com- when his only Son ascend-
paschal joy, every land, every munion Hymn is sung.) ed into heaven to prepare a
people exults in your praise and Behold, I am with you al- place for you.
even the heavenly Powers, with ways, even to the end of the age, All – Amen!
the angelic hosts, sing together alleluia!
the unending hymn of your glo- P –May you be strengthened by
ry, as they acclaim: God’s grace as you fulfill
Prayer after Communion your task to be heralds and
All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of hosts. Heaven and P –Almighty ever-living God, witnesses of the Gospel.
earth are full of your glory. who allow those on earth to cel- All – Amen!
Hosanna in the highest! ebrate divine mysteries, grant,
Blessed is he who comes in we pray, that Christian hope may P –May almighty God bless
the name of the Lord. Hosanna draw us onward to where our you: the Father, and the
in the highest! nature is united with you. Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Through Christ our Lord. All – Amen!
Memorial Acclamation All – Amen!
P –Go in the peace of the glori-
P –The mystery of faith! fied Christ.
All –We proclaim your Death, All – Thanks be to God!
O Lord, and profess your
Resurrection until you
come again!


is a real wonder: Forty-eight pages you will read in one sitting
All – Our Father . . .
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . and remember for a lifetime.
All –For the kingdom, the “The Wonder of the Eucharist”
power, and the glory are will enable you to get a
yours, now and for ever.
and captivating overview
Sign of Peace
of this eternal monument
Breaking of the Bread to Christ’s self-giving love.
All – Lamb of God, you take
Available from:
away the sins of the world: have
mercy on us. (2x)
Lamb of God, you take
away the sins of the world:
grant us peace.

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD AND LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8475-8945 • Website:
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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua
Kalakbay at Katoto

I t is easy to fall into the temptation of think-

ing that the Ascension of the Lord has to
do with good-byes, with departures, with
Jesus speak in veiled language. All of Jesus’
teachings would be seen in a new, direct and
wondrous way.
going away, with disappearance of someone
we hold dear – never to be seen anymore. It Today, Scriptures tell us: “as they were look-
is easy to think that such a departure means ing on, he was lifted up and a cloud took him
loss, a certain deprivation, an impoverish- from their sight.” (Acts 1:9) “So then the Lord
ment. Such a thought would be a perfect Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into
story line for telenovelas, perfect for a soci- heaven and took his seat at the right hand of
ety like ours, which, owing to labor migra- God.” (Mk 16:19)
tion, may be said to be a people in diaspora,
for whom physical separation counts among Based on the carefully sequenced set of read-
our set of daily experiences. Who among us ings, then, it is clear that at least biblically, the
does not have a relative who lives and works ascension of the Lord is not about disappear-
somewhere else? ance, but about a promise of ongoing, albeit
new, presence of the Lord in our midst. It is not
Departures connote disappearance from about endings, but about a new power given
sight, and disappearance entails sadness. to us his disciples. St. Paul describes this power
But today’s solemnity has nothing to do with of his presence to us thus: “This power working
either of the two. Ascension is not about in us is the same as the great might, which he
disappearance from sight, but all about a worked in Christ, raising him from the dead and
new presence. Ascension is not about end- seating him at his right hand in the heavens, far
ings but about new beginnings. Ascension above every principality, authority, power and
is not about good-byes, but about ongoing dominion, and every name that is named not
good news! Ascension is not about sadness, only in this age, but also in the one to come.”
but about joy. Ascension is not about disap-
pointment but it is about an appointment All this is matter for hope, I guess. Every day,
with truth. we face that great temptation to make our
daily lives come close indeed to, and reflect
What sort of truth does the Ascension offer the reality presented by telenovelas and soap
us? operas in our times: endless psychic pain that
I would like you all to look back at the imme- comes with a series of never-ending twists and
diately preceding days up until yesterday. The turns in the story line. This may well explain the
Gospel readings, all taken from the Gospel popularity of telenovelas. It may well be a case
according to John, chapter 16, speak of Jesus of life imitating art, (or art imitating life!)
preparing his disciples for two other aspects
of the mystery of his glorification connected The lesson of today’s liturgy seems clear
with his resurrection: his ascension and the enough for us all. No, there is no room for
sending of the Holy Spirit. Last Monday, we hopelessness, no room for despair and sad-
heard him speak about “endurance in the ness. There is no reason for us to feel left in
face of persecution” because of the Spirit the lurk. Ascension tells us today to claim that
whom he would send. On Tuesday, he spoke power that has been given us by Jesus died,
about “returning to the Father” and the risen and ascended to the Father’s right hand.
sending of the Paraclete. Last Wednesday, Perhaps the words of the angels could help
we were told about who this Paraclete is, us here: “Men of Galilee, why are you standing
“the spirit of truth who will come and guide there looking at the sky? This Jesus, who has
[us] into all the truth.” On Thursday, the been taken up from you into heaven, will return
Lord assured us saying that “in a short while in the same way as you have seen him going into
we would lose sight of him, but soon [we] heaven.” (Acts 1:10-11) Why sulk? Why wallow in
would see him again.” On Friday, he was despair? Why grovel or shrivel in sadness? Why
more specific: “after suffering for a while, stand there petrified and paralyzed? Rise up in
Jesus will return and transform pain into joy hope. Rise up in a fresh resolve to live fully. The
that no one can take away from us.” And Lord is risen and ascended, not to disappear,
yesterday, we were reminded that no longer but to be with us in a new way, for in truth, we
would the disciples ask questions nor would are all now empowered, not abandoned!

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