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(b) Write the formation of present perfect continuous and make two


C.B.S.E Affiliated (CODE- 531864) NARAYANA ROAD (SAMALKHA)
CLASS :-IX SUBJECT :- ENGLISH PT-1 (2024-25) TIME :- 2 HOURS T.M. 20
Q.2 Read the questions carefully and answer.(very short answer type
Instructions questions )
*All questions are compulsory. (I)- When did the child realize that he had lost his way?
*Writing should be neat& clean. A) While running
Section-A(Reading) B) While eating icecream
Q.1Read the question below and answer the following questions. C) When he turned to take permission from his parents to take a ride on a
1.If you are addicted to coffee and doctor swarn you to quit the habit, don't roundabout
worry and just keep relishing the beverage, be cause it is not that bad after all! D) None
Infact, according to anew study, the steaming cup of Java can be at fruits and (II) What did the child realize?
vegetables as the primary source of antioxidants. Some studies state that coffee is A) The fair was charming
the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet, and both caffeinated B) The toys were attractive
and decaf version appear to provide similar antioxidant levels. C) That parents are the most valuable asset
Antioxidants ingeneral have been linked to a number of potential health benefits, D) None
including protection agains the art disease and cancer, but Vinson, adietician said (III) What is this story about?
that their benefit sultimately depend on how they are absorbed and utilized in A) Humour and adventure of a naughty monkey, Toto
the body.There search says that coffee out ranks popular antioxidant sources like B) love animals
tea,milk,chocolate and cranberries. Of all the food sand beverages studied, dates C) About habitatas of monkeys
actually have them ostantioxidants based solely on the serving size, but since D) None
dates are not consumed any where near the level of coffee, the drink comes as (IV) Why did grandfather take Toto along with him at Saharnpur?
the to source of antioxidants, Vins on said. A) Because he missed him
Besides keeping you alert and awake,coffee has been linked to an increasing B) No one was at home
number of potential health benefits, including protection against liver and C) To save other animals
coloncancer, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease, according to some recently D) Because he was mischievous so to give relief to other animals
published studies.
There searchers, however, advice that one should consume coffee inmoderation, Q.3 Read the questions carefully and answer. ( short answer type
because it can make you jittery and stomachpains. questions) (2×2=4)
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below. (I) Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted
(I)What are the two versions of coffee that are drunk in America? earlier?
(II)State any two benefits of antioxidants. (II) How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?
(III)What does Vinson say about the consumption of antioxidants? Q.4 Read the question carefully and answer any one . (4×1=4)
(IV) Mention any two benefits of coffee? (I) Write the character sketch of toto in your owren words.
Q.1 Read the questions carefully and answer. (2×2=4) (II) 1. Write a note on the theme of the story ‘The Lost Child’.
(a) Write the formation of present indefinite and make two sentences.

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