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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

A popular staple in the Philippines, pandesal is prized for both its unique

flavor and soft, fluffy texture. All-purpose flour is typically used in baking, giving it a

fluffy and light feel. However, a growing number of bakers and consumers are

experimenting with wheat flour as a substitute due to the need for healthier options.

Although wheat flour is well-known for its increased fiber content and nutritional

advantages, it can also alter the final product's flavor and texture. Santiago (2019).

Selecting between wheat flour and all-purpose flour while preparing pandesal carries

significant consequences for bakers and customers alike. It is also possible to

maximize baking methods and ingredient usage by understanding how these two

types of flour impact pandesal's flavor and texture. Knowing this allows bakers to

make pandesal that meets health-conscious consumers' needs without sacrificing

flavor or texture. Smith et, al (2018).

In Nigeria, the US Department of Agriculture reports that 4.1 million metric

tons of wheat were imported by Nigeria in 2011 (Ayoade et al., 2020). The economy

and foreign exchange reserves of the nation have unquestionably suffered as a result

of this. Making bread and other baked items with a mix of locally produced flour will

undoubtedly lower the amount of wheat imported, improving Nigeria's economy.

Furthermore, due to Egypt's complex wheat supply chain and bread subsidy

structure, baking bread with wheat flour remains a source of concern. This North

African country, recognized for its breadmaking traditions, has a number of difficult

challenges that affect bread production and the overall economy. Egypt's substantial

reliance on imported wheat to meet significant domestic demand is particularly

challenging, given local wheat production limits such as water shortages and limited

arable land (Winchels, 2017).

In the Philippines, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseasse are

on the rise as a result of excessive intake of refined flour, such as all-purpose flour in

Pandesal (Aune et al, 2016). This study can examine the impact of utilizing wheat

flour instead of all-purpose flour in Pandesal manufacture, taking into account the

potential texture and flavor benefits. Wheat flour contains more fiber, vitamins,

minerals, and antioxidants than all-purpose flour. It also has a richer flavor, darker

color, and coarser texture (Povey, 2018). In addition to this in Tarlac, Philippines,

local wheat growers are facing a dilemma as imported wheat flour floods the market.

This spike in imports, priced lower than local produce, has resulted in falling demand

for locally cultivated wheat. Farmers face abundant crops, declining earnings, and

unclear prospects. The dominance of imported flour jeopardizes food security and

the country's agricultural history. Urgent policy measures are required to support

Tarlac farmers and safeguard the country's food sovereignty.

In Davao de Oro, specifically in the Municipality of Mabini, denser texture

resulting from incorrect sifting or measuring is one of the issues faced when baking

pandesal with wheat flour. Furthermore, there may be financial or logistical difficulties

due to the cost and accessibility of wheat flour in some places. Changing recipes,

experimenting with wheat flour varieties, or mixing it with other flours could help

resolve these problems. The researchers haven't found any studies on wheat and all-

purpose flour in baking pandesal in Mabini, Davao de Oro.

Statement of the Problem

This study specifically aims to answers the following research question:

1. What is the satisfaction level in baking pandesal using wheat flour in terms of

a) Flavor

b) Texture

2. What is the satisfaction level in baking pandesa using all-purpose flour in terms of

a) Flavor
b) Texture

3. Is there a significant relationship in baking pandesal between using wheat flour

and all-purpose flour in terms of

a) Flavor

b) Texture


There is a significant relationship in baking pandesal between wheat flour and

all-purpose flour in terms of

a) Flavor

b) Texture


This study is mainly anchored to Mottram and Edward (2007), Maillard

reaction which creates flavor and changes on the color of food. This reaction is

responsible for the browning of baked goods and contributes significantly to the flavor

character. Because wheat flour contains more bran and germ than all-purpose flour,

it may display differences in the Maillard process. Understanding the importance of

the Maillard process will help you understand the changes in texture and flavor

amongst pandesal variants.

