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Gmail E-Signature Configuration

This is in reference to the subject. Kindly find the enclosed Word File of the Signature the
concern users will be able to make relevant changes like.

Company Name, Name of the Employee, Designation, Email id, Landline No. Extn No. and
Mobile Number.

Instruction :-

The concern user needs to Maintain the Font i.e. Montserrat Medium with Font Size to 10
need not change as per their convenience. The HR & Admin of the across has to help the
user who are not tech savvy

Step - 1
On changes as mentioned above, the word file needs to be opened and press Key Fn +
PrntScrn (Which happens to be End Key).
Type Paint at the next to Windows option of Type here to search. On doing so Paint Screen
will be open and Press Key Ctrl V.

Step - 2
Scroll Down till the concern sees the required Image to be captured like this as seen in below
snap. One can see the dotted coverage of the required and Press Ctrl .
Thereafter open a new screen in the Paint App and Press Ctrl V and save the new screen in
the appropriate folder and name it.

Group Head – IT
MTC Business Pvt. Ltd.,
401-404, Navkar Complex, Opp Andheri Court,
Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069, INDIA.
022 6787 2998 +91 829 1277 439
Recycle For Better Tomorrow

Touch The Sky with Glory

Step - 3
Open the Gmail and click at the icon shown below as settings

Step - 4
Within the Settings\General scroll down the screen and come to the option as addressed
and select the Option Insert Image on doing so see in the Step - 5
Step - 5 The concern needs to drag the file saved as jpeg file over here and save it. The
signature will get reflected. One can check while composing the mail.

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