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1. Regarding legal provisions for privacy protection, which of the following is incorrect?
(1)Privacy infringement of others may require compensation for property and spiritual damages under civil
(2)Secretly recording the nonpublic activities of others without consent may violate criminal law.
RESOURCES (3)Conversations using mobile phone software are not considered private because the use of such software is
expected to incur information security risks.
NEWS (4)Collecting the personal data of others without permission may violate the Personal Data Protection Act.
2. Da-Bing, a newly promoted, full-time assistant professor, believes that the National Science and Technology
Council research project he is working on is not being fairly examined during the ethical review process. He later
learns the reviewer of his project is an authoritative scholar who is conducting a project similar to his. Which type
of conflict of interest is this?
(1)Individual conflict of interest
(2)Conflict of interest at the institutional review board
(3)Conflict of interest in scientific beliefs
(4)Institutional conflict of interest 1/8
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3. Prof. Peng is conducting educational action research with elementary, primary-grade students. She worries that
the children cannot understand the related matters of the research project, so she asks for their parents’
assistance. She also provides a Chinese phonetic version of the research proposal and simplifies the language to
match the proposal with children’s reading level. Which element of informed consent is this?
(1)Disclosure of information
(2)Comprehension of information
(3)Voluntary agreement

4. Which of the following is a correct description of academic research?

(1)The purpose of academic research includes discovering new knowledge, explaining phenomena, and
finding new evidence to improve theories.
(2)Performing academic research is an honor and involves unpaid work. Funding for such research is generally
provided by the researchers themselves, or by the government after the researchers apply and are approved
for funding.
(3)academic researchers typically oppose the formation of research societies, believing that doing so hinders
new researchers from sharing their research results.
(4)In the early days, people who engaged in academic research were usually slaves who were oppressed by
their environment or other forces and had to find a way to improve their lives.

5. In addition to protecting personal data, the Personal Data Protection Act emphasizes the legitimate and
reasonable collection, processing, and use of personal data. Which of the following forms of personal data
collection is inappropriate and may violate the Act?
(1)Obtaining emails or social networking pages of Internet celebrities, and writing to ask if they are willing to
be interviewed.
(2)Clearly informing participants of research purposes and promising that personal data will be treated
(3)Requiring research participants to provide medical records, genetic information, and health examination
reports to ensure research consistency.
(4)All of the above.

6. Xiao-wen and her advising professor are co-publishing a journal article. Although Wen’s boyfriend has no idea
what the article is about, he asks Wen to list him as an author, and states that she can make the decision without
consulting her advisor. Is Wen’s boyfriend eligible to be listed as an author of the article?
(1)Yes, because he provides Wen with a lot of emotional support.
(2)Yes, because he has Wen’s consent.
(3)No, because Wen’s advising professor did not give approval.
(4)No, because he did not make actual contributions to the article.

7. The Personal Data Protection Act stipulates that in the collection of personal data, individuals must be clearly
notified of particular matters. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(1)The name and purpose of the collection organization must be provided.
(2)The types of personal data collected must be provided.
(3)Personal data that have been disclosed by an individual or otherwise legally disclosed still cannot be
collected without authorization.
(4)If an individual or their legal representative cannot be notified, for example because they are in a coma due
to illness, the notification requirement can be waived. 2/8
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8. What are the advantages of quoting in one’s own work?

(A) It can assist in explaining the research results of studies;
(B) It allows readers to identify the complete bibliography in the reference list of an article;
(C) It can copy a large amount of work by others, without limit;
(D) It can emphasize that texts or arguments are those of others and thus avoid plagiarism.

9. In accordance with copyright laws, quoting from other people’s works must be within a reasonable scope.
Which of the following thesis citations falls within this reasonable scope?
(1)The Development and Culture of Japan’s Manga Industry: Copying the entire text of a Japanese manga still
in serialization in the appendix for the readers’ reference.
(2)Exploring Media Literacy Education in Europe and the US: Including translated paraphrases or excerpts from
European and US literature in the paper and citing the information source.
(3)Exploring Education Systems in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea: Placing the full text of other scholars’
theses in the first four chapters of the paper, sources cited; the fifth chapter was the conclusion.
(4)Development of and Commentary on Pop Music in Taiwan: Burning the music reviewed in the paper into
CDs, which were appended to the thesis. The thesis was only available to university professors and students in
the university library.

10. Regarding the definition and types of inappropriate research conduct, which of the following statements is
(1)FFP stands for fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism
(2)Inappropriate procedures for data collection can be attributed to human negligence or the malfunction of
instruments and equipment
(3)Possible situations of inappropriate definitions and claims of authorship include unfairly distributing and
ranking authors, naming persons as authors without consent, and publishing as a substitute for the original
(4)Repetitive use of sentences or concepts from published works without listing them as a source is considered
an act of fabrication.

