Conservation Problem

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Consider the motion of an object in one dimension. In the

previous chapter we found that the work done by a force
moving the object from point 1 to point 2 is
W12 = ∫ F.dx = ΔK = K2 − K1,

CONSERVATION OF ENERGY where K is the kinetic energy. We also found that if the
force is conservative, then
• Conservation of mechanical energy 2
∫ F.dx = −ΔU = −(U2 − U1 ),
• Conservation of total energy of a system 1
! various examples
where U is the potential energy.
• Origin of friction ∴ΔK = −ΔU = K2 − K1 = −(U2 − U1 ),
i.e., K2 + U2 = K1 + U1.
If define the total energy as E = K + U,
then ΔE = (K 2 − K1 ) + (U2 − U1 ) = 0,
i.e., the total energy remains unchanged. This is a
statement of the conservation of energy. Let’s see how this
works with a specific example.
Consider a system consisting of an object and the Earth.
We release the object from a height h above the ground. v1 = 0 U1 = mgh : K1 = 0
We take the ground as the zero of potential energy.
h v U = mgy : K = mv 2 = mg(h − y)
v1 = 0 U1 = mgh : K1 = 0
v2 U2 = 0 : K 2 = mv 2 2 = mgh
h v U = mgy : K = mv 2
But we note that
1 K1 + U1 = K2 + U2 = K + U,
v2 U2 = 0 : K 2 = mv 2 2
2 i.e., K + U = constant ⇒ E mech .
0 We define E mech as the
At the bottom: (v = v !2 2
+ 2aΔy) ⇒ v 2 = 2gh total mechanical energy of the system
1 (i.e., the sum of the potential and kinetic energies).
∴K2 = mv 22 = mgh .
At any position y: v 2 = 2g(h − y) In this case: E mech = mgh , the initial energy of the
1 system and the total mechanical energy remains constant
∴K = mv 2 = mg(h − y).
2 with this value while the object falls.
See how the individual parts of the mechanical energy
vary with height as the objects falls ...

E mech = K + U
Energy 1 2
K= mv 2
h h h
U = mgy
Question 7.1: Consider two identical ice cubes sliding
down frictionless ramps with the same overall heights.
Since E mech = K + U ⇒ constant (in time) The ice cubes are released from the top of the ramps at
ΔE mech = ΔK + ΔU = 0 the same time and they travel identical distances down
∴ΔK = −ΔU. the ramps. What can we say about their relative speeds
i.e., the increase in kinetic energy equals the decrease in at the ends of the ramps?
potential energy. This is known as the ...
conservation of mechanical energy
Note that the mechanical energy is conserved only if
conservative forces are involved.
M 2M
1 2
h h
h h
U= 0
What if the two ice cubes have different masses, e.g., M
Set the gravitational potential energy U = 0 at the bottom and 2M? What can we say about their speeds at the
of the ramps. Conservation of energy tells us that: bottom of the ramps?
(K bottom + Ubottom ) = (K top + Utop )
for each ice cube. But, in each case, If they start from rest we found K bottom = Utop .
K top = 0 and Ubottom = 0, 1
But K bottom = mv 2 and Utop = mgh ,
∴K bottom = Utop .
∴v 2 = 2gh ,
But Utop = mgh for both ice cubes. So, their kinetic
which does not depend on mass! So, again, v1 = v 2 ,
energies at the bottom,
even though one ice cube has twice the mass of the
K bottom = mv 2 = mgh , other!
are the same also. Since the cubes are identical,
m1 = m2 . The reason is that although the work done on mass M by
the gravitational force is one-half that done on mass 2M,
∴v1 = v 2 ,
the inertia of mass M is one-half that of mass 2M and so
i.e., they have the same speeds at the bottom.
the accelerations are the same (cf. Newton’s 2nd Law).
v! v! This is a conservation of energy
problem. The change in
gravitational potential energy
v! v! Question 7.2: Two stones are
h ( ΔU = −mgh ) is converted to
thrown from the top of a building
kinetic energy. Therefore, for
at the same instant with the same
each stone ...
initial speed; one is thrown
K f + Uf = Ki + Ui.
horizontally and the other is
When they hit the ground, where Uf = 0,
thrown vertically upward. Which
1 2 1
one of the following statements mv = mv !2 + mgh ,
2 2
best describes what happens. The stones will strike the
ground ... i.e., v 2 = v !2 + 2gh .

