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over the centuries there have been many

masters that have come along to show us

away the truth about ourselves but how

can we best follow their example and

learn how we ourselves can be masters

now today we are at a special nine-day

retreat in Romania at this beautiful

resort called Kili glad to stay and we

had a very interesting discussion about

this topic so I'm going to share that

with you now and share some stories

about Lester Levinson and what he

experienced when he went free and what

we can learn from his example so I think

you'll find this very interesting and as

I play this for you I'm going to just

take you for a walk along these

beautiful grounds so enjoy the talk and

enjoy the beautiful visuals and enjoy

the evolution of your own beingness


and you see how easy this is it's not

complicated you see you're doing it

you've been in charge all along it was

your decision to go down into that

problem of wanting you started that and

now you let it go and you see that you

have always have been in control you've

been in charge of your whole story and

do you feel more approval do you feel

more loved now that you're not looking

for it you feel lighter right yeah it

wears how to approval now well it's not

out there but you feel it

where's where do you feel that lighter

feeling that love where is it

but don't you feel it inside of you that

lighter feeling yeah that's what I'm

talking about

it's been inside of you all along and

this is the problem that we have with

relationships all of us is that we're

expecting the other one to give us love

but there's no discrimination going on

you see you want your husband's approval

right all right well let me ask you this

does your husband approve of himself

does he beat himself up does he get

frustrated well not verbally but he

disapproves of himself right he gets

frustrated he probably doesn't love

himself pride is not love pride is

wanting to be better than others that's

not love so it really doesn't love

himself does he not like what we're

looking at here not like what you're

experiencing right so if he can't give

it to himself how do you expect him to

give it to you
and that's true of every relationship

we're all looking for our partner to

give us approval and they can't and most

of the people out there in the world

they don't know how to love themselves

and we're expecting them to love us it's

like going to a bankrupt bank asking for

a loan they can't give it to you they're

bankrupt and when we don't get it what

happens we get upset right and how lovin

is that and see this is what most of us

call love as long as you do it I I want

you to do I love you if you don't do it

I want you to do I hate you I'm upset so

love is your transaction a deal as long

as you tell me nice things you bring me

flowers you're nice to me then I'm happy

and no matter how much you've done the

moment you stop then go what's wrong why

don't you love me anymore

so as never love there's just a deal and

that's not love exactly so it's up to

you you need to turn it around for

yourself and here's the thing is that

even if you become loving like you love

yourself and you're giving love see when

you're giving love what do you get to

feel love so in the giving is the

receiving the thing is is that even if

you can give love you have love to give

the other one

you can't possibly give it to them

because it's up to them to give

themselves love

and you know if you're expecting

yourself to be able to give love to

others like with your children you want

to give love and have them nourish off

that love it's up to them to get

themselves loved if you want if you if

you expect them to be able to receive

love from you then you're making them

dependent on you now it's perfectly okay

to love but ultimately it's up to them

to learn how to love themselves and not

just feed off of your love right does

that make sense so that now shows us

that we can't give love to others or

receive love from others not really it's

up to us to give ourselves love that's

the only place where we can go for to

get it yeah but it's up to you it's it

it's your responsibility and we're all

responsible for ourselves and if you

think that your children are dependent

on your love then you're making them a

slave to it you're not showing them how

to love themselves and then they need it

from you and the moment you're not there

what are they going to do and no matter

how much you give it she can't receive

it and again that proves you can't give

it to somebody else

it's not like a commodity you can't hand

it to them being loved her and love her

and love her but it's up to her to feel

it for herself

and that's what Lester discovered that

started him down this whole path because

like I said the his the first thing he

noticed was all the times when he was

miserable when he was looking for love

from others whereas all the times when

he was happy and everything was

prosperous for him was when he was given

it and he saw that you know how much he

was looking for love from his family

from his partners his relationships and

he suddenly noticed that he had his

family's respect he had their love but

he wasn't feeling it they were given it

to him but he couldn't accept it it was

impossible so then he had to let go of

looking for it wanting it and that's how

he turned himself around so that's what

we must teach our children to be

self-sufficient to give themselves love

