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504936, James Bass <>, May 8, 2024

Though not as heavily armed as the C and F variants,

the D and E types add armor and new equipment that
makes them attractive to experienced crews.

The game stats for these variants are found on the

record sheets below, and more detailed descriptions of
their devices and weapons are provided on the quick
reference sheet.

AIR WAR FREE Scenarios

EXPANSION PACK When playing the scenarios from the Air War Starter
Pack, you can use the D or E variant in place of any
Dave Graffam other type of Tigress. Take note that these jets have a
higher initial point cost (1200 for the D type, 1100 for
Rules & Graphics
the E type).
For updates and new releases, visit:
This pack includes a new scenario. In “The Chase,”
you’ll be able to try out your favorite jet variants in a
David Saul Graffam © 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
mission of hot pursuit.
No part of this document or its accompaniment
may be reproduced or redistributed 3D Paper Models
except for personal use by the purchaser.
At the back of this PDF you’ll find 10 pages of paper
model files that you can print onto cardstock and as-
This is a supplement for the Solid
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semble. They’re designed to be easy to construct and

State War Game: Air War Starter can be used as toys or for a variety of games.
Pack (available separately). This
vehicle pack includes rules for add- Each model is offered in two sizes: large scale and
ing two new variants of the Reynold small scale, The small scale paper models will be a
RG-6 Tigress fighter jet to your challenge to put together, so they are only recommend-
game, a quick reference rules sheet, ed for experienced papercrafters.
3D paper model files and assembly
instructions, and an all-new scenario. Whether you choose the larger or smaller models to
play with, they are a great alternative to 2D pieces.
New Tigress Variants Models will make gameplay more visually appealing,
and the Range Finder and Movement Key will be eas-
The Tigress is popular with both the State and Rebels, ier to place, as well. (When using small scale models,
and it plays a variety of roles. The D and E variants use the full-size Range Finder and Movement Key.)
were introduced to fill gaps in the air forces during
the EMP Scourge. The RG-6D is a supporting fighter If you use paper models for your game, don’t worry
that doubles as a bomber. The E variant is designed for about matching the model’s weapons to those listed
high performance and overwhelming firepower. on the record sheets. In this game, an aircraft’s record
sheet is always the ultimate authority on which items
it’s currently outfitted with.

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Air Brakes: This upgraded air braking system gives Light Cannon: Use the Square die when attacking.
you the option to choose your jet’s travel distance (but
not turning angle) as though you were at the next-lowest Rocket Pods: Use the Circle die when attacking. They are
throttle setting. At High throttle you can choose a travel prone to exploding when they become damaged or ruined
distance as though you were Cruising or High speed. At while there is any ammo remaining in them. When that
Cruising speed, you can choose a travel distance as though happens, roll the Circle die and check for an explosion.
your throttle were set to Low or Cruising.
Bombs: These can only be used against ground targets
Auto Aim: When you activate the auto aim, immediately during special scenarios, but behave like Rocket Pods in
make an attack with either the Light or Heavy Cannon (or every other way. Bombs use the Circle die when attacking,
both, if linked). You don’t have to spend another action to and are prone to explosion exactly like Rocket Pods.
do so. For this attack, treat any result of “Miss” on your
combat die as though you had rolled “Damage” instead. Linkage: Linked weapons may be fired simultaneously
using one attack. (You may still choose to fire them
Hair Trigger: Before taking your movement on your turn, separately, or fire only two out of three linked weapons.)
your crew may expend 1 of its re-roll attempts and 1 action Choose a single target in range of all the linked weapons
to make a single attack. You may use the Hair Trigger once you wish to fire, and declare which weapons you’re using.
once per turn. If you have any actions remaining after your Spend an action to attack, and expend 1 box of ammo from
movement, you may take those actions as normal. each fired weapom. Roll the attack dice of both weapons at 504938

the same time and apply their effects to the same randomly
Hand Radar: This device adds a Circle die to your determined location (roll the Hit Location die once). Apply
initiative roll. the damage from Direct Hits separately, in any order the
attacker chooses. For the purposes of taking damage, a
Maneuver Rockets: Roll the Diamond die when turning. linkage is considered a weapon, not a device.