Furthermore, flour's rheological qualities, which emphasize gluten synthesis

and structure, offer valuable insights. Shewry and Tatham (1997) study how the

gluten network influences bread texture. Wheat flour contains more fiber, which

affects gluten formation and bread structure. Examining the formation of the gluten

network can help to explain the textural differences observed in pan de sal made

using wheat and all-purpose flour. This study aims to contribute to a deeper

understanding of how flour composition affects the sensory aspects of a popular

baked product by integrating many hypotheses, providing valuable information to

both customers and the baking industry.

The main theory is supported by the Theory of Flour Composition by Gordon

(2017). This theory explores the protein, gluten, starch, and other ingredients found

in wheat and all-purpose flour. Knowing the variations in composition can help

explain how these flours perform in the oven, influencing the pandesal's overall

quality, texture, and flavor. Furthermore, the Theory of Baking Science and Product

Quality by Figoni (2017). This theory explores the scientific underpinnings of baking,

including the function of flour in the creation of gluten, dough formation, and the

baking process as a whole. Comprehending these principles aids in contrasting the

baking capabilities and sensory characteristics of pandesal prepared with wheat and

all-purpose flour, offering valuable perspectives on their appropriateness for this

specific baked good.




Baking Pandesal
Satisfaction level
 Wheat Flour
a) Flavor
 All-purpose Flour b) Texture

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of this study

Definition of Terms

Wheat Flour. Is a powder created by crushing wheat for human use. This

staple meal is used to manufacture a variety of goods, including bread, cake, and

pasta. According to Hoseney (2015) in "Principles of Cereal Science and

Technology," wheat flour's functionality in baking originates mostly from the gluten-

forming proteins it contains, which offer elasticity and extensibility in dough systems.

All-purpose Flour. Is a versatile flour made from a combination of hard and

soft wheat grains, designed to meet a variety of baking and cooking demands.

Sullivan, (2019).

Pandesal. Is a popular Filipino bread roll. It is normally produced using flour,

yeast, sugar, salt, and bread crumbs, and has a soft, somewhat sweet flavor.

Alvarado, (2021).


Wheat flour consists of the bran, germ, and endosperm of the wheat kernel all

ground into a flour. It keeps the fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are naturally present

in wheat grains. On the other hand, all-purpose flour is an adaptable kind of flour that

is frequently used in a variety of recipes. By grinding wheat grains and eliminating the

bran and germ, it is produced into refined flour, which has a finer texture. The

development of healthier and more nutrient-dense baking options can greatly benefit

from an understanding of how these two types of flour affect the flavor and texture of

a popular Filipino bread, such as Pan de Sal.

This study focuses on the on the impact of whole wheat vs. all-purpose flour

on pan De Sal's texture and flavor.

The result of this study will be valuable to the following:

Bakery owner, this study offers insightful information on the creation of novel goods

and recipes that satisfy the growing consumer demand for healthier bread

option. Bakers may produce goods that are not only nutrient-dense but also

pleasing to consumers by having a thorough. understanding of how whole

wheat flour affects the texture and flavor Pandesal.

Consumers, by enlightening them about the effects of the whole wheat flour on the

texture and flavor of Pan De dal. It also enables people to make background

decisions about the bread they buy and consume, taking into amount the

potential health advantages of whole wheat flour. Additionally, customers can

be become aware of their possibilities and make decisions that suit their

needs if they have particular dietary preferences or limits.

Future researchers, this provides valuable insights into the effects of different types

of flour on the characteristics of baked goods. This can help in understanding

how flour composition influences the final product, which can be beneficial for

creating new recipes, developing healthier options, and accommodating

dietary restrictions. Furthermore, it contributes to the collective knowledge

base in the field of baking and food science, paving the way for further

research and innovation.

Research Locale

This study will focus on the impact of wheat flour vs. all-purpose flour on

Pandesal's texture and flavor in Pindasan National High School. This study will

collect data from grade 11 students in Pindasan National High School. The

respondents will compose of 60 students in Pindasan National High School. This

study employs true experimental research method. This study covered in whole

academic year, 2023 to 2024.