then they got it made

so yes love your daughter a gift but

just know that she's her own master

she's her own infinite being and

whatever's in her consciousness is up to

her and by loving all we can do is just

point the way but they have to take it

that's why you know there's there are

certain masters like anyone here of Amma

yeah from India she's also known as the

hugging Saint she's a master and she's

she lives in India down in Kerala and

she has a big worldwide organization and

she goes travelling around the world and

she does something called darshan where

she you know hugs you and you feel a

lift because there's just this Venus and

that's what we do you know when we are

loving we're just kind of showing the

way and everybody is an infinite being

and so when you are coming from that

place it wakes it up in others the thing

is is that you can't give it to anybody

you can just kind of show them the way

but it's up to them to do it the problem

is is a lot of people and I hung around

her a lot and a lot of people get

dependent on that and they put her up on

a pedestal and they think that she's

doing it for them and that is a huge

mistake because if a master could all

they would do is just come by and tap

you on your head and you'd be free but

they can't they could just be an example

and you had to do it for yourself and

incidentally that's why Lester came up

with the six steps he didn't do it

immediately you see Lester he went free

in 1952 he went free in three months he

didn't know what he was doing he was

just kind of following the bouncing ball

he just stumbled into it

he went free and for a while see he

lived in New York City and for a while

he stayed there and to him everything

was perfect and harmonious and there's

audios where he talks about that time

how everything was there was no

limitation everything was in harmony so

in New York City which is even more

crowded than Bucharest right traffic and

all that he never got caught in traffic

no matter what time of day it was

he never hit a red light anytime he

needed a parking spot he always had a

parking spot even police

men and taxi drivers they would vacate

their spot to give it to him they didn't

know why it just felt good and in the

island of Manhattan

there's bridges that get clogged up and

he would be driving across the bridge

it'd be packed with cars and even though

there is I mean it was jam-packed of

cars there's like no wave where were the

cars go they would just still part like

the Red Sea and he would just drive

straight through the bridge that's the

way he lived he talks about it it's kind

of mind-boggling but like I said you

know don't believe him or anything but

check it out take it for checking and he

was living like that and New York also

he was experiencing so much joy there's

actually disturbing if he can imagine

that had so much positive energy he acts

he had to walk it off for hours in the

middle the night had so much energy you

just walked and walked and walked

but being living in New York City he saw

that his happiness was actually

disturbing to others because it stirred

up their garbage and being so positive

and people didn't like it they're like

what are you smiling about right so he

just decided you know what it's

bothering people I'm gonna I'm gonna go

someplace else and when I said that

first he fixed his body he fixed his

heart then he found the same principle

fixed his finances he came in at like 14

buildings in Manhattan for no money


assets worth millions and then when he

decided leave he gave it all away he

said that he gave it to people who he

knew would were kind people and would

take care of the tenants in the

building's we just gave it away why

because he knew he could just create it

anytime he wanted didn't need to hold on

in it to anything and so he gave it all

away he packed up a few belongings in a

trailer behind his car and then he drove

out west his intention was to go to San

Diego but along the way he drove through

Sedona Arizona and decided to stop there

and he took his little camper out into

the middle of the desert see you know he

could manifest anytime he he acquired

several pieces of land and this

beautiful desert surrounded by these

gorgeous red mountains just manifested

it and

the way he put it was he parked his body

there he he isolated himself out in the

middle of desert miles and miles away

from civilization where I mean it was

difficult to even get there he just sat

under a tree
he said he sat under an apple tree and

if an apple fell from the tree he ate it

and if it didn't he ate he did indeed it

and he went traveling the universe

because he was interested in that he

wanted to explore and see other forms of

life and whatever now their words used

in other teachings for this state

probably the most recognizable one that

we know of is that's used is called

Samadhi have you ever heard of that term

and Indian teachings it was in Samadhi

and he's just experiencing his infinite

being of oneness and is out there for

years until one day some hippies

stumbled upon him little Lester's

sitting out in the middle of the desert

and they reminded him of a deal that he

made with himself when he went free that

he was going to show others the way so

then he picked himself up and he started

to integrate himself again with people

and he formed a couple of groups there

are a couple groups in New York a couple

groups in California that he would meet

with regularly and he would talk to them