11. Xiao-lin, an international student in Taiwan, is facing pressure to meet the publication requirements for
graduation. It suddenly occurs to him that he has published an English article abroad, so he directly translates
the article into Chinese and submits it to a Chinese journal without specifying that the article is a translation.
Which code of academic ethics announced by the Ministry of Education is this against?
(1)Use of translated works and theoretical works without providing appropriate specifications
(2)Committing plagiarism
(3)Not specifying the co-authorship of theoretical work and not submitting a co-authorship form
(4)Applicants affecting the review process through illegal or improper means

12. Which of the following is not a proper approach to data management?

(1)Regular backups of all data to avoid data corruption or loss.
(2)Detailed written records of the experiment for the team members to read and reference.
(3)Presenting the research data to members outside the research team without authorization for the purpose
of promoting the research findings.
(4)Limiting access to research data that involve personal and private information to protect confidentiality. 3/8
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13. Hua-hua is currently writing a thesis, and she often needs to cite the works of others. Which of the following
requirements should she consider to avoid infringing the copyright of others?
(A) Actions with legitimate purposes, such as research;
(B) the works of others must be clearly quoted;
(C) The scope of reasonable use must be considered in accordance with the materials cited;
(D) The cited work must be published;
(E) The cited work must not be published so as not to infringe upon the economic rights of the author.

14. The Copyright Act was formulated to protect the rights of creators. Which of the following works would be
protected by the Copyright Act?
(A) A collection of the graduation work of high school art students;
(B) A recent earthquake report by the Central Weather Bureau stating that the largest earthquake in XX area had
a magnitude of 3;
(C) Buildings such as Taipei 101, National Taichung Theater, or National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall;
(D) A self-portrait taken by a monkey;
(E) An academic advisor’s periodicals published over the past 10 years.

15. Which of the following concepts about the right to privacy is incorrect?
(1)The right to privacy is to respect the individual’s autonomy.
(2)Infringements on rights to privacy bear civil liability of damages.
(3)The right to privacy is a basic human right protected by the Constitution.
(4)The right to privacy only protects names, medical history, and dates of birth.

16. Which of the following is not the researcher’s responsibility when conducting animal-based experiments?
(1)Reduce the suffering of animals in experiments
(2)Use the smallest number of animals for the experiment
(3)Maximize interest and knowledge and avoid the use of medicament
(4)Take care of animals after the experiment is complete

17. The general types of inappropriate procedures for data collection can be roughly divided into biological and
nonbiological. Which of the following is a problem encountered during data collection on “nonbiological”
(1)Researchers tamper with statistically insignificant data.
(2)The malfunctioning of instruments and equipment causes data inaccuracy.
(3)Researchers should pay transportation fees and solve transportation problems for subjects.
(4)The documents sent to the institutional review board are incomplete. 4/8
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18. Which of the following acts of using the works of others is most likely to infringe on the privacy of others?
(1)To study the online behavior of netizens on Internet idol fan pages, Hsiao-wei collected and classified
screenshots of netizen likes and comments.
(2)To study mobile phone use and addiction among female college students, Hua-hua secretly filmed the daily
routines of roommates in her dormitory, but she promised herself that the video would not leak out.
(3)To distribute a questionnaire to university lecturers, Ta-tung collected lecturers’ emails that are publicly
released on the Internet.
(4)To study the types of commodities recently purchased by office workers, Chia-chia clearly informed them of
the research purpose when distributing the questionnaire and promised that personal data would be treated

19. Research misconduct is defined as “fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism (FFP) when presenting, executing, or
reviewing a research project or reporting research results.” Which unit proposed this definition?
(1)National Institutes of Health (NIH)
(2)Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
(3)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
(4)Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Program (AAHRPP)

20. Chang, a researcher at a medical institution, is accused of the improper treatment of patients in a persistent
vegetative state who Chang involved in brain wave research and is severely punished. Which principle in the
Belmont Report is the improper treatment of the vulnerable against?
(1)Respect for persons
(4)Complementary interest

21. Which of the following pertaining to paraphrasing and summarizing is incorrect?

(1)Paraphrasing: Reproduce and reiterate the implications of a text.
(2)Paraphrasing: Use other words to modify a sentence, and the sentence after paraphrasing is of similar
length as the original.
(3)Summarizing: Arrange only longer paragraphs and remove redundant words here and there from the
original text.
(4)Summarizing: Use a few words to convey broad concepts.

22. Which of the following options contains the three writing techniques that are useful in avoiding plagiarizing
others’ work?
(1)Paraphrasing, copying, and quoting
(2)Imitating, quoting, and generalizing
(3)Quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing
(4)Concluding, generalizing, and imitating

23. Joe has a few research articles which he wants to incorporate into his own journal article submission. In order to
avoid plagiarism, which writing techniques can he use in the literature review section?
A. Summarizing
B. Quoting
C. Translating
D. Paraphrasing
(4)ABD 5/8
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24. Joe, Shelly, Guang, and Flora are working on a joint research project for which they are seeking publication. Read
the following options and determine whose conduct is most likely to be considered self-plagiarism.
(1)Joe revised his conference papers and included them in the current paper with appropriate citations.
(2)Guang included the entire literature review section of one of his earlier research in the current paper without
any revisions or attribution.
(3)Flora used quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing to integrate information from various sources into the
current paper while including the proper citations.
(4)Shelly updated a table published in a previous journal article with the latest data and included it in the
current paper with appropriate citations.

