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NIM : 23.420.092-P


TITLE : Electromagnetic induction with time-varying magductance under
constant magnetic field

Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: and

Submitted : 7 November 2023 • Accepted: 4 January 2024 •

Published Online: 8 February 2024


The principle of this new electromagnetic induction is derived from the physical
definition and mathematical model of the newly proposed magnetic parameter of
magductance of the closed conductive coil. As is well known, there is only one kind of
component, namely, reluctance in the conventional magnetic circuit.

However, reluctance cannot analyze the phase shift or the amplitude attenuation of
the alternating magnetic flux in electromagnetic devices. To solve this long-term
problem, a new magnetic component, magductance , was proposed for the magnetic
circuit recently.


The magnetic circuit of a transformer with a fixed frequency f is selected as the object
for analysis. It is assumed that the magnetic flux is uniformly distributed in the
magnetic circuit and there are no leakages of magnetic flux. The equivalent magnetic
circuit for the transformer is shown in Fig. 1, where F and ɸ represent the
magnetomotive force and magnetic flux of the magnetic circuit, respectively. R and L
represent the reluctance and the magductance of the magnetic
circuit, respectively. While investigating the physical significance of magductance , we
unearthed a new electromagnetic induction mechanism that the electrical current is
induced in a closed conductive coil with the invariant magnetic field by changing the
magnetic parameter of magductance of the closed coil. Time-varying magductance is

achieved by changing the conductivity of the coil. We built a closed superconducting
coil and successfully measured the induced electrical currents in the cooling process of
the closed superconducting coil under an invariant magnetic field, thus verifying the
new law of electromagnetic induction.

Equivalent magnetic circuit. Is an ideal model of the closed multi-turn coil in the
magnetic circuit. Before defining magductance physically, the electric charge linkage of
the magnetic circuit needs to be defined. According to Ampere’s law,1 the induced
MMF generated by the closed multi-turn coil in the alternating magnetic circuit is
value, where the free-electron charge in the magductance component is moving under
the influence of the induced electric field with electron mobility ue

The reference directions of the electric charge linkage and the magnetic flux
comply with the right-hand rule. Equation indicates that magductance is the number of
moving electric charges generated per unit of magnetic flux. The relationship between
magductance and conductivity can be derived as.

Equation shows that the induced MMF in magductance consists of two parts. The
first part is the MMF induced by the change in the magnetic flux according to the well-
known Faraday’s law,6,7 as described by the first term of Eq. The second part is the
MMF induced by the change in the magductance value, as described by the second term
of Eq. Since the magductance value in Eq.

Changes with time, we call it to be time-varying magductance. reveals a very

interesting phenomenon that the MMF can be induced in the magductance component
even though the magnetic flux is not changing, which means there is no relative motion
between the closed multiturn coil and the magnetic flux. Where I 2 is the induced
current of the closed multi-turn coil. Considering the closed coil as a passive component
of the magnetic circuit, the reference directions of the induced MMF F 2 and the
magnetic flux are shown in Fig.



The time-varying magductance can produce an induced MMF under constant magnetic
field, as indicated by the second term of Eq.

The induced MMF of the time-invariant magductance represents the opposite

degree to the change in magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit, and its value is
determined by the rate of change in magnetic flux and the value of
magductance. Schematic diagram of the electromagnetic induction of time-varying
magductance under constant magnetic flux.

3 to verify the time-varying magductance and the new electromagnetic induction

mechanism indicated by the second term in

To avoid solder joints impacting induction MMF generation, a superconducting

wire is split along the center to construct a closed superconducting coil. In the case of
ZFC, the closed superconducting coil is cooled to T < T c under zero magnetic field at
first, and there is no induced current. 35 s, and the induced current or induced MMF is
observed in the closed superconducting coil due to the change in the magnetic flux. Due
to the zero resistance of the superconducting coil, the current is maintained at roughly
3.5 A from 40 to 62 s.