( )
So their final speeds v = v !2 + 2gh are the same since
A: at the same time with equal speeds. they started from the same height. But the time they
B: at different times with equal speeds. take depends on the initial value of v y, which is always
C: at the same time with different speeds.
greater for the stone thrown upwards. Therefore, the
D: at different times with different speeds.
time it takes before hitting the ground is longer. So, the
answer is B - different times with equal speeds.
Note, the result is independent of the masses!
Other examples of conservation of energy ...
Oscillating spring
Simple pendulum

Relaxed position

x! 1
UE = kx 2 : K = 0
2 !
A B C h

Consider a mass (M) resting on a frictionless surface and

attached to a spring. We put the position of the mass at
Energy E mech = K + UG = mgh x = 0 when the spring is relaxed. If the spring is
compressed a distance x !, and then released, it oscillates
back-and-forth. There are two contributions to the
K mechanical energy, the kinetic energy of the mass,
t ( )
K = 12 Mv 2 ,
A → B → C → B → A
and the elastic energy associated with the spring,
E mech = K + UG ⇒ constant (= mgh ) ( )
UE = 12 kx 2 ,
where k is the spring constant and x is the instantaneous
Continuous conversion of potential energy to kinetic position measured from the equilibrium position ( x = 0).
energy and vice versa.
x! 1
A UE = kx 2 : K = 0
2 !

B UE = 0 : K = mv 2
Conservation of mechanical energy gives us
x! 1 another way to determine velocities,
C UE = kx 2 : K = 0
2 ! displacements, etc., as in these next problems.

D UE = 0 : K = mv 2

A UE = kx 2 : K = 0
2 !
Question 7.3: An object, of mass 2.5 kg, is confined to
Energy 1
E total = kx! 2 move along the x-axis. If the potential energy function is
UE U(x) = 3x 2 − 2x 3,
where U(x) is in Joules and x is in meters and the
K velocity of the object is 2.0 m/s at x = −1 m, what is its
velocity at x = 1 m?

( )
The total energy is the initial energy, i.e., E total = 12 kx !2 ,
where x ! is the initial displacement from the equilibrium
position. Note that K + UE = constant = E total .
Since a conservative force is involved, the total mechanical
energy of the object is conserved. At x = −1 m the kinetic
energy is
1 1
K1 = mv 12 = (2.5 kg)(2.0 m/s) 2 = 5.0 J, Question 7.4: A pendulum consists of a 2 kg mass
2 2
hanging vertically from a string, of negligible mass, with
and the potential energy is a length of 3 m. The mass is struck horizontally so that it
2 3
U1 = [3(−1) − 2(−1) ] J = 5.0 J. has an initial horizontal velocity of 4.5 m/s. At the point
So, the total energy at x = −1 m is where the string makes an angle of 30! with the vertical,
E mech = 10.0 J. what is (a) the speed of the mass, (b) the potential energy
The kinetic energy at x = 1 m is of the system, and (c) the tension in the string? (d) What
K2 = E mech − U2 is the maximum angle achieved by the string?
2 3
= 10.0 J − [3(1) − 2(1) ] J = 9.0 J.
2K 2 2(9.0 J)
∴v 2 = = = 2.68 m/s.
m 2.5 kg
ℓ ℓ
30" ℓ cos30" 30" ℓ cos30"

h = ℓ − ℓ cos 30" h = ℓ − ℓ cos 30"