Chapter 2

Review Related Literature

In the field of baking, the decision between wheat and all-purpose flour can

have a major impact on the texture and flavor of the finished result. This is

particularly true of Pan De Sal, a typical Filipino bread roll famed for its softness and

softness and somewhat sweet flavor. Examining the current research on this topic

provides significant insights into the underlying characteristics that determine the

quality of Pan De Sal when different types of flour arce used. Fernandez (2017).


Pandesal is a product that is always changing, even if it is now a basic and

common meal for Filipinos. Pandesal bread is a favorite breakfast food for Filipinos,

especially when it's dipped in coffee. Because of this, a lot of individuals explore and

develop unique ideas to improve the flavor of pandesal, ranging from common to

unusual flavors like matcha pandesal, ube and cheese pandesal, strawberry cream

cheese pandesal, malunggay pandesal, and many more (Canet L, De Luna 2021).

Pandesal is inexpensive, simple to prepare, and nutrient-dense bread. Not only will

adding jute to pandesal provide a new taste to the dish, but it will also significantly

increase its nutritious value. Creating this unique product requires determining an

ideal and appropriate ratio of pandesal to jute powder. The bread is enhanced to

surpass its usual counterparts in terms of marketability and appeal by employing a

sensory evaluation. Low-income households will be able to make money while still

having access to three simple but wholesome meal options thanks to the invention of

this product. Pandesal frequently tried to produce goods using saluyot (Corchorus

olitorius) powder. (Islam MM 2016)

One of the most essential factors influenceing pandesal’s overall quality is

texture. Pandesal, a soft bread roll, is quite popular in the Philippines. Numerous

studies have studied the factors that influence pandesal texture. Pandesal’s texture

and sensory properties were altered by its fat and sugar concentration. The study

found that increasing sugar levels generated a sweete flavor but had no obvious

influence on texture, whereas increasing fat content produced a softer texture.

Gonzales et al. (2015)

Achieve the perfect pandesal texture, use quality flour with the required

protein level. Higher protein flours frequently produce more gluten, resulting in softer,

more elastic bread. This was supported by the discovery that the protein content of

flour had a significant impact on the dough strength and texture of bread products.

However, the texture of pandesal is affected by several factors, including the amount

of fat and sugar in the dish, as well as the protein content of the flour. These studies

provide valuable information for producers and bakers on how to manufacture

pandesal with the proper amount of fluff and softness. Akinbode et, al (2019).

Also, our health may be impacted by the taste and texture of pandesal. A

study found that the texture of pandesal affects how quickly nutrients are absorbed

and digested. Researchers discovered that Pandesal with a less thick and softer

texture tended to be digested faster, which caused blood sugar levels to increase

more quickly. For people who already have diabetes or are at risk of getting it, this

sharp rise in blood sugar might be concerning. Additionally, the flavor and taste of

pandesal can have a big impact on our food decisions and general health. Davis et

al. (2019).

According to a review by Thompson and Smith (2018), pandesal's flavor

which is frequently augmented by additional sugars and artificial flavors may lead to

a rise in the desire for high-calorie, sugary meals. This may result in overindulgence,

which may then fuel weight gain and the emergence of chronic illnesses including

metabolic syndrome and obesity. Moreover, a study by Martin et al. (2020) pointed

out that Pandesal's high salt content might have detrimental effects on health.

Consuming too much salt has been linked to high blood pressure and a higher risk of

cardiovascular illnesses. To promote a balanced and healthful diet, it's essential to

take Pandesal's flavor and salt content into account while making decisions.

Wheat Flour

When wheat flour is used instead of merely all-purpose flour, baked goods

come out thicker and heavier. If you’re willing to really sacrifice the texture of your

baked goods, you substitute wheat flour for portion of the all-purpose flour, up to a

maximum of 25% of the entire amount. It can be especially difficult to make pastries

with wheat flour substitutes; cookies and pancakes are great places to start. O’

Shaughnessy, (2020)

Research has proven various benefits of including wheat flour in our diets. A

lower risk of chronic illness such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and numerous

malignancies has been associated with the use of whole wheat products. Moreover,

the wheat flour has a higher fiber content and more essential nutrients, it’s generally

considered a healthier option. Its antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral content is higher

than that of all-purpose flour. Seal et al, (2015)

