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Mathematical models are needed to describe with equations the physical process that we want to

analyze. The mathematical model that we use are differential equations. The main aspect of
mathematical models is to have as many equations as the number of unknown in order to close the

At steady state, a control volume can be thought of as an arbitrary volume in which the mass of
the continuum remains constant. As a continuum moves through the control volume, the mass
entering the control volume is equal to the mass leaving the control volume.
 Volume does not change, meaning that the volume in=volume out

Slide 8: mass conservation

P: density , u,v is velocity

Fp: pressure

Fv: viscous stress

t: viscous stress tensor,

The pressure act normal to the surface while the viscous stresses act both normal and tangential to the

Use the divergence theorem to transfer two terms into the volume integral form
Note: pressure force is just a direct consequence of divergence theorem

Mu: dynamic viscosity

Epsilon: strain rate tensor

Fb: body force

Energy conservation
E(internal): this is the function of temperature

E (kinetic): a function of fluid velocity

E(potential): that is proportional to the fluid local elevation ( thế năng, sự dịch chuyển đi lên của lưu chất
Heat transfer can be defined as heat flux across the boundary surface of the system. Apply the Fourier’s
Law (conduction)

The work is done by the system on its surroundings and can be divided into two parts. One is the
pressure work done by the pressure acting normal to the system boundaries. The other form is viscous
work is done by the action of viscous shear stress

Viscous model

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