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Construction Supervision Manual

Chapter Two For Contract Roadworks


CONTENTS erence to Form 203A Conditions of Contract

2.01 "The Engineer" and
Resident Engineer ** Variants will also be found in practice for the
designation "Resident Engineer" which is
2.02 Composition of.Site intended here to apply to the officer immedi-
Teams ately subordinate in contract terms to the
2.03 Single-Contract RE's Engineer or S.O. and who carries direct respon-
2.04 Multi-Contract RE's sibility for the site staff organisation. He will
normally be the delegated "Engineer's
2.05 Technician Staff Representative" or S.O's Representative under
2.06 Job Allocations the Contract. The term "Resident Engineer"
2.07 Sectionalisation ("R.E.") is used throughout this Manual for such
officers regardless of their actual titles or
----------------------------------------------------------- designations.

2.01 "The Engineer" and Resident However, before turning to the details of the on-
Engineer. site organisation, the matter of its departmental
All road contract supervision organisations in links should be mentioned. To a major extent
the Department are formally headed by a senior these operate between the Resident Engineer
officer appointed as "The Engineer" or and the officer occupying the position of the
Superintending Officer (S.O.) under the Engineer, but the RE may, in addition, have
Contract*. Such officers rarely have a full time responsibilities for reporting and other aspects of
on-site presence and much of their responsibili- his job towards other senior officers in District
ty is delegated to subordinates in Resident or State JKR establishments, or in the JKR
Engineer** positions supported by staff primari- Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur; in particular the
ly engaged on site duties. Coordinator for the project. As a general rule this
The relationship between "The Engineer" and Manual uses the terms " JKR regional office or
the site team is dealt with in the discussion of JKR HQ" for such cases. It is a matter for each
legalities in Chapter 3; this chapter is concerned individual RE, in consultation with his immedi-
more specifically with the practicalities of ate superior, to establish which office or officers
staffing structures established for on-site super- he should deal with in connection with any par-
vision. ticular subject where this terminology is used.

*Either of these alternative designations may be 2.02 Composition of Site Teams

encountered depending on which Conditions of The make-up of the team depends very much on
Contract form is used. In order to avoid constant the magnitude of the contract. On contracts of
repetition of the alternatives the term "The larger value there is usually some scope for a
Engineer" is generally used throughout this degree of specialisation on the part of most
Manual to refer to the person holding the con- members of the team. Figures 2A and 2B show
tractual appointment - it is to be regarded as examples of staffing set-ups that might apply to
synonymous with "superintending Officer" contracts in the $15 - 20 million range and over.
(S.O.) in contracts where that term appears in Assistant R.E. duties are sectionalised and there
the definition clauses of the Conditions of are separate professional positions covering test-
Contract. Exceptions to the preference for the ing and Q.S. activities. A draftsman and a secre-
term "The Engineer" are cases of exclusive ref- tary/typist may also be provided.

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Construction Supervision Manual
Chapter Two For Contract Roadworks

Smaller contracts have inadequate staffing lev- and find housing as close as possible to the proj-
els to permit such specialisation, so that ect
Resident Engineers themselves, possibly aided
by one assistant engineer or technical assistant, 2.05 Technician Staff.
undertake all duties, except most works inspec- Technician staff allocated to site inspection
tion and field and laboratory testing work. The duties should, in particular, have a full time site
minimum staffing requirement for contracts up presence. If necessary, they must be prepared to
to a value of $5 million may be regarded as a work in excess of normal hours if the contractor
Resident Engineer with either one or two techni- is so permitted to operate, either during week
cians. In any event a technician capable of car- days or at week ends. In such cases Resident
rying out the essential site testing must be pro- Engineers should specifically instruct and autho-
vided. For contracts in the range $5 - 15 million rise their staff's overtime and arrange for addi-
additional assistant engineer and technician tional remuneration or "time off in lieu" in
positions should be provided. accordance with central or regional JKR regula-
tions. They should record the overtime hours
2.03 Single-Contract R.E.'s involved and ensure that the arrangement is not
The preferred arrangement regardless of size is abused by staff simply sitting on site watching
to have a separate R.E. organisation for each operations which could equally well be checked
individual contract with a staff fully and unique- out later during normal working hours.
ly engaged on the supervision of that contract. In organisations run by Resident Engineers from
The base should be an office established for the regional offices, site inspectors and other subor-
purpose either on site or close to it. In remote dinate staff should not be required to travel to
areas, living accommodation may be provided these offices for early morning job briefings or
in site compounds under the contract. day to day duty allocations. The RE's should
Where this is not the case, staff should find attend to such instructions during their regular
housing as close as possible to the site office or and frequent visits to site and give such discre-
nearest appropriate part of the project site. tion to their staff as is necessary for distributing
the workload during intervening periods.
2.04 Multi - Contract RE's.
2.06 Job Allocations.
The ideal of self-contained site organisations
cannot always be achieved, particularly where Whatever organisational arrangement is adopted
contracts are of low value and considerations of for any particular contract, staffing constraints
staffing economy and availability rule. In such are likely to exist and effective supervision can
cases, Resident Engineers are often appointed only result if staff are carefully allocated to the
with responsibility for several JKR contracts various duties and deployed efficiently. The
(not necessarily all roadworks). They have their detailed arrangement will, of course, depend to a
base in the regional offices of their superior offi- large extent on the size of job and staffing estab-
cers - usually State Directors JKR, or District lishment, the constructional content and the
Engineers JKR - and travel out regularly to competence and experience of the individuals
their various contracts. It is very important that involved.
Resident Engineers who operate in this way The allocation of staff to the various duties will
should regard themselves essentially as site peo- normally fall upon the Resident Engineer and
ple and consciously maximise the time spent before undertaking this task he should determine
in on-site administration and the inspection of what activities individuals are best suited to.
work in progress. As a general rule, gaps Having decided upon staff/duty allocations, it is
between visits to any individual contract in their important for the R.E. to ensure that individuals
care should not exceed two or three working are clear as to what their specific responsibilities
days. Furthermore, all subordinate staff, both are. The best way to do this is to set down in the
engineers and technicians, must be site based form of brief Duty Lists the functions each indi-

