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ROLL NO. – BM-023247


Zephyr: A Heroic Journey to Pure Air

Brand name: Zephyr
Zephyr is a new brand of smart air purifiers that use artificial intelligence to
monitor and improve the air quality in your home or office. Zephyr aims to
provide a healthy and comfortable environment for its customers, especially in
areas with high levels of pollution or allergens.
Focal segments and platforms
Segment 1: Young professionals
This segment consists of people who are in their 20s or 30s, who work in urban
areas, and who value their health and productivity. They are tech-savvy,
ambitious, and environmentally conscious. They are looking for a smart and
convenient solution to improve their air quality and well-being.
Platforms: Social media, online videos, podcasts, blogs, online forums,
webinars, newsletters, surveys, ratings, reviews, testimonials, contests,
campaigns, etc.
Why they will use Zephyr: They will use Zephyr because it will help them to
reduce their exposure to air pollution and allergens, which can cause various
health problems such as asthma, allergies, headaches, fatigue, etc. Zephyr will
also help them to enhance their comfort and productivity, by providing them
with a personalized and intelligent air purifier that can monitor and adjust the
air quality according to their preferences and needs. Zephyr will also appeal to
their environmental and social values, by using renewable energy sources,
reducing carbon emissions, and supporting green initiatives.
Segment 2: Senior citizens
This segment consists of people who are in their 40s or above, who live in
retirement homes or assisted living facilities, and who have chronic or acute
health conditions. They are health-conscious, comfort-oriented, and security-
focused. They are looking for a simple and easy solution to improve their air
quality and well-being, which can affect their quality of life and longevity.
Platforms: Online videos, radio, newspapers, Facebook, pamphlets,
testimonials, reviews etc.
Why they will use Zephyr: They will use Zephyr because it will help them to
improve their air quality and well-being, which can improve their quality of life
and longevity. Zephyr will also help them to enjoy their comfort and security,
by providing them with a simple and easy air purifier that can be controlled and
monitored remotely or by voice. Zephyr will also appeal to their health and
wellness values, by providing them with positive feedback and evidence of
Zephyr's effectiveness and reliability.

Target customers– 25-35 years

Act One: Departure
● The Ordinary World
In the bustling city of Bangalore, where smog-choked skies obscure the sun, our
hero, Radhika, a tech-savvy young professional, lives her mundane life. She
breathes in the same stale air day after day, unaware of the invisible battle
raging within her lungs.
● The Call to Adventure
One fateful morning, as Radhika scrolls through her social media feed, an ad
catches her eye: Zephyr, the revolutionary smart air purifier. It promises not just
clean air, but a sanctuary—a breath of fresh hope. The advertisement, in the
form of an enticing banner, beckons her to embark on a quest for cleaner air.
● Refusal of the Call
Radhika hesitates. She clings to her comfort zone, dismissing the idea. “Why
bother?” she thinks. But deep down, a seed of curiosity sprouts. She yearns for a
healthier home, a refuge from the city’s pollution.
● Meeting with the Mentor
Dr. Aman, an AI scientist and Zephyr’s Mentor. Dr. Aman appears on
Radhika’s favourite podcast, sharing wisdom about air quality, allergens, and
the impact on well-being. Radhika listens and is captivated. Dr. Aman becomes
her guiding light, urging her to accept the call.
Act Two: Initiation
● Crossing the Threshold
Radhika purchases Zephyr online, her first step into the unknown. The package
arrives—a sleek, white device with a touch screen. She installs it in her living
room, and the air shifts. Radhika steps into a new world—the world of purified
● Trials and Transformation
Zephyr adapts, learning Radhika’s preferences. It detects pollutants, allergens,
and even emotional stress. As Radhika breathes cleaner air, she transforms. Her
skin glows, her energy soars. She becomes an advocate, sharing her journey on
Instagram and YouTube.
● The Supreme Ordeal
But challenges arise. Radhika faces doubts—what if it’s all a placebo? The
Shadow, her inner demons, taunts her. Yet, she persists. Zephyr’s data reassures
her. She confronts the ultimate test: a pollen-heavy day. Zephyr battles the
allergens, and Radhika emerges victorious.
Act Three: Return
● The Elixir
Radhika returns to her ordinary world, but she carries an elixir—the knowledge
that clean air is her superpower. She posts heartfelt testimonials, urging others
to join her quest. Allies rally—her friends, co-workers, and even her neighbour,
Mr. Patel.
Emotional Causality
Emotions bind it all. Radhika’s joy becomes contagious. She connects with
fellow Zephyr users via three platforms:
Instagram: She shares daily air quality updates, inspiring others to take action.
Her stories feature Zephyr’s soothing blue glow, creating emotional resonance.
YouTube: Here, she creates vlogs—unboxing Zephyr, documenting her
transformation, and celebrating victories. Her subscribers witness her journey
LinkedIn: Here, she educates professionals. Her articles on workplace wellness
and productivity resonate with the 25-35 age group. Emotional causality
blooms—better air, better work, better life.

