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Interviewer: Good afternoon, José José. It’s an honor to have you with us today.

Entrevistador: Buenas tardes jose jose. Es un honor tenerte con nosotros hoy.

José José: Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me .

Jose Jose: Buenas tardes. Gracias por invitarme.

Interviewer: Let’s start with some personal background. Where were you born?

Entrevistador: Empecemos con algunos antecedentes personales. ¿Dónde naciste?

José José: I was born in Mexico City on February 17, 1948.

José José: Nací en la Ciudad de México el 17 de febrero de 1948.

Interviewer: Where you live now?

Entrevistador: ¿Dónde vives ahora?

Jose Jose: I currently live in mexico city

jose jose: actualmente vivo en la ciudad de méxico

Interviewer: How old are you?

Entrevistador: ¿Cuántos años tienes?

Jose Jose: I am 71 years old?

José José: ¿Tengo 71 años?

Interviewer: Who is your currente wife?

Entrevistador: ¿Quién es tu esposa actual?

Jose Jose: My wife is sara Salazar

Jose Jose: Mi esposa es sara Salazar

Interviewer: Whats is your favorite thing to do?

Entrevistador: ¿Cuál es tu actividad favorita para hacer?

Jose Jose: Even though i wasn’t Good, i like sports.

José José: Aunque no era bueno, me gustan los deportes.

Interwiewer: Do you like a specific team?

Entrevistador: ¿Te gusta algún equipo específico?

Jose Jose: Yes, a soccer one, chivas

Jose Jose: Si, uno de futbol, chivas

Interviewer: wait we have a call, hello?

Entrevistador: espera tenemos una llamada, ¿hola?

Call: Hello?, Good morning, i would like to ask a question for jose jose.

Jose Jose: Yes, tell me honey, what is the is the question?

Call: Do you plan to do a concert son in tabasco?

Jose Jose: Yes, probably in the Winter season i Will do a concer there.

Call: Incredible, i Will be looking forwarsto the concert, i assure you that i Will attend

Jose Jose: That´s Good dear, iïi wait for you, see you later.

Interviewer: Perfect, noe that we had that nice call we can continue

Jose Jose: perfect

Interviewer: And how did you start your music career?

José José: I started my career very young. My father was a tenor and my mother was a concert
pianist, so music was always a part of my life. I began singing in my early teens.

Interviewer: That’s wonderful. You have had many hits over the years. Which song do you think
had the biggest impact on your career?

José José: “El Triste” definitely had a huge impact. When I performed it at the OTI Festival in 1970,
it brought me international fame.
Interviewer: If you hadn’t become a singer, what do you think you would have done?

José José: If I hadn’t become a singer, I think I would have pursued something else in the arts.
Maybe acting or composing.

Interviewer: Speaking of composing, do you write your own songs?

José José: Sometimes I do, but I have also worked with many talented songwriters. It’s a
collaborative effort.

Interviewer: Looking back, what was the most challenging moment in your career?

José José: The most challenging moment was battling my health issues, particularly with my voice.
It was very difficult because singing is my passion and my life.

Interviewer: If you could give one piece of advice to young aspiring singers, what would it be?

José José: I would tell them to stay true to their passion, work hard, and take care of their health.
The music industry is tough, but with dedication, they can achieve their dreams.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time, José José. It’s been a pleasure talking with you.

José José: Thank you. The pleasure is mine.

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