2 2
v = 4.5 m/s v = 4.5 m/s
mg 1 mg 1
mg mg

(a) ∴K1 + U1 = K2 + U2
The total mechanical energy at any point is:
1 1
E = K + U. i.e., mv12 = mv 22 + mgh .
2 2
Take the zero of potential energy at 1 , i.e., put U1 = 0.
Re-arranging, we get v 22 = v12 − 2gh .
∴v 22 = (4.5 m/s) 2 − 2(9.81 m/s2 )(3 m)(1 − cos30" )
at 1 ... K1 = mv 12 : U1 = 0. i.e., v 2 = 3.52 m/s.
at 2 ... K2 = mv 22 : U2 = mgh .
2 (b) U2 = mgh
Energy is conserved as there are no other external forces. = (2 kg) × (9.81 m/s 2 ) × (3 m)(1− cos30" )
∴E1 = E2 . = 7.89 J.

30" ℓ cos30"
h = ℓ − ℓ cos 30"
Question 7.5: (Alternative solution to question 3.6.) A
v = 4.5 m/s skier starts from rest at A and slides down the slope to B
mg 1
mg and then to C. If the track is frictionless, (a) what is the
skier’s speed at B? (b) What is the skier’s speed at C?
(c) Identify forces acting on the mass at 30" at 2 :
Assume the skier turns all the corners smoothly with no
mv 22
T − mg cos30" = change in speed.

∴T = 25.3 N.
(d) At maximum height: K = 0, so U = K1, 10 m
1 45! B 30!
i.e., mgh max = mgℓ(1− cosθmax ) = mv12 .
v12 (4.5 m/s)2
∴cosθmax = 1− =1− = 0.656,
2gℓ 2 × (9.81 m/s 2 ) × (3 m)

i.e., θ max = cos −1(0.656) = 49.0" .

10 m
45! B 30!

(a) Since the track is frictionless, mechanical energy is

conserved, i.e., (K B + UB ) = (K A + UA ) . We define 5m k = 400 N/m

UB = 0, and note that K A = 0. x

∴K B = mv B2 = UA = mgh A ,
2 Question 7.6: A 3 kg object is released from rest at a

( )
so v B = 2gh A = 2 × 9.81 m/s 2 × (10 m) = 14.0 m/s. height of 5 m on a curved frictionless ramp, as shown
above. At the foot of the ramp, there is a spring with a
force constant of k = 400 N/m. The object slides down
(b) By conservation of energy (KC + UC ) = (K B + UB ) ,
the ramp into the spring, compressing it a distance x
1 1
but UB = 0, therefore KC = mv C2 = mv B2 − mgh C. before coming momentarily to a stop. (a) What is the
2 2
distance x? (b) What happens to the object after it
∴v C2 = v B2 − 2gh C
comes to a stop?
( 2
= (14.0 m/s) − 2 × 9.81 m/s × (5 m) , )
i.e., v C = 9.89 m/s.
These answers are the same as in chapter 3. Note they
do not depend on the angles only on the heights!
5m k = 400 N/m
UG = 0
(a) At the top:
UG = mgh = (3 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 )(5 m) = 147.2 J, h
K = 0 and UE = 0.
∴E top = K + UG + UE = 147.2 J. h

At the bottom, when the object is at rest against the spring,

1 Question 7.7: Two identical balls roll along similar
UG = 0, K = 0 and UE = kx 2 .
2 tracks; the only difference is that track B has a small
∴E bottom = K + UG + UE = UE = 200x J. depression in it but the overall distances the balls travel
But mechanical energy is conserved ... from start to finish are the same. Since the balls “fall”
∴E bottom = E top , i.e., 200x 2 = 147.2 J, the same overall heights (h), conservation of mechanical
energy tells us that their speeds are the same at the end
∴x = 0.858 m.
points if we ignore friction. But, if it’s a race, which one
(b) The object will retrace its path back up to the start
(if either) will reach the finish line first?
position at 5 m (energy is conserved). However, with
friction on the track then mechanical energy is NOT
conserved; some will be “lost” (i.e., converted to heat) as
the frictional force is non-conservative, so x < 0.858 m.
× Question 7.8: A physics student, with mass 80 kg, does a
B bungee jump from a platform 100 m above the ground.
× x If the rubber rope has an unstretched length of 50 m and
a spring constant k = 200 N/m, (a) how far above the
ground will the student be at his lowest point? (b) How
When the balls reach the bottom of the slope (at ×), they
far above the ground will he achieve his greatest speed?
both have the same speed ( v = 2gh ). On track A the
(c) What is his greatest speed?
speed of the ball remains constant the rest of the way,
since the path is horizontal and there’s no friction.
However, on track B, the ball gains additional speed
when it falls a further distance x; so its speed over the
red region increases to 2g(h + x). When it climbs the
depression its speed drops back to 2gh . So, between
the bottom of the ramp and the finish line the ball on
track B has the greater average speed ... therefore, it
reaches the finish first!
(a) Put the zero of gravitational potential energy at the
The two solutions are: y ! = 66.27 m and y ! = 25.89 m.
Clearly, the appropriate solution is y ! = 25.89 m.
K = 0 : UE = 0 : UG = mgh = 78, 480 J