Then the current reduces to zero between 62 and 68 s due to the fact that the liquid
nitrogen in the dewar is volatilized, and the closed superconducting coil quenches due to
the temperature rise. The measured current waveform is shown in Fig. The direction of
the induced current is opposite to the positive direction of the current probe. In the case
of FC, even though the magnetic flux is constant, the induced current is observed
obviously, which is due to the changing magductance, as shown in Fig.

Even if the magnetic field is unchanged. At room temperature, we move the

permanent magnet to the marked position of the dewar so that the magnetic field
generated by the permanent magnet is interlinked with the closed superconducting
coil. There is no obvious induced current during this process since the permanent
magnet is moved slowly and the resistance of the closed superconducting coil under
room temperature is relatively large. This finding demonstrates the existence of the
induced current in the presence of a constant magnetic field.

The magductance of the closed superconducting coil changes as a result of the
ultralow temperature, which agrees with the theoretical investigation in Fig.

After that, the induced MMF is maintained at a value roughly around 2 A for about
three minutes, while the closed superconducting coil keeps the superconductivity by
continually is preferred. As is well known, the resistance of the superconducting wire
will vanish when the cooling temperature is below the critical temperature,8,9 meaning
the conductivity of the superconducting wire will be changed. Figure 2 shows the
schematic diagram of the electromagnetic induction of time-varying magductance under
constant magnetic flux. It clarifies the relationship between the generated
magnetomotive force of the closed superconducting coil and the variation in

The closed superconducting coil is linked with the external constant magnetic flux
at ambient temperature. There is no induced MMF generated in the closed
superconducting coil under constant magnetic flux since the temperature of the coil
remains constant along with its magductance value based on Eq. When the closed
superconducting coil’s temperature reaches its lowest peak, the induced current
continues to flow in the closed superconducting coil while both the temperature and the
external magnetic field are constant. It causes an induced MMF in the opposite
direction, canceling out the earlier induced MMF.

When the temperature returns to normal, the magnetomotive force of the closed
superconducting coil with a constant magnetic field eventually decreases to zero due to
the resistance of the closed superconducting coil and the reverse induction MMF. In
addition, a different trend is observed in the closed superconducting coil in accordance
with the right-hand rule, when the direction of the external magnetic flux is
opposite. Schematic of the experimental setup. Eventually, the closed superconducting
coil quenches as the temperature rises, and the sudden drop in magductance creates an
induced current that is opposite to the one that occurred before, causing the total
induced current to gradually decrease until it disappears.

This proves that there is another way to generate the induced current in the
macroscopic form in addition to Faraday’s law. Parameters of the experimental platform
for the time-varying magductance.

These conditions include a closed superconducting ring without welding
resistance, a magnetic field capable of realizing the Meissner effect, and the ability to
induce the superconducting state in the closed superconducting coil through
cooling, thereby altering its magductance. Nevertheless, the measurement and
calculation of the magductance variation curve with temperature remain
unattainable, relying on the current experimental platform illustrated in Fig. In this
paper, the physical essence of the newly proposed magnetic component of magductance
has been revealed, from which a new electromagnetic induction under a constant
magnetic flux is found for the first time. To validate this new finding, a closed
superconducting coil has been built, and the induced current under the field cooling
process with the constant magnetic field has been successfully measured for the first

Our findings break through the conventional idea of generating induced currents by
changing the magnetic flux and may bring a revolutionary evolution to electromagnetics
and have huge potential for applications. For example, a high-temperature
superconducting coil with a constant magnetic flux may be adopted for harvesting
electricity from the temperature change during the moon’s rotation for lunar
exploration. AC/DC magnetic field into a certain space. This is useful for some opposite
to the positive direction of the current probe.

Therefore, it indicates that the direction of the induced current due to the change in
magductance is opposite to that of the magnetic flux. In addition, the orientation of
magnetic flux within the closed superconducting coil is altered for the case of
FC, following the experimental procedure depicted in Fig. Finally, we replaced the large
magnet with a higher magnetic density to execute the FC experiment. In summary, the
validity of the magnetoelectric induction law has been qualitatively verified through
experiments encompassing varied cooling ways, diverse magnetic flux directions, and
distinct magnetic density strengths.

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