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Design of Modified Robot

The problem statement involves some modifications to the previously designed robot. The
following flow diagram can be considered to understand the modifications.

I. Change the parameters of link 1 to the following properties.
II. Pick up another Welded Joint, a pair of Rigid Transforms and a solid link body from the
Simscape library.
III. Set the properties of the link (called link 2 now) as follows.

The rigid transform values for the welded joint and link 2 are given below.

Name the components as Base_J2, J2, J2_L2, and Link 2. Update the further links with
subscripts 3 and 4 respectively.
VI. Connect the blocks as for other links.
VII. A pre-stage simulation may be simulated to check for frames and link length correctness.
The values can be corrected if any errors or logical errors arise.
VIII. Connect the blocks in following order.
IX. Connect this block with other blocks as follows.

X. Assign Values to the joint transform and the link transform of the link 3 as follows.
XI. Change the link 3 properties to the following.

XII. The link 4 properties will be adjusted as.

XIII. Link 4 transforms are;

XIV. The final simulation of running robot is shown below.

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