like Eckhart Tolle talks and if you hear

some of those recordings from Lester

those are a lot of those talks were from

that time and he didn't have the method

he didn't have the six steps at that

time talking about Venus just like

Eckhart Tolle does the thing is is that

he would meet with these groups have a

session with them talking with them and

they would get nice and high they would

start to open up and then he would leave

he would come back like three or six

months later and they wouldn't grow and

they would want to hang out with him and

get high again listening to him talk he

said well they're just becoming

dependent on me they're not doing it

themselves they're just getting off and

hear me talk that's that's no good and

then that's when he looked at okay what

did I do

how can I show them how to do what I did

and then in an instant a split second he

came up with a six steps and he wrote it

down on the back of a Ramana Maharshi

book just exactly that what we had there

and then that is when he started to fall

before him what he called the Sedona

Method at the time and set up an

organization to teach it so instead of

having a guru or someone do it for you

now the method itself is the Guru and

lester was adamant about not being

special he didn't want anybody to put

him up on a pedestal to think that he

did it for him that's wine

none of these recordings you'll ever

hear lester working with anybody now you

know a lot of the recordings were back

before you just here just talking about

truth and stuff which is nice but there

are some recordings you'll start

garam referred to this the method you

know letting go the wanting approval

control and safety talk about egg flap

and so on but even then you'll never

hear him working with anybody he always

had the teachers to it because he didn't

want people as I think that he did it

for them and that's why when we do this

you know work here a lot of the work we

do is we partner you up to work together

so you do the work yourself and that way

you got it and you are your own guru you

can find your own way using the method

in fact Lester a lot of us talks they

would you know put a lot of his quotes

and discussions and wrote it down and

put it into a book called the ultimate

truth or the keys to ultimate freedom

and when they put this book together he

insisted not to use his name at first he

didn't want his name on there and so

what he did was he said alright well you

know I'm Frank you know that term to be

frank just like to be you know simple

and so on he goes one Frank in the way I

talk and my name is Lester so he said

let's let's just put as the author Frank

Lester and in you know yet

he he he set up this big retreat center

in Sedona and they were doing retreats

there for a number of years and then

there was this big thing where one of

his teachers turned against him and

destroyed the whole thing and he let it

go because he said

you know rather than fix a thing I'm

gonna let the graduates that want to

fight for it and keep it I'm gonna let

them find their way so they don't have

to be dependent on money and they can

move forward so you just let it go

that's see a master has no attachments

and no versions he didn't fight to keep

it he just let it go and and continued

on a couple of his teachers move forward

see he gave them the opportunity to

empower themselves and one of his

teachers Larry crane you know continued

to after Lester went ahead and left he

transcended less larry continued to work

really hard to keep the retreat center

going and and he was trying to sustain

it by having other groups come in you

know other spiritual groups go there so

they could do their workshops and stuff

and he told a story one time where there

is i think like a ramana maharshi group

that were practicing their thing and

they had a there's really big poster of

ramana maharshi in the room and while

they were away one day you know Larry

saw you know like the big poster of

Ramana Maharshi and and he decided to

put a little picture of Lester next to

him because they're just two masters

she's just doing it to be nice and and

so on but the picture of Lester kept

getting knocked over you put it back up

and get knocked over again you know

Lester didn't want to be special and

there's also relatively few pictures of

Lester there some people told stories

where there were group photos and

lessers in the picture you know in the

group but when they took the picture he

didn't appear in the picture like a



and people wanted to take pictures with

them very few because he just didn't

want to do that and in some of the talks

he says you know people call me a

teacher because I'm not a teacher what

you're talking about what am i teaching

because that's ridiculous I'm not

teaching anything because how how

ridiculous it is it for an infinite

being to teach another infinite being

how to be infinite you know here we are

all infinite beans go listen to someone

else talk about how to be infinite what

are you talking about

and the thing is is the more you release

it's just natural that's how I feel too

and I look at like some of these other

gurus and experts and so on and they

write books and then people go to them

we sign the book and then you think I'll

signing the books and stuff I just like

the weirdest thing signing a book see it

takes an ego to do that now so what

we're here to do is let go of our own

garbage so we see who we are

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