Overthruster: When activated, cross off 1 box of fuel from ARMOR

your aircraft. This is treated exactly like damage to your
fuel tank. Then make an extra move with your jet, just like When your aircraft receives damage from an enemy attack,
in Step 1 of taking your turn. you may choose to divert it to your armor. You can divert
as many points of damage as you have points of armor to
Smoke Emitter: When activated, place a Smoke Cloud absorb it.
game piece directly behind the tail of your jet. Weapons
can’t fire accurately through smoke. When using the Range Armor can’t be the chosen target of a Direct Hit attack roll.
Finder, if you can’t draw a straight line to your target Only the victim of the attack can choose to apply damage to
without passing through smoke, your attack is guaranteed their armor.
to miss. The smoke cloud evaporates at the end of your next
turn, at the same time you set your throttle. Ruined armor is completely lost, and may only be replaced
by paying its full cost again. Damaged armor can’t be
Target Lock: When this device is activated, you may make repaired in flight, but it will be fully restored automatically
two attacks in a row. You must attack the same target and after returning to base, just like other main aircraft
use the same weapon. Resolve each attack separately. If components (crew, control surfaces, engine, fuel).
either attack result is “Jammed,” apply 1 damage to this
device. In that case your Target Lock ceases to operate im-
mediately, even if you have not made your second attack.

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504939, James Bass <>, May 8, 2024


A Scenario 300 points to each team for participating.

It had been a long day on patrol and the sunlight was fading 300 points to your team for the destruction, capture or
fast. The crews were looking forward to chow and a good forfeiture of an enemy jet.
night’s sleep, and only a little disappointed that they hadn’t
caught any action in the air. 300 points at the end of the 15th round for each Rebel jet
that has survived in a condition to fly home to base.
On the way back to base, they spotted enemy aircraft on the
horizon. There was a moment when each side seemed to Strategies
consider the oncoming darkness, their reserves of fuel, and
their rumbling stomachs. Predictably, they chose to fight The State jets start off with a clear advantage, but they
anyway. don’t have a lot of time to destroy the Rebels. They’ll need
speed and maneuverability to catch a jet that doesn’t want
The melee was confused, with little light to see by. The to be caught, and still have enough firepower to finish it.
Rebels were plagued by mechanical failures, and saw a
chance to flee into the night. The disciplined and relentless With their guns jammed, the Rebel jets should attempt re-
State fighters gave chase, determined to carry on battling pairs right away. Fighting back at the State jets is probably
until night made it impossible. futile, but if you can’t keep your distance you may have
no choice. Defensive measures such as Smoke Emitters
Setup may be useful for this mission, as would any devices that
enhance speed or turning.
Quick Play: For 2 to 4 players. Each player spends 2100
points to purchase and customize any variant of the Tigress

Series or Campaign: Each player must control at least one

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jet, which may be of any type. Your team may only field
one more jet than the other team, up to a maximum of four
jets per team.

Starting Positions
You may place your jet anywhere within the starting zone
for your side, but keep the facing shown on the scenario
map. You may start with your throttle at any setting.

The Rebel jets begin the scenario with each of their cannon
jammed (1 box of damage) with half of their ammo spent,
and with their rocket pods completely out of ammo.

The State jets each start with 2 boxes of fuel crossed off,
and 1 ammo spent from each of their weapons.

Ending Conditions
The scenario ends when one team is destroyed or forfeits,
or at the end of the 15th round. You can use the Mission
Record to keep track of the number of rounds that transpire.

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Here’s everything I used to create this model.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Children should never use sharp objects

unsupervised. Scissors and hobby knives can be very dangerous if not
handled properly. Always follow the recommended safety procedures.

STEP 1: Prepare your components. You will need

scissors, a sharp hobby knife and ordinary paper
glue. It will also help to have a self-healing cutting
mat, a cork-backed aluminum ruler for cutting
precise lines, a glue stick for covering large areas
and a paper towel for cleaning up.

STEP 2. Separate the components. Using scissors,

carefully cut around the major parts of the model,
but don’t cut right to their edges yet. Keep the
Wings and Stabilizers together as one piece for now.

STEP 3. Score along the inner black lines of your

components, and along any other lines indicated.
When scoring, lightly drag your hobby knife along
After Step 2, I had this collection of pieces. the line. You only need to cut about halfway through
the paper to make it easier to fold.

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504951, James Bass <>, May 8, 2024

STEP 4. Carefully cut out all of your components to their edges, right along their outer black lines. You
can use your scissors for most of these cuts, but you will probably want to use your hobby knife for
some of the more difficult-to-reach spots.

