Angel in Disguise

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1. 'It's a cruel thing to leave her so. ' Who uttered there words and to
a. Joe Thompson to Mrs. Ellis
b. Former Jones to his wife
c. John to former Jones
d. Joe Thompson to the blacksmith’s wife

2. What makes Joe's wife change her attitude in 'The Angel in Disguise'
a. Loving and giving
b. Caring and bonding
c. Sympathy and empathy
d. All of the above

3. In 'An Angel in Disguise' who suggested that the poorhouse was ideal
for Maggie?
a. The guardians
b. The blacksmith's wife
c. The wheelwright.
d. A rough man

4. What conclusion does Joe come to when he narrates to Jane how

Maggie was left alone?
a. Women's hearts are not half so hard as men's
b. I think women's hearts are sometimes very hard
c. I am not apt to go on fool's errands
d. How the Saviour rebuked the disciples
5. Why did farmer Jones adopt the eldest son John?
a. because he was intelligent.
b. because the farmer had no child.
c. because John was handsome.
d. because he thought he could help him in his fieldwork.

6. What was the nature of Joe Thompson's wife before Maggie's arrival?
a. She believed in doing something good for others.
b. She had a soft heart.
c. She was a woman of saintly temper.
d. She was a rude, ill-tempered and self- afflicting woman.

7. How did Maggie become a 'diseased' person?

a) From birth, she was disabled.
b) She had a fall from a window and injured her spine.
c) She was suffering from a dangerous disease.
d)She had injured her leg while playing and was unable to walk.

8. One thematic issue raised in 'An Angel in Disguise' is that there was
a. Room for acting on compassionate feelings in the 19th century.
b. Aid for single parents.
c. Availability of poor houses.
d. Written about alcohol abuse.
9. What evidence in the story, 'An Angel in Disguise' suggests that Joe
Thompson liked children?
a. He was going to take Maggie to the poorhouse to be cared for
b. He bore Maggie across the field
c. He would make or mend sleds and wagons for the village lads without
charging them
d. He cared about the three siblings after their mother's death

10. An Angel in Disguise is written by

a. David Roth
b. T. S. Arthur
c. Leigh Hunt
d. T. S. Elliot

11. Mr Thompson was a childless couple. Who filled that space?

a. An orphan boy
b. A street kid
c. His nephew
d. A crippled child

12. How old was Maggie's eldest sibling?

a. Between ten and eleven
b. Twelve
c. Between eleven and twelve
d. Nine
13. Which of the following is NOT true for Maggie, the youngest of the
three children?
a. She was hopelessly diseased.
b. She was not able to leave her bed after a fall.
c. She was wrapped in clean bedclothes by the wheelwright.
d. She was sent to the poor house.

14. In the story “An Angel in Disguise’ Joe Thompson refers to the Bible
because …..
a. He wanted his wife to read the Bible
b. He wanted to convey that the Saviour always received children kindly.
c. He wanted to prove that Maggie was an angel
d. He wanted to prove that children are close to God.

15. Who are the angels in the story?

a. Mr and Mrs Thompson
b. Maggie and Mrs. Thompson
c. Farmer Jones and Mrs. Ellis
d. Joe Thompson and Maggie

16. How old was Kate in 'An angel in Disguise?

a) 7 years old
b) 12 years old
c) Between ten- and eleven-years old
d) 15 years old
17. How has the pauper woman died at the threshold of her house?
a. to severe disease
b. Due to excessive alcoholism
c. Due to the shortage of amount.
d. Due to the ill treatment by the villagers

18. Who is an angel for Maggie?

a. Joe
b. Jane
c. Kate
d. Ellis

19. Joe Thompson was a

a. barber
b. carpenter
c. gardener
d. wheelwright

20. 'Then take her to the poor house: she'll have to go there.' These
words were spoken by:
a. The Blacksmith's wife.
b. Mrs Ellis.
c. Farmer Jones.
d. Mrs Thompson.
21. In 'An Angel in Disguise', the three children lose their mother to:
a. Domestic violence
b. Drunkenness
c. Tuberculosis
d. Kidnapping

22. You haven't brought home that sick brat!' What does this statement
reveal of Mrs. Thompson?
a. It reveals her annoyance.
b. It reveals her uncertainty.
c. It reveals her abhorrence.
d. It reveals her anxiety.

23. How would the poorhouse serve as a 'blessed change' for the
youngest child?
a. She would be protected, doctored and given healthy food.
b. She would be cured, given medicines and nourished.
c. She would be kept clean given ample rest and nourished.
d. She would be kept clean, doctored and given healthy food.

24. How many children did the dead woman have in the story 'An Angel
in Disguise'

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