Ontiveros 2 Structural Frame Worksheet

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Structural Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the structural frame
2. Apply the structural frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The current situation of the 595th MP CO is facing is deactivation. Meaning the

organization will cease to exist and be absorbed into another organization. The
deactivation of the military police company marks the end of a distinguished era of
service, reflecting a strategic shift in military resource allocation. Personnel within the
company face a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty, as they transition to new roles or
civilian careers with the support of transition programs. Operationally, the deactivation
involves careful redistribution of equipment and responsibilities to maintain security and
discipline standards. The local community will miss the company's presence and
contributions to community outreach and collaboration with civilian law enforcement.
Strategically, this move aligns with broader efforts to optimize military readiness and
efficiency in response to evolving threats.

2) Describe how the structure of the organization influenced the situation.

An army company-sized organization, typically consisting of 100-200 soldiers, operates

within a structured hierarchy designed to ensure clear command and control. At the top is
the company commander, usually a captain, who is responsible for the overall leadership,
strategic planning, and operational effectiveness of the unit. Directly below the
commander is the executive officer (XO), often a first lieutenant, who assists with
administrative duties and stands in as the acting commander in their absence. The
company is divided into platoons, each led by a lieutenant, with platoon sergeants
(typically staff sergeants) providing tactical and disciplinary support. This hierarchy
ensures a robust chain of command where orders are disseminated efficiently from the
top down, with each level of leadership accountable for specific aspects of the company's
operations and welfare. In contrast, a simple hierarchy in a non-military organization,
such as a small business or a corporate department, follows a more straightforward
structure but with similar principles of tiered leadership. At the top, there is typically a
manager or director who oversees the entire team or department. Reporting to this leader
are team leaders or supervisors who manage specific segments of the team, like platoon
leaders in a military company. These supervisors ensure that day-to-day operations align
with the strategic goals set by the top leader and address any issues that arise within their
teams. While the scale and context differ, both structures emphasize a clear chain of
command and defined roles to maintain order, ensure accountability, and facilitate
effective communication.

3) Recommend how you would use structure for an alternative course of action
regarding your case.

Given the structured hierarchy in an army company-sized organization, adopting a similar

tiered approach can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of an alternative
course of action in various contexts. For instance, in implementing a new business
strategy or managing a large project, establishing a clear chain of command can facilitate
smooth execution and accountability. Appointing a project manager who oversees the
entire initiative mirrors the role of the company commander, ensuring strategic oversight
and direction. Beneath this leader, designate team leads or department heads akin to
platoon leaders, each responsible for specific components of the project. These leaders
will handle the detailed planning and execution of their segments, reporting progress and
challenges to the project manager, much like how platoon leaders report to the company
This structured approach allows for precise communication, efficient delegation of tasks,
and rapid problem-solving. Each level of the hierarchy is clear about its responsibilities
and can focus on its specific objectives while contributing to the overall goal.
Additionally, incorporating an executive officer (or a similar role) to support the project
manager can help manage administrative tasks and ensure continuity in leadership during
absences. This redundancy helps maintain momentum and adaptability. Such a tiered
hierarchy not only streamlines the decision-making process but also fosters a culture of
leadership development and accountability at all levels, ultimately leading to a more
organized and successful implementation of the alternative course of action.)

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Reflecting on the army leadership organizational structure, I would prioritize maintaining

a clear chain of command in any organizational framework I implement. This structure
ensures that responsibilities are well-defined and that communication flows effectively
from the top down and vice versa. By establishing distinct leadership roles, such as a
project manager at the helm and team leaders overseeing specific segments, I can foster
accountability and streamline decision-making processes. Emulating the military model, I
would also incorporate a second-in-command, akin to an executive officer, to handle

administrative duties and provide continuity in leadership. This redundancy is crucial for
maintaining operational momentum and addressing issues promptly when the primary
leader is unavailable.
However, one aspect I might adjust is the level of rigidity typically associated with
military hierarchies. While a clear chain of command is essential, in a civilian or business
context, it might be beneficial to foster a more collaborative and flexible environment.
Encouraging input and feedback from all levels of the organization can enhance creativity
and innovation, which are often less emphasized in military structures. While I would
adopt the hierarchical framework for its clarity and efficiency, I would also ensure that it
accommodates open communication and adaptability to leverage the diverse perspectives
and expertise within the team. This balanced approach can lead to a more dynamic and
responsive organization, capable of navigating complex challenges effectively.

Reference or References
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