Essential Agreements Final

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Essential Agreements

Respect: We will treat everyone in the class with respect,

including the teacher and fellow students.
Active Listening: We will listen attentively when someone is
speaking, without interrupting or talking over them. When we
need to voice our opinion, we will raise our hands and wait for
our turn.
Participation: We will actively participate in class discussions
and activities, sharing our thoughts and ideas.
Collaboration: We will work collaboratively with our peers,
helping and supporting each other to achieve common goals.
Punctuality: We will arrive on time for class, ready and
prepared for the day's lessons.
Preparedness: We will come to class with all the necessary
materials, such as textbooks, notebooks, and writing utensils.
No Disruptions: We will avoid causing disruptions during class,
such as talking out of turn, using electronic devices without
permission, or engaging in distracting behavior.
Honesty: We will be honest in our interactions, including
admitting mistakes and taking responsibility for our actions.
Inclusiveness: We will embrace and celebrate the diversity of
our class, treating everyone equally regardless of their race,
gender, background, or abilities.
Cleanliness: We will keep our classroom clean and tidy, taking
care of shared resources and cleaning up after ourselves.
Safety: We will prioritize the safety of ourselves and others,
following any safety guidelines provided by the teacher.
No Bullying: We will not engage in any form of bullying,
including physical, verbal, or online harassment. We will report
any incidents of bullying to a trusted adult.

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