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Tips for Using TI Flash Studio in Class 17 Sept 2003 Tom Sanders

Keep in Mind:
• Your audience cannot look at the screen and their calculators at the same time.
• Write all commands on the board as you go.

1. Get TI Flash Studio at O:\Mathnt1\P_Drive\TI Flash, launch the FSInst.exe program. You can also down load it directly
from Texas Instruments via
2. To begin using the studio (after instillation), launch it using either the desktop icon or the link on the Start menu. Once
the studio is running, you must open or create a project. A project containing the Stats/List Editor (not built into the TI-
92 Plus) and Prof. John Turner’s SM230 probability calculation programs is available at
3. The studio window should then look like figure to the right.
The simulator can then be launched using the Πbutton on the tool bar or
using the Simulator menu.
4. The Stats/List Editor is accessed through the Apps button. Select 1:Flash
Apps and hit an
ENTER button.
Stats/List Editor should
appear on the new
menu. Hit the ENTER
button again to enter
the editor.
This opens a blank list editor with the lists named List1, List2, etc. You
may clear the names out by using F1 8:Clear Editor.

5. Suppose we want to plot the data given in Exercise 26 page 64 of

Stewart’s Calculus text. We name the first column year by moving into
the topmost cell, type the name, and hit an ENTER button. We want to
enter the years between 1900 and 2000 stepping 10 years at a time. This
can easily be done using the seq( function. Move back to the top cell
containing the name. Select the F3 button, then choose 2:Ops followed
by 5:seq, as shown at the right.

The formula is entered at seq(1900+10*i, i,

0, 10) as shown at the left.

If you need the syntax for any function on

the TI, you can get it by selecting it in the
CATALOG (2nd then the 2 key). The syntax will appear at the lower left
of your screen, as shown in the figure at the above right.

With the years filled in, we name the second list Pop. Unfortunately we
have to type that list in by hand. Once that is done, we want to plot the
points. To do this, we select F2 Plots then 1:Plot Setup.
We then select F1 Define and get the dialog box shown at the right.
Fill in the names of the two lists. I also like to change the Mark to
Square since it is easier to see. Hit an ENTER key and return to the
Define screen.

Then select the F5 Zoom Data button. This will cause the points to be
plotted and displayed on the GRAPH screen, as shown at the right.

6. The probability functions written by John

Turner and used in SM230 are also
included in the project. They are
launched the same as on the calculator.
Go to the HOME screen. Notice that the
default folder is SM230. This must be the
case for the programs to work. Type
bprob() and hit an enter key. The
binomial probability dialog will appear as
shown at right.

sin x
7. Illustrate lim = 1 by using the Stats/ List Editor. Fill in the x values in the first column (named xx) with the
x→ 0 x
formula (-0.1)^i and fill in the y values using the definition sin(xx)/xx.

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