Bread made with wheat flour had a lower glycemic index than bread made

with refined flour. Wheat bread is beneficial for people with diabetes or those

attempting to maintain their blood sugar levels since it has a lower glycemic index

and rises blood sugar levels more ggradually and more slowly. The nutritional

benefits of wheat flour include more fiber content, essential minerals, and a lower

glycemic index. For those searching for a more healthful alternative to all-purpose

flour, these qualities make it the preferred choice. Hlebowicz et al. (2016)

The investigation concentrated on the textural characteristics of Pan De Sal

prepared with various flour kinds. The sensory properties of bread samples made

using wheat and all-purpose flour were evaluated by a panel of expert judges. The

results showed that Pan De Sal cooked with wheat flour had a much coarser crumb

and denser structure than bread made with all-purpose flour. This implies that the

type of flour used has a significant impact on Pan De Sal's texture. a study by Garcia

and Martin's (2019).

Using wheat flour enhances the nutritional content of bread recipes by adding

more fiber, vitamins, and minerals, according to studies conducted by USDA

nutritionists, such as Johnson et al. (2018). Studies on baking performance, like

those conducted by Smith and Baker (2019), show that utilizing whole wheat flour

has an impact on the dough's consistency and rising time, which ultimately impacts

the texture of the finished product. Additionally, as Gomez and Rodriguez's research

(2020) demonstrates, consumer preference surveys reveal a variety of tastes, the

heartier texture and nutty flavor of bread made with wheat flour. These findings

highlight the range of variables to be taken into account when determining whether to

use wheat flour or all-purpose flour for making bread.

Using wheat flour can lengthen the fermentation process by affecting

enzymatic. processes and yeast activity, according to research by Baker et al.

(2019). This results in a more nuanced taste profile. Furthermore, research by

Dougherty and Smith (2020) emphasizes the importance of hydration levels while

using different flours demonstrating that wheat flour requires a greater hydration level

to maintain the perfect dough. consistency: avert dough that is very dense.

Wheat flour is a superior choice because it has more nutrients. As stated by

bran and germ are added to whole wheat flour along with other grain components,

according to research by Alim et al. (2018). This indicates that it is less refined than

all-purpose flour, which loses some of its fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Dietary fiber can be added in greater amounts to pandesal produced with wheat flour

since it facilitates digestion and helps with satiety. Moreover, wheat flour has been

linked to a decreased incidence of chronic illnesses such type 2 diabetes and

cardiovascular disease, according to Brown et al. (2020).

When comparing pandesal manufacturing using wheat flour against all-

purpose flour, the Department of Health (DOH) offers helpful information based on

the literature that is currently available. Additionally, as per the Department of Health

(2017), wheat flour has higher amounts of essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary

fiber than all-purpose flour. The Department of Health (DOH) emphasizes how

essential these nutrients are to promoting better general health and intestinal

wellness. Furthermore,a 2019 study by Anderson et al. supports the DOH's findings

by asserting that pandesal dishes prepared with wheat flour offer additional health


Research has shown that using wheat flour may positively affect consumers'

glycemic response. Wheat flour resulted in a delayed release of glucose into the

circulation when employed in bread recipes. For those with diabetes, this gradual

release of glucose is highly beneficial because it helps to normalize blood sugar

levels. This same study also found that adding wheat flour to bread recipes increased

feelings of fullness and reduced hunger, both of which contributed to better weight

control. This study was conducted by Björck et al. (2016).

Texture of pandesal using wheat flour

Whole wheat flour has a significant impact on the texture of Pan de Sal,

according to Smith et al., 2017; Johnson, 2019. Wheat flour produces a denser and

nuttier dish than all-purpose flour, which is lighter and gentler. This is due to its

higher fiber and mineral content. Furthermore, according to (Brown & White, 2020),

wheat flour's bran and germ content results in a chewier texture. Furthermore, the

specific qualities of wheat flour that contribute to Pan de Sal's distinct properties.

Wheat flour contains more protein than other flours, which encourages increased

gluten synthesis during kneading, resulting in a coarser texture and chewier crumb.

