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Understanding Virtual

Functions in C++ OOP

Group Name: Meghna

Ishrak Ahmed ID: 20234103050

Md.Shaiful Islam Akash ID: 20234103025
Md Shihab Uddin ID: 20234103048
Md. Sajeeb Islam ID: 20234103077
Maisha Akter Bonna ID: 20234103042
Almas Sheikh ID: 20234103068
Maria Mastura Ushno ID: 20234103070
Tasnia Hossain ID: 20234103162
Abu Sufian Utsha ID: 20234103057
Abu Nayeem Riyad (c) ID: 20234103055
• Definition of virtual functions:
Virtual functions are functions in base
class that are overridden in derived
class. They enable polymorphic
• Importance in Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP): Virtual
functions allow for dynamic binding
and facilitate code reuse and
• Polymorphism: The ability of objects to
take on multiple forms. In C++, this is
achieved through function overloading and

• How virtual functions enable

polymorphic behavior: Virtual
functions allow a derived class to provide a
specific implementation of a function while
still adhering to the interface defined in
the base class.
Virtual Functions and

• Relationship between virtual

functions and inheritance: Virtual
functions enable polymorphic behavior
across inheritance hierarchies. They allow
derived classes to provide specific
implementations while maintaining a
common interface.
• How virtual functions are utilized in
inheritance hierarchies: Virtual
functions are declared in the base class
and overridden in derived classes to
provide specialized behavior.
Syntax of declaring virtual functions:
Example code snippet demonstrating a virtual function:
Dynamic Binding

• Explanation of dynamic binding:

Dynamic binding, also known as late
binding, occurs when the function call is
resolved at runtime based on the actual
type of the object.
• How virtual functions achieve
dynamic binding at runtime:
When a virtual function is called through a
base class pointer or reference, the
appropriate derived class function is
invoked based on the actual type of the
object being pointed to or referenced.
Early binding

Late binding

Pure Virtual Functions

• Definition of pure virtual

functions: Pure virtual functions are
virtual functions that have no
implementation in the base class. They
must be overridden by derived classes.

• Pure virtual functions are used to define

abstract base classes, which cannot be
instantiated and serve as interfaces for
derived classes.
Example of pure virtual function

Benefits of Virtual

• Flexibility in design: Virtual functions

allow for flexibility in designing class
hierarchies and enable polymorphic
• Enhanced code readability and
maintainability: By observing to a
common interface, virtual functions
improve code readability and make it
easier to extend and maintain software

• Overhead associated with virtual

function calls: Virtual function calls incur
a slight performance overhead due to
dynamic binding at runtime.

• Trade-offs between flexibility and

performance: While virtual functions
offer flexibility, excessive use may impact
performance. It's important to strike a
balance between flexibility and
performance based on the specific
requirements of the application.
Best Practices

• When to use virtual functions:

Use virtual functions when you need
polymorphic behavior and want to provide
a common interface for derived classes.

• Guidelines for effective use:

Design class hierarchies carefully, favoring
composition over inheritance where
appropriate, and consider the trade-offs
between flexibility and performance.
Example Application

•Showcase a real-world scenario where

virtual functions are beneficial: For
example, in a graphics application, virtual
functions can be used to define a common
sound interface with sound() method,
allowing various sound like tiger’s,
monkey’s, and Cow’s to provide their
specific implementation of Sounds of
Different Animals.
Real world Example

Key Takeaways
• Virtual functions enable dynamic
polymorphism in C++.

• They allow for code reuse, extensibility,

and maintainability.

• Remember to mark base class functions as

virtual and override them in derived
classes for desired behavior.

• Importance of virtual functions

in C++ OOP: Virtual functions are a
fundamental feature of C++ OOP,
allowing for code reuse, extensibility,
and efficient design of complex
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