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Assignment No.

1 (Course STA 301)

Spring 2024 (Total Marks 20)

User id: bc220402777

Question no 1:
Calculating the mean (average) weight of the eggs:
Mean = (Sum of Weights) / (Number of Weights)
Mean = (65 + 68 + 60 + 76 + 65 + 74 + 58 + 56 + 61 + 57 + 63 + 64 + 72 + 66 + 65 + 67 + 65 + 63
+ 67 + 67) / 20
Mean = 1296 / 20
Mean = 64.8 grams
Calculating the standard deviation of the weights:
Standard Deviation = √((Sum of (Xᵢ - Mean)²) / N)
Standard Deviation = √((200.16) / 20)
Standard Deviation ≈ √10.008
Standard Deviation ≈ 3.16 grams

Calculating the coefficient of variation:

Coefficient of Variation = ((Standard Deviation) / (Mean)) × 100
Coefficient of Variation = ((3.16) / (64.8)) × 100
Coefficient of Variation ≈ 4.88%
Question no 2:

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