Miller et al. (2018) investigated the specific qualities of wheat flour that contribute to

Pandesal distinct Properties, wheat flour contains more protein than other flours,

which encourages increase gluten synthesis during kneading, resulting in a coarser

texture and chewier crumb.

Wheat flour is known for having a greater fiber and nutritional content, which

results in a denser and nuttier Pan De Sal. For those who wants a heartier bread

taste, the addition of bran and germ to wheat flour impacts a chewier texture and

more noticeable wheat flavor (Smith et al., 2017). Furthermore, according to Bron &

White, 2020, wheat flours higher protein content stimulates more gluten developing

during kneading, giving the dough a chewier crumb and coarser texture. In contrast,

when all-purpose flour, which has a lower protein level, is used, less gluten forms,

making the Pan De Sal softer and lighter in texture. Understanding the divergence in

gluten synthesis is required to understand the small changes in texture between the

two Pan De Sal variants (Miller et al., 2018).

All-purpose flour is smoother and milder in flavor; wheat flour is coarser.

Pandesal may become denser and heavier as a result, which might not be favored by

people used to the conventional all-purpose flour-made, light and flutty pandesal.

Wheat flour is said to offer various nutritional advantages over all-purpose flour for

making pandesal, according to the literature. On the other hand, its use could result

in a denser texture and fuller flavor that not everyone would enjoy. Moreover, when

choosing between the two types of flour, bakers and consumers need to consider

their dietary requirements and taking into consideration taste. Johnson et al. (2015).

A study investigated the effects of using wheat flour on the shelf life and

sensory qualities of Pan De Sal. Bread samples baked with wheat flour and all-

purpose flour were subjected to physical and visual evaluations over seven days as

part of the research. The bread made with wheat flour had a lower shelf life and

faster texture deterioration than bread made with all-purpose flour, according to the

findings.This suggests that using wheat flour could affect Pan De Sal's durability and

freshness.Ramirez et al. (2018)

Compared to all-purpose flour, wheat flour adds thickness and weight to

baked goods. If you're willing to really sacrifice the texture of your baked goods, start

by replacing up to 25% of the all-purpose flour with wheat flour. Using wheat flour

might be particularly difficult when making pastries, but cookies and pancakes are

great places to start. Additionally, the taste of your baked goods will be slightly bitter

due to the addition of whole-wheat flour. Beranbaum (2020).

Flavor of pandesal using wheat flour

The timing of the fermenting process in another significant factor influencing

Pan de Sal’s flavor. Extended fermentation times, often associated with wheat flur,

enhance taste intensity. Research by Garcia and Perez (2021) supports the

observation that the enzymatic responses during lengthier fermentation contribute to

a richer and more nuanced flavor in Pan de Sal. Furthermore, the proper consistency

for Pan de Sal depends on the amount of moisture in the dough when it is being

prepared. According to Nguyen and Smith’s (2022) research, wheat flour requires

higher moisture levels to maintain the right dough characteristics and prevent dough

that is overly dense, with this knowledge, bakers can modify their recipes to achieve

the ideal flavor, texture and moisture level for their pandesal.

Fermentation, in addition to the flour content, appears to have an important

role in determining the characteristics of Pan de Sal. Using wheat flour may result in

a more nuanced taste profile, as it lengthens the fermentation duration and affects

enzyme and yeast activity. Also, hydration levels are crucial. Whole wheat flour

requires more moisture to maintain the desired dough consistency and prevent

becoming excessively dense. Learning about how different types of flour, gluten

production, fermentation, and moisture interact will help you make Pan de Sal with

the proper texture and flavor. Dougherty and Smith (2020)

The flavor of Pan De Sal is also influenced by the type of flour used to make

it. A study was done in 2020 by Wong et al. to investigate how utilizing wheat flour

instead of all-purpose flour affected the taste. The bread created with wheat flour had

a more complex and strong flavor profile than bread made with all-purpose flour, the

researchers found after doing sensory assessments. The wheat flour gives Pan De

Sal a flavor that is nutty and wheaty.