25. Regarding the meaning of researchers’ obligation to explicitly inform subjects, which of the following is
(1)The process of informing is necessary for researchers to agree to collaborate on a research and is the basis
for conducting research with honesty
(2)For human experiments, researchers are obligated to inform subjects about related matters before they
agree to participate
(3)For non-human experiments, researchers do not bear the obligation of explicit notification
(4)If a subject is a minor (<7 years), a legal representative must be informed before obtaining consent

26. Falsification refers to the manipulation of research data, equipment, or processes or changes in or deletion of
real data, images, and results. Which of the following reflects the act of falsification?
(1)To accumulate the appropriate number of samples for the research, Abo filled in 10 questionnaires himself.
(2)Hua hid research results that were not ideal or contradicting and deliberately made the results consistent
with his predictions.
(3)A chemistry scholar applied for research funding by the National Science and Technology Council using
research that did not exist.
(4)Xiao Yan and the professor agreed to discuss the research literature. But, Xiao Yan did not finish reading the
designated literature in time, and thus, made up content in the literature review section.

27. Hsiao-mei came up with the idea to plagiarize information from the Internet in order to submit her assignment
before the deadline, but the possible consequences of plagiarism made her hesitate. Which of the following is
not a possible consequence she would suffer from?
(1)Violating the Copyright Act for unauthorized reproduction of the works of others.
(2)Peers or lecturers no longer believing that her work is credible.
(3)Wasting the lecturer’s assessment time by using excessive amounts of copied text.
(4)Being punished due to violating school or assignment rules.

28. Guang is writing a literature review for a conference in which he will compile a dozen articles and analyze them.
What academic writing skill should he use to achieve this goal?
(1)Translating and indicating the source
(2)Quoting and indicating the source
(3)Paraphrasing and indicating the source
(4)Quoting without indicating the source

29. Flora is working on her master’s degree in arts and humanities. She plans to submit a paper that she co-wrote
with her thesis advisor to an international journal. Which of the following people should Flora NOT include as an
(1)Her advisor, who conceptualized and oversaw the entire research
(2)The classmate who helped research and write the literature review
(3)The classmate who designed, distributed, collected, and analyzed the questionnaires
(4)The copy editor at the University Language Center who proofread the final draft of the paper 6/8
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30. Which of the following is not a narrow definition of science?

(1)Science is a systematic system of knowledge.
(2)Science constructs and organizes knowledge by using verifiable explanations.
(3)Specifically, science refers to a subject that requires performing experiments with human subjects in
(4)Science can predict the physical and nonphysical world.

31. Professor A wants to conduct a research that would involve human trials. Because the study would require
extensive funding, Professor A applied to NSTC, MOEA, and Company C in the relevant industry for research
grants, which all three entities provided. To whom do the research results belong?
(1)Professor A
(2)The entity that contributed the most research funding
(3)The owner of the results will be determined based on the signed contract agreement
(4)The university that employs Professor A

32. Which two of the following scenarios constitute plagiarism of ideas?

A. Flora paints a pastiche of a classmate’s painting with the exact composition and submits the finished work as
her own.
B. Cindy copies information from an online blog and pastes it into her own report with minor revisions before
submitting it to her teacher.
C. Shelly overhears a classmate talking about his research proposal and decides to use his idea to write a
research article with herself as the sole author.
D. Joe copies his classmate’s film critique word-for-word and submits it to his teacher as his own work.

33. Some American and European research teams prefer to conduct research in developing African or Southeast
Asian countries. After the vaccines or drugs are successfully developed, patented, and put on the market, they
can be sold at an extremely high price. The participants in the developing countries spend decades cooperating
in the projects, taking risks, and enduring injuries, but they do not enjoy the benefits of the research results.
Which level of concern in the Belmont Report is this?
(1)Economic freedom at the world level
(2)Religious views at the regional level
(3)Injustice at the social level
(4)Need theory at the individual level

34. Regarding the Code of ethics for experimental animals, which of the following statements is incorrect?
(1)Replacement: computer simulations or lower-level species should be used for biological experiments
(2)Reduce: the number of animals in an experiment should be as small as possible or within a reasonable range
(3)Refinement: the quality of experiment design should be improved and animal insecurity and pain reduced
(4)Responsibility: experiment data and results should be truthfully presented after the experiment 7/8
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35. Chien is a new graduate student in the Department of Life Science who logged the following in detail in the
experiment records: the process of experimental ideation, initial structuring of the experiment process, actual
execution of the experiment process, the experiment results and data, summary of discussions with the
professor, and areas for improvement in future experiments. What necessary experiment information did Chien
omit in his records?
(1)Where and how he stored the experiment samples.
(2)How he felt physically and emotionally on the day of the experiment.
(3)The spatial specifications of the laboratory where he conducted the experiment.
(4)His records are already comprehensive and do not omit anything.

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