Target customers– 40-60 years

Act 1: The Call to Adventure
Zephyr emerges as a beacon of hope in a world where air quality is
deteriorating. Our protagonist, Mr. Sharma, a 55-year-old retiree, stumbles upon
Zephyr’s Facebook page. He’s concerned about his family’s health, especially
his wife’s allergies. The newspaper headlines scream about rising pollution
levels, and Mr. Sharma feels the urgency to act.
Facebook Platform
⮚ Facebook Post: “Breathe Easy with Zephyr!”
⮚ Introduce Zephyr’s mission: “Welcome to Zephyr! We’re on a quest to
transform your indoor air quality. Join us as we embark on a journey
toward cleaner, fresher air.”
⮚ Share a relatable story: “Meet Mr. Sharma, a retiree who discovered
Zephyr. His wife’s allergies were worsening, and he needed a solution.
Zephyr became his ally in the battle against pollutants.”
⮚ Call to action: “Learn more about Zephyr’s AI-powered air purification
technology. Your family deserves the best!”
Act 2: The Initiation
Rising Action
⮚ Zephyr’s smart air purifiers become an integral part of Mr. Sharma’s
home. The soothing hum of the purifier becomes a comforting presence.
He notices:
⮚ Improved Sleep: His wife’s sneezing reduces, and they both sleep better.
⮚ Energy Boost: Mr. Sharma feels more energetic during the day.
⮚ Peace of Mind: The Zephyr app keeps him informed about air quality
Newspaper Platform
⮚ Headline: “Zephyr: A Breath of Fresh Air for All Ages!”
⮚ Subheading: “Mr. Sharma’s Journey from Allergies to Wellness”
⮚ Feature Mr. Sharma’s testimonial: “Zephyr transformed our lives. No
more sneezing fits, no more restless nights. It’s like having a guardian
angel for our lungs.”
⮚ Interview Zephyr’s founder: “Dr. Mehta, the visionary behind Zephyr,
shares, ‘We want every home to be a sanctuary. Our customers deserve
nothing less.’”
Act 3: The Return & Emotional Causality
⮚ Community: Mr. Sharma joins the Zephyr community on Facebook,
sharing success stories.
⮚ Advocacy: He writes a heartfelt letter to the editor, urging others to
choose Zephyr.
⮚ Legacy: Mr. Sharma gifts a Zephyr purifier to his daughter, ensuring a
healthier future.
Connecting Platforms
Facebook Community
⮚ Share Mr. Sharma’s letter to the editor: “Dear Friends, Zephyr changed
our lives. Let’s spread the word!”
⮚ Encourage user-generated content: “Share your Zephyr moments. Tag
Newspaper Follow-up Article:
⮚ “Zephyr’s Impact: From One Home to Many”
⮚ Highlight community testimonials: “Meet the Zephyr Tribe – united by
clean air and shared stories.”

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