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USE the Q Vocabulary – Level 3, Unit 5

Reading 1
1 The opposite of mental?

2 Name 3 notable politicians alive

3 Something you can have a tolerance
4 Pursuits – part of speech?

5 3 challenges for single moms:

6 2 vivid colors:

7 How you perceive Canadians:

8 3 precautions to take at the beach:

9 3 aspects of a good phone:

10 2 traits of people who fail at most

Listening 1
1 2 events with an audience of more
than 20,000 people:
2 Embarrass – past participle?

3 Expose – noun form?

4 2 jobs in the financial world:

5 I want to make a movie: 2 sources I

can ask for funds:
6 Income – synonym?

7 Besides clothing, something you can

8 2 ways companies promote new
9 2 things that get published:

10 2 reasons a person might threaten

another person:
USE the Q Vocabulary – Level 3, Unit 5

Reading 2
1 A job requiring you to work bravely:

2 Something you can conquer:

3 What a long-distance runner is

determined to do:
4 A distinctive feature of pop music:

5 Besides a wage, something you can

6 Why having a goal is important:

7 Your idea of the ultimate vacation

8 Something significant in the news
9 1 role played by Johnny Depp

Listening 2
1 What Columbus discovered:

2 3 famous inventions:

3 An adverb to describe how good

investigators investigate:
4 How you can locate your lost phone:

5 2 famous mysteries:

6 Previous – how many syllables?

Which is stressed?
7 Prove – noun form?

8 Something that can ruin a person’s

good reputation:
9 The age a person should retire:

10 A mystery you would some day like

to solve:

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