ℓ = 50 m (b) To determine the position where the jumper’s speed

h = 100 m is greatest, we need an expression for the kinetic energy
ℓ dK
1 2
(K) in terms of the vertical position (y) and set = 0,
lowest point K = 0 : UE = kℓ : UG = mgy" dy
y" 2
UG = 0 i.e., where K is a maximum.
K = 0 : UE = 0 : UG = mgh = 78, 480 J
The total energy is 78,480 J, which is conserved
throughout the jump. At his lowest point ℓ = 50 m
K + kℓ 2 + mgy " = 78,480 J, h = 100 m
2 ℓ′ 1
fastest point K : UE = kℓ ′ 2 : UG = mgy
but K = 0 and ℓ = 50 − y " . y
∴100(50 − y " ) + 80 × 9.81y " = 78,480, UG = 0
i.e., 100y "2 − (10,000 − 784.8)y " If y is the height above the ground where their speed is
+ (250,000 − 78,480) = 0. greatest and ℓ′ is the amount the rope is stretched, then,
∴y " − 92.15y " + 1,715.2 = 0, as energy is conserved, at the fastest point:
92.15 ± (92.15)2 − 4 × 1,715.2 1
i.e., y " = . K + kℓ′ 2 + mgy = 78,480 J.
2 2
Substituting for ℓ′ = 50 − y, we find
K + 100(50 − y)2 + 784.8y = 78,480, In part (a) we found two values for the lowest point y !,
i.e., K = 78,480 − 100(50 − y)2 − 784.8y i.e., y ! = 25.89 m and y ! = 66.27 m. We chose the
former, but what does the latter solution correspond to?
= −171,520 + 9,215.2y − 100y 2 ,
Note that both solutions correspond to positions where
so = 9,215.2 − 200y. the kinetic energy of the jumper is zero. Consider a
scenario in which the rope is a vertical spring and the
The extremum occurs when = 0, jumper is a mass attached to the spring.
i.e., at y = = 46.08 m. “highest” point
200 66.27 m mid point of
d 2K oscillation
Check that this is a maximum: = −200, i.e., < 0. lowest point 46.08 m
dy 2 25.89 m

When the spring is stretched and released, the mass will

(c) Since Kmax = 78,480 − 100(50 − y)2 − 784.8y, when oscillate up-and-down . The solution y ! = 25.89 m
y = 46.08m, we have corresponds to the lowest point of the oscillation; the
1 solution y ! = 66.27 m corresponds to the highest point
K max = mv max 2 = 40,780 J,
2 of the oscillation! The mid-point is at y = 46.08 m,
2 × 40,780 J where the kinetic energy is greatest.
i.e., v max = = 31.9 m/s.
80 kg
When non-conservative forces are involved, the situation
is more complicated; we need a more general statement
Let’s look at some examples:
of energy conservation, which involves the total energy
• with chemical changes
of a system (e.g., bike + Earth + rider ...), i.e.,
• with frictional forces
Esystem = ∑ Ei = E mech + Echem + …
If there is no input to the
system from any other external Question 7.9: A physics student, with mass 60 kg,
sources (e.g., wind, a push), climbs a 120 m high hill. (a) What is the increase in his
then Esystem = constant gravitational potential energy?
i.e., ΔEsystem = 0. (b) Where does this energy come