STEP 5. Pre-fold along all of your score lines. All of the Wing and Stabilizer tabs are folded forward.
All others are folded backward. For now, just fold them about half way. If you find that you missed any
score-lines earlier, you can score them now.

STEP 6. Create your Wing and Stabilizer pieces. Each of these pieces is created the same way. First
apply a thin and even layer of glue to the unprinted side. A glue stick should be great for this job. Be
careful not to glue the tabs! Before the glue dries, fold the two pieces in half and press them flat. Create
each of your Wing and Stabilizer pieces, and set them aside.

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Here I am during Step 7. I’ve finished creating my Wings and Stabilizers in Step 6,
and now I’m using my hobby knife to cut the slots in the Fuselage.

ASSEMBLY TIPS: Don’t rush, and don’t expect perfection if this is your first paper model.
Find a comfortable place to work with good lighting. Put on some music or a video and relax.
Follow the instructions and take things one step at a time. If you make a mistake when gluing,
you can usually correct it before it’s permanently set. And it’s only paper, after all. If you make
a really big mistake, you can always print out another page and start over.

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504952, James Bass <>, May 8, 2024

After Step 8, with my Wings and Stabilizer tabs glued to the inside of
the Fuselage, my jet looks like a flattened bird, but not for long!

STEP 7. Lay the Fuselage piece flat. Using your hobby knife, carefully cut along the 4 slots for the
Wings and Stabilizers.

STEP 8. Slide the Wings and Stabilizers up through the slots you cut in the Fuselage. Double check
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that you have the correct wings in the correct slots. One at a time, apply glue the Wing or Stabilizer
tabs, and then press the Fuselage flat around the Wing or Stabilizer and give it a few moments to dry.

STEP 9. Assemble your Fuselage. Start at the nose of the aircraft. The bottom of the Fuselage will
naturally fold underneath and slip into place as you go along.

Attach the Intakes to the Wings and

Fuselage, forming a tight seal.
This is midway through Step 10, with the Intakes
completed and the Cockpit ready to be put together.

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STEP 10. Assemble the Intakes, the Cockpit, and any
weapons you want to attach to the aircraft’s wings. Glue
these components in place where indicated.

STEP 11. Your aircraft is complete! Your finished model

should look like this. (Actually, this was a test skin only,
so your model’s skin will be more detailed than what
you see here.) Now you can print and assemble another
jet to build up your air force or stage a dogfight!

For this RG-6 Tigress, I’ve chosen to attach Rocket

Pods only, but you could also attach the Heavy and
Light Cannon pieces for maximum firepower.

PRINTING TIPS: This model should fit perfectly on

a standard US Letter (8.5” x 11”) or A4 sized cardstock
sheet. Before printing, turn off any “fit to page” options
in your printer driver. Use the same settings you would
use to print a high quality photo.

PRINTING AT OTHER SCALES: This model is designed at roughly 1/135 scale, or 8mm gaming
scale, or about N railroad scale. This should give you a benchmark for preparing this model for other
scales. To print this model at a larger scale, you’ll probably need graphics software that can open
the PDFs and edit them so that the components fit neatly on your pages. But that’s the scope of this
instruction booklet.

GLUE AND PAPER TIPS: To get the best results, experiment with different papers and glues, and
take advantage of whatever printing methods are available to you. In general, you should print on the
heaviest paper you can find. I prefer a 110# (199 gsm) matte cardstock, but any good matte photo stock
is a great choice.

The best choice of paper and glue will depend a lot on the printing method that you choose. Ordinary
white school glue should be fine. Desktop ink printers will be more likely to smear when you apply wet
glue to it, so you might look for a low-moisture, tacky glue. I’ve found that Aleene’s Original Tacky
Glue and an ordinary glue stick work well for my projects, but there are lots of others that might do.

When applying glue, a little bit goes a long way! A thin and even coat is all you need. Avoid heavy
globs of glue, and keep some scraps of cardstock around so that you can scrape off excess glue. Those
scraps can also be used as little trowels to help you spread glue evenly over a surface. It’s also good
idea to keep some slightly-damp tissue if you need to wipe up extra glue, but be careful about this if
you’re using ink-based prints.

FINISHING TIPS: You can really make your models stand out by using a fine-line marker along their
white folded edges. A thin black marker will work fine, but you could try out other colors for more
dramatic results.

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