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Construction Supervision Manual
Chapter Two For Contract Roadworks

vidual will perform. In order to assist Resident Undertake any statistical analysis.
Engineers in the preparation of such instructions Check provision of listed equipment.
a schedule of activities which need to be coverd- Care, maintenance, replacement of equipment.
ed by one Duty List or another is given in Table
2/1. Where staff carry responsibility for work Instruction :
items delegated to subordinates, details of the Prepare, issue and/or sign each of following:
delegated duties should be included in the supe- Duplicate Book Memos
rior's list so that, for example, an Assistant RE's Site Instruction Forms
Duty List will show what Inspectors he is APP's
responsible for and the duties they in turn under- Certificates of Variation
take. and related sketches/drawings. Circulate to
In allocating duties to staff, Resident Engineers Draftsman, Q.S.
should bear in mind the limitations of contractu-
al authorisation or delegation. Whilst it may be Measurement :
quite acceptable for junior staff to prepare Site measure for prescribed items.
instructions, orders and drawings and draft cor- Measure from drawings for prescribed items
respondence to the contractor, all of these may Receive Site Instructions & APP's
prove ineffectual unless authenticated by the sig- and action for measure.
nature of an officer who has been formally Keep measurement/payment records.
authorised or delegated to act in this way (see Prepare interim certificates.
Chapter 3.06 - 3.07). Check Daywork Sheets.
Prepare Materials-on-Site Valuation.
Table 2/1 - Duty Check-list VOP Valuations.
Make regular Contract Sum predictions
Site Inspection :
a) Earthworks Progress :
b) Drainage Check contractor's initial and subsequent pro-
c) Major Structures grammes.
d) Minor Structures Check S curve and progress chart.
e) Culvert Update progress chart monthly.
f) Pavement Courses, Kerbing Organise Monthly Site Meeting.
g) Road Furniture, etc Minutes of Monthly Site Meeting.
Chainage limits, (or section areas) if appropriate Organise Progress Photographs.

Approvals : Reports :
Receiving Contractor's request for approval Prepare Two Monthly Report.
Checks by: Contribute specified items to T.M.R.
a) Technical Inspection
b) Survey Drawings :
c) Dimension
Keep original drawings, prints, negatives.
d) Testing
Receive Site Instructions, APP's, etc. and amend
Assess results of checks; Sign and issue
contract drawings.
approval or rejection chits.
Prepare supplementary drawings.
Keep drawings register.
Testing :
Issue revised and supplementary
Decide on day to day test programme and allo- drawings to appropriate staff & contractor.
cate testing staff to duties.
Decide auxiliary test programme. Services :
Record results.
Liaise with Service Authorities.

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Construction Supervision Manual
Chapter Two For Contract Roadworks

Locate underground services. neers.

* Site technicians will usually assist with actual
Land : on-site measurement.
Obtain Land Plans.
Liaise with land officers.
Accommodation Works.

Check and approve traffic diversion proposals.
Traffic safety - patrol traffic routes, check diver-
sion signs, barriers, warnings, etc.

Administration :
Office Accommodation & Equipment.
Despatch, receipt and filing of correspondence.
Vehicles - allocation, maintenance, logkeeping.
Staff attendance, leave, etc.

2.07 Sectionalisation
If the staffing levels of sub-professional staff
permit such division, it is appropriate to earmark
a number of technicians almost exclusively to
site inspection duties, the remainder being allo-
cated to survey, testing and office work such as
measurement preparation*, the keeping of
records and drawings, etc., and progress/pro-
gramming work.
The individual site inspectors are normally
made responsible for particular construction
operations, for example, earthworks, pavement
or structures, although on larger sites they may
still work within chainage limits and be respon-
sible to a particular Section Engineer. The previ-
ous experience and aptitude of staff will usually
be a guide as to who does what in the field of site
inspection, but Resident Engineers should bear
in mind the need to widen the experience of all
subordinate staff to cover as much of the super-
vision activity spectrum as possible.
Engineer staff may be deployed on the basis of
function, e.g. roadworks, structures, testing or
Q.S. work, or given overall responsibility for all
aspects of supervision for part of the site within
certain chainage limits. Only the largest sites
will normally have sufficient engineers to permit
such sectionalisation, but if it is possible, deci-
sions as to which system to adopt will depend
upon constructional content and the field of
competence and experience of particular engi-

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Construction Supervision Manual
Chapter Two For Contract Roadworks

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Construction Supervision Manual
Chapter Two For Contract Roadworks

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