Latihan Cambridge Terakhir 2024

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tibitct ◄ tti xW·Hid @


Draw a circle with a radius of 4 cm and the centre at 0.

Use a ruler and compasses.



6 Complete the table of equivalent values.

Fraction Decimal Percentage

115 \.1. 120·1,

(u O.~ 30%

2--r 0.54 S4/



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0096/021O/N /23 [Turn over
. A clock needs one battery to work.
n,e battery lasts 6 weeks .
Calculate the numbe r of batteries that are needed for the clock to
1 year.
work for


@ box contains 30 batteries.

These are used in the clock.

Write the numbe r of whole weeks that the clock will work .

............1.l9..?.~......... weeks [1]

Here is a Carroll diagram that describes some properties of shapes.

(\t r rcleJ ___ ·
Y>. Has parallel sides Does not have parallel sides

Diagonals are the

same length

Diagonals are not

the same length

Draw a ring around the quadrilateral that belongs in the shaded

part of the

rhombus parallelogram kite square


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22 Jamila asks a group of children what food they eat for breakfast.
The Venn diagram shows the number of children and what they eat for breakfast.


Show this information on the dot plot.

Breakfast food

10 ... .. T ...,........,......... i. . ;. . . . :......:... . ;

i•;Tiilii ··+·······f······-l······-\·······~···•···+·······i······-i
' : : ; ;

l 1 Til 1 TL!
Number 5
of children

······· !.......1....... :....... \....... 1 .. .. . . .1 . . ... ..!....... :

0 ·······.·.i····· .1.' .1.' ;

: I: :
: 1 '
0 1 2 3
Number of different foods eaten

[Turn over
© UCLES 2023

@ samira grows some sunflowers. d0

She buys four types of sunflower seed and labels them A, B, C an ·
She uses this table to record the number of each type of seed at grows.

Type D
Type A Type B Type C

50 40 10
Number of seeds planted 20

Number of seeds that grow · 15 35 25 5

Next year she wants to buy the type of seed that is most likely to grow.

Write the type of seed that is most likely to grow.


24 Write a number in the box to complete the statement.

3 3
+ 2 =

rn 2



© \.lCLES 2023 0096/02/O/N /23

5 Here is a drawing of a rectangle and a square.

Not drawn to scale

in centimetres.
The lengths and widths of both shapes are measured
All the measurements are even numbers.
The length and width of the rectangle are different even
numbers .
The two shape~ are used to make this compound shap

, '

Not drawn to scale

The area of the compound shape is 32 cm .

Find a possible length and possible width of the recta

length ................................................ cm
width cm

© UCLES 2023 0096/02/O/N/23 [Turn over


~ ~assan has 2.4 metres of string.

He cuts a piece off the string and gives this to Mike.

Mike cuts his piece of string into two equal pieces.

Each of these two pieces is 30 centimetres long.

Complete the sentence.

Hassan gives t 1111 l l t l t 1111111111111111 I If It I l l I 1111111111111

% of his string to Mike.


@ Naomi and Angelique each think of a number with exactly 1 decimal place.
Both numbers round to the same whole number.

Write the largest possible difference between the two numbers.

................ ,,, .. ,,,,,, ............... ..... [1]


© UCLES 2023 0096/02/O/N /23


·dentical right-angled triangles are arranged to make a new shape.

(6(1 I
Not drawn
< to scale

Find the value of the angle marked a.

Show your working.


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© UCLES 2023

G~The mean height of a group of five children is 120 centimetres.
The modal height of the same group of children is 125 centimetres.

Three new children join the group.

The mean height of the eight children is 125 centimetres.

The modal height of the eight children is 120 centimetres.

H_ere are two pairs of statements about the three new children who joined
the group.
Tick ( ✓) the correct statement in each pair.

Exactly one of the three new children must be 120 centimetres tall
Exactly two of the three new children must be 120 centimetres tall

The three new children have a total height of 300 centimetres

The three new children have a total height of 400 centimetres


Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected

by copyright is induded has been sought and cleared where possible.
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright Every
holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included,
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. the

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-rela ted infomnation lo

candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online
Assessmen t Internationa l Education Copyright Acknowledg ements Booklet. in the Cambridge
This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available
lo download
at after the live examination series.

