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Scot Nery Business Discovery

1. Current Business Goals:

● Discussion Points:
● What is the current number of followers on each platform?

● Are there any specific platforms you want to prioritize?


● Current goal?
$3000 this week $3000 next week

2. Ideal Customer:
● Discussion Points:
● Can you describe your ideal customer's demographics, interests, and behaviors?

How They Used Me photo, consultant, graphics, web, show advice, arlo footage
They Came to Me For… career advice, marketing, show enhancement
They Got… all of it
They Also Liked About Me… my heart
They Chose Me Because… i was around?
Feelings They Get From Working With Me
We’re On the Same Mission Because… we want to bring
Marital Status single
Location Los Angeles
Income Level
Hobbies tech, productivity, social dancing
Interests social dancing
Sense of Humor
Communication Preferences all i think
Purchasing Power yes
Values and Beliefs
Decision-making Process quick from the gut
Lifestyle single, lots of travel for work,
Educational Background
make more money, maybe get married have kids?

Flesh out my full evening theater show, and begin touring larger
theaters for ticket-paying audiences.
Create systems/pipelines that allow me to produce/create social
media content more consistently
Do an even bigger full branding/media overhaul/upgrade across all
media platforms/website/marketing material
Launch a big cold email campaign for multi-day corporate conference
organizers/meeting planners lead gen
Begin drafting what my "next big play" is from a TV/media standpoint.
Maybe a filmed special. Maybe a web series. Maybe a tv show pitch.
Create even more compelling proposals (your proposal outline you've
Professional and Personal Goals already shared in the kit is great!)

● Do you have insights or data on past customers?


● Where were these customers primarily sourced from?


3. Previous Marketing Strategies:

● Discussion Points:
● How have you marketed your business in the past?

● Which strategies worked best?

If people know me as one thing, i need to show them multiple things.
My favorite customers know that I love them. The easiest sales are made when prospects say “I
can tell you really care about entertainment / me”

● Were there any strategies that didn't yield the desired results?

4. Business Struggles:
● Discussion Points:
● Are there specific challenges or obstacles you're currently facing in your social
media efforts?
● yes

● Are there any internal or external factors affecting your social media
Focus and time

5. Business Strengths:
● Discussion Points:
● What do you believe sets your business apart from others?
I have well rounded experience in a million sides of entertainment - performing in tiny shows,
huge shows, tv and film. Producing, booking, casting, writing, coaching, etc. so i can bring all
that knowledge together to get good results
I am very caring
I am very passionate about disruptive and powerful entertainment - not just getting attention and

● Are there any recent achievements or milestones you'd like to highlight?


6. Business Weaknesses:
● Discussion Points:
● Are there areas in your business or marketing efforts that you believe need
● Have you received any feedback from customers or stakeholders that could
provide insights?
Yes here’s a summary especially the bottom part of this chat

7. Top Competitors:
● Discussion Points:
● Could you provide links or websites of your top three competitors?
Jeff McBride coaches magicians
Barry Friedman i'm a coach in his program "showbiz blueprint" … he and his program do not
coach performers one-on-one
Bruce Gold coaches performers on their performance
Paul Draper coaches mostly magicians
Krystin Railing (the performers guide) is a coach of mostly semi-amature / low paid performers

Jonah Babins,
Caroline Ravn (as of very recently),
David Hira,
Brad Ross
Chris Michael (he’s also my second favorite client)

other people that coach / consult magicians : Eric Tait, Marcus Eddie, Daniel Garcia, Rico De
LA Vegas, Brent Braun.

● What do you believe is your edge over these competitors?

My fave customers are successful - not people who are lost or just starting out. I give my
customers my whole self, so instead of just giving them advice, I’ll work on something in
photoshop for them, or connect them with someone in my network, or whatever. My experience
is broad and I’ve probably had more candid conversations with other performers recently than
they have.

8. Unique Selling Points:

● Discussion Points:
● Why do you believe your target market needs your business?
Because they’re doing it alone and the other advice they can get is shallow, general, or out

● What are the primary benefits or value propositions you offer to your customers?
■ I listen and give hope. Different customers need to hear this in different
ways. I’m curious and uncover opportunities, i fix their flat tires.

9. Expectations:
● Discussion Points:
● What are your specific expectations from our collaboration?

● Are there any key performance indicators (KPIs) or metrics you want to

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