Wheat flour results in variations in the texture and sensory qualities of bread

when compared to all-purpose flour. Moreover, the study conducted in 2017 by Smith

and Johnson. The research also demonstrated how important it is to consider factors

like gluten content, starch composition, and fiber content when selecting a flour type

to produce bread to achieve the proper Flavor. To examine the effects of substituting

wheat flour for ordinary wheat flour on the flavor profile of Pan De Sal. When more

wheat flour was added, Pan De Sal was evaluated substantially higher for its thicker

texture and nutty flavor, according to the researchers. Thus, utilizing wheat flour

might improve some of the preferred sensory aspects of Pan De Sal bread. This

study was utilized by Kim et al. (2016).

Flavor of pandesal using All-purpose flour

A study investigated the tastes of consumers for Pan De Sal made with

different types of wheat. A blind tasting test was conducted by study participants to

assess Pan de Sal Samages' preparation of win wheat flour and all-purpose flour.

The bread made using all-purpose flour tasted better, according to the participants'

opinions, because it was softer and more identifiable. This suggests that personal

tastes have an impact on the optimal flavor profile of Pan De Sal. Lee et al (2017).

Texture of pandesal using All-purpose flour

Pandesal, a popular bread roll in the Philippines, is made with all-purpose

flour. All-purpose flour is the greatest option for pandesal since it is adaptable and

can provide a light, airy texture, claims Lopez (2018). However, Martinez (2020)

argues that a pandesal that is chewier and more structured can be made by using

bread flour _ instead of regular flour. Santos and Reyes (2019) also found that an all-

purpose and bread flour combination produced the best results, yielding a pandesal

that is soft and slightly chewy. in further research, Cruz et al. (2017) found that when

measured and managed properly, all-purpose flour can contribute to the pandesal's

overall lightness.Furthermore, pandesal made with all-purpose flour offers a low-cost

choice without compromising flavor or quality. Garcia and Fernandez (2021).

Analyzing the impact of Pandesal, a mainstay of Filipino cookery made

possible by employing all-purpose flour, requires considering the grain's protein

content, which influences the bread's texture. A 2019 study published in the

Philippine Journal of Crop Science discovered that all-purpose flour, which typically

has a protein percentage of 9% to 11%, may be used to make pandesal with a soft

yet slightly thick structure. This is due to the relatively high rate of gluten production

in all-purpose flour. But traditional recipes often call for bread flour, which has more

protein and creates a chewier, stronger texture. Nonetheless, the study

acknowledges the versatility of all-purpose flour, noting that it may be supplemented

with essential wheat gluten to mimic the protein composition of bread flour, producing

Pandesal that is comparable to the conventional kind in terms of longevity and


All purpose flour

A study by Smith (2019), all-purpose flour is a versatile product that is widely

used in baking and cooking. However, others may be concerned about its nutritional

value. Moreover, Johnson et al. 's research indicates that all-purpose flour has been

a family staple due to its simple preparation and extended shelf life (2020). On the

other hand, the high gluten content of all-purpose flour has caused controversy

among consumers who are worried about their health. Moreover, Wilson and Lee

(2018) assert that all-purpose flour has been praised for its ability to produce

consistent results in a range of recipes. However, it's important to keep in mind that,

as per recent studies by Garcia et al. (2021), those with allergies or gluten sensitivity

should exercise caution when introducing all-purpose flour into their diet.

Chapter 3


This chapter describes the several approaches that were taken in order to

collect and analyze data that was relevant to the study. The research design,

research locale, research participants, sample and sampling technique, research

instrument, data collection, procedure and statistical treatment of data analysis are

only a few of the topics covered by the techniques.

Research Design

Comparative experimental design is an approach whereby phenomena are

analyzed and then combined to identify points of similarities and differentiation

(MokhtarianPour, 2016). This design will be used for this study to determine the

impact of Wheat and All-Purpose Flour in baking pandesal. The independent variable

will be the Wheat and All-purpose flour to assess its impact on the dependent

variable which is the Pandesal Texture and Flavor to determine the levels of

customer satisfaction for the two variables, wheat flour and all-purpose flour, as well

as how participants compared the various types of flour when baking pandesal.

