Inverse Functions Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan: Evaluating Inverse Functions

Grade Level: 10th Grade

Objective: Students will be able to evaluate inverse functions by understanding the concept of
inverse functions, identifying properties of inverse functions, and applying techniques to
evaluate inverse functions.

Prior Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of functions, including function
notation, domain, and range. They should also be familiar with the concept of composition of

Content to be Covered with Definitions:

1. Definition of inverse functions

2. Properties of inverse functions
3. Techniques for evaluating inverse functions

Introduction: Begin by revisiting the concept of functions and introducing the idea of inverse
functions. Explain that inverse functions "undo" each other, essentially reversing the action of
the original function. Emphasize that for a function fff, if f(a)=bf(a) = bf(a)=b, then the inverse
function will take bbb back to aaa, denoted as f−1(b)=af^{-1}(b) = af−1(b)=a.


1. Definition of Inverse Functions:

o Define inverse functions formally: If fff is a function with domain AAA and
range BBB, then f−1f^{-1}f−1 is the inverse of fff if f(f−1(x))=xf(f^{-1}(x)) =
xf(f−1(x))=x for all xxx in BBB.
o Discuss the notation for inverse functions: f−1(x)f^{-1}(x)f−1(x).
2. Properties of Inverse Functions:
o Inverse functions swap input and output: f−1(f(x))=xf^{-1}(f(x)) = xf−1(f(x))=x
and f(f−1(x))=xf(f^{-1}(x)) = xf(f−1(x))=x.
o Inverse functions have reflective symmetry over the line y=xy = xy=x.
3. Techniques for Evaluating Inverse Functions:
o Emphasize the importance of finding the domain and range of the original
o Use algebraic techniques to find the inverse of a function, such as solving for xxx
in terms of yyy.
o Illustrate with examples.

Example 1: Let f(x)=2x+3f(x) = 2x + 3f(x)=2x+3.

 Find f−1(x)f^{-1}(x)f−1(x): y=2x+3y = 2x + 3y=2x+3 x=y−32x = \frac{y - 3}
{2}x=2y−3 Therefore, f−1(x)=x−32f^{-1}(x) = \frac{x - 3}{2}f−1(x)=2x−3.

Example 2: Let g(x)=x−43g(x) = \frac{x - 4}{3}g(x)=3x−4.

 Find g−1(x)g^{-1}(x)g−1(x): y=x−43y = \frac{x - 4}{3}y=3x−4 3y=x−43y = x -

43y=x−4 x=3y+4x = 3y + 4x=3y+4 Therefore, g−1(x)=3x+4g^{-1}(x) = 3x +

Activity: Pair students up and provide them with a set of functions. Ask them to find the inverses
of these functions and evaluate them at specific points. Then, have them compare their answers
and discuss any discrepancies.

Closure Activity: Have students reflect on the lesson by asking questions like:

 What are inverse functions, and why are they important?

 What techniques did we use to evaluate inverse functions?
 How can you verify if two functions are inverses of each other?

Encourage students to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have. Assign homework
that reinforces the concept of evaluating inverse functions.


Write a unique mathematics lesson plan for 10th grade class, on evaluating inverse functions
when the value of x is given. Include objectives, prior knowledge, content to be covered with
definitions, introduction, development giving 2 examples of inverse functions being evaluated
when x is given, an activity for the lesson and closure activity.

Lesson Plan: Evaluating Inverse Functions with Given xxx Values

Grade Level: 10th Grade

Objective: Students will be able to evaluate inverse functions when the value of xxx is given, by
understanding the concept of inverse functions, identifying properties of inverse functions, and
applying techniques to evaluate inverse functions.

Prior Knowledge: Students should have a solid understanding of functions, including function
notation, domain, range, and the concept of inverse functions.

Content to be Covered with Definitions:

1. Review of inverse functions and their properties

2. Evaluating inverse functions with given xxx values
3. Techniques for evaluating inverse functions

Introduction: Begin by reviewing the concept of inverse functions and their properties,
emphasizing that an inverse function "undoes" the action of the original function. Introduce the
idea of evaluating inverse functions when a specific value of xxx is given, emphasizing that we
find the corresponding yyy value by applying the inverse function.


1. Review of Inverse Functions:

o Recap the definition of inverse functions and their properties.
o Emphasize the reflective symmetry property: f−1(f(x))=xf^{-1}(f(x)) =
xf−1(f(x))=x and f(f−1(x))=xf(f^{-1}(x)) = xf(f−1(x))=x.
2. Evaluating Inverse Functions with Given xxx Values:
o Explain that when a value of xxx is given, we find the corresponding yyy value by
applying the inverse function.
o Illustrate with examples.

Example 1: Let f(x)=2x+3f(x) = 2x + 3f(x)=2x+3. Evaluate f−1(x)f^{-1}(x)f−1(x) when x=7x =


 Find f−1(x)f^{-1}(x)f−1(x): f(x)=2x+3f(x) = 2x + 3f(x)=2x+3 7=2x+37 = 2x + 37=2x+3

x=2x = 2x=2
 Therefore, f−1(7)=2f^{-1}(7) = 2f−1(7)=2.

Example 2: Let g(x)=x−43g(x) = \frac{x - 4}{3}g(x)=3x−4. Evaluate g−1(x)g^{-1}(x)g−1(x)

when x=5x = 5x=5.

 Find g−1(x)g^{-1}(x)g−1(x): g(x)=x−43g(x) = \frac{x - 4}{3}g(x)=3x−4 5=x−435 = \

frac{x - 4}{3}5=3x−4 15=x−415 = x - 415=x−4 x=19x = 19x=19
 Therefore, g−1(5)=19g^{-1}(5) = 19g−1(5)=19.

Activity: Divide students into groups and provide them with a set of functions and xxx values.
Ask them to work together to evaluate the inverse functions at the given xxx values. Encourage
them to discuss their strategies and compare their results.

Closure Activity: Conclude the lesson by discussing the importance of inverse functions in real-
life applications and their role in solving equations and problems. Have students reflect on what
they've learned by asking questions such as:

 How do we evaluate inverse functions when a specific xxx value is given?

 What are some real-world scenarios where inverse functions are useful?
 How can understanding inverse functions help us solve equations and problems in
Encourage students to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have. Assign homework
that reinforces the concept of evaluating inverse functions with given xxx values.

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