So an increase in one form of energy (e.g., mechanical) is from? (c) If the student’s body is

compensated by a decrease in another form (e.g., energy 20% efficient, i.e., for every

stored by rider). 100 J of chemical energy used

only 20 J are converted to

If an external source does work ( Wext) on a system then: mechanical energy with the
remainder ( 80 J) resulting in
ΔEsystem = Wext .
thermal energy, how much chemical energy is used by
This is the more general form of the work-energy
the student during the climb?
theorem. An example might be the action of a wind
acting on the rider.
Why do you have to keep
(a) ΔU = U2 − U1 = mgh
pedaling when traveling on a
2 4
= (60 kg)(9.81 m/s )(120 m) = 7.06 × 10 J. level road, even though you’re
The total mechanical energy change is 70.6 kJ. not changing your speed (i.e.,
with no change in ΔK)? Isn’t
(b) The system is the climber and the Earth. With no the work-energy theorem ( W ⇒ ΔK) violated? No!
external forces From earlier we have
Esys = E mech + Eclimber , Esys = ∑ Ei = E mech + E therm + Echem.
where Eclimber is the energy stored within the climber.
ΔEsys = ΔE mech + ΔE therm + ΔEchem = 0.
Since ΔEsys = 0, ΔE mech = −ΔEclimber ,
If you did no work (i.e., ΔEchem = 0), the work against
i.e., the increase in mechanical energy comes from a
friction, air drag, etc., ( ΔE therm) would have to come
decrease in (chemical) energy stored by the climber,
from somewhere ... it would come from a loss of
which he got from metabolizing food.
mechanical energy (kinetic energy), since
ΔE therm = −ΔE mech,
(c) 100 J of Echem → 20 J of E mech + 80 J of E therm
and so you would slow down. To overcome these losses
∴ 1 J of E mech requires 5 J of Echem
and maintain constant speed, and satisfy ΔEsys = 0, you
i.e., an increase of 70.6 kJ in mechanical energy requires
have to do an amount of work equal to the energy lost
5 × (70.6 kJ) = 353 kJ of chemical energy. The balance
through friction, air resistance, etc., i.e.,
(353 kJ − 70.6 kJ = 282.4 kJ) appears as thermal energy.
ΔEchem = −ΔE thermal .

0.50 m
θ mg
0.50 m
θ 2.0 m
2.0 m There are two contributions to the total energy of the
system; E mech and E therm (assuming that the work done
Question 7.10: A physics student has been given the task
against friction produces heat).
of designing a system to deliver a glass of beer along a bar
∴Esys = E mech + E therm.
to a designated spot. The beer mug, of mass 1.5 kg, is
If there are no external forces, then Esys is constant, i.e.,
released from the top of a ramp, which is 0.50 m above
the bar. The mug slides down the ramp and onto the bar, ΔEsys = ΔE mech + ΔE therm = 0.
where it has to come to a stop 2.0 m from the bottom of Now, ΔE mech = ΔK + ΔU and ΔE therm = f k .Δs, where
the ramp. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the f k is the frictional force and Δs is the distance through
mug and the surfaces of the ramp and the bar is 0.15, which the frictional force is active.

(a) what is the required value of the angle θ? (a) In this problem, ΔE therm comprises two components:
(1) down the ramp and (2) along the bar.
(b) What is the speed of the mug at the bottom of the 0.50 m
(1) Down the ramp: Δs1 = and
ramp? sin θ
f k1 = µ k N = µ k mg cosθ.