This study tried to measure consumer satisfaction in terms of texture and

flavor when using various variables when baking pandesal using a questionnaire or

tool that was created by the researchers, it aimed to help compare the wheat and all-

purpose flour as the level of satisfaction among the Grade 11 Wisdom and Grade11

Erudite Students of Pindasan National High School, the formula to finding the mean.

Research Locale
fbclid=IwAR3SJ4BddKwkY8n9k1TV2l8dt9 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2

Figure 2. Map of the Philippines Highlighting Pindasan, Mabini in the Province of Davao de
Oro of Pindasan National High School

Research Participants

In this study, the Grade 11-Beatitude and Wisdom, Senior High School

students at Pindasan National High School were used as the researcher's

respondents. Stratified sampling and S’Lovins formula will be used for this study in

order to compare Wheat Flour and All-purpose Flour in baking pandesal.

The Grade 11 students of Pindasan National High School are the

respondents with a total of 62 as sample size and with a population size of 74

students all in all. After determining the respondents, the researchers will let the

respondents taste and answer the survey questionnaire.

Respondents Population Size Sample Size

Grade 11- Beatitude 30 25

Grade 11- Wisdom 44 37

Total 74 62

Table 1. Shows the total statistical population and sample of the study used.

Research Instrument

The following range of scale will be used to identify the satisfaction level of

the students.

The researchers conducted the research survey questionnaire. This was all

made by the researchers. The questionnaire relies on the flavor and texture of wheat

flour pandesal and all-purpose flour pandesal.

Table 1
Comparative Analysis: Wheat and All-purpose Flour in Baking Pandesal
Scale Range Description Interpretation
This indicates that the respondents
Extremely were more likely to express that the
5 4.20-5.00 Satisfying flavor of the Pandesal produced with
wheat flour and all-purpose flour
satisfied them more than they had
This shows that the respondents are
4 3.40-4.19 Very Satisfying contented with the flavor of the
Pandesal, which is made of wheat flour
and all-purpose flour, better than they
had anticipated.
This indicates that the respondents are
3 3.60-3.39 Neutral neither satisfied nor satisfied with the
taste of the wheat flour and all-purpose
flour pandesal.

The results indicate that the

2 1.80-2.59 Dissatisfying respondents did not enjoy the way
wheat flour and all-purpose flour tasted
when they were baked pandesal.
This show that the respondent didn’t
1 1.00-1.79 Very really like the taste of the wheat flour
Dissatisfying and all-purpose flour in baking
Table 2. Parameter

Parameter Interpretation

The following range of scale was used to identify the level of satisfaction of


Data Collection

The study was conducted using the following procedures.

Asking Permission to Conduct the Study

The researchers requested permission from the school head of Pindasan

National High School to conduct the study.

Parent Consent

The researchers will distribute parent consent to the minor respondents.

Preparation of Baking Pandesal using Wheat Flour and All-purpose Flour:

Administration of Questionnaires

After the questionnaire's validation, the research instruments and data

handling procedures were applied. The researchers distributed the questionnaire to

the Grade 11 General Academic Strand as wells as the Food and Beverages

Services students in Pindasan National High School. The respondents were given

appropriate instructions regarding how to complete the questionnaires.

Collecting, Checking, Evaluation and Tabulation

The questionnaires were handed over to the researchers on the day the study

was conducted. The descriptive equivalent used in the instrument has been

converted into scores.


Wheat Flour Pandesal

Ingredients Tools

 1 cup Wheat Flour Mixing Bowl

 200 g Brown Sugar Measuring Tools

 150 Margarine Dough Cutter

 1 ½ tbsp. Instant Yeast Baking Pan

 2 tsp. Salt

 1 cup Bread Crumbs

 2 tbsp. Oil

 1 tsp. Vanilla

 2 cups Water


1. Dissolve yeast in ¼ cup lukewarm water. Sprinkle with 1 tbsp. sugar. Allow to

stand in 8-10 minutes.

2. Combine water, oil, salt and sugar. Stir until salt and sugar are dissolve. Set aside.

3. In a separate bowl, place Wheat flour and make a well at the center and then add

the yeast mixture, and follow the liquid mixture. Mix thoroughly.

