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Lucas 1:5-25.
El Ángel Gabriel y Zacarías – Anuncio del nacimiento de Juan
el Bautista.
 Sacerdote.
 En tiempo de Herodes el Grande.
o Rey de lo Judíos.
 Maestro: del grupo sacerdotal de Abías
 Esposa: Elisabet
o Descendiente de Aarón.
o Estéril.
 Sin hijos.
Un día echaron a suertes quien tenia que entrar en el templo a quemar incienso (acostumbraban a
hacerlo así) y le toco a Zacarías.
 Fuera el pueblo orando.
 Zacarías dentro quemando incienso.
o Ángel: apareció al lado derecho del altar.
o Zacarías se asusto.
o Conversación:
 Ángel: Tu esposa tendrá un hijo y llamaras Juan.
 Zacarías: ¿Como? Mi esposa y yo somos viejos.
 Ángel: ha? ¿No me crees? Quedaras mudo hasta que esto suceda.
o Volvió a casa y poco después su esposa quedo embarazada.
 Elisabet no salió de casa durante 5 meses.
Lucas 1:26-38.
El Ángel Gabriel y María – Anuncio del nacimiento Jesús.
Elisabet: Ya con 6 meses de embarazo.
Gabriel visita a María en Nazaret.
 Nazaret: pueblo de Galilea.
 María: prometida con José.
o José: descendiente del rey David.

Conversación de Gabriel con María:

- Gabriel: Vas a tener un hijo y llamaras Jesús. Llegara a ser muy importante y lo llamarán hijo
de Dios.
- María: Como? Si aun no estoy casada.
- Gabriel: El Espíritu Santo se acercara a ti. Tu prima esta mayor y es estéril y aun así esta
embarazada de 6 meses. Para Dios no hay imposible.
- María: Que suceda tal como ha dicho Dios.
Lucas 1:39-45.
María visita a Elisabet.
María: a los pocos días fue a Judea
 María llega a casa de Elisabet.
 Zacarías la saluda.
 Elisabet escucha la voz de María.
 El bebe (Juan) salta en el vientre.
- Elisabet: “Bendita tu entre las mujeres y bendito el fruto de tu vientre”
- Elisabet: ¿Cómo que has venido?
- María: mira lo que me ha pasado, un Ángel ha venido a verme…
- Elisabet: “dichosa tu que has creído porque el señor cumplirá”
Luke 1:46-56.
Mary sang to God.
María: She sang a wonderful song to God. About:
 From God comes my happiness.
 He cares for me.
 Thanks, because I can be a testimony for others.
 Recognize the power of God.
 He cares for who looks for him.
 He helps the poor, and admonishes who is proud.
 He will help who is humble.
 He promised this to everyone.
Mary stayed with Elizabeth three months (6+3 I think, until Elizabeth delivered).

- Mary express her personal emotion and her experience in meditating on the messeage os
the angel.
- The song is well known by the name of “Magnificat”.
- The poem is devided in two parts:
Luke 1:57-66.
The birth of John the Baptist.
Neighbors visited her to congratulate her for the miracle what God had done.
8 days later they went to circumcision the baby and name him.
 They wanted to name him Zechariah as his father.
 Elizabeth and Zechariah wanted to name him John as the Angel has said.
The people try to ask Zechariah by body language who was deaf-and-dumb how he will name his
 He asked a tablet to write.
 He wrote: “His name is John”
 What the Angel has said was fulfilled:
o Verse 19. So, you won’t be able to say a thing until all this happens:
 All this happens: verse 13. You wife will have a son, and you must name him
o Zechariah start speaking, praising the Lord.
 People were frightened.
o Curious how people react to a miracle.
 That was a testimony for the whole hill country as they keeping talking about what
happened that day.
 Everyone wondered what John will become with the help of God, because they were sure
the Lord would be with him.
Luke 1:67-80.
Zechariah praises the Lord.
Two wonderfull poems in this chapter of Mary, and Zechariah.
 The holy Spirit came to him.
 It was his first words after be deaf-and-dumb.
 Recognize God the Father and the coming God the Son.
o He has heard about Jesus from the Angel, and that day from Mary. He really belived.
 He saves and protectes us, always he has done it.
 We have to be holy and good
 Talk about John: you will prepare the path for Jesus.
o The sins can be forgiven.
o He can recive the love and kindness of God.
o He can rescute who is in the darkness.
John grew up and he recived the power of the Holy Spirit, until he went to the people of Israel.
 After that, didn’t he have the Holy Spirit anymore?

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