i.e., θ = tan −1 ⎛ ⎞ = 20.6! .
0.50 m ⎝ 7.358 − 4.415⎠
2.0 m N
0.50 m
∴ΔE therm1 = (µ k mg cosθ)Δs1 = (µ k mg cosθ)
sin θ
0.50 m
0.15 × (1.5 kg) × (9.81 m/s2 ) × (0.50 m) 1.104 θ mg
= = J. 2.0 m
tan θ tan θ
(2) Along the bar: Δs2 = 2.0 m and f k2 = µ k mg (b) On the ramp: ΔEsys = ΔE mech + ΔE therm1 = 0,
∴ΔE therm2 = (µ k mg)Δs2 i.e., ΔK1 + ΔUg + ΔE therm1 = 0.
= 0.15 × (1.5 kg) × (9.81 m/s2 ) × (2.0 m) = 4.415 J. If v is the velocity at the bottom of the ramp
1.104 1
∴ΔE therm = ΔE therm1 + ΔE therm2 = + 4.415 J. ΔK1 = mv 2 = −ΔU g − ΔE therm1
tan θ 2
Using conservation of energy ΔK + ΔUg + ΔE therm = 0, 1.104 J
= mgh − = 7.385 J − 2.937 J = 4.448 J.
tan θ
but ΔK = 0, i.e., ΔE therm = −ΔU g .
2ΔK1 2 × 4.448 J
∴v 2 = = ,
ΔU g = −mgh = −(1.5 kg) × (9.81 m/s2 ) × (0.50 m) m 1.50 kg
= −7.358 J. i.e., v = 2.44 m/s.
∴ + 4.415 = 7.358 J,
tan θ
1 start position
5.0 m

y! 2 max kinetic energy

3 max compression

(a) Put Ug = 0 at position 2 where the kinetic energy is

Question 7.11: A block of mass 2.4 kg is dropped onto a
a maximum. Then conservation of energy gives:
spring, with a spring constant of 400 N/m, from a height
K1 + Ug1 + Ue1 = K2 + Ug2 + Ue2,
of 5.0 m above the top of the spring. (a) What is the
maximum kinetic energy of the block? (b) What is the i.e., mg ((5.0 m) + Δy ) = K2 + k(Δy)2 .
maximum compression of the spring? 1
∴K2 = mg ((5.0 m) + Δy ) − k(Δy)2 .
This is an interesting problem as we will use different dK 2
For maximum kinetic energy: = mg − kΔy = 0,
positions for the zero of gravitational potential energy d(Δy)
in parts (a) and (b).
mg (2.4 kg) × (9.81 m/s 2 )
i.e., Δy = = = 0.059 m.
k 400 N/m
But K2 = mg ((5.0 m) + Δy ) − k(Δy)2
= (2.4 kg) × (9.81 m/s 2 ) × (5.059 m) 23.54 ± (23.54)2 + 4 × 200 × 117.7
1 i.e., y ! =
− (400 N/m) × (0.059 m)2 = 118.4 J. 2 × 200
∴y ! = 0.828 m or y ! = −0.711 m.
Clearly, the former is the physically meaningful root and
(b) Now we put Ug = 0 at position 3 . represents the maximum compression of the spring.

1 start position
If the mass were simply placed on the top of the spring,
5.0 m
the equilibrium position would occur when the spring is
y! 2 max kinetic energy compressed a distance Δℓ (from the top of the spring), so
3 max compression the net force acting on the mass is zero, i.e., when
kΔℓ = mg .
mg (2.4 m) × (9.81 m/s 2 )
∴Δℓ = = = 0.059 m.
Conservation of energy gives: k 400 N/m
K1 + Ug1 + Ue1 = K3 + Ug3 + Ue3, Note that this is the position where the kinetic energy
1 was a maximum in part (a)!
i.e., mg ((5.0 m) + y ! ) = ky !2 .
∴200y !2 − 23.54y ! −117.7 = 0
Hey .. before finishing this chapter
...what’s the origin of friction?

Friction results because of attractive forces between atoms

on the two surfaces. When sliding occurs work is done to
stretch the ‘bonds’; they break and the participating atoms
vibrate about their equilibrium positions.
~ Then why do the surfaces get hot ? ~
ΔK ⇒ ΔT (kinetic theory).
Increased vibration (velocity)
⇒ increased temperature.

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