4. Transfer dough on a floured board and start kneading. Continue kneading until

dough is smooth (Approximately 25 minutes).

5. Shape into small ball and grease all sides with lard. Place in slightly greased bowl.

Cover with damp clean cloth. Allow to rise until double in size, approximately 1 ½

hours, then punch down dough.

6. Cut dough into two, then roll each half into a round log about 30 cm x 2 ½ cm.

7. Cut into 12 equal pieces. Dredge with bread crumbs.

8. Place on greased baking sheets with one side of each piece facing up, about 2 ½

cm apart. Let it rise until double in size. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 350° F for 15-

20 minutes.

All-purpose Flour Pandesal

Ingredients Tools

 1 cup All-purpose Flour Mixing Bowl

 200 g Brown Sugar Measuring Tools

 150 Margarine Dough Cutter

 1 ½ tbsp. Instant Yeast Baking Pan

 2 tsp. Salt

 1 cup Bread Crumbs

 2 tbsp. Oil

 1 tsp. Vanilla

 2 cups Water


1. Dissolve yeast in ¼ cup lukewarm water. Sprinkle with 1 tbsp. sugar. Allow to

stand in 8-10 minutes.

2. Combine water, oil, salt and sugar. Stir until salt and sugar are dissolve. Set aside.

3. In a separate bowl, place All-purpose flour and make a well at the center and then

add the yeast mixture, and follow the liquid mixture. Mix thoroughly.

4. Transfer dough on a floured board and start kneading. Continue kneading until

dough is smooth (Approximately 25 minutes).

5. Shape into small ball and grease all sides with lard. Place in slightly greased bowl.

Cover with damp clean cloth. Allow to rise until double in size, approximately 1 ½

hours, then punch down dough.

6. Cut dough into two, then roll each half into a round log about 30 cm x 2 ½ cm.

7. Cut into 12 equal pieces. Dredge with bread crumbs.

8. Place on greased baking sheets with one side of each piece facing up, about 2 ½

cm apart. Let it rise until double in size. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 350° F for 15-

20 minutes.

Statistical Tool

The data gathered will be statistically analyzed using the mean and t-test to reveal

any significant variations in respondents' assessments of the two varieties of flour's

flavor, texture, and allure.

Mean- also known as the average is defined as the total sum of values in a sample

divided by the number of items in the sample (Hurley and Tenny, 2023).

Σ fx
1. Formula for finding the mean. x=


x stands for the “sample mean”

n means “number of observations in a set of data”

f “frequency”

x “numerical data”

2. The formula for finding the sample size. n= 2
1+ Ne


n is the sample

N is the population size

e is the error margin

The researcher used the sample mean to draw conclusions about the mean

of the entire population.

T-test- is a statistical test used to compare the mean values of two groups. It is

frequently used in hypothesis testing to assess whether a process or treatment has

an effect on the population under consideration, or whether two groups differ from

one another (Bevans, 2020).

Ethical Consideration

The participant was fully informed before asking for their consent to take part

in the study. They will be fully aware of the study's goals and objectives in addition to

the particulars of the data collection process. Before participants in this experimental

study are given their unqualified context, the permission letter and parental approval

will be presented in the appendix. The participant's personal information will be

treated with utmost confidentiality, the researcher must guarantee. Respecting each

response is essential, whether it be through letting them engage or by not putting

undue pressure on them to provide an answer.

Belmont Report (1979)

Respect for person: Respect for persons incorporates at least two ethical

convictions: first, that individuals should be treated as autonomous agents, and

second, that persons with diminished autonomy are entitled to protection.

Beneficence: Persons are treated in an ethical manner not only by respecting their

decisions and protecting them from harm, but also by making efforts to secure their

well-being. Such treatment falls under the principle of beneficence.

Justice: the principle of justice is that equals ought to be treated equally. However,

this statement requires explication. Who is equal and who is unequal? What

considerations justify departure from equal distribution? Almost all commentators

allow those distinctions based on experience, age, deprivation, competence, merit

and position.


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