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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The current situation of the 595th MP CO is facing is deactivation. Meaning the organization
will cease to exist and be absorbed into another organization. The deactivation of the military
police company marks the end of a distinguished era of service, reflecting a strategic shift in
military resource allocation. Personnel within the

company face a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty, as they transition to new roles or civilian
careers with the support of transition programs. Operationally, the deactivation involves careful
redistribution of equipment and responsibilities to maintain security and discipline standards.
The local community will miss the company's presence and contributions to community outreach
and collaboration with civilian law enforcement. Strategically, this move aligns with broader
efforts to optimize military readiness and efficiency in response to evolving threats. My role
within the organization is the operations NCO.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

In the deactivation of the 595th MP Company, the human resources—specifically, the

personnel's skills, experience, and adaptability—played a critical role in navigating the transition.
As the operations NCO, the emphasis was placed on leveraging the leadership and expertise of
the soldiers to ensure a smooth redistribution of equipment and responsibilities. The unit's
collective experience in maintaining security and discipline standards was essential in
transferring duties to the receiving organizations, ensuring there was no lapse in operational
effectiveness. Furthermore, the company's strong culture of mentorship and hands-on leadership
helped personnel prepare for their new roles, whether within other military units or civilian
careers, through structured transition programs. This focus on professional development and
resilience allowed soldiers to face the uncertainty of deactivation with greater confidence and

The human resources aspect significantly influenced the emotional and social dimensions of
the deactivation process. The personnel's strong sense of camaraderie and loyalty to the company
fostered a mix of nostalgia and determination to uphold the unit's legacy until the very end. This
emotional investment was managed through open communication and support systems, ensuring
that soldiers felt valued and supported throughout the transition. The leadership within the
company played a pivotal role in maintaining morale and providing clear guidance during this
period of change. Additionally, the company's contributions to community outreach and
collaboration with civilian law enforcement showcased the human capital's broader impact
beyond military operations. This community engagement highlighted the multifaceted roles the
soldiers played and reinforced the importance of supporting their transition, both for the benefit
of the individuals and the broader community they served.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

From an organizational leadership standpoint, to address the deactivation of the 595th MP

Company, I would recommend leveraging the human resources to form a task force dedicated to
enhancing the transition process while preserving the company's legacy. This task force,
comprising key personnel from various ranks and specializations, would focus on documenting
the unit's best practices, operational achievements, and community contributions. This
documentation would serve not only as a historical record but also as a training resource for
other units. Additionally, the task force could facilitate mentorship programs, pairing
experienced soldiers with those transitioning to new roles or civilian careers, ensuring that their
expertise and leadership skills continue to benefit the broader military and civilian communities.

To further optimize the transition and maintain morale, I would propose establishing a
temporary transition support unit within the company. This unit would work closely with the
receiving organizations to ensure a seamless transfer of responsibilities and equipment,
minimizing operational disruptions. It would also provide targeted support for soldiers'
professional development, including career counseling, skills workshops, and networking
opportunities with potential employers and educational institutions. By focusing on these human
resource initiatives, the alternative course of action would not only mitigate the uncertainties
associated with the deactivation but also enhance the long-term career prospects of the personnel.
This proactive approach would demonstrate a commitment to the well-being and professional
growth of the soldiers, reinforcing their value to the organization and the community.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Reflecting on the deactivation of the 595th MP Company from an organizational leadership

perspective, I would prioritize proactive communication and engagement with personnel
throughout the transition process. Understanding the emotional impact of such a significant

change, I would ensure that all soldiers feel heard, valued, and supported by providing regular
updates, opportunities for feedback, and transparent information about the reasons behind the
deactivation. Additionally, I would emphasize the importance of preserving the unit's legacy and
fostering a sense of pride in the contributions made by its members over the years. By
acknowledging the significance of the company's service and involving personnel in shaping the
narrative of its closure, I would aim to mitigate feelings of nostalgia and uncertainty while
fostering a shared sense of purpose and unity.

I would seek to leverage the expertise and camaraderie within the unit to maximize the
effectiveness of the transition. Building on the strong culture of mentorship and leadership
development, I would encourage soldiers to actively participate in preparing themselves and their
peers for the next phase of their careers, whether within the military or in civilian life. This could
involve organizing workshops, networking events, and skills-building sessions facilitated by
experienced personnel to ensure that everyone has the necessary support and resources to
succeed beyond the deactivation. By empowering individuals to take ownership of their
professional development and to support each other through this period of change, I would aim
to not only navigate the deactivation successfully but also to cultivate a resilient and cohesive
organizational culture that continues to thrive in new contexts.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and
Leadership (7th ed.). Jossey-Bass, a John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Imprint

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