TD Ehtique de Publication - Dr. AMRANI

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Faculté De Pharmacie

Université D’Alger 1
Département de Pharmacie Industrielle

Formation PEMA, MEQUIP et ARIP

Unité d’enseignement

Matière Santé Publique et Ethique Médicale



Publication Ethics

Année universitaire : 2023- 2024

Nom et prénom de l’étudiant :

Medjahed Ilyes

Travail encadré par :


Maitre Assistante A en Pharmacie Clinique
Faculté de Pharmacie d’Alger
TD : Publication Ethics

I. Answer the following questions regarding publication ethics:

1. What constitute the authorship criteria for a scientific publication according to

publication ethics guidelines? Provide the name of the guideline you used as a
According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), authorship
should be based on the following four criteria: substantial contributions to the conception or
design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; drafting
the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; final approval of the
version to be published; and agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in
ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved. All individuals who meet the first criterion should
have the opportunity to participate in the drafting and final approval of the manuscript. The
individuals who conduct the work are responsible for identifying who meets these criteria and
making modifications as appropriate as the work progresses. The guidelines are available on
the ICMJE website.

2. The order of the head of the research group in an article is often:

The order of the head of the research group in an article is often determined by the
contribution of each author to the research work. The first author is typically the one who
makes the most significant contributions to the research, such as acquiring and analyzing
data, designing the study, or drafting the manuscript. The last author in a group is often the
principal investigator or "senior author" - the person who oversees the project and provides
guidance and support. In some cases, multiple "first" authors may be listed, denoted by an
asterisk or other symbol.
This practice is common in interdisciplinary studies, where the contributions of each
author may be more equally distributed. However, due to industry customs and other practical
limitations, some authors will always be more visible than others.The order of authors in a
scientific paper should reflect the contributions of each individual to the research work. It is
essential to ensure that all authors who meet the authorship criteria are included in the list and
that the order accurately reflects their contributions.

3. On which criterion/criteria does /do the generally accepted order of authorship (for
positions other than that of the head of the research group) depend on ? Explain
The generally accepted order of authorship, for positions other than that of the head of
the research group, depends on the relative contributions of each author to the research

Dr. Iman AMRANI Année universitaire 2023-2024

TD : Publication Ethics

work. The first author is typically the one who makes the most significant contributions to
the research, such as acquiring and analyzing data, designing the study, or drafting the
manuscript. The last author in a group is often the principal investigator or "senior author" -
the person who oversees the project and provides guidance and support. The order of
authors should reflect the contributions of each individual to the research work, and all
authors who meet the authorship criteria should be included in the list. The order of authors
is field-specific, and there is no written rule about this.

4. When does the author can submit again an already sent manuscript to another
An author can submit an already sent manuscript to another journal under the following
The manuscript has been rejected by the first journal: If the first journal has rejected the
manuscript, the author can submit it to another journal without informing the first journal.
This is not considered duplicate submission, as the manuscript is being sent to a different
journal after being rejected by the first one
The manuscript has been transferred to another journal: In some cases, a manuscript
may be transferred from one journal to another due to various reasons, such as the journal's
scope or the author's preference. In such cases, the author can submit the manuscript to the
second journal without any issues
The manuscript has been published as a preprint: If the manuscript has been published as a
preprint on a platform like ArXiv, it is not considered plagiarism to submit it to another
journal with minor modifications. However, the author should ensure that the major
changes and results are not copied from the preprint and are original
In all these cases, the author should carefully review the manuscript and make any
necessary improvements before submitting it to the second journal. It is also essential to
check if the second journal's scope matches the manuscript's content and if the manuscript
meets the journal's guidelines and requirements.

5. What is “Salami Slicing”, and is it ethical?

Salami slicing is a practice of dividing a research work into smaller parts and publishing
them as separate papers to increase the number of publications. This practice is considered
unethical and fraudulent as it can lead to the repetition of data and results, and it can also
distort the scientific literature. The term is used to describe a range of fraudulent practices
that include psychological manipulation and the needless separation of a dataset and
Dr. Iman AMRANI Année universitaire 2023-2024
TD : Publication Ethics

argument that should form a single publication into two or several separate publications
for submission in different journals.

6. What is “Self-plagiarism”? Is it ethical?

Self-plagiarism refers to the practice of reusing one's own previously disseminated
content and presenting it as new work. While some argue that self-plagiarism is not
possible since one cannot steal from oneself, it is still considered an ethical issue in
academic writing. Self-plagiarism can mislead readers about the novelty of the material
and infringe upon a publisher's copyright. It is important to ensure that every part of a
paper is original and to correctly cite previous work when creating new ideas based on
prior research. Self-plagiarism can be avoided by ensuring that all text, data, and images
are original and by following publication guidelines

7. What is the “acknowledgement” section of an article?

The acknowledgement section of an article is a brief statement that recognizes the
contributions of individuals or organizations that have assisted the authors in their research
work. The content of the acknowledgement section can range from pre-formulated
financial disclosure statements to personal testimonies of gratitude. The acknowledgement
section is not a mandatory part of a scientific article, but it is an integral part of academic
writing that reflects academic honesty and transparency. The section should be kept brief
and only mention people directly involved with the project. The format of the
acknowledgement section varies from field to field and from journal to journal, and it is
essential to check the target journal's guidelines for the format. The acknowledgement
section should be written in the first person and should have an active voice. It is also
important to ensure that the acknowledgement section follows certain conventions and
patterns and has academic, ethical, and social roles that contribute to the credibility of the
work and the author's identity as a competent researcher.

8. What is “gift authorship”, is it ethical?

"Gift authorship" is an unethical practice in academic publishing where an individual is
named as an author on a research paper despite having made little or no contribution to the
work. This practice is often used to reward a collaborator, return a favor, or for other gains,

Dr. Iman AMRANI Année universitaire 2023-2024

TD : Publication Ethics

and it can involve adding a more senior faculty member to a paper without their significant
intellectual contribution. Gift authorship is widely regarded as unacceptable and can lead
to distortions in the scientific literature.

9. Which of the following criteria is solely sufficient to allocate a person the authorship
(or co-authorship) credit?
Contribution Qualify for Doesn’t qualify
authorship for Authorship
Come up with the idea for the research project 
Supervision of the research group 
Provision of necessary help in statistical analysis 
Writing the manuscript 
Provision of materials, reagents, patients or research facilities 
Acquisition of funding for the study 
Translating the article 

Provide the references you used :



Dr. Iman AMRANI Année universitaire 2023-2024

TD : Publication Ethics


Dr. Iman AMRANI Année universitaire 2023-2024

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