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one day a young girl feels different about her health because she always feels that her hair is falling out little
by little. once upon a time there was a girl named camille and her personal nurse named amara. camille has a
personal nurse because of eating junk foods in a large quantities that increased her cancer risk so her mother
find her a personal nurse so that amara can take care of camille while camille's mother are busy at work so they
can provide Camille's maintenance. camille's mother is always busy at her work so instead of her mother that
can take care of her, her personal nurse can take care of her. 2 days after camille's mom gave her a personal
nurse, that 2days is camille are always disgusted on amara because she only wants her mother to take care of
her but then again her mother is always busy so that they can pay the bills of camille's maintenance. after 5
days of working, amara understands what camille's feelings because she knows that camille is also suffering of
her illness which is breast cancer. camille's personal nurse amara is always kind and understands her. camille
accepts her personal nurse to be her care taker instead of her mother. after 4years , camille passed her illness
and her suffer, she is treated well because of her nurse amara aldo the doctor that helps amara to take care of
camille. camille and amara became friends like sisters and they live happy with camille's mother. the moral of
the story is to be understanding everytime specially the persons who have illness and suffering and be always
patiently, kind and being helpful because by being like this people will trust and love you and someday they
will return the kindness that you gave them.

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