Cambridge Assessment International Edu cation is part of Cambridge

Assessmen t. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University
Local Examination s Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge
of Cambridge.

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Complete these statements.


-16+5 =5u

@ Use a protractor and ruler to draw an angle of 135°


7 Write three different prime numbers in the boxes to complete the statement.

[l} [[}[ ii]= 23


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5 .
1O Here are four calculations.

1.72 X 39 1. 7 x 39
17.09 X 4

that gives the largest answer.

Draw a ring around the calculation (1]
You do not need to work out the ans

11 Here is a sketch of a cube.

Not drawn to scale

The area of one face is 9 cm

Calculate the total surface area of the

f'L1- cm2 [1]

................... b.~i .................. .....

§ Here is a set of angles .

45° 35°
goo 65°

around the three angles that add together to make a straight line.
Dra w a ring

I © UCLE S202 3 0096/01 /O/N/23 [Turn ove r


th 5 Is written as
. tera\ tr\ang\e with side Ien
13 The perimeter, p, of an g ' '
p= s+ s+ s

(a) Find the value of P ifs

= 1Zcm .

~ . . . . . . . . . ¼. . . . . . . . . . . . . cm [1]
(b) Two identical equil . .
ateral triangles are 101n d th t m ak e a ne w sh
e toge er 0 ap e.

Draw a ring around the
correct expression for
the perimeter, d, of the
new shape.

d= s+ s+ s
d= s+ s+ s+ s

d= s+ s+ s+ s+ s

8 Here are four digit cards

Use all four d~git card

s to complete the bo
sm al le st possible wh xes to create the ca
ole number answer. lculation with the

□□□ □ =


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0096/01 /O/N /23

© UCLES 202'.3
18 Here is part of a sequence.

1.06 1.04 1.02 ..... 9.:..1..t.......

The sequence continues in the same way.

Write the next two numbers in the sequence.


~ Here is a recipe for making strawberry milkshake.

One strawberry milkshake


8 strawberries

250ml milk

2 ice cubes


Place all the ingredients in a

blender for one minute.

Chen uses the recipe to make strawberry milkshakes for his friends.
He has
• 56 strawberries
• 1.5 litres milk
• 20 ice cubes

Calculate the maximum number of strawberry milkshakes Chen could make with
his ingredients.
Show your working.

.. ..
,,, ,,, ,,,, ,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,, ,,, ,, ,,, ,. ,,, ,, ... [2]

© UCLES 2023
\22 )A bag contains red , white
and black beads only.
There are 8 beads in the ba
g altogether.
Mike picks one bead from
the bag at random.
There is an even chance of
picking a black bead.
There is a greater chance of
picking a red bead than cl wh
ite bead.
Complete the table about Mi
ke's beads.

Colour of bead Number of beads




23 Write a number in the bo
x to complete the statement.

X 5= -


® Two identical circles are cu

The four pieces are arrange in half.
d to make a new shape of wid
th 12 cm.
Not drawn
to scale



Write the height of the new


................................................ cm [1]

© UCLES 2023 0096101/O/N/23

--- a;1 l I

0~Lily has four digit cards.

Lily uses the cards to make a 3-digit num
ber that is divisible by 6
Write all the different numbers Lily cou
ld make.

,, ...................................... ..................... ........................................
....... ............................ ....... ......... [2]
~ Yuri arranges four identical right-angled triangles
to make a square.

Not drawn to scale

:- 7
'--- --'" "-- --- --' _J_
l-- 4c m- l

Calculate the area of the shaded square

. -

, ..................... ......................... . cm 2 l2]

© UCLES 2023 0096/01/O/N /23

\ 30) Here is a grid with two symbols.

0 0 0 12

0 6. 0 13

6. 6. 6.

13 14 13

Each symbol represents a whole number.

The totals of each of the columns and two of the rows are shown.

Complete the missing row total.


@ safia chooses a number with three digits.

She multiplies her number by 100
The answer also has three digits.

Write a number Safia could choose.

.. .............................................. [1}

Permission to reproduce Item, where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included
has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring
clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

, ·o avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgem
ents are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each seri
es of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.

Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of Cambridge Assessment. Cambridge Assessment

is the brand name of the University of Cambridge
Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2023 0